That Rainbow Whitehouse Light Display Took How Many Days To Set Up?

Equally as offensive as if a cross was projected upon LGBT 5-4 loss?

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Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

Remember it is not OK to display the Confederate flag or have the ten commandments on tax payer property, but this is ok.

Yes the hypocrisy of the far left is on full display here!

I am also PRO flying the southern flag. People need to have their freedom without the government interfering.

It does not matter to me, but to outlaw one flag and claim it is not allowed on tax payer property, then to do what the far left did at the WH, just shows their hypocrisy.

I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

Remember it is not OK to display the Confederate flag or have the ten commandments on tax payer property, but this is ok.

Yes the hypocrisy of the far left is on full display here!

I am also PRO flying the southern flag. People need to have their freedom without the government interfering.

It does not matter to me, but to outlaw one flag and claim it is not allowed on tax payer property, then to do what the far left did at the WH, just shows their hypocrisy.

I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well the big middle finger to more than half the country was a very fancy and huge rainbow light display on our public Whitehouse. The electricity to run it was paid for by taxpayers, all of us. But you have to admit, it was big, the colors quite perfectly aligned. Quite a fancy display indeed.

The trouble is, the equivalent would have been if the cult of LGBT lost 5-4 and instead of a rainbow, we had a huge Christian cross projected on the Whitehouse instead. Think the LGBT folks would have had nothing to say about that?... :cranky:

But what's more disturbing about that perfect and large light display is the timing. I doubt it was set up in three days. But maybe it was. Anyone see it being set up before that? Do we have a Whitehouse log of when those workers appeared, when they set it up? I'm interested in the dates..

Because if it was being set up before Friday, that means the outcome of the case was known or likely to have been known by the people involved. One would assume that would include President Obama.

Remember it is not OK to display the Confederate flag or have the ten commandments on tax payer property, but this is ok.

Yes the hypocrisy of the far left is on full display here!

I am also PRO flying the southern flag. People need to have their freedom without the government interfering.

It does not matter to me, but to outlaw one flag and claim it is not allowed on tax payer property, then to do what the far left did at the WH, just shows their hypocrisy.

I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?
Remember it is not OK to display the Confederate flag or have the ten commandments on tax payer property, but this is ok.

Yes the hypocrisy of the far left is on full display here!

I am also PRO flying the southern flag. People need to have their freedom without the government interfering.

It does not matter to me, but to outlaw one flag and claim it is not allowed on tax payer property, then to do what the far left did at the WH, just shows their hypocrisy.

I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?

Again a piece of paper did not bring any happiness, it is just a piece of paper. Although from some a lot of pieces of paper with numbers on them also thinks that will bring happiness as they dig for gold. If someone needs a piece of paper to be happy then their priorities are all mixed up..
I am also PRO flying the southern flag. People need to have their freedom without the government interfering.

It does not matter to me, but to outlaw one flag and claim it is not allowed on tax payer property, then to do what the far left did at the WH, just shows their hypocrisy.

I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?

Again a piece of paper did not bring any happiness, it is just a piece of paper. Although from some a lot of pieces of paper with numbers on them also thinks that will bring happiness as they dig for gold. If someone needs a piece of paper to be happy then their priorities are all mixed up..

So? What if they are? What difference does it make to you?
It does not matter to me, but to outlaw one flag and claim it is not allowed on tax payer property, then to do what the far left did at the WH, just shows their hypocrisy.

I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?

Again a piece of paper did not bring any happiness, it is just a piece of paper. Although from some a lot of pieces of paper with numbers on them also thinks that will bring happiness as they dig for gold. If someone needs a piece of paper to be happy then their priorities are all mixed up..

So? What if they are? What difference does it make to you?

Just pointing out that the happi9ness has to be there before that piece of paper, if not a piece of paper is not going to make them happy and thus dispelling the myth that it will.
I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?

Again a piece of paper did not bring any happiness, it is just a piece of paper. Although from some a lot of pieces of paper with numbers on them also thinks that will bring happiness as they dig for gold. If someone needs a piece of paper to be happy then their priorities are all mixed up..

So? What if they are? What difference does it make to you?

Just pointing out that the happi9ness has to be there before that piece of paper, if not a piece of paper is not going to make them happy and thus dispelling the myth that it will.

Well, I don't see how this argument is effective against SSM, since the same can be the case for heterosexual couples.
Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?

Again a piece of paper did not bring any happiness, it is just a piece of paper. Although from some a lot of pieces of paper with numbers on them also thinks that will bring happiness as they dig for gold. If someone needs a piece of paper to be happy then their priorities are all mixed up..

So? What if they are? What difference does it make to you?

Just pointing out that the happi9ness has to be there before that piece of paper, if not a piece of paper is not going to make them happy and thus dispelling the myth that it will.

Well, I don't see how this argument is effective against SSM, since the same can be the case for heterosexual couples.

Not claiming it was against SSM (you assumed it was), just pointing out that a piece paper can not make one happy. If it does then their priorities are all out of whack. And it applies to everyone thinking that a piece of paper brings happiness.
Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?

Again a piece of paper did not bring any happiness, it is just a piece of paper. Although from some a lot of pieces of paper with numbers on them also thinks that will bring happiness as they dig for gold. If someone needs a piece of paper to be happy then their priorities are all mixed up..

So? What if they are? What difference does it make to you?

Just pointing out that the happi9ness has to be there before that piece of paper, if not a piece of paper is not going to make them happy and thus dispelling the myth that it will.

Well, I don't see how this argument is effective against SSM, since the same can be the case for heterosexual couples.

Not claiming it was against SSM (you assumed it was), just pointing out that a piece paper can not make one happy. If it does then their priorities are all out of whack. And it applies to everyone thinking that a piece of paper brings happiness.

Okay . . .
It seems as if posters here are incapable (on purpose?) of visiting the subject of this thread.

Hey Chris, do you think it matters if Obama's Whitehouse had that rainbow light display in place and tested out before June 26, 2015?
Granted................if you're not happy with your significant other before you get married, a piece of paper saying you are married won't make you happier.

However......................almost all of the gay people that I saw on the news that were getting married looked pretty happy with each other.

No, that piece of paper won't make you happy, but it WILL give you security in case your significant other dies, it WILL get you into their hospital room if they are hurt or sick because you will be considered immediate family, and that piece of paper WILL get you tax breaks that are given to all married Americans.

Besides....................most gay couples that I've known have been together LONGER than most hetero couples that I've known.
Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
There's no such thing as "gay people" anymore than there are "bulimic people". A sexual or eating orientation doesn't make an identity. And if it does, then all sorts of behavioral orientations make equally legally-potent "identities".

And that's going to cause a whole rat's nest of legal problems.

And speaking of problems...anyone see a problem with the Whitehouse being all set up and ready to flaunt this arrogant light show ahead of the Supreme Court Ruling? I do...
As long as left wing nazis prevail, law and logic are paradoxical.

Sorry, but you religious weirdos are more like the Nazis, trying to force your beliefs on others. America is not a theocracy.
So you advocate forcing irrelevant personal sexual acts into others. You advocate for what you object to.
Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
There's no such thing as "gay people" anymore than there are "bulimic people". A sexual or eating orientation doesn't make an identity. And if it does, then all sorts of behavioral orientations make equally legally-potent "identities".

And that's going to cause a whole rat's nest of legal problems.

And speaking of problems...anyone see a problem with the Whitehouse being all set up and ready to flaunt this arrogant light show ahead of the Supreme Court Ruling? I do...
As long as left wing nazis prevail, law and logic are paradoxical.

Sorry, but you religious weirdos are more like the Nazis, trying to force your beliefs on others. America is not a theocracy.
So you advocate forcing irrelevant personal sexual acts into others. You advocate for what you object to.

How is legalizing gay marriage "forcing irrelevant personal sexual acts into others".

Gays being allowed to marry DOES NOT mean that straights are going to have to perform irrelevant sexual acts.
Gay people here in America work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are Americans. They deserve the same rights and privileges as anyone else and should not be discriminated against because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. That is just silly. Not to mention, mean spirited.
There's no such thing as "gay people" anymore than there are "bulimic people". A sexual or eating orientation doesn't make an identity. And if it does, then all sorts of behavioral orientations make equally legally-potent "identities".

And that's going to cause a whole rat's nest of legal problems.

And speaking of problems...anyone see a problem with the Whitehouse being all set up and ready to flaunt this arrogant light show ahead of the Supreme Court Ruling? I do...
As long as left wing nazis prevail, law and logic are paradoxical.

Sorry, but you religious weirdos are more like the Nazis, trying to force your beliefs on others. America is not a theocracy.
So you advocate forcing irrelevant personal sexual acts into others. You advocate for what you object to.

How is legalizing gay marriage "forcing irrelevant personal sexual acts into others".

Gays being allowed to marry DOES NOT mean that straights are going to have to perform irrelevant sexual acts.
Legal marriage involves everyone from acknowledgment to subsidies to adoption, etc.
Hey Wee-Wee Boy is allowing gays to marry going to affect YOUR own marriage?

It won't.
It seems as if posters here are incapable (on purpose?) of visiting the subject of this thread.

Hey Chris, do you think it matters if Obama's Whitehouse had that rainbow light display in place and tested out before June 26, 2015?

What is there to focus on? You have not produced a shred of evidence to support your assertion. Instead, you demand others to find it for you. When they don't, you pretend it further supports your assertion. Hint: it doesn't. Show us what you got!
Yanno................any halfway decent roadie from just about any halfway decent band could fix that light display in probably less than an hour, because it only requires 6 different colored gels be placed on the EXISTING lights that already light up the place.

When the WH heard about the SC ruling THAT MORNING, I'm sure that in the 10 or so hours of daylight left, they could get it completed before nightfall.

Test run my ass........................because if there WERE a test run, don't you think that the hundreds of tourists (as well as the locals) that pass in front of it every night would have noticed and posted pics on Instagram?
Remember it is not OK to display the Confederate flag or have the ten commandments on tax payer property, but this is ok.

Yes the hypocrisy of the far left is on full display here!

I am also PRO flying the southern flag. People need to have their freedom without the government interfering.

It does not matter to me, but to outlaw one flag and claim it is not allowed on tax payer property, then to do what the far left did at the WH, just shows their hypocrisy.

I agree. I am totally against the flag situation. However, that is less serious than denying people the right to their happiness and to marry the person they love.

What if things were reversed? Try putting yourself in that situation, and you can see how unfair it is.

Yet "marriage" is not a "right"..

And "marriage" is not always happy. A piece of paper can not create the happiness, anyone believing a piece of paper equals happiness, then they are definitely not one to understand the situation.

Well then, I suppose you should get divorced. :D What difference does it make?
No...I'm sure Kosh never got legally married. After all "a piece of paper can not create" happiness.

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