That is right, Jewish Americans, common core is insinuating the holocaust is a myth.

no problem with this one? How about these
the sources would be holocaust denial----which has been an
islamo Nazi cause since the 1930s. There is extensive islamo Nazi brain washing shit on this very subject----and not
nearly enough on-------"the first entirely comprehensive genocide in history was committed by muhummad----the founder of a creed that has gone on to incessant genocide
over the 1400 years of its existence"-----<<< that would be
a good subject

I am a tireless defender of Jews, Israel, and the truth about what happened when Jews were singled out and systematically murdered by the millions. U.S. troops took extensive video footage of the carnage to record for posterity so never could it be denied what happened and who did it. I'm confident in my ability to take apart propaganda designed to deny the holocaust or mitigate its numbers. My critical thinking skills give rise to that confidence, and I don't have to curse the darkness. This is the point.

I teach critical thinking skills to my own children with our own home based education curriculum. We explore lots of controversial topics and we never are afraid to see both sides of an argument.

you are just slightly naïve A 13 year old kid researching
this question will come up against VOLUME AFTER VOLUME OF EXPERTLY Written islamo nazi shit. That
fact on top of vestiges of anti-Semitism INGRAINED as a
legacy of Christianity -----is unhealthy for a young mind. It
would be ok for a kid NOT raised with such a legacy----maybe yours but not the majority of people I have encountered in
my ---uhm.....lengthy life. Remember JAY-WALKS????

There is no anti semitism ingrained as a legacy of Christianity and now I'm beginning to conclude you are unqualified to speak authoritatively on the subject of seeing through propaganda and being immunized against it. You set yourself up as the blind leading the blind, and you both fall into a ditch.

yes there is------my family moved into a WASPISH community when I was just short of five years old-----
I learned that I am a jew from some local girls who threw rocks at me and claimed that I had murdered some guy named "jesus" ------the town was very genteel----all middle to
upper middle class people-----every family in a private home---everyone spoke standard English and SUNDAY was go
to church day-------even I attended "sunday school" several
times--- I did grow up and interacted with more people
in the area and even served in the navy for a time------your
statement is entirely untrue. Six year old girls do not "know"
that "jews killed jesus" from birth------they get it from their
Christian parents and even from church. ----depending on who the lady teaching "sunday school" that day might be.

Ah, anecdotal evidence. If there were any doubt that you lack critical thinking skills and the ability to evaluate claims from an objective viewpoint, it's been removed. I've experienced racism from white kids growing up. That doesn't cause me to conclude that racism is "ingrained as a legacy of White culture". I'm a thinker. You're just pretending to be.

you are wrong about that too-----racism IS ingrained as a
legacy of white culture. -----I grew up amongst people ---
extremely racist-------before the 1950s my town had been
"restricted" I knew kids who laughed at anyone who
ate watermelon in public-------it did take me awhile to figure that one
I disagree. The focus of the assignment should be for the kids to figure out for themselves - with guidance but not actual position taking- how to assess the material they come across. What's important is less the position itself then the ability to critically look at material, assess it, build a position, defend it and if the defense is shattered by counter arguments, reassess it. Though it isn't explicit in the OP, based on my own experiences, I strongly suspect that there is a lot discussion on sources and how to evaluate them.

It's not about that one particular assignment - it's about providing the tools to do this sort of critical analysis across the board so when these kids encounter similar hoaxes, hate sites etc they have the tools they need to properly evaluate their claims.

So, now, you are on record as indicating schools should take no position on whether or not the Holocaust actually happened.

Why even call them schools, if so?

the amount of individual attention needed to accomplish
the task coyote describes would be impossible to attain
unless each kid had his own private very intelligent tutor

I think it can be done with well thought out assignments. If you don't, you're really failing the kids because eventually they will encounter the propaganda and as you can see across the boards with a variety of propaganda - people readily believe it.

The assignment cited is far too OPEN-ENDED to teach
Did you know that you as American taxpayers foot $54 million a year for operational costs of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, a PRIVATE museum?
That seems high. Its a nice museum, but $54 million? Im skeptical

It gets better. Have you ever in your life seen an annual report that goes through its preamble, mission statement, blah, blah, blah, then through several blank pages, then through its index, and more blank pages, and then way in the back is buried the actual annual financial statement itself? Sleaze, brother. Ignore the $51+ million figure. The actual was $54 million. In 2015 dollars, since the day Clinton opened this monstrosity, we've forked over $1 billion in federal tax dollars to a private museum that is nothing more than a Marxist, radical queer mouthpiece.

Annual Report mdash United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Note: Conservative Jews fought a good fight when the museum first opened and they realized what it was really all about. They boycotted the museum and forced congressional hearings in which they demanded that all federal funding be cut immediately. It didn't happen of course, but to this day, dozens of conservative synagogues still maintain their boycott of a homosexual-driven institution that'd walk on the bones of millions of murdered victims just to obtain their "right" to get their hands on little kids. Small wonder skepticism of the massacre exists as it does today.
I am a tireless defender of Jews, Israel, and the truth about what happened when Jews were singled out and systematically murdered by the millions. U.S. troops took extensive video footage of the carnage to record for posterity so never could it be denied what happened and who did it. I'm confident in my ability to take apart propaganda designed to deny the holocaust or mitigate its numbers. My critical thinking skills give rise to that confidence, and I don't have to curse the darkness. This is the point.

I teach critical thinking skills to my own children with our own home based education curriculum. We explore lots of controversial topics and we never are afraid to see both sides of an argument.

you are just slightly naïve A 13 year old kid researching
this question will come up against VOLUME AFTER VOLUME OF EXPERTLY Written islamo nazi shit. That
fact on top of vestiges of anti-Semitism INGRAINED as a
legacy of Christianity -----is unhealthy for a young mind. It
would be ok for a kid NOT raised with such a legacy----maybe yours but not the majority of people I have encountered in
my ---uhm.....lengthy life. Remember JAY-WALKS????

There is no anti semitism ingrained as a legacy of Christianity and now I'm beginning to conclude you are unqualified to speak authoritatively on the subject of seeing through propaganda and being immunized against it. You set yourself up as the blind leading the blind, and you both fall into a ditch.

yes there is------my family moved into a WASPISH community when I was just short of five years old-----
I learned that I am a jew from some local girls who threw rocks at me and claimed that I had murdered some guy named "jesus" ------the town was very genteel----all middle to
upper middle class people-----every family in a private home---everyone spoke standard English and SUNDAY was go
to church day-------even I attended "sunday school" several
times--- I did grow up and interacted with more people
in the area and even served in the navy for a time------your
statement is entirely untrue. Six year old girls do not "know"
that "jews killed jesus" from birth------they get it from their
Christian parents and even from church. ----depending on who the lady teaching "sunday school" that day might be.

Ah, anecdotal evidence. If there were any doubt that you lack critical thinking skills and the ability to evaluate claims from an objective viewpoint, it's been removed. I've experienced racism from white kids growing up. That doesn't cause me to conclude that racism is "ingrained as a legacy of White culture". I'm a thinker. You're just pretending to be.

you are wrong about that too-----racism IS ingrained as a
legacy of white culture. -----I grew up amongst people ---
extremely racist-------before the 1950s my town had been
"restricted" I knew kids who laughed at anyone who
ate watermelon in public-------it did take me awhile to figure that one

Twice confirmed now. We're done here.
I disagree. The focus of the assignment should be for the kids to figure out for themselves - with guidance but not actual position taking- how to assess the material they come across. What's important is less the position itself then the ability to critically look at material, assess it, build a position, defend it and if the defense is shattered by counter arguments, reassess it. Though it isn't explicit in the OP, based on my own experiences, I strongly suspect that there is a lot discussion on sources and how to evaluate them.

It's not about that one particular assignment - it's about providing the tools to do this sort of critical analysis across the board so when these kids encounter similar hoaxes, hate sites etc they have the tools they need to properly evaluate their claims.

So, now, you are on record as indicating schools should take no position on whether or not the Holocaust actually happened.

Why even call them schools, if so?

the amount of individual attention needed to accomplish
the task coyote describes would be impossible to attain
unless each kid had his own private very intelligent tutor

I think it can be done with well thought out assignments. If you don't, you're really failing the kids because eventually they will encounter the propaganda and as you can see across the boards with a variety of propaganda - people readily believe it.

The assignment cited is far too OPEN-ENDED to teach

You don't know that. All you have is an OP with just a portion of the assignment.
More proof that the far left believes far left propaganda is "fact"..
What far left propaganda would that be?

The propaganda posted by the far left drones..

can you cite some of the propaganda posted by far left
drones to which you object?---

He couldn't even name a liberal yesterday who wasn't a far left drone, after claiming there was a big difference between liberals and the far left.


Speaking of far left drones...

Any Question why we Jews want nothing to with you in the uneucatedd white christian party
Common Core school assignment: Was Holocaust real or 'merely a political scheme?'

The Rialto school district in California gave eighth graders an 18-page assignment that asked them to consider arguments on whether the Holocaust was an "actual event" or a "propaganda tool that was used for monetary gain."

The project created media outrage, but the school district initially defended the assignment, saying that Common Core standards are intended to teach critical thinking. The school district, through interim superintendent Mohammad Z. Islam, revised its position when L.A.-based Anti-Defamation league expressed its concerns.

The assignment given to the eighth graders read:

"When tragic events occur in history, there is often debate about their actual existence. For example, some people claim the Holocaust is not an actual historical event, but instead is a propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain. Based upon your research on this issue, write an argumentative essay, utilizing cited textual evidence, in which you explain whether or not you believe the Holocaust was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain. Remember to address counterclaims (rebuttals) to your stated claim. You are also required to use parenthetical (internal) citations and to provide a Works Cited page."

KTLA reports:

The 18-page assignment instructions included three sources that students were told to use, including one that stated gassings in concentration camps were a "hoax" and that no evidence has shown Jews died in gas chambers.

"With all this money at stake for Israel, it is easy to comprehend why this Holocaust hoax is so secretly guarded," states the source, which is a attributed to a webpage on "In whatever way you can, please help shatter this profitable myth. It is time we stop sacrificing America's welfare for the sake of Israel and spend our hard-earned dollars on Americans.

The other sources were from the websites


Commie core everyone. It is also beyond obvious that the world is pushing us into a rather scary time. Jeb Bush (who like his brother is no conservative) is all about commie core.

What is the answer? I do not know. All we know is the left (which obviously includes republicans) have thoroughly demonized the Tea Party. Making fun of their name every chance they get. Making each other think they are the same thing as the KKK. Not acknowledging there are black members of the Tea Party and even if they do, they consider them to be cornball brothers (whatever that means.)

We will deserve what we get, and yes I am always mystified by Jewish Americans who vote democrat (commie Israel hating) 80% of the time.

What part of the above do you object to, specifically?
If this were about blacks instead of Jews, the very same politically correct supporters of the agenda involved would be screaming bloody murder.

.....and you can take that one to the bank.

If this thread is a display of any concept at all, it would be the tyranny of the majority. Liberals understand such a concept, and so take note when a large majority singles out a small minority for persecution. Non liberals like the leftists in this thread simply add their voice to the majority in persecuting the minority, however, and so create specious arguments that seek to distance themselves from that which they are really supporting.

The only reason people think this is o.k. is because it is Jews, and because antisemitism is now so politically correct. All the blathering sophistry people offer so they can support the agenda without appearing to support it is moot because we all know they WOULDN'T be offering all these excuses if it were targeting black people.

Heck, there would be blood in the street if it were blacks instead of Jews.

If you could make a good assignment about blacks it would work as well. The Holocaust works because there is a huge body of well documented evidence supporting the existence of the Holocaust. There is very little that is subjective. It's easy to support one position and easy to deconstruct the other.

Here is a good assignment on blacks ------
"most black Africans were illiterate and
some were even cannibals in 1700.
Black Africans who were brought to the
USA were introduced to Christianity and
many people believe that Christianity
improved their lives-----Discuss the
advantage of the slavery program
for black Africans------who IN THE USA
produced such notables more than
100 years ago as GEORGE WASHINGTON
What far left propaganda would that be?

The propaganda posted by the far left drones..

can you cite some of the propaganda posted by far left
drones to which you object?---

He couldn't even name a liberal yesterday who wasn't a far left drone, after claiming there was a big difference between liberals and the far left.


Speaking of far left drones...

Any Question why we Jews want nothing to with you in the uneucatedd white christian party
Same with the Indians...
If this were about blacks instead of Jews, the very same politically correct supporters of the agenda involved would be screaming bloody murder.

.....and you can take that one to the bank.

If this thread is a display of any concept at all, it would be the tyranny of the majority. Liberals understand such a concept, and so take note when a large majority singles out a small minority for persecution. Non liberals like the leftists in this thread simply add their voice to the majority in persecuting the minority, however, and so create specious arguments that seek to distance themselves from that which they are really supporting.

The only reason people think this is o.k. is because it is Jews, and because antisemitism is now so politically correct. All the blathering sophistry people offer so they can support the agenda without appearing to support it is moot because we all know they WOULDN'T be offering all these excuses if it were targeting black people.

Heck, there would be blood in the street if it were blacks instead of Jews.

If you could make a good assignment about blacks it would work as well. The Holocaust works because there is a huge body of well documented evidence supporting the existence of the Holocaust. There is very little that is subjective. It's easy to support one position and easy to deconstruct the other.

Here is a good assignment on blacks ------
"most black Africans were illiterate and
some were even cannibals in 1700.
Black Africans who were brought to the
USA were introduced to Christianity and
many people believe that Christianity
improved their lives-----Discuss the
advantage of the slavery program
for black Africans------who IN THE USA
produced such notables more than
100 years ago as GEORGE WASHINGTON
I disagree. The focus of the assignment should be for the kids to figure out for themselves - with guidance but not actual position taking- how to assess the material they come across. What's important is less the position itself then the ability to critically look at material, assess it, build a position, defend it and if the defense is shattered by counter arguments, reassess it. Though it isn't explicit in the OP, based on my own experiences, I strongly suspect that there is a lot discussion on sources and how to evaluate them.

It's not about that one particular assignment - it's about providing the tools to do this sort of critical analysis across the board so when these kids encounter similar hoaxes, hate sites etc they have the tools they need to properly evaluate their claims.

So, now, you are on record as indicating schools should take no position on whether or not the Holocaust actually happened.

Why even call them schools, if so?

the amount of individual attention needed to accomplish
the task coyote describes would be impossible to attain
unless each kid had his own private very intelligent tutor

I think it can be done with well thought out assignments. If you don't, you're really failing the kids because eventually they will encounter the propaganda and as you can see across the boards with a variety of propaganda - people readily believe it.

The assignment cited is far too OPEN-ENDED to teach

You don't know that. All you have is an OP with just a portion of the assignment.

just a portion??? how do you know that? When I was
a kid in junior high------assignments were not written in
VOLUMES-------a research paper was just a TOPIC
If this were about blacks instead of Jews, the very same politically correct supporters of the agenda involved would be screaming bloody murder.

.....and you can take that one to the bank.

If this thread is a display of any concept at all, it would be the tyranny of the majority. Liberals understand such a concept, and so take note when a large majority singles out a small minority for persecution. Non liberals like the leftists in this thread simply add their voice to the majority in persecuting the minority, however, and so create specious arguments that seek to distance themselves from that which they are really supporting.

The only reason people think this is o.k. is because it is Jews, and because antisemitism is now so politically correct. All the blathering sophistry people offer so they can support the agenda without appearing to support it is moot because we all know they WOULDN'T be offering all these excuses if it were targeting black people.

Heck, there would be blood in the street if it were blacks instead of Jews.

If you could make a good assignment about blacks it would work as well. The Holocaust works because there is a huge body of well documented evidence supporting the existence of the Holocaust. There is very little that is subjective. It's easy to support one position and easy to deconstruct the other.

Here is a good assignment on blacks ------
"most black Africans were illiterate and
some were even cannibals in 1700.
Black Africans who were brought to the
USA were introduced to Christianity and
many people believe that Christianity
improved their lives-----Discuss the
advantage of the slavery program
for black Africans------who IN THE USA
produced such notables more than
100 years ago as GEORGE WASHINGTON

Uncle Remus? zippity doo da
If this were about blacks instead of Jews, the very same politically correct supporters of the agenda involved would be screaming bloody murder.

.....and you can take that one to the bank.

If this thread is a display of any concept at all, it would be the tyranny of the majority. Liberals understand such a concept, and so take note when a large majority singles out a small minority for persecution. Non liberals like the leftists in this thread simply add their voice to the majority in persecuting the minority, however, and so create specious arguments that seek to distance themselves from that which they are really supporting.

The only reason people think this is o.k. is because it is Jews, and because antisemitism is now so politically correct. All the blathering sophistry people offer so they can support the agenda without appearing to support it is moot because we all know they WOULDN'T be offering all these excuses if it were targeting black people.

Heck, there would be blood in the street if it were blacks instead of Jews.

If you could make a good assignment about blacks it would work as well. The Holocaust works because there is a huge body of well documented evidence supporting the existence of the Holocaust. There is very little that is subjective. It's easy to support one position and easy to deconstruct the other.

Here is a good assignment on blacks ------
"most black Africans were illiterate and
some were even cannibals in 1700.
Black Africans who were brought to the
USA were introduced to Christianity and
many people believe that Christianity
improved their lives-----Discuss the
advantage of the slavery program
for black Africans------who IN THE USA
produced such notables more than
100 years ago as GEORGE WASHINGTON

Bad assignment.

Here would be one more comparable.

There are those who justify slavery by saying it allowed for the South to develop economically in a way that would not have been possible without it. Do you think that economic development can justify slavery?


The Civil War. There are those who take the position that the Civil War was unnecessary and that slavery would have ended eventually anyway without a war.

Both of those examples have objective historical data that could be looked at and a clear moral position that could be arrived at. Can you ever justify slavery? Can you justify allowing slavery to continue when it can be decisively ended by war?
If this were about blacks instead of Jews, the very same politically correct supporters of the agenda involved would be screaming bloody murder.

.....and you can take that one to the bank.

If this thread is a display of any concept at all, it would be the tyranny of the majority. Liberals understand such a concept, and so take note when a large majority singles out a small minority for persecution. Non liberals like the leftists in this thread simply add their voice to the majority in persecuting the minority, however, and so create specious arguments that seek to distance themselves from that which they are really supporting.

The only reason people think this is o.k. is because it is Jews, and because antisemitism is now so politically correct. All the blathering sophistry people offer so they can support the agenda without appearing to support it is moot because we all know they WOULDN'T be offering all these excuses if it were targeting black people.

Heck, there would be blood in the street if it were blacks instead of Jews.

If you could make a good assignment about blacks it would work as well. The Holocaust works because there is a huge body of well documented evidence supporting the existence of the Holocaust. There is very little that is subjective. It's easy to support one position and easy to deconstruct the other.

Here is a good assignment on blacks ------
"most black Africans were illiterate and
some were even cannibals in 1700.
Black Africans who were brought to the
USA were introduced to Christianity and
many people believe that Christianity
improved their lives-----Discuss the
advantage of the slavery program
for black Africans------who IN THE USA
produced such notables more than
100 years ago as GEORGE WASHINGTON

Uncle Remus? zippity doo da
Just keep your nose
To the grindstone they say
Will that redeem us, uncle reemus?
I can't wait til mah fro is full grown
Ill just throw away my doo-rag at home

Ill take a drive to
Beverly hills
Just before dawn
And knock the little jockeys
Off the rich peoples lawn
And before they get up
Ill be gone
(Ill be gone)
Before they get up
Ill be knockin the jockeys off the lawn
(down in the dew)
Frank Zappa - Uncle Remus lyrics
So, now, you are on record as indicating schools should take no position on whether or not the Holocaust actually happened.

Why even call them schools, if so?

the amount of individual attention needed to accomplish
the task coyote describes would be impossible to attain
unless each kid had his own private very intelligent tutor

I think it can be done with well thought out assignments. If you don't, you're really failing the kids because eventually they will encounter the propaganda and as you can see across the boards with a variety of propaganda - people readily believe it.

The assignment cited is far too OPEN-ENDED to teach

You don't know that. All you have is an OP with just a portion of the assignment.

just a portion??? how do you know that? When I was
a kid in junior high------assignments were not written in
VOLUMES-------a research paper was just a TOPIC

I don't know that decisively, but I am quite sure that 8th grade assignments are not conducted in a vacuum.
the amount of individual attention needed to accomplish
the task coyote describes would be impossible to attain
unless each kid had his own private very intelligent tutor

I think it can be done with well thought out assignments. If you don't, you're really failing the kids because eventually they will encounter the propaganda and as you can see across the boards with a variety of propaganda - people readily believe it.

The assignment cited is far too OPEN-ENDED to teach

You don't know that. All you have is an OP with just a portion of the assignment.

just a portion??? how do you know that? When I was
a kid in junior high------assignments were not written in
VOLUMES-------a research paper was just a TOPIC

I don't know that decisively, but I am quite sure that 8th grade assignments are not conducted in a vacuum.

not a vacuum-----in school------research this topic----
and here is an example of a FOOT NOTE -----the paper should be no more than 20 pages

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