That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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Not hardly. You could fit the amount of people that support Westboro in conversion van. It would be insult to the vast and majority of Americans. Gay marriage however has large support across the country.

The endless whining about this is rather delightful to behold though.
Homo marriage has a lot of opposition, too, and for good reason. Obama himself was against it as recently as the 2012 campaign.
Whining is what closeminded bigots call dissent.

So what? Loads of people have changed their minds on gay marriage in the last decade, including the President. No, dissent isn't whining and I never said it was. Whining is what you are doing by comparing this display to Westboro and the court's ruling akin to The Dred Scott decision. That isn't dissent, that is whiny and panty shitting hysterics.
Th Westboro comparison is pure logic. It is intolerance on the same level as homo marriage is homofascist intolerance.

No, it is pure bullshit but please carry on with your hissy fit. While you do, gays will continue to marry in all 50 states, despair in knowing that you can't do a damn thing about it, save whining on the Internet.
Wrong. It's perfectly logical which is why you're having so much trouble grasping it.

Whatever you say, drama queen. Get over it.
Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me.
Homo marriage has a lot of opposition, too, and for good reason. Obama himself was against it as recently as the 2012 campaign.
Whining is what closeminded bigots call dissent.

So what? Loads of people have changed their minds on gay marriage in the last decade, including the President. No, dissent isn't whining and I never said it was. Whining is what you are doing by comparing this display to Westboro and the court's ruling akin to The Dred Scott decision. That isn't dissent, that is whiny and panty shitting hysterics.
Th Westboro comparison is pure logic. It is intolerance on the same level as homo marriage is homofascist intolerance.

No, it is pure bullshit but please carry on with your hissy fit. While you do, gays will continue to marry in all 50 states, despair in knowing that you can't do a damn thing about it, save whining on the Internet.
Wrong. It's perfectly logical which is why you're having so much trouble grasping it.

Whatever you say, drama queen. Get over it.
Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me.
Then why do you keep posting?
So what? Loads of people have changed their minds on gay marriage in the last decade, including the President. No, dissent isn't whining and I never said it was. Whining is what you are doing by comparing this display to Westboro and the court's ruling akin to The Dred Scott decision. That isn't dissent, that is whiny and panty shitting hysterics.
Th Westboro comparison is pure logic. It is intolerance on the same level as homo marriage is homofascist intolerance.

No, it is pure bullshit but please carry on with your hissy fit. While you do, gays will continue to marry in all 50 states, despair in knowing that you can't do a damn thing about it, save whining on the Internet.
Wrong. It's perfectly logical which is why you're having so much trouble grasping it.

Whatever you say, drama queen. Get over it.
Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me.
Then why do you keep posting?

I didn't say it wasn't entertaining. I find these bawl baby hissy fits are awesome to behold.
Another thread about GOP butthurt. Great
No, it's about Americans being insulted.
Speak for yourself, good people are not insulted by this.
Homonazis are not good people. People advocating fascist defacing of American landmarks are not good people. It's like swastika graffiti.
The same Right Wingers who display the Confederate Flag also display the Swastika.

what the? we are talking having the White house light up. It SHOULDN'T have been done OVER some court ruling when it wasn't even a unanimous decision. this was planned to say, UP YOURS and in your face if anyone Disagrees... stick to something that's true for a change
Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me.
Then why do you keep posting?

Great point. He seems to post quite a lot for someone who assures all of us "this is all over, you have no chance".

Meanwhile, has anyone seen the Whitehouse logs of when this rainbow light display was getting set up and tested? Looking for dates before June 26, 2015... :popcorn:
The White House has been lit up pink for breast cancer awareness, has been lit up for Christmas and the 4th of July.

Me? I didn't find anything wrong with the WH being lit up in rainbow colors. I kinda thought it looked neat.
Let me just say to Jarrett and Obama. UP YOURS you classless scum occupying our white house. can't wait until you are GONE

  1. Rainbow White House
  2. Whatever your views, don’t treat the White House like a bumper sticker
  3. by Glenn T. Stanton 7 . 1 . 15
I write this post not as a partisan, but as an American. The White House should not ever be used as an icon or celebration for any particular political or even social cause or purpose, regardless of our personal belief on the rightness of that cause. It just shouldn't.

There are many reasons.

First there's whose house it is. It's the people's House which we happily and proudly present to every President to conduct his solemn business of leading our nation and for the protection, enjoyment, and relaxation of his family.

It is not one person’s, administration’s, or particular group’s house to proclaim his or their particular views on any topic of social or public policy.

Second there's the nature of that great House itself. It is in itself—with no need for help or added flourish—an powerful icon of our nation and all it stands for. If you are proud of what happened on Friday, the White House itself, as well as the dignity of the Court's building, represents that simply because of the kind of government system each stands for. It's physicality and nobility should not be enlisted and used for other purposes.

It is not a bumper sticker, banner, billboard, placard, or t-shirt and should not be used as one. This House is not our governmental equivalent of a google doodle.

This is not only true of the physical structure at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave itself, but its representation as well, such as in the current icon on the White House's twitter account.

ALL of it here:
Rainbow White House Glenn T. Stanton First Things
Last edited:
Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me.
Then why do you keep posting?

Great point. He seems to post quite a lot for someone who assures all of us "this is all over, you have no chance".

Meanwhile, has anyone seen the Whitehouse logs of when this rainbow light display was getting set up and tested? Looking for dates before June 26, 2015... :popcorn:

You misunderstand, I am here to watch you crybabies meltdown and craft wild assed conspiracies to buttress your anti-gay animus. I find it hysterical even though we predicted it months ago.
Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me.
Then why do you keep posting?

Great point. He seems to post quite a lot for someone who assures all of us "this is all over, you have no chance".

Meanwhile, has anyone seen the Whitehouse logs of when this rainbow light display was getting set up and tested? Looking for dates before June 26, 2015... :popcorn:

You misunderstand, I am here to watch you crybabies meltdown and craft wild assed conspiracies to buttress your anti-gay animus. I find it hysterical even though we predicted it months ago.
You did it again.
Or don't. It doesn't really matter to me.
Then why do you keep posting?

Great point. He seems to post quite a lot for someone who assures all of us "this is all over, you have no chance".

Meanwhile, has anyone seen the Whitehouse logs of when this rainbow light display was getting set up and tested? Looking for dates before June 26, 2015... :popcorn:

You misunderstand, I am here to watch you crybabies meltdown and craft wild assed conspiracies to buttress your anti-gay animus. I find it hysterical even though we predicted it months ago.
You did it again.

Yes, I already told you I was going to keep posting here as I enjoy watching the hysterics. You've provided quite a bit today and for that I thank you.
The lights were an "in yo face !" nose-thumbing from Obama to the 40% who disagree with Gay marriage.
I agree....and it was delightful....absolutely delightful. :rofl: :rofl:

And the sanctimonious liberals wonder why there are those who hate liberals. What a fuking waste of tax payer' money.

Ummm... how much do you think a set of spotlight gels costs??

(Hell, I've got a stack of 'em right here. What am I bid?)

That is, if anybody paid for them at all -- the lights themselves were free... I suspect the lighting company included a set of gels for various occasions.

A waste of money regardless of your excuses.
The lights were an "in yo face !" nose-thumbing from Obama to the 40% who disagree with Gay marriage.
I agree....and it was delightful....absolutely delightful. :rofl: :rofl:

And the sanctimonious liberals wonder why there are those who hate liberals. What a fuking waste of tax payer' money.

Ummm... how much do you think a set of spotlight gels costs??

(Hell, I've got a stack of 'em right here. What am I bid?)

That is, if anybody paid for them at all -- the lights themselves were free... I suspect the lighting company included a set of gels for various occasions.

A waste of money regardless of your excuses.

There is no money involved. None.

It's a waste of exactly $0.00.
The lights were an "in yo face !" nose-thumbing from Obama to the 40% who disagree with Gay marriage.
I agree....and it was delightful....absolutely delightful. :rofl: :rofl:

And the sanctimonious liberals wonder why there are those who hate liberals. What a fuking waste of tax payer' money.

Ummm... how much do you think a set of spotlight gels costs??

(Hell, I've got a stack of 'em right here. What am I bid?)

That is, if anybody paid for them at all -- the lights themselves were free... I suspect the lighting company included a set of gels for various occasions.

A waste of money regardless of your excuses.

There is no money involved. None.

It's a waste of exactly $0.00.

No one works for nothing, prove you point with at least some sort of left wing link.
I agree....and it was delightful....absolutely delightful. :rofl: :rofl:

And the sanctimonious liberals wonder why there are those who hate liberals. What a fuking waste of tax payer' money.

Ummm... how much do you think a set of spotlight gels costs??

(Hell, I've got a stack of 'em right here. What am I bid?)

That is, if anybody paid for them at all -- the lights themselves were free... I suspect the lighting company included a set of gels for various occasions.

A waste of money regardless of your excuses.

There is no money involved. None.

It's a waste of exactly $0.00.

No one works for nothing, prove you point with at least some sort of left wing link.

Links are already all over the thread.

Read it.
There is no money involved. None.

It's a waste of exactly $0.00.

So who paid for the electricity to run the light show? Oh, that's right, that was ALL of us taxpayers..

And in case some of you may have missed the bigger point of this thread, if Whitehouse logs show that display getting set up and tested before June 26, 2015, there's a BIG problem of evident collusion between the Executive and Judical branches of government. A conspiracy to remove democracy from the People. Thought I'd just point out that elephant in the living room..
There is no money involved. None.

It's a waste of exactly $0.00.

So who paid for the electricity to run the light show? Oh, that's right, that was ALL of us taxpayers..

And in case some of you may have missed the bigger point of this thread, if Whitehouse logs show that display getting set up and tested before June 26, 2015, there's a BIG problem of evident collusion between the Executive and Judical branches of government. A conspiracy to remove democracy from the People. Thought I'd just point out that elephant in the living room..

Find us a human being so incompetent that it takes more than a half-hour to change a couple of spotlight gels, and you'll have a start on that there theory.

Meanwhile, as regards the electricity, the lights are already on every night. They work the same whether there's colored gels or diffusion (clear) gels. No difference. Literally no difference. As in $0.00

But congratulations on finding new levels of unspeakably stupid pettiness. Even if it didn't pay off.
Yeah, they prolly had the gels ready just in case. Had the decision gone the other way they just would have gone dark and declared a national day of mourning.
Forget the lights, I'm surprised we didn't get to see the big wet kiss Obama gave Biden when they heard the anouncement of the ruling.
Yuh huh.
How exactly would the WBC set up a light show on the White House? Is the Secret Service that bad?
What if obama opposed the SC ruling and demonstrated his disapproval with a Westboro light show on the WH? Same damn thing.

Not hardly. You could fit the amount of people that support Westboro in conversion van. It would be insult to the vast and majority of Americans. Gay marriage however has large support across the country.

The endless whining about this is rather delightful to behold though.
Homo marriage has a lot of opposition, too, and for good reason. Obama himself was against it as recently as the 2012 campaign.
Whining is what closeminded bigots call dissent.

So you call this thread about conspiracy theories where changing spotlight gels takes several days "dissent"?


I call it "whining". Albeit creative.
Now you're deflecting. The thread is more about the blatant in-your-face display by an obstinate, self-focused president. You selectively call it whining. I think your whining about what you call whining is more like whining.
He isn't gay so how was the g display self focused?

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