That Dog won't hunt

As for complaint one - filling his administration with business executives - I prefer that to the kooky senator pokahontas idea of using 9-year old sex freaks to pick the cabinet secretaries

Or Barry Obutthole, staffing his cabinet with know-nothing ideologues from the Old Ivy faculty lounge.
Obama is gone and he saved us from a depression, so his cabinet knew something.
Oboingo didn't save jack schitt...The fact that you believe he did reveals you for the economic illiterate that you are.
Trumpf the swamp filler

It seems like forever ago when Donald Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp” if elected president. Well, it turns out this was one of the biggest whoppers in modern American politics.

Here are five ways he’s made the swamp even swampier.

1.He has packed his administration with former lobbyists and corporate executives. He has installed a former Boeing executive to run the Defense Department; a former pharmaceutical lobbyist to run the Department of Health and Human Services; a former coal lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency, and a former oil lobbyist to run the Department of the Interior. In total, more than 300 lobbyists now work in the Trump administration – many in key positions overseeing the industries they used to lobby for.

2. He and his family are personally profiting from the presidency. Despite Trump’s promise he’d sever all ties with his existing businesses and place all assets in a “blind” trust to eliminate any conflicts of interest, documents show Trump remains the sole beneficiary of his trust and still retains the legal power to revoke the trust at any time. Meanwhile, foreign dignitaries have flooded Trump’s hotels, lining his pockets in clear violation of the Constitution. He even attempted to host the G-7 at his own luxury golf course until he was forced to back down.

3. He is catering to billionaires and corporations at the expense of the American people. In the fall of 2017, mega-donors shelled out more than $31 million in political contributions to Trump and Republicans. And in return, they got a massive $2 trillion tax cut. Not a bad return on investment. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

4. He is using taxpayer dollars to subsidize his luxurious lifestyle. Since taking office, Trump’s golf trips alone have cost taxpayers more than $110 million dollars. His children have also charged taxpayers for costs associated with business trips around the world that they’ve taken, including India and Uruguay. Taxpayers even footed the bill for Donald Trump Junior’s hunting trip to Canada.

5. The Trump administration has been riddled with scandals and ethics violations. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross held on to investments and never divested despite pledging to avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has tried to arrange meetings with Chinese officials for her family business. Ethics officials have found Kellyanne Conway broke laws that prohibit government workers from engaging in political activities. The list goes on, and on. This has been the most corrupt administration in American history.

Trump is exploiting everything that’s vulnerable in our political system. But in order to truly stop the corruption of our democracy, we have to fix what’s broken. We must get big money out of politics, end the flow of lobbyists in and out of government, and strengthen ethics laws.

Trump has enlarged and deepened the swamp, but the swamp was there before he got to Washington. One of the first tasks of the next president must be to drain the swamp once and for all.

Draining the swamp will take multiple administrations plus swamps must be drained at the state and local levels since that's where things start.

Getting rid of the McConnell scum would be a great first step

You are spot on \with this comment.

We hope to give mcconnell a bigger majority to work with

You have a death wish Mac??

Are you really THAT hyper?
That's just republican bullshit IF Obama pulled just HALF the shit Trump is pulling you nitwits would want him strung up

Obutthole perpetrated double the bullshit that bedwetters like you claim Trump has, and the only rejoinder you chumps could come up with was to screech RACIST!

Physician, heal thyself.
Obama is not the issue here. Try talking about what trump has done.
Point being that when the peckerheads on your team do the same things and worse, you don't give one single flying fuck.

So take your hand wringing sanctimony and shove it up your ass.
As for complaint one - filling his administration with business executives - I prefer that to the kooky senator pokahontas idea of using 9-year old sex freaks to pick the cabinet secretaries

Or Barry Obutthole, staffing his cabinet with know-nothing ideologues from the Old Ivy faculty lounge.
Obama is gone and he saved us from a depression, so his cabinet knew something.
Oboingo didn't save jack schitt...The fact that you believe he did reveals you for the economic illiterate that you are.
You have a memory problem??? Remember how the republican ah you gave us for 8 years left the WH? What he left the next president with?? Remember what Obama left Dump with??
Trumpf the swamp filler

It seems like forever ago when Donald Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp” if elected president. Well, it turns out this was one of the biggest whoppers in modern American politics.

Here are five ways he’s made the swamp even swampier.

1.He has packed his administration with former lobbyists and corporate executives. He has installed a former Boeing executive to run the Defense Department; a former pharmaceutical lobbyist to run the Department of Health and Human Services; a former coal lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency, and a former oil lobbyist to run the Department of the Interior. In total, more than 300 lobbyists now work in the Trump administration – many in key positions overseeing the industries they used to lobby for.

2. He and his family are personally profiting from the presidency. Despite Trump’s promise he’d sever all ties with his existing businesses and place all assets in a “blind” trust to eliminate any conflicts of interest, documents show Trump remains the sole beneficiary of his trust and still retains the legal power to revoke the trust at any time. Meanwhile, foreign dignitaries have flooded Trump’s hotels, lining his pockets in clear violation of the Constitution. He even attempted to host the G-7 at his own luxury golf course until he was forced to back down.

3. He is catering to billionaires and corporations at the expense of the American people. In the fall of 2017, mega-donors shelled out more than $31 million in political contributions to Trump and Republicans. And in return, they got a massive $2 trillion tax cut. Not a bad return on investment. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

4. He is using taxpayer dollars to subsidize his luxurious lifestyle. Since taking office, Trump’s golf trips alone have cost taxpayers more than $110 million dollars. His children have also charged taxpayers for costs associated with business trips around the world that they’ve taken, including India and Uruguay. Taxpayers even footed the bill for Donald Trump Junior’s hunting trip to Canada.

5. The Trump administration has been riddled with scandals and ethics violations. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross held on to investments and never divested despite pledging to avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has tried to arrange meetings with Chinese officials for her family business. Ethics officials have found Kellyanne Conway broke laws that prohibit government workers from engaging in political activities. The list goes on, and on. This has been the most corrupt administration in American history.

Trump is exploiting everything that’s vulnerable in our political system. But in order to truly stop the corruption of our democracy, we have to fix what’s broken. We must get big money out of politics, end the flow of lobbyists in and out of government, and strengthen ethics laws.

Trump has enlarged and deepened the swamp, but the swamp was there before he got to Washington. One of the first tasks of the next president must be to drain the swamp once and for all.

Draining the swamp will take multiple administrations plus swamps must be drained at the state and local levels since that's where things start.

Getting rid of the McConnell scum would be a great first step

odd, we thought the same about Reid before he retired, and feel that way about Pelosi now.
Trumpf the swamp filler

1. He has packed his administration with former lobbyists and corporate executives.
Obama packed his administration with active lobbyists and career academicians. At least Trump's people have earned a living, made a payrole and shown the ability to turn a profit, like America needs.​

2. He and his family are personally profiting from the presidency.
Obama made sure his rich friends became filthy rich from his QE1 and QE2 bailouts. Remember Solyndra? Where'd that money go? Obama and Clinton's family did not personally profit? At least Donald donates his salary to charity and the entire emoluments thing has been totally thrown out. Try reading the paper.​

3. He is catering to billionaires and corporations at the expense of the American people.
Billionaires and corporations hire people and create jobs. Trump is catering to everyone and being honest about it.​

4. He is using taxpayer dollars to subsidize his luxurious lifestyle.
Trump's lifestyle was already luxurious. Obama and Hillary HAVE a luxurious lifestyle only BECAUSE of tax dollars.​

5. The Trump administration has been riddled with scandals and ethics violations.
Manufactured by the Democrats. Careful where you shit Eddie, Obama and the Clintons were waist deep in their own actual scandals and ethics violations, even after massive cover-up by the media.​
But but....OBAMA!


Yes, obfuscate and obstruct until out of office then call any reference lame. The week after Trump is out of office, the week after, the month after, the decade after, and Trump is still under active investigation and lawsuits, I bet you don't call any of that lame, but justified and deserved.

You wear your bullshit double standard hypocrisy on your shoulders:

DEMOCRAT: Can do no wrong.

TRUMP: Can never do any right.

That's just republican bullshit IF Obama pulled just HALF the shit Trump is pulling you nitwits would want him strung up

Obama has pulled far more. That's why he is still under investigation and many DO want him hung by his thumbs. DAMN you are an idiot! Did you sleep through a decade?
Draining the swamp will take multiple administrations plus swamps must be drained at the state and local levels since that's where things start.
Getting rid of the McConnell scum would be a great first step

Getting rid of Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine, Al Green, the squad, and the rest of the low-life cock-roaches in the House would be even better.

They aren't the problem. It's time for fact free comments to stop. We all see where the problem is. Republicans.
We dont agree

So what? Everybody sees what has happened since republicans acquitted trump in a trial with no witnesses and that is the example of how republicans are the problem.

Its the House democrat's responsibility to present the evidence that the Articles are based on. If they wanted more witnesses subpoena them.
The senate are the jurors not the prosecutors. Besides, the Articles weren't impeachable anyway, no "high crime" no foul.
Draining the swamp will take multiple administrations plus swamps must be drained at the state and local levels since that's where things start.
Getting rid of the McConnell scum would be a great first step

You are spot on \with this comment.
We hope to give mcconnell a bigger majority to work with
You have a death wish Mac??
Are you really THAT hyper?
LOL Hate to leave you wonderful people but the beach is calling and my tan needs improving NOT like the spray on shit your king uses ......OT Will politics aside hope you're feeling better
Trumpf the swamp filler

It seems like forever ago when Donald Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp” if elected president. Well, it turns out this was one of the biggest whoppers in modern American politics.

Here are five ways he’s made the swamp even swampier.

1.He has packed his administration with former lobbyists and corporate executives. He has installed a former Boeing executive to run the Defense Department; a former pharmaceutical lobbyist to run the Department of Health and Human Services; a former coal lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency, and a former oil lobbyist to run the Department of the Interior. In total, more than 300 lobbyists now work in the Trump administration – many in key positions overseeing the industries they used to lobby for.

2. He and his family are personally profiting from the presidency. Despite Trump’s promise he’d sever all ties with his existing businesses and place all assets in a “blind” trust to eliminate any conflicts of interest, documents show Trump remains the sole beneficiary of his trust and still retains the legal power to revoke the trust at any time. Meanwhile, foreign dignitaries have flooded Trump’s hotels, lining his pockets in clear violation of the Constitution. He even attempted to host the G-7 at his own luxury golf course until he was forced to back down.

3. He is catering to billionaires and corporations at the expense of the American people. In the fall of 2017, mega-donors shelled out more than $31 million in political contributions to Trump and Republicans. And in return, they got a massive $2 trillion tax cut. Not a bad return on investment. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

4. He is using taxpayer dollars to subsidize his luxurious lifestyle. Since taking office, Trump’s golf trips alone have cost taxpayers more than $110 million dollars. His children have also charged taxpayers for costs associated with business trips around the world that they’ve taken, including India and Uruguay. Taxpayers even footed the bill for Donald Trump Junior’s hunting trip to Canada.

5. The Trump administration has been riddled with scandals and ethics violations. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross held on to investments and never divested despite pledging to avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has tried to arrange meetings with Chinese officials for her family business. Ethics officials have found Kellyanne Conway broke laws that prohibit government workers from engaging in political activities. The list goes on, and on. This has been the most corrupt administration in American history.

Trump is exploiting everything that’s vulnerable in our political system. But in order to truly stop the corruption of our democracy, we have to fix what’s broken. We must get big money out of politics, end the flow of lobbyists in and out of government, and strengthen ethics laws.

Trump has enlarged and deepened the swamp, but the swamp was there before he got to Washington. One of the first tasks of the next president must be to drain the swamp once and for all.

Draining the swamp will take multiple administrations plus swamps must be drained at the state and local levels since that's where things start.

Getting rid of the McConnell scum would be a great first step

Getting rid of Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine, Al Green, the squad, and the rest of the low-life cock-roaches in the House would be even better.

They aren't the problem. It's time for fact free comments to stop. We all see where the problem is. Republicans.

The problem are the democrat policies. Here they are.
Good luck getting voters to agree to letting democrats have a majority to make these happen:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, givinng them free everything

Since 99.9 percent of that is not what democrats support, I'll write that off as right wing bullshit.

We are owed reparations son. And not just for slavery.

The Stone Cold Truth
As for complaint one - filling his administration with business executives - I prefer that to the kooky senator pokahontas idea of using 9-year old sex freaks to pick the cabinet secretaries

Or Barry Obutthole, staffing his cabinet with know-nothing ideologues from the Old Ivy faculty lounge.
Obama is gone and he saved us from a depression, so his cabinet knew something.
Oboingo didn't save jack schitt...The fact that you believe he did reveals you for the economic illiterate that you are.
You have a memory problem??? Remember how the republican ah you gave us for 8 years left the WH? What he left the next president with?? Remember what Obama left Dump with??
I haven't forgotten Chimpola Bush either....And, as an ancap/agorist (Google them), I neither voted for nor supported him...Though I was equally amused when you liberoidal fuckwits blamed everything from snow storms to ring-around-the-collar in him.

Try again, Chumlee.
Getting rid of the McConnell scum would be a great first step

Getting rid of Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine, Al Green, the squad, and the rest of the low-life cock-roaches in the House would be even better.

They aren't the problem. It's time for fact free comments to stop. We all see where the problem is. Republicans.
We dont agree

So what? Everybody sees what has happened since republicans acquitted trump in a trial with no witnesses and that is the example of how republicans are the problem.

Its the House democrat's responsibility to present the evidence that the Articles are based on. If they wanted more witnesses subpoena them.
The senate are the jurors not the prosecutors. Besides, the Articles weren't impeachable anyway, no "high crime" no foul.

They did. And trump blocked witnesses from testifying and relevant documents. So don't try repeating that right wing bullshit to me.
As for complaint one - filling his administration with business executives - I prefer that to the kooky senator pokahontas idea of using 9-year old sex freaks to pick the cabinet secretaries

Or Barry Obutthole, staffing his cabinet with know-nothing ideologues from the Old Ivy faculty lounge.
Obama is gone and he saved us from a depression, so his cabinet knew something.
Oboingo didn't save jack schitt...The fact that you believe he did reveals you for the economic illiterate that you are.
Obama did apply race double standards to save black owned car dealership from closing
Draining the swamp will take multiple administrations plus swamps must be drained at the state and local levels since that's where things start.
Getting rid of the McConnell scum would be a great first step

Getting rid of Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine, Al Green, the squad, and the rest of the low-life cock-roaches in the House would be even better.

They aren't the problem. It's time for fact free comments to stop. We all see where the problem is. Republicans.

The problem are the democrat policies. Here they are.
Good luck getting voters to agree to letting democrats have a majority to make these happen:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything

Since 99.9 percent of that is not what democrats support, I'll write that off as right wing bullshit.

We are owed reparations son. And not just for slavery.

The Stone Cold Truth

All of those democrat policies were supported by democrat candidates running for president.
They are not all supported by everyone but most are, google them if you don't believe me.
You aren't "owed" anything. If you want anything get off your ass and work for it.
Getting rid of Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine, Al Green, the squad, and the rest of the low-life cock-roaches in the House would be even better.

They aren't the problem. It's time for fact free comments to stop. We all see where the problem is. Republicans.
We dont agree

So what? Everybody sees what has happened since republicans acquitted trump in a trial with no witnesses and that is the example of how republicans are the problem.

Its the House democrat's responsibility to present the evidence that the Articles are based on. If they wanted more witnesses subpoena them.
The senate are the jurors not the prosecutors. Besides, the Articles weren't impeachable anyway, no "high crime" no foul.

They did. And trump blocked witnesses from testifying and relevant documents. So don't try repeating that right wing bullshit to me.
Thanks for admitting that dems rushed to impeach without proper evidence to convict
Getting rid of Nancy, Schiff, Nadler, Maxine, Al Green, the squad, and the rest of the low-life cock-roaches in the House would be even better.

They aren't the problem. It's time for fact free comments to stop. We all see where the problem is. Republicans.
We dont agree

So what? Everybody sees what has happened since republicans acquitted trump in a trial with no witnesses and that is the example of how republicans are the problem.

Its the House democrat's responsibility to present the evidence that the Articles are based on. If they wanted more witnesses subpoena them.
The senate are the jurors not the prosecutors. Besides, the Articles weren't impeachable anyway, no "high crime" no foul.

They did. And trump blocked witnesses from testifying and relevant documents. So don't try repeating that right wing bullshit to me.

Executive Privilege is a right that every president has.
Don't whine about the WH blocking witnesses, remember Holder's "contempt of congress" medals?
What was bullshit were the non-crime "Totally Partisan" Articles.
If no one is willing to even look at the mistakes of their own party.... speak out & demand they do better... nothing will change... the road back to sanity will become a higher hill to climb.
4 lifetime prosecutors leave with more to follow ,,Generals speak up finally nailing the POS Seems to me only ones for him are angry jackasses who think Trump is one of them ,,,An American disaster A virus upon America

The jury foreman lied to the judge, she's a democrat activist, the judge should vacate the verdict or throw out the case. Stone's "crimes" were related to the Mueller Hoax and the 4 prosecutors that quit should be disbarred for their slimy prosecution of Stone. Time will tell as the DOJ unwinds the facts in the case.
How did she lie to the judge??
It might seem like a lifetime to the crazy angry left but President Trump has only been in office for around three years. In spite of nut case democrat obstruction and non stop phony investigations he has managed to turn the economy around, reduce illegal immigration, put a record number of people to work and yes....drain the swamp. More work needs to be done but at least the criminal element in the FBI and the CIA has been drained and more to come

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