That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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If that is what they are going to use OUR white house for WE THE PEOPLE pays for. For a Presidents own pleasure just over some freaking COURT RULING and a sign to tell others FU if you don't agree with this ruling. then I'd like it see torn down. He can go back and live in his shanty they own in Chicago. and take that Mother'in'law with them
That display was as appropriate for this branch of government as it was for Justices Kagan and Ginsburg to have presided over gay weddings while the question of "should the fed preside over gay weddings" was pending in the appeal's system on its way up to their Court.

You don't practice tyranny and then flaunt it in the face of the People. In the old days they used to hang them for these types of offenses. And not without excellent reason too.

That's why I keep asking for the dates this light display was set up. Those dates area very important given the arrogance of the display. Because arrogance against the Governed + Foreknowledge of a Judicial Ruling by the Executive Branch = conspiracy & treason.
If that is what they are going to use OUR white house for WE THE PEOPLE pays for. For a Presidents own pleasure just over some freaking COURT RULING and a sign to tell others FU if you don't agree with this ruling. then I'd like it see torn down. He can go back and live in his shanty they own in Chicago. and take that Mother'in'law with them
That display was as appropriate for this branch of government as it was for Justices Kagan and Ginsburg to have presided over gay weddings while the question of "should the fed preside over gay weddings" was pending in the appeal's system on its way up to their Court.

You don't practice tyranny and then flaunt it in the face of the People. In the old days they used to hang them for these types of offenses. And not without excellent reason too.

That's why I keep asking for the dates this light display was set up. Those dates area very important given the arrogance of the display. Because arrogance against the Governed + Foreknowledge of a Judicial Ruling by the Executive Branch = conspiracy & treason.

There ARE NO "DATES" necessary to set up. It takes like fifteen minutes.
The rainbow lights won't be shifted back to traditional Christmas colours because that would take too long and cost too much.

At least that'll be the excuse.....
If that is what they are going to use OUR white house for WE THE PEOPLE pays for. For a Presidents own pleasure just over some freaking COURT RULING and a sign to tell others FU if you don't agree with this ruling. then I'd like it see torn down. He can go back and live in his shanty they own in Chicago. and take that Mother'in'law with them
That display was as appropriate for this branch of government as it was for Justices Kagan and Ginsburg to have presided over gay weddings while the question of "should the fed preside over gay weddings" was pending in the appeal's system on its way up to their Court.

You don't practice tyranny and then flaunt it in the face of the People. In the old days they used to hang them for these types of offenses. And not without excellent reason too.

That's why I keep asking for the dates this light display was set up. Those dates area very important given the arrogance of the display. Because arrogance against the Governed + Foreknowledge of a Judicial Ruling by the Executive Branch = conspiracy & treason.

That wasn't the two question before the courts but whatever. Keep crying though, your tears taste marvelously.
I speak for Americans who were insulted and there are plenty of us. Considering that the president is supposed to represent all of the people his display was rude and in poor taste. Selfish homos who like to have their butts hurt can't get past their own agenda.

What about selfish people who want to control everyone else's lives?
You mean like homofascists who want to force their irrelevant behavior on everyone?

What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

Are you really this much of a baby?
Sieg heil!
I speak for Americans who were insulted and there are plenty of us. Considering that the president is supposed to represent all of the people his display was rude and in poor taste. Selfish homos who like to have their butts hurt can't get past their own agenda.

What about selfish people who want to control everyone else's lives?
You mean like homofascists who want to force their irrelevant behavior on everyone?

What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!
What about selfish people who want to control everyone else's lives?
You mean like homofascists who want to force their irrelevant behavior on everyone?

What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!

You mean like homofascists who want to force their irrelevant behavior on everyone?

What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!
What about selfish people who want to control everyone else's lives?
You mean like homofascists who want to force their irrelevant behavior on everyone?

What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!

I'm sorry, but forcing your personal beliefs on someone else is more a form of tyranny.
You mean like homofascists who want to force their irrelevant behavior on everyone?

What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!

I'm sorry, but forcing your personal beliefs on someone else is more a form of tyranny.

Sieg heil!
What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!

I'm sorry, but forcing your personal beliefs on someone else is more a form of tyranny.

Sieg heil!

Yup, that's all you've got left, right? :blahblah:
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!

I'm sorry, but forcing your personal beliefs on someone else is more a form of tyranny.

Sieg heil!

Yup, that's all you've got left, right? :blahblah:
Sieg heil!
Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
Who is coming into their bedrooms and discriminating against them? They are bringing their bedrooms out to everyone and forcing concessions.
Sieg heil!
Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
Who is coming into their bedrooms and discriminating against them? They are bringing their bedrooms out to everyone and forcing concessions.
Sieg heil!

I know, right? Just today I've had 23 gay people at my door looking for sex, depravity and of course children to molest.

Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
Who is coming into their bedrooms and discriminating against them? They are bringing their bedrooms out to everyone and forcing concessions.
Sieg heil!

Not really. Before this ruling, if two men went to get a marriage license, chances are they could be denied just because they are two men. Same goes for two women. I think you people are so worried unnecessarily. These people already exist and they aren't going to disappear. It's not like people are suddenly going to "turn gay" you know. You are either gay or you are not gay. The less than 10% of people who may be gay and may get married are not going to affect anything in your life.
I wish Congress would get off their asses and impeach Obama over this.
What are they forcing on you?
Acquiescence, acknowledgment, adoption, subsidies, etc., all by government decree.

What are you acquiescing? What adoption? What subsidies. Be more specific please. If you are going to bitch then you really should have SOMETHING concrete at which you are angry about.
Tax breaks and adoption rights for homos. Acquiescence to forced recognition of a legal marriage based on an irrelevant personal behavior.
Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
Who is coming into their bedrooms and discriminating against them? They are bringing their bedrooms out to everyone and forcing concessions.
Sieg heil!

Not really. Before this ruling, if two men went to get a marriage license, chances are they could be denied just because they are two men. Same goes for two women. I think you people are so worried unnecessarily. These people already exist and they aren't going to disappear. It's not like people are suddenly going to "turn gay" you know. You are either gay or you are not gay. The less than 10% of people who may be gay and may get married are not going to affect anything in your life.

Don't bother, my friend. Roshawn is an unreasonable crybaby. You would have better luck trying to discuss this issue with a cat or houseplant. lol.

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