...that 'March to the Capitol' was a conspiracy....

Members of the commission investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, on Thursday asserted that President Donald Trump made no efforts to stop rioters even as Vice President Mike Pence attempted to order National Guard troops to quell the violence.

“Not only did President Trump refuse to tell the mob to leave the Capitol, he placed no call to any element of the United States government to instruct that the Capitol be defended,” said Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., during the panel’s wide-ranging Thursday night hearing on the event.

I know you’re intentionally dishonest as well incredibly stupid, but that doesn’t change the actual historical record.

Trump HAD offered to provide the National Guard before 1/6. Nancy the bitch Pelousy rejected it.

I am not surprised that when FBI leaders are questioned in Congressional hearings about the FBI agents there that day, they never answer.

But, ya know. There’s nothing to see here or anything.
I suspect it never occurred to you, because.........you're you, that questions are sometimes asked knowing witnesses can not answer. It's Kabuki theater for the rubes who lap it up like oinkers at the trough.
I suspect it never occurred to you, because.........you're you, that questions are sometimes asked knowing witnesses can not answer. It's Kabuki theater for the rubes who lap it up like oinkers at the trough.
The Kabuki theater are the Trump trials and the idiots being appointed to the bench.
I suspect it never occurred to you, because.........you're you, that questions are sometimes asked knowing witnesses can not answer. It's Kabuki theater for the rubes who lap it up like oinkers at the trough.
I know it has occurred to you to resort to lying.

There is absolutely no valid reason that the FBI director could not have answered the questions about the presence of FBI agents (bus loads) at the Capitol on the date of 1/6.

He and other FBI honchos simply chose not to do so figuring (correctly) that Congress wouldn’t do shit about such refusal to testify.

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I know you’re intentionally dishonest as well incredibly stupid, but that doesn’t change the actual historical record.

Trump HAD offered to provide the National Guard before 1/6. Nancy the bitch Pelousy rejected it.

Sorry, are you upset about having your ignorance about Pence exposed?

Trump’s defense secretary denies there were orders to have 10K troops ready to deploy on January 6​

I know you’re intentionally dishonest as well incredibly stupid, but that doesn’t change the actual historical record.
I know it has occurred to you to resort to lying.

There is absolutely no valid reason that the FBI director could not have answered the questions about the presence of FBI agents (bus loads) at the Capitol on the date of 1/6.

He and other FBI honchos simply chose not to do so figuring (correctly) that Congress wouldn’t do shit about such refusal to testify.
Wait, are all in on Tucker's hysterical "inside job" theory?
Sorry, are you upset about having your ignorance about Pence exposed?

Nope. No such ignorance. Show me any anctual legal authority a VP has to “order” the national guard in.

Otherwise, it would behoove you to stop proving that you’re a liar and an imbecile. 👍
security of the capital is the responsibility of the speaker of the house, the president cannot deploy any security without his/her direction and approval. if you had any understanding of how our government works, you would know that.
That’s absolute bullshit pulled right outta your ass
Nope. No such ignorance. Show me any anctual legal authority a VP has to “order” the national guard in.

Otherwise, it would behoove you to stop proving that you’re a liar and an imbecile. 👍
He actually doesn’t have that legal authority but he did it anyway and the NG honored it because no one else ( Hey Mr. Trump…) was asking them to do it
He actually doesn’t have that legal authority but he did it anyway

No. Lacking the legal authority, he couldn’t have “done it anyway,” you idiot.
and the NG honored it because no one else ( Hey Mr. Trump…) was asking them to do it
He may have asked. I wouldn’t blame him if he had. But he didn’t order a damn thing.

And Trump had already extended the offer, previously. Pelousy failed to act on it.
No. Lacking the legal authority, he couldn’t have “done it anyway,” you idiot.

He may have asked. I wouldn’t blame him if he had. But he didn’t order a damn thing.

And Trump had already extended the offer, previously. Pelousy failed to act on it.
He absolutely DID “ask”/ order. And the NG tested it like an order.

If you dispute that then explain how the NG got there since Trump never ordered them that day
Nope. No such ignorance. Show me any anctual legal authority a VP has to “order” the national guard in.

Otherwise, it would behoove you to stop proving that you’re a liar and an imbecile. 👍
I see. So your dishonest game is moving the goal posts. You asked for a link indicating Pence requested the assistance of NG troops. It was provided.
I get the feeling the smokescreen you are creating is designed to deflect attention away from Trump watching the riot unfold on TV for what, something like 90 minutes, and doing nothing. The guy WHO DID have the authority to do something did nothing.
Perhaps it's time you stop proving you're a liar and an imbecile.
Trump would not call out the troops although asked three times that day

It took a cornered Pence in the parking garage to do it

Milley had to tell Trump he would arrest him if tried to use the troops to end Congress that day

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