Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

what she did with the commodities trade was technically legal, but it was sleazy and corrupt.

BTW, have you posted the text of her speech to Goldman Sachs yet? What exactly did she promise her wall street backers?
You should stick to bitching about emails. :lmao:

you should stick to licking hillay's ass and sucking Obama's dick. you seem very good at those two activities.
Great, another brain-dead conservative turns full fag expressing their homosexual fantasies after failing to prove their point.

Check your mail, your log cabin membership pin will arrive any day now.

And another progressive uses a term like "fag" to insult someone! Duh?
In response to someone expressing their fantasies about men sucking another man's cock. What do you call someone who thinks about men sucking cock if not a fag? Or is the term, fag, not PC enough for you?

I'm constantly amused by those on the left who will accuse conservatives of being homophobic...yet resort to using "fag" as an derogatory attack.
Umm .... that must explain why UPS and FedEx send much of their deliverables through the USPS, right? Because their business model is cheaper, right? :cuckoo:

The USPS by law has to deliver everywhere. UPS and Fed Ex do not. If a route isn't profitable then they aren't going to provide service there. The USPS has no choice. It's one of the reasons why their business model is more expensive than UPS and Fed Ex!

You really know nothing about this topic, Faun...and prove it more conclusively with each successive post!
More nonsense. Do you ever stop making shit up in your failed attempt to support your idiocy?

They use the USPS because it's cheaper ...

For FedEx and UPS, a Cheaper Route: the Post Office

They use USPS because the Postal Service by law has to deliver everywhere. So Fed Ex and UPS deliver on profitable routes and uses the Postal Service to deliver to addresses that are not profitable. The only reason the USPS survives with that business "model" is that they get billions from the US Treasury in loans that they will never pay back.
And yet, I just posted an article stating they use the USPS because it's cheaper. You're more demented than i thought if you think I'm taking your word over a factual article.'s only "cheaper" because the Postal Service is essentially subsidized by the US Treasury! What part of that concept can't you wrap your oh so small brain around!

he will never get it. the defective liberal gene blocks rational thinking.
what she did with the commodities trade was technically legal, but it was sleazy and corrupt.

BTW, have you posted the text of her speech to Goldman Sachs yet? What exactly did she promise her wall street backers?
You should stick to bitching about emails. :lmao:

you should stick to licking hillay's ass and sucking Obama's dick. you seem very good at those two activities.
Great, another brain-dead conservative turns full fag expressing their homosexual fantasies after failing to prove their point.

Check your mail, your log cabin membership pin will arrive any day now.

And another progressive uses a term like "fag" to insult someone! Duh?
In response to someone expressing their fantasies about men sucking another man's cock. What do you call someone who thinks about men sucking cock if not a fag? Or is the term, fag, not PC enough for you?

your sexual orientation is of no interest to us.
The USPS by law has to deliver everywhere. UPS and Fed Ex do not. If a route isn't profitable then they aren't going to provide service there. The USPS has no choice. It's one of the reasons why their business model is more expensive than UPS and Fed Ex!

You really know nothing about this topic, Faun...and prove it more conclusively with each successive post!
More nonsense. Do you ever stop making shit up in your failed attempt to support your idiocy?

They use the USPS because it's cheaper ...

For FedEx and UPS, a Cheaper Route: the Post Office

They use USPS because the Postal Service by law has to deliver everywhere. So Fed Ex and UPS deliver on profitable routes and uses the Postal Service to deliver to addresses that are not profitable. The only reason the USPS survives with that business "model" is that they get billions from the US Treasury in loans that they will never pay back.
And yet, I just posted an article stating they use the USPS because it's cheaper. You're more demented than i thought if you think I'm taking your word over a factual article.'s only "cheaper" because the Postal Service is essentially subsidized by the US Treasury! What part of that concept can't you wrap your oh so small brain around!

he will never get it. the defective liberal gene blocks rational thinking.

He doesn't seem to...does he?
Your gay marriage slippery slope argument didn't work before and your gloom and doom predictions never came to fruition

Obamacare (not ACA) will not be repealed so it is not semantics. What will remain:

Mandatory coverage for pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, Healthcare exchanges, compulsory coverage

What needs to be improved:

Increased competition, pharmaceutical reform, expanded HSAs...all can be done within Obamacare

some valid ideas. pre-existing condition coverage, HSAs, and no lifetime caps could have been done with a one page bill that would have passed easily.

obamacare is ACA (PPACA). The bill that Pelosi said we had to pass to find out what was in it.

repeal is a political move. the fixes can be made within the existing legislation but it would be cleaner to dump it and start over.

Big pharma has been raping us for years, obozocare did nothing to stop that.

You can't do it in a one page bill because you can't explain how you will mandate coverage of pre-existing conditions without having mandatory coverage for all




Of course they do...that is what great nations do

really? Free medical care = great nations? Can you quote the constitutional requirement for that? Can you give us a list of the "great nations" who provide free medical care to all citizens?

Again, the point is that we were providing medical to all citizens before obamacare. No one in the USA, citizen or non-citizen was denied medical care before obamacare. NO ONE. There was no healthcare crisis. It was a contrived issue so that the government could take control of 1/6 of the economy. All it has done is raise the cost of medicine for everyone who pays. Yeah, its great if you are getting it free, but you were getting it free before.

Who said anything about free medical care? I still pay for mine like I have been doing for 40 years

What we do is provide medical care for those who can't afford it...that is what great nations do

Yes, there was a healthcare crisis. Those with pre-existing conditions were blocked from the market. The self employed had ridiculously high insurance costs. People were locked into low paying jobs because they didn't want to lose their healthcare
Umm .... that must explain why UPS and FedEx send much of their deliverables through the USPS, right? Because their business model is cheaper, right? :cuckoo:

The USPS by law has to deliver everywhere. UPS and Fed Ex do not. If a route isn't profitable then they aren't going to provide service there. The USPS has no choice. It's one of the reasons why their business model is more expensive than UPS and Fed Ex!

You really know nothing about this topic, Faun...and prove it more conclusively with each successive post!
More nonsense. Do you ever stop making shit up in your failed attempt to support your idiocy?

They use the USPS because it's cheaper ...

For FedEx and UPS, a Cheaper Route: the Post Office

They use USPS because the Postal Service by law has to deliver everywhere. So Fed Ex and UPS deliver on profitable routes and uses the Postal Service to deliver to addresses that are not profitable. The only reason the USPS survives with that business "model" is that they get billions from the US Treasury in loans that they will never pay back.
And yet, I just posted an article stating they use the USPS because it's cheaper. You're more demented than i thought if you think I'm taking your word over a factual article.'s only "cheaper" because the Postal Service is essentially subsidized by the US Treasury! What part of that concept can't you wrap your oh so small brain around!
No, you're still wrong. It's cheaper because they don't have to turn a profit.
Umm .... that must explain why UPS and FedEx send much of their deliverables through the USPS, right? Because their business model is cheaper, right? :cuckoo:

The USPS by law has to deliver everywhere. UPS and Fed Ex do not. If a route isn't profitable then they aren't going to provide service there. The USPS has no choice. It's one of the reasons why their business model is more expensive than UPS and Fed Ex!

You really know nothing about this topic, Faun...and prove it more conclusively with each successive post!
More nonsense. Do you ever stop making shit up in your failed attempt to support your idiocy?

They use the USPS because it's cheaper ...

For FedEx and UPS, a Cheaper Route: the Post Office

They use USPS because the Postal Service by law has to deliver everywhere. So Fed Ex and UPS deliver on profitable routes and uses the Postal Service to deliver to addresses that are not profitable. The only reason the USPS survives with that business "model" is that they get billions from the US Treasury in loans that they will never pay back.
And yet, I just posted an article stating they use the USPS because it's cheaper. You're more demented than i thought if you think I'm taking your word over a factual article.'s only "cheaper" because the Postal Service is essentially subsidized by the US Treasury! What part of that concept can't you wrap your oh so small brain around!
Whine about the USPS subsidies, and look the other way when big oil, big pharma, and military contractors are subsidized. Cons are the poster children for hypocrisy. Corporate welfare and welfare for millionaires. When Shrub gave $3 trillion to millionaires in tax cut welfare, I heard a con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Crawl on your belly and shed another layer of skin.
some valid ideas. pre-existing condition coverage, HSAs, and no lifetime caps could have been done with a one page bill that would have passed easily.

obamacare is ACA (PPACA). The bill that Pelosi said we had to pass to find out what was in it.

repeal is a political move. the fixes can be made within the existing legislation but it would be cleaner to dump it and start over.

Big pharma has been raping us for years, obozocare did nothing to stop that.

You can't do it in a one page bill because you can't explain how you will mandate coverage of pre-existing conditions without having mandatory coverage for all




Of course they do...that is what great nations do

really? Free medical care = great nations? Can you quote the constitutional requirement for that? Can you give us a list of the "great nations" who provide free medical care to all citizens?

Again, the point is that we were providing medical to all citizens before obamacare. No one in the USA, citizen or non-citizen was denied medical care before obamacare. NO ONE. There was no healthcare crisis. It was a contrived issue so that the government could take control of 1/6 of the economy. All it has done is raise the cost of medicine for everyone who pays. Yeah, its great if you are getting it free, but you were getting it free before.

Who said anything about free medical care? I still pay for mine like I have been doing for 40 years

What we do is provide medical care for those who can't afford it...that is what great nations do

Yes, there was a healthcare crisis. Those with pre-existing conditions were blocked from the market. The self employed had ridiculously high insurance costs. People were locked into low paying jobs because they didn't want to lose their healthcare

people without insurance were given "free" healthcare before obamacare. nothing changed for them, they still get it free.

forcing insurance companies to take people with pre-existing conditions and removing lifetime caps could have been done with a very simple bill and it would have gotten unanimous approval. Transportability of insurance between jobs could also have been part of that simple bill.

What obozocare did was increase premiums and deductibles for people like you and me who actually pay for their insurance. It had zero affect on those who were, and are, getting it free.

Now, you have to pay for maternity benefits even if you are a single male or a female over child bearing years.

It fixed nothing, and made everything worse.
The USPS by law has to deliver everywhere. UPS and Fed Ex do not. If a route isn't profitable then they aren't going to provide service there. The USPS has no choice. It's one of the reasons why their business model is more expensive than UPS and Fed Ex!

You really know nothing about this topic, Faun...and prove it more conclusively with each successive post!
More nonsense. Do you ever stop making shit up in your failed attempt to support your idiocy?

They use the USPS because it's cheaper ...

For FedEx and UPS, a Cheaper Route: the Post Office

They use USPS because the Postal Service by law has to deliver everywhere. So Fed Ex and UPS deliver on profitable routes and uses the Postal Service to deliver to addresses that are not profitable. The only reason the USPS survives with that business "model" is that they get billions from the US Treasury in loans that they will never pay back.
And yet, I just posted an article stating they use the USPS because it's cheaper. You're more demented than i thought if you think I'm taking your word over a factual article.'s only "cheaper" because the Postal Service is essentially subsidized by the US Treasury! What part of that concept can't you wrap your oh so small brain around!
Whine about the USPS subsidies, and look the other way when big oil, big pharma, and military contractors are subsidized. Cons are the poster children for hypocrisy. Corporate welfare and welfare for millionaires. When Shrub gave $3 trillion to millionaires in tax cut welfare, I heard a con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Crawl on your belly and shed another layer of skin.

explain exactly how military contractors are subsidized. Do you know what the word "subsidy" means?

the Bush tax cuts reduced the tax rates for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich. Obama continued them when he could have cancelled them, so they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.

come out of your fantasy world for a few minutes and taste reality.
The USPS by law has to deliver everywhere. UPS and Fed Ex do not. If a route isn't profitable then they aren't going to provide service there. The USPS has no choice. It's one of the reasons why their business model is more expensive than UPS and Fed Ex!

You really know nothing about this topic, Faun...and prove it more conclusively with each successive post!
More nonsense. Do you ever stop making shit up in your failed attempt to support your idiocy?

They use the USPS because it's cheaper ...

For FedEx and UPS, a Cheaper Route: the Post Office

They use USPS because the Postal Service by law has to deliver everywhere. So Fed Ex and UPS deliver on profitable routes and uses the Postal Service to deliver to addresses that are not profitable. The only reason the USPS survives with that business "model" is that they get billions from the US Treasury in loans that they will never pay back.
And yet, I just posted an article stating they use the USPS because it's cheaper. You're more demented than i thought if you think I'm taking your word over a factual article.'s only "cheaper" because the Postal Service is essentially subsidized by the US Treasury! What part of that concept can't you wrap your oh so small brain around!
No, you're still wrong. It's cheaper because they don't have to turn a profit.

No, you're still wrong, if the USPS wasn't subsidized by the federal government, it would not be cheaper.
Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

What the hell is a Doctor of French?

You don't even know what a PhD is, big guy? Or do you not know what French is? Which part eludes you?

French is a language
A 10 year old French kid speaks French.....does that qualify him for a PhD?

You thought getting a PhD in French was just about learning to speak French? You speak English like a 10 year old American kid, why don't you get a PhD for it?
He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden

your mother was right, its just a good thing that more people do not suffer your delusions.

My vote is mine, not your or my mother's. And mathematically, voting for Browne wasn't a vote for Gore. And which one was better again? Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dee?

And BTW, W was a disaster for the country.

- Trillions in the middle east that the countries we benefited most stabbed us in the back over

- Failing to defend his policies let the left grab the narrative and that's how we got Obama and Obamacare

- A liberal's wet dream of socialist spending that Gore never would have gotten by the Republicans. The prescription drug social security welfare benefit, no child gets ahead, the TSA, the so called "transportation bill" Christmas tree, signing the blatantly unconstitutional so called welfare reform bill.

If I had that vote to do over, I'd have voted for Gore
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden

your mother was right, its just a good thing that more people do not suffer your delusions.

My vote is mine, not your or my mother's. And mathematically, voting for Browne wasn't a vote for Gore. And which one was better again? Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dee?

And BTW, W was a disaster for the country.

- Trillions in the middle east that the countries we benefited most stabbed us in the back over

- Failing to defend his policies let the left grab the narrative and that's how we got Obama and Obamacare

- A liberal's wet dream of socialist spending that Gore never would have gotten by the Republicans. The prescription drug social security welfare benefit, no child gets ahead, the TSA, the so called "transportation bill" Christmas tree, signing the blatantly unconstitutional so called welfare reform bill.

If I had that vote to do over, I'd have voted for Gore

amazingly stupid. if the prophet algore had been elected you would have a thermostat in your house controlled by the central government, gas would be $10/gallon, and the unemployment rate would be 40%. and, BTW, the ice caps would not have melted.

Bush was not great, but he was much better than Gore or Kerry would have been.
My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

What the hell is a Doctor of French?

You don't even know what a PhD is, big guy? Or do you not know what French is? Which part eludes you?

French is a language
A 10 year old French kid speaks French.....does that qualify him for a PhD?

You thought getting a PhD in French was just about learning to speak French? You speak English like a 10 year old American kid, why don't you get a PhD for it?

Just curious about what one does with a doctorate in French

It doesn't involve the tongue does it?

I guess there's a lot you don't learn about academia when you drop out of school in the fourth grade, big guy. You have way to much ignorance for me to cure, I'm not even going to try.

BTW, I also already answered that question if you read above
I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden

your mother was right, its just a good thing that more people do not suffer your delusions.

My vote is mine, not your or my mother's. And mathematically, voting for Browne wasn't a vote for Gore. And which one was better again? Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dee?

And BTW, W was a disaster for the country.

- Trillions in the middle east that the countries we benefited most stabbed us in the back over

- Failing to defend his policies let the left grab the narrative and that's how we got Obama and Obamacare

- A liberal's wet dream of socialist spending that Gore never would have gotten by the Republicans. The prescription drug social security welfare benefit, no child gets ahead, the TSA, the so called "transportation bill" Christmas tree, signing the blatantly unconstitutional so called welfare reform bill.

If I had that vote to do over, I'd have voted for Gore

amazingly stupid. if the prophet algore had been elected you would have a thermostat in your house controlled by the central government, gas would be $10/gallon, and the unemployment rate would be 40%. and, BTW, the ice caps would not have melted.

Bush was not great, but he was much better than Gore or Kerry would have been.

Sure, if Al Gore or W had been elected dictator, Al Gore would have been worse. But I already addressed the shortcoming in that logic. The Republicans would have fought Gore, not fought for him like they did for W's spending orgy. And you ignored my points on his military policies completely
Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions, authoritarian totalitarian systems created the carnage. Only stupid people blame Marx, since Marxism as he envisioned it has NEVER existed except as a theory.

Before you call anyone stupid, you ought to have someone mentor you other than those you regularly echo.

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

I see you're trying to burnish your creds for the award, the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Have no're a shoo-in.

Stop worrying.....everyone knows you're a moron.

Spoiler alert: do not....DO NOT....under punishment of education....peruse the following!
You've been warned.

"With the fall of the Soviet Union and communist governments in Eastern Europe, too many have the impression that Marxism, the religion of communism, is dead. Hardly. It is alive and well in many countries still, such as North Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, a gaggle of African countries, and in the minds of many South American political leaders. However, of most importance to the future of democracy, communism still pollutes the thinking of a vast multitude of Western academics and intellectuals.
...Marxist regimes murdered nearly 110 million people from 1917 to 1987.
The killing machine that is Marxism

Now...what did that moron say???
Oh...yeah...""Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

You may simply be dishonest, but methinks you actually believe the crap you post. Maybe instead of parroting some obscure author you might actually try to read some real history, in terms of news articles, historical biographies, personal letters and the works of those such as Marx who you despise and yet do not understand.

BTW, starting a post by calling me stupid and a moron isn't a rebuttal nor does it even hint at some evidence you read my post or have ever considered Communism in theory, and how it comports to the practice of despots who ordered mass murder, those who ruled and rule the nations you (or the obscure author claimed) were Communists. Mass murder of people isn't based on an economic theory, it is savagery and accomplished by evil men who came to power by force, vote or accident of birth.

Simple minded people like you, and those who support Trump see a world beyond their comprehension and have never climbed even half way to the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Of course that is expected of narcissists, others fall prey to the hate and fear rhetoric of the demagogue. and those who write books revising history (a genre in which you have a good deal of familiarity).


You need more, before you monogram "Moron" on all of your overalls????

Marxist socialism is, in theory, what was being practiced by all of the countries that we call "Communist". The objective of Marxist socialism is to use the State to prepare society for communism by communalizing all of the productive forces of the society, i.e. by making all of the means of production public property.
Communism and Marxism -

Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism(anarchist communism), and the political ideologies grouped around both. Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

C'mon more time!
Repeat this:
"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

Everyone needs a good laugh......and folks laughing at you wouldn't be a new experience, would it.

It would be a new experience, as I've always been able to lessen tensions by being self effacing and using wry humor. As a narcissist you have no clue as to how effective that can be, nor any understanding of why so many on this forum find you at best to be a tedious partisan.

Do you not understand that Marx supported the down trodden, and in - for example - the Soviet System and China they have suffered under despotic rule? I can't believe you are so stupid as to not comprehend such an obvious issue, thus I must continue to believe you are a perfidious and dishonest partisan troll.

Gads, you're a dunce.

Please, dunce.....write this again:
"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

OK.....this is almost as good:

"Do you not understand that Marx supported the down trodden"

Even stupid people think you are a moron.

And now for reality:
"Early socialists publically advocated genocide, in the 19th and 20th centuries. It first appeared in Marx's journal, Rheinishe Zeitung, in January of 1849. When the socialist class war happens, there will be primitive societies in Europe, two stages behind- not even capitalist yet- the Basques, the Bretons, the Scottish Highlanders, the Serbs, and others he calls 'racial trash,' and they will have to be destroyed because, being two stages behind in the class struggle, it will be impossible to bring them up to being revolutionary."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge University.

a. "The classes and races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way...they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust." Karl Marx, People's Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981

b. "Before Marx, no other European thinker publicly advocated racial extermination. He was the first."
George Watson.

I love providing education to Liberals who have been deprived of same in government schools, and I don't mind shredding attempts by Liberals to rebut same...but the most fun is spotlighting your infirmities.
I used to be surprised at how truly stupid you Leftists are.....but you have disabused me of that.
Now I treat it as humor.

C' more time.....say it again: "Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

"Marxism had nothing to the with the murder of millions"; genocide has been the practice of evil men and exists even today in ISIS and not explicitly stated but inherit in the words of many white men running today for the nomination in their party to be the next POTUS.

Let me mentor you with what may seem to be a childish link, but one which is clear as to the thinking of Marx and Engels at least in their words and efforts to publish the Manifesto. Note that racism, slavery and murder are not explicit in this summary, nor in the Manifesto itself. If Marx, born a Jew, was an antisemite it would not be uncommon for many in the mid 19th Century and even today are antisemites. No where is genocide a practice unless one comports revolution as a form of it.

SparkNotes: The Communist Manifesto: Summary

Once again, Socialism in Western Europe is market based and egalitarian - China and Russia - each having a power elite which pulls the strings is not an example of the latter even though both have market economies (note: not free markets, as the State does not have absolute control of the economy). The RED SCARE is ironic in the sense that both China an Russia are run by conservatives, and like the US, all reject equal rights, rejecting Pluralism (listen to Trump and Cruz as examples and evidence) and resistant to change.
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden

your mother was right, its just a good thing that more people do not suffer your delusions.

My vote is mine, not your or my mother's. And mathematically, voting for Browne wasn't a vote for Gore. And which one was better again? Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dee?

And BTW, W was a disaster for the country.

- Trillions in the middle east that the countries we benefited most stabbed us in the back over

- Failing to defend his policies let the left grab the narrative and that's how we got Obama and Obamacare

- A liberal's wet dream of socialist spending that Gore never would have gotten by the Republicans. The prescription drug social security welfare benefit, no child gets ahead, the TSA, the so called "transportation bill" Christmas tree, signing the blatantly unconstitutional so called welfare reform bill.

If I had that vote to do over, I'd have voted for Gore
I voted for gwb in 2000 and have been beating myself up over it ever since
I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden

your mother was right, its just a good thing that more people do not suffer your delusions.

My vote is mine, not your or my mother's. And mathematically, voting for Browne wasn't a vote for Gore. And which one was better again? Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dee?

And BTW, W was a disaster for the country.

- Trillions in the middle east that the countries we benefited most stabbed us in the back over

- Failing to defend his policies let the left grab the narrative and that's how we got Obama and Obamacare

- A liberal's wet dream of socialist spending that Gore never would have gotten by the Republicans. The prescription drug social security welfare benefit, no child gets ahead, the TSA, the so called "transportation bill" Christmas tree, signing the blatantly unconstitutional so called welfare reform bill.

If I had that vote to do over, I'd have voted for Gore

amazingly stupid. if the prophet algore had been elected you would have a thermostat in your house controlled by the central government, gas would be $10/gallon, and the unemployment rate would be 40%. and, BTW, the ice caps would not have melted.

Bush was not great, but he was much better than Gore or Kerry would have been.
You're on a different planet than I red ,,If you can honestly say the pos who had so many killed and wounded was better than kerry or gore would have been, this conversation is over

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