That Ex Marine Held In Mexico?

The facts have been out there since the beginning. The marine had bee to mexico several times. He had been to mexico just before this incident. The same day. He parked his car in a parking lot in San Diego and walked across the border. To see how he could have gotten lost Greta VanSusteren took a film crew on that same route so everyone could see how it happened. Exiting the parking lot is a road going north. It isn't visible at that point but the road takes a sharp turn south. The sign was small and covered with graffiti. It has since been replaced by a larger better lit sign. A short distance beyond that sign is a turnaround. This is the turnaround that was missed in the dark. Once that was passed there was no other place to turn around until the border.

I need to fix that second photo when I get home. That's the extensive arsenal "he didn't know" was in the car.

He didn't know ? Huh, ? He has said from the start he had firearms in the trunk.
I need to fix that second photo when I get home. That's the extensive arsenal "he didn't know" was in the car.


Here ya go -



I can see now his this well-trained ex-Marine was soooooo aware that he was lugging an arsenal of weapons across the border "forgot" them.



Why would anyone carry that in his trunk?

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I have been to Tijuana several times in my life.

"Getting lost" is not going to cut it.

Here ya go -



I can see now his this well-trained ex-Marine was soooooo aware that he was lugging an arsenal of weapons across the border "forgot" them.



Why would anyone carry that in his trunk?

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good question. but then, he didn't carry them in his trunk. they were in the cab of the truck, within reach, and loaded.
Also known as the right's newest hero? The poor innocent who says he couldn't turn around heading to Mexico and didn't know he had a gun in his car?


The same guy Rand Paul's comparing to Bowe Bergdahl as a "real hero" who should be traded for Hillary Clinton and other democrats?

I questioned this whole thing from the beginning for several reasons.

Looks like I'm right again!


On Tuesday, the Union Tribune confirmed that this wasn’t the vets first rodeo in Tijuana, that indeed, he had entered the country at least 6 times previously. That would seem to destroy his claims of innocence and of being lost and ending up on the Mexico side of the border.+

But it gets more bizarre. An April 4 e-mail correspondence from Tahmooressi’s Mexican lawyer, Alejandro Osuna, seems to show that the attorney coached his client to not reveal the prior trips to Mexico. According to the e-mail, Osuna told his client to “stick to the script ” — which was that he was had never been to Tijuana and that he missed the last U.S. exit on Interstate 5 while driving to meet friends in San Ysidro.+

“Andrew kept insisting he wanted to change it, but our concern was that if he mentioned he had been in Tijuana about six times prior to his detention (which seems to be the case), his story would have been less credible,” according the email, which was read to U-T San Diego by Hunter’s spokesman Joe Kasper

I guess you must believe that there is only one way into and out of Mexico. Dumb argument. "I guess I was right again" :badgrin:
Also known as the right's newest hero? The poor innocent who says he couldn't turn around heading to Mexico and didn't know he had a gun in his car?


The same guy Rand Paul's comparing to Bowe Bergdahl as a "real hero" who should be traded for Hillary Clinton and other democrats?

I questioned this whole thing from the beginning for several reasons.

Looks like I'm right again!


On Tuesday, the Union Tribune confirmed that this wasn’t the vets first rodeo in Tijuana, that indeed, he had entered the country at least 6 times previously. That would seem to destroy his claims of innocence and of being lost and ending up on the Mexico side of the border.+

But it gets more bizarre. An April 4 e-mail correspondence from Tahmooressi’s Mexican lawyer, Alejandro Osuna, seems to show that the attorney coached his client to not reveal the prior trips to Mexico. According to the e-mail, Osuna told his client to “stick to the script ” — which was that he was had never been to Tijuana and that he missed the last U.S. exit on Interstate 5 while driving to meet friends in San Ysidro.+

“Andrew kept insisting he wanted to change it, but our concern was that if he mentioned he had been in Tijuana about six times prior to his detention (which seems to be the case), his story would have been less credible,” according the email, which was read to U-T San Diego by Hunter’s spokesman Joe Kasper

I guess you must believe that there is only one way into and out of Mexico. Dumb argument.
"Looks like I'm right again"
You silly boy you...
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I can see now his this well-trained ex-Marine was soooooo aware that he was lugging an arsenal of weapons across the border "forgot" them.



Why would anyone carry that in his trunk?

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good question. but then, he didn't carry them in his trunk. they were in the cab of the truck, within reach, and loaded.

Thanks for the correction - which makes it all the more fishy.
I was just told there is a video showing there were thousands of rounds plus more weapons under the lining of the truck bed.

Anyone seen this video?

Here ya go



I can see now his this well-trained ex-Marine was soooooo aware that he was lugging an arsenal of weapons across the border "forgot" them.



Why would anyone carry that in his trunk?

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To sell to his fellow gun runners in messico.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was one of those felon gangbangers Bush recruited to go to Iraq.
It's amazing how you all know exactly what happened even though none of you were with him. His lawyer ought to hire you all on as consultants.
Well, what are we going to do about those darned Mexicans? Don't they know that Americans have the Constitutional right to carry any weapons they want anywhere they want? They have no respect for the second amendment!
Well, what are we going to do about those darned Mexicans? Don't they know that Americans have the Constitutional right to carry any weapons they want anywhere they want? They have no respect for the second amendment!

Maybe Mexico's elephant hunting season is limited:eusa_whistle:
The facts have been out there since the beginning. The marine had bee to mexico several times. He had been to mexico just before this incident. The same day. He parked his car in a parking lot in San Diego and walked across the border. To see how he could have gotten lost Greta VanSusteren took a film crew on that same route so everyone could see how it happened. Exiting the parking lot is a road going north. It isn't visible at that point but the road takes a sharp turn south. The sign was small and covered with graffiti. It has since been replaced by a larger better lit sign. A short distance beyond that sign is a turnaround. This is the turnaround that was missed in the dark. Once that was passed there was no other place to turn around until the border.

I need to fix that second photo when I get home. That's the extensive arsenal "he didn't know" was in the car.


Here ya go -


Holy crap.

What was he going to do with all of that??

Leftists are so damn stupid. They think every border crossing into Mexico is exactly the same in every state. "Dur Hurrr...In muh state, dey's gots signs everwere!".
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Leftists are so damn stupid. They think every border crossing into Mexico is exactly the same in every state. "Dur Hurrr...In muh state, dey's hits signs everwere!".

You should-uh read the link.


Besides, do you really think that sign is at only one crossing? I've crossed back and forth maybe 30 times. That sign has been at every crossing.

Oh wait - I crossed illegally once and can't say for sure that the sign was there.

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