That darned Sputnik.

The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

An over site to be sure. The founders would not recognize this form of government we have now. Back then those people showed up, took care of the problems they were faced with, then went HOME TO THEIR JOBS! They didn't all move into Congress and spend their days passing one law after another, after another, after another. And the states took care of themselves.
The education system is a piece of that puzzle, whether you like it or not.

I may have asked this before, but do you teach according to the Socratic method?

I would argue that political correctness is the direct antithesis of the Socratic method. Providing a "right answer" teaches no one anything. When you encourage a student to question an answer then actual thinking is involved. This is also called learning by the way. Wisdom comes from this.

OK. Yes, all teachers still use the Socratic method because it leads to higher order thinking skills. I don't have much use for political correctness in my classes.

You point is what again? I am still missing something here.

Sometimes the obvious can be overlooked or missed entirely. Getting a competing society to adopt your ideology is a victory without firing a shot. Remember when Vladimir Lenin said "the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them"? Ever since Sputnik American education has become a de facto Soviet Trojan horse. The Soviet wall came down because they didn't need it any longer. Their central planning ideology crashed the gates and infiltrated American society. That is my point.

I had a feeling that's what the point of the OP was, and that's true.

You really could have left Sputnik all kinds of out of it, though.

College campuses here are more Communist than Russia. :cuckoo:

I'm 70. You are probably much younger. I was only ten years old when Sputnik went up. It was huge. It was the genesis of government involvement in education.

You should clarify "Federal" government.

It all started with the Fed giving block grants to the states for education, then the states become dependent on that...
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

An over site to be sure. The founders would not recognize this form of government we have now. Back then those people showed up, took care of the problems they were faced with, then went HOME TO THEIR JOBS! They didn't all move into Congress and spend their days passing one law after another, after another, after another. And the states took care of themselves.
We have more freedom today than the founders could ever imagine
Think of it...equal rights for women and blacks

At our founding, the U.S. Was a third world country
Today, we are the most powerful nation in history

Yes, they wouldn't recognize us
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

An over site to be sure. The founders would not recognize this form of government we have now. Back then those people showed up, took care of the problems they were faced with, then went HOME TO THEIR JOBS! They didn't all move into Congress and spend their days passing one law after another, after another, after another. And the states took care of themselves.

Well life today is a bit more complicated.

We didn't have a standing army either . Should we go back to having just militia men?
The US Constitution is a problematic document for educators in America because its intended purpose was to limit government. It’s problematic because in its purest form it is an obstacle to the insectoid, globalist mentality that prevails in contemporary education from kindergarten to graduate school-see Common Core. Now no one argues that an educated populace is a benefit to any society but there is nothing in the Constitution that says the government should commandeer and control education to the morbid extent it does today. There is only a vague reference to promoting the general welfare.

Baby Boomers with good memories can easily recall when the federal government swooped in like a vulture and began eating American education alive. In 1957 those pesky Russians fired a rusty tin can with an antenna on it through the stratosphere and into an orbital plane with a radio signal to prove it. This sent US leaders into a mass panic we’ll call the “Sputnik crises”.

Even with all the whitewashed Nazis America had in its science programs the closest it could come to putting an object into orbit was to throw a rock. The Soviets had a space program and American education looked to be about as useful as a necktie at a nudist camp. This lead in 1958 to the creation of NASA-the National Association of Startled Americans.

American leadership then observed that the Soviets must have been doing something right if they were in space and the US was not. So they embarked on a mission of monkey-see-monkey-do by first initiating the War on Poverty and then the Great society. American educators were not about to be outdone by Soviet central planning so they began a parade of American central planning that continues to this day.

A lot of boomers were born at night but few were born last night. They have dim recollections of a time when people could actually read with comprehension and write to convey ideas. They remember homes with biological parents and siblings with the same last name. That was before modern education brought us from James Madison to Ashleigh Madison.

Don’t worry about Russian meddling in our elections. The Soviets won a long time ago when American educators adopted and expanded their ideological policies. Our Constitution is regarded as a meaningless, anachronistic historical artifact and the middle class is gone. Welcome to Sputnik globalization.
Have the Soviets landed on the moon yet?


Okay, then.
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Seriously kid, are you truly that ignorant? Do you know ANYTHING about the Constitution?
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Seriously kid, are you truly that ignorant? Do you know ANYTHING about the Constitution?
Try me

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now, show where it says anything about limiting government
The US Constitution is a problematic document for educators in America because its intended purpose was to limit government. It’s problematic because in its purest form it is an obstacle to the insectoid, globalist mentality that prevails in contemporary education from kindergarten to graduate school-see Common Core. Now no one argues that an educated populace is a benefit to any society but there is nothing in the Constitution that says the government should commandeer and control education to the morbid extent it does today. There is only a vague reference to promoting the general welfare.

Baby Boomers with good memories can easily recall when the federal government swooped in like a vulture and began eating American education alive. In 1957 those pesky Russians fired a rusty tin can with an antenna on it through the stratosphere and into an orbital plane with a radio signal to prove it. This sent US leaders into a mass panic we’ll call the “Sputnik crises”.

Even with all the whitewashed Nazis America had in its science programs the closest it could come to putting an object into orbit was to throw a rock. The Soviets had a space program and American education looked to be about as useful as a necktie at a nudist camp. This lead in 1958 to the creation of NASA-the National Association of Startled Americans.

American leadership then observed that the Soviets must have been doing something right if they were in space and the US was not. So they embarked on a mission of monkey-see-monkey-do by first initiating the War on Poverty and then the Great society. American educators were not about to be outdone by Soviet central planning so they began a parade of American central planning that continues to this day.

A lot of boomers were born at night but few were born last night. They have dim recollections of a time when people could actually read with comprehension and write to convey ideas. They remember homes with biological parents and siblings with the same last name. That was before modern education brought us from James Madison to Ashleigh Madison.

Don’t worry about Russian meddling in our elections. The Soviets won a long time ago when American educators adopted and expanded their ideological policies. Our Constitution is regarded as a meaningless, anachronistic historical artifact and the middle class is gone. Welcome to Sputnik globalization.
Have the Soviets landed on the moon yet?


Okay, then.

I expected this and it's a fair point but irrelevant. Even if it actually happened and many are not convinced it did, it changes nothing.
The US Constitution is a problematic document for educators in America because its intended purpose was to limit government. It’s problematic because in its purest form it is an obstacle to the insectoid, globalist mentality that prevails in contemporary education from kindergarten to graduate school-see Common Core. Now no one argues that an educated populace is a benefit to any society but there is nothing in the Constitution that says the government should commandeer and control education to the morbid extent it does today. There is only a vague reference to promoting the general welfare.

Baby Boomers with good memories can easily recall when the federal government swooped in like a vulture and began eating American education alive. In 1957 those pesky Russians fired a rusty tin can with an antenna on it through the stratosphere and into an orbital plane with a radio signal to prove it. This sent US leaders into a mass panic we’ll call the “Sputnik crises”.

Even with all the whitewashed Nazis America had in its science programs the closest it could come to putting an object into orbit was to throw a rock. The Soviets had a space program and American education looked to be about as useful as a necktie at a nudist camp. This lead in 1958 to the creation of NASA-the National Association of Startled Americans.

American leadership then observed that the Soviets must have been doing something right if they were in space and the US was not. So they embarked on a mission of monkey-see-monkey-do by first initiating the War on Poverty and then the Great society. American educators were not about to be outdone by Soviet central planning so they began a parade of American central planning that continues to this day.

A lot of boomers were born at night but few were born last night. They have dim recollections of a time when people could actually read with comprehension and write to convey ideas. They remember homes with biological parents and siblings with the same last name. That was before modern education brought us from James Madison to Ashleigh Madison.

Don’t worry about Russian meddling in our elections. The Soviets won a long time ago when American educators adopted and expanded their ideological policies. Our Constitution is regarded as a meaningless, anachronistic historical artifact and the middle class is gone. Welcome to Sputnik globalization.
Have the Soviets landed on the moon yet?


Okay, then.

I expected this and it's a fair point but irrelevant. Even if it actually happened and many are not convinced it did, it changes nothing.
It explodes your point that the US is somehow mirroring the Soviets. We aren't. Not even close.

The Soviets imploded. We didn't.

And I suspected you were one of those creduloids who think the moon landings were a hoax.
My uncle worked for NASA. No he was not an ex-Nazi.

Some were, though.
I took a couple Calculus Physics courses from one of Von Braun's Nazi team of scientists. I aced both. He told me I should be a physicist. :lol:

Some days I look back and wonder if I should have taken his advice.
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Seriously kid, are you truly that ignorant? Do you know ANYTHING about the Constitution?
Try me

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now, show where it says anything about limiting government

LOL, you don't have the brain power. Tell me son, do our founding documents work together, or separately? I'm guessing you don't the brain power to even understand the question. Tell me, what does article 1 section 9 say?
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

That's why Obama himself, in a 2001 interview, called the Constitution a "Charter of Negative Rights". He called it that because it "limited" what the government can do. It lays out a list of things the government can't do, and he found that unacceptable.

Obama in his interview disparages the Constitution as merely "a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you but doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf." He believes—and he's right—that changing this is the way to bring about "redistributive change."

Obama: America Founded With Freedom for the Few
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The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Seriously kid, are you truly that ignorant? Do you know ANYTHING about the Constitution?
Try me

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now, show where it says anything about limiting government

LOL, you don't have the brain power. Tell me son, do our founding documents work together, or separately? I'm guessing you don't the brain power to even understand the question. Tell me, what does article 1 section 9 say?

You have failed to show where the purpose of the Constitution was to restrict government
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Seriously kid, are you truly that ignorant? Do you know ANYTHING about the Constitution?
Try me

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now, show where it says anything about limiting government

LOL, you don't have the brain power. Tell me son, do our founding documents work together, or separately? I'm guessing you don't the brain power to even understand the question. Tell me, what does article 1 section 9 say?

You have failed to show where the purpose of the Constitution was to restrict government

Sorry kid. I knew you weren't bright enough. You lose, again.
Once again...a FAIL on your part

The question was the "purpose" of the Constitution

The purpose was to DEFINE a Government
It then provided amendments to protect citizens rights

Try again
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Seriously kid, are you truly that ignorant? Do you know ANYTHING about the Constitution?
Try me

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now, show where it says anything about limiting government

LOL, you don't have the brain power. Tell me son, do our founding documents work together, or separately? I'm guessing you don't the brain power to even understand the question. Tell me, what does article 1 section 9 say?

You have failed to show where the purpose of the Constitution was to restrict government

You do realize that the First Amendment all by it's lonesome proves you wrong ;)

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Now....the way I read that it says that the Gov CAN"T do those things. Huh, imagine that.
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Your beloved petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama vehemently disagrees with you. He objected to the fact that our Constitution was written to LIMIT our government rather than enumerating all the things government should provide the citizens.

Please catch up, read and study the constitution.
The purpose of the Constitution was not to limit was to define the governmental structure that would run the country

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government should be limited

Seriously kid, are you truly that ignorant? Do you know ANYTHING about the Constitution?
Try me

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now, show where it says anything about limiting government

LOL, you don't have the brain power. Tell me son, do our founding documents work together, or separately? I'm guessing you don't the brain power to even understand the question. Tell me, what does article 1 section 9 say?

You have failed to show where the purpose of the Constitution was to restrict government

You do realize that the First Amendment all by it's lonesome proves you wrong ;)

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Now....the way I read that it says that the Gov CAN"T do those things. Huh, imagine that.
It is the Preamble that defined the purpose of the Constitution

You need to study harder

Amendments were at the back of the document

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