Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

The destruction of the Republican party started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

They promise things they have no hope of delivering

You are not going to end gay marriage
You are not going to repeal Obamacare
You are not going to round up and deport 11 million Mexicans

But the republican base keeps believing the same lie over and over again, then throws them out and believes the next guy who tells them the same thing

gay marriage---------probably here to stay, who cares?

obamacare-------------will be replaced with something that will actually work

deport illegals-----------obozo is already doing it. Why do you object to enforcing our immigration laws?
You think the US Post Office turns a profit? Really, Faun? Care to explain why they've had to borrow 16 billion dollars from the Treasury in order to keep running? Duh?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

I say they charge less because they don't have to make a profit -- and your deformed brain somehow translates that into me saying they do make a profit.

It's like you have less brain matter than Terri Schiavo had when she died.

Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?

depends on which one is more efficient. "comparable costs" is a meaningless phrase.
you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?

He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden

your mother was right, its just a good thing that more people do not suffer your delusions.
The destruction of the Republican party started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

They promise things they have no hope of delivering

You are not going to end gay marriage
You are not going to repeal Obamacare
You are not going to round up and deport 11 million Mexicans

But the republican base keeps believing the same lie over and over again, then throws them out and believes the next guy who tells them the same thing

gay marriage---------probably here to stay, who cares?

obamacare-------------will be replaced with something that will actually work

deport illegals-----------obozo is already doing it. Why do you object to enforcing our immigration laws?

If conservatives no longer care about gay marriage, why are they claiming they can do something about it?
Obamacare is here to stay. Republicans lack the votes to repeal it and even if they had the votes, they lack the guts to take away health coverage for 12 million people. That train has left the station
11 million illegals are already here. Sensible politicians realize that a roundup, while popular with the extreme right, is not possible. Work visas and a path to citizenship are the only practical solution. A wall is just a waste of money to appease the bigots
here is what he said:

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it"

He certainly implied that he thinks that govt can do some things better than private industry. We merely asked him for some examples.

But since neither of you can come up with any------------case closed
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Yes, USPS is cheaper for the shipper. Maybe that's why it loses money every year.

If it charged what it would need to break even financially, it would not be cheaper.

are you really so arithmetically challenged that you don't understand that?
Wrong. It would still be cheaper.

Again..... they don't have to charge extra, like private companies, to make a profit.

you really are ignorant about how businesses actually operate. Private business must make a profit in order to continue to operate. So, it will reduce cost and find more efficient ways to do its business. A government has no fear of going out of business and therefore no motive to reduce costs or gain efficiency.

your juvenile theory that profit is the only difference is just that,, juvenile.
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter be
Who cares about Reagan and Carter? This is a race that will be decided between Hillary and Donald...not Jimmeh and Dutch!

I don't think anyone can judge Clinton vs. Trump until they are on stage having at it. It's pretty obvious that Trump will not let Hillary off the hook with either e-mails or the Benghazi Bernie Sanders has. He's going to hammer her relentlessly on those two issues as well as her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. So how will she respond? Will she get cover from someone like Candy Crowley did for Obama in the last election...or will the moderators fear getting roasted by Trump enough to attempt to be non-partisan and force a real response from Clinton?
Take it up with vagisil, your fellow yahoo. He's the one who idiotically thinks it's a worthy rebuttal.

Meanwhile, Trump can talk about Benghazi and emails till his orange face turns blue, it will still not be anything everyone has already been inundated with. He's gonna have to be sharper than that to flip the polls around.


Once he's finished with those...I imagine he'll transition right into the millions that the Clinton's have been paid by Wall Street fat cats. How do you think she's going to pass herself off as the champion of the poor when she's had her snout in the trough for some 20 years?
You think there's someone who doesn't know she's wealthy?

I think there are a LOT of people who don't have a clue about how she got to be so wealthy! Think Trump will bring up her cattle futures windfall and remind everyone that the insider trading rules that would put you and I into prison...allowed her to make hundreds of thousands of dollars? He's going to pound her on general sleaziness...and MAN is there a lot of sleaziness to pound!
The destruction of the Republican party started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

They promise things they have no hope of delivering

You are not going to end gay marriage
You are not going to repeal Obamacare
You are not going to round up and deport 11 million Mexicans

But the republican base keeps believing the same lie over and over again, then throws them out and believes the next guy who tells them the same thing

gay marriage---------probably here to stay, who cares?

obamacare-------------will be replaced with something that will actually work

deport illegals-----------obozo is already doing it. Why do you object to enforcing our immigration laws?

If conservatives no longer care about gay marriage, why are they claiming they can do something about it?
Obamacare is here to stay. Republicans lack the votes to repeal it and even if they had the votes, they lack the guts to take away health coverage for 12 million people. That train has left the station
11 million illegals are already here. Sensible politicians realize that a roundup, while popular with the extreme right, is not possible. Work visas and a path to citizenship are the only practical solution. A wall is just a waste of money to appease the bigots

What 3% of the population does sexually is of no interest to a vast majority of americans of all political beliefs. 3% of the population is sexually confused, let them have their so-called weddings. no one really cares except a few on the far right.

obamacare is a fiscal disaster. it will be fixed by the next president. For the record, the house has already voted to repeal it several times, if Reid had not blocked votes in the senate it would already be history.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means? Those people committed a crime, they broke our entry and immigration laws. Either we have laws and enforce them or we cease to be a nation. Deporting all of them will not happen, but they should be held accountable for breaking our laws.

A border wall is needed, unless you want repeats of Brussels and Paris in New York and Los Angeles.
Let it go Faun. Vagisil is a lying pig who never reads his own links,and they mostly prove his claims wrong, and Oldstyle is just trying to get in one more argument before he falls asleep.

Oldstyle is still waiting for Bulldog to tell him what Barack Obama's plan was to fix the economy!
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

I say they charge less because they don't have to make a profit -- and your deformed brain somehow translates that into me saying they do make a profit.

It's like you have less brain matter than Terri Schiavo had when she died.

Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?

depends on which one is more efficient. "comparable costs" is a meaningless phrase.
No one's talking about efficiency. We're talking strictly costs. And I'm not surprised the concept of comparable costs eludes you.
Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?

depends on which one is more efficient. "comparable costs" is a meaningless phrase.
No one's talking about efficiency. We're talking strictly costs. And I'm not surprised the concept of comparable costs eludes you.

"costs" of doing business are controllable and variable. Government has no reason to try to control them, private business does. Its really not very complicated. maybe a econ 101 class at your local Jr college is in order for you.
You think the US Post Office turns a profit? Really, Faun? Care to explain why they've had to borrow 16 billion dollars from the Treasury in order to keep running? Duh?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

I say they charge less because they don't have to make a profit -- and your deformed brain somehow translates that into me saying they do make a profit.

It's like you have less brain matter than Terri Schiavo had when she died.

Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?

The US Post Office is not a "non-profit"! It's a quasi governmental agency that is only kept in business by borrowing billions from the US Treasury! Your other claim is laughable because the Post Office actually has higher costs because of the amount it pays it's employees!
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Yes, USPS is cheaper for the shipper. Maybe that's why it loses money every year.

If it charged what it would need to break even financially, it would not be cheaper.

are you really so arithmetically challenged that you don't understand that?
Wrong. It would still be cheaper.

Again..... they don't have to charge extra, like private companies, to make a profit.

you really are ignorant about how businesses actually operate. Private business must make a profit in order to continue to operate. So, it will reduce cost and find more efficient ways to do its business. A government has no fear of going out of business and therefore no motive to reduce costs or gain efficiency.

your juvenile theory that profit is the only difference is just that,, juvenile.
Umm .... that must explain why UPS and FedEx send much of their deliverables through the USPS, right? Because their business model is cheaper, right? :cuckoo:
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?

depends on which one is more efficient. "comparable costs" is a meaningless phrase.
No one's talking about efficiency. We're talking strictly costs. And I'm not surprised the concept of comparable costs eludes you.

"costs" of doing business are controllable and variable. Government has no reason to try to control them, private business does. Its really not very complicated. maybe a econ 101 class at your local Jr college is in order for you.
"Comparable costs" speaks to products and services which cost about the same for similar products and services. Please make a note of it.
Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?

depends on which one is more efficient. "comparable costs" is a meaningless phrase.
No one's talking about efficiency. We're talking strictly costs. And I'm not surprised the concept of comparable costs eludes you.

Would you like to discuss what the average Postal worker makes in salary and benefits compared to the average Fed Ex worker? Labor cost is the biggest cost that most businesses face. In the Postal Services's retirement benefits alone for it's employees would never allow it to be profitable.
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter be
Who cares about Reagan and Carter? This is a race that will be decided between Hillary and Donald...not Jimmeh and Dutch!

I don't think anyone can judge Clinton vs. Trump until they are on stage having at it. It's pretty obvious that Trump will not let Hillary off the hook with either e-mails or the Benghazi Bernie Sanders has. He's going to hammer her relentlessly on those two issues as well as her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. So how will she respond? Will she get cover from someone like Candy Crowley did for Obama in the last election...or will the moderators fear getting roasted by Trump enough to attempt to be non-partisan and force a real response from Clinton?
Take it up with vagisil, your fellow yahoo. He's the one who idiotically thinks it's a worthy rebuttal.

Meanwhile, Trump can talk about Benghazi and emails till his orange face turns blue, it will still not be anything everyone has already been inundated with. He's gonna have to be sharper than that to flip the polls around.


Once he's finished with those...I imagine he'll transition right into the millions that the Clinton's have been paid by Wall Street fat cats. How do you think she's going to pass herself off as the champion of the poor when she's had her snout in the trough for some 20 years?
You think there's someone who doesn't know she's wealthy?

I think there are a LOT of people who don't have a clue about how she got to be so wealthy! Think Trump will bring up her cattle futures windfall and remind everyone that the insider trading rules that would put you and I into prison...allowed her to make hundreds of thousands of dollars? He's going to pound her on general sleaziness...and MAN is there a lot of sleaziness to pound!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's what you're banking on?? A 30 something year old investment that was investigated by Republicans and dropped??

You're fucked.
Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Yes, USPS is cheaper for the shipper. Maybe that's why it loses money every year.

If it charged what it would need to break even financially, it would not be cheaper.

are you really so arithmetically challenged that you don't understand that?
Wrong. It would still be cheaper.

Again..... they don't have to charge extra, like private companies, to make a profit.

you really are ignorant about how businesses actually operate. Private business must make a profit in order to continue to operate. So, it will reduce cost and find more efficient ways to do its business. A government has no fear of going out of business and therefore no motive to reduce costs or gain efficiency.

your juvenile theory that profit is the only difference is just that,, juvenile.
Umm .... that must explain why UPS and FedEx send much of their deliverables through the USPS, right? Because their business model is cheaper, right? :cuckoo:

The USPS by law has to deliver everywhere. UPS and Fed Ex do not. If a route isn't profitable then they aren't going to provide service there. The USPS has no choice. It's one of the reasons why their business model is more expensive than UPS and Fed Ex!

You really know nothing about this topic, Faun...and prove it more conclusively with each successive post!
The destruction of the Republican party started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

They promise things they have no hope of delivering

You are not going to end gay marriage
You are not going to repeal Obamacare
You are not going to round up and deport 11 million Mexicans

But the republican base keeps believing the same lie over and over again, then throws them out and believes the next guy who tells them the same thing

gay marriage---------probably here to stay, who cares?

obamacare-------------will be replaced with something that will actually work

deport illegals-----------obozo is already doing it. Why do you object to enforcing our immigration laws?

If conservatives no longer care about gay marriage, why are they claiming they can do something about it?
Obamacare is here to stay. Republicans lack the votes to repeal it and even if they had the votes, they lack the guts to take away health coverage for 12 million people. That train has left the station
11 million illegals are already here. Sensible politicians realize that a roundup, while popular with the extreme right, is not possible. Work visas and a path to citizenship are the only practical solution. A wall is just a waste of money to appease the bigots

What 3% of the population does sexually is of no interest to a vast majority of americans of all political beliefs. 3% of the population is sexually confused, let them have their so-called weddings. no one really cares except a few on the far right.

obamacare is a fiscal disaster. it will be fixed by the next president. For the record, the house has already voted to repeal it several times, if Reid had not blocked votes in the senate it would already be history.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means? Those people committed a crime, they broke our entry and immigration laws. Either we have laws and enforce them or we cease to be a nation. Deporting all of them will not happen, but they should be held accountable for breaking our laws.

A border wall is needed, unless you want repeats of Brussels and Paris in New York and Los Angeles.

Your dismissal of the insignificance of gay marriage ignores all the fighting conservatives have done for the last 20 years to stop it.

Obamacare will be fixed. Just like Social Security was. Repeal is not going to happen. However, there is still much room for improvement. The sooner Republicans get over their "Repeal Obamacare" fantasy, the sooner we can start making it better

Illegal means people are guilty of not having the proper documentation. That can be easily fixed
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter be
Who cares about Reagan and Carter? This is a race that will be decided between Hillary and Donald...not Jimmeh and Dutch!

I don't think anyone can judge Clinton vs. Trump until they are on stage having at it. It's pretty obvious that Trump will not let Hillary off the hook with either e-mails or the Benghazi Bernie Sanders has. He's going to hammer her relentlessly on those two issues as well as her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. So how will she respond? Will she get cover from someone like Candy Crowley did for Obama in the last election...or will the moderators fear getting roasted by Trump enough to attempt to be non-partisan and force a real response from Clinton?
Take it up with vagisil, your fellow yahoo. He's the one who idiotically thinks it's a worthy rebuttal.

Meanwhile, Trump can talk about Benghazi and emails till his orange face turns blue, it will still not be anything everyone has already been inundated with. He's gonna have to be sharper than that to flip the polls around.


Once he's finished with those...I imagine he'll transition right into the millions that the Clinton's have been paid by Wall Street fat cats. How do you think she's going to pass herself off as the champion of the poor when she's had her snout in the trough for some 20 years?
You think there's someone who doesn't know she's wealthy?

I think there are a LOT of people who don't have a clue about how she got to be so wealthy! Think Trump will bring up her cattle futures windfall and remind everyone that the insider trading rules that would put you and I into prison...allowed her to make hundreds of thousands of dollars? He's going to pound her on general sleaziness...and MAN is there a lot of sleaziness to pound!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's what you're banking on?? A 30 something year old investment that was investigated by Republicans and dropped??

You're fucked.

It's just one more scandal that Hillary has in her more example of how she enriched herself by skirting laws that the average American obeyed.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?

depends on which one is more efficient. "comparable costs" is a meaningless phrase.
No one's talking about efficiency. We're talking strictly costs. And I'm not surprised the concept of comparable costs eludes you.

Would you like to discuss what the average Postal worker makes in salary and benefits compared to the average Fed Ex worker? Labor cost is the biggest cost that most businesses face. In the Postal Services's retirement benefits alone for it's employees would never allow it to be profitable.
Looks like UPS employees make more than USPS employees. Next whine...

average salary ups - Google Search

average salary usps - Google Search
The destruction of the Republican party started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

They promise things they have no hope of delivering

You are not going to end gay marriage
You are not going to repeal Obamacare
You are not going to round up and deport 11 million Mexicans

But the republican base keeps believing the same lie over and over again, then throws them out and believes the next guy who tells them the same thing

gay marriage---------probably here to stay, who cares?

obamacare-------------will be replaced with something that will actually work

deport illegals-----------obozo is already doing it. Why do you object to enforcing our immigration laws?

If conservatives no longer care about gay marriage, why are they claiming they can do something about it?
Obamacare is here to stay. Republicans lack the votes to repeal it and even if they had the votes, they lack the guts to take away health coverage for 12 million people. That train has left the station
11 million illegals are already here. Sensible politicians realize that a roundup, while popular with the extreme right, is not possible. Work visas and a path to citizenship are the only practical solution. A wall is just a waste of money to appease the bigots

What 3% of the population does sexually is of no interest to a vast majority of americans of all political beliefs. 3% of the population is sexually confused, let them have their so-called weddings. no one really cares except a few on the far right.

obamacare is a fiscal disaster. it will be fixed by the next president. For the record, the house has already voted to repeal it several times, if Reid had not blocked votes in the senate it would already be history.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means? Those people committed a crime, they broke our entry and immigration laws. Either we have laws and enforce them or we cease to be a nation. Deporting all of them will not happen, but they should be held accountable for breaking our laws.

A border wall is needed, unless you want repeats of Brussels and Paris in New York and Los Angeles.

Your dismissal of the insignificance of gay marriage ignores all the fighting conservatives have done for the last 20 years to stop it.

Obamacare will be fixed. Just like Social Security was. Repeal is not going to happen. However, there is still much room for improvement. The sooner Republicans get over their "Repeal Obamacare" fantasy, the sooner we can start making it better

Illegal means people are guilty of not having the proper documentation. That can be easily fixed

How do you "fix" a healthcare system that has the Middle Class picking up the cost of subsidized healthcare for the poor? That's the issue that liberals will have going forward, Winger. Someone has to pay for the "Affordable Care Act" and now that the Middle Class understands that it's THEM that you progressives have assigned that to...they are NOT going to be happy!

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