That shining "god" Obama couldn't even with nearly a $1 trillion in shovel ready jobs do this!

A report Thursday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics cast an even brighter light on what is becoming one of the most important economic stories of 2018:
the difficulty employers are having in finding qualified employees to fill a record 6.7 million job openings.

  • Truck drivers are in perilously low supply,
  • Silicon Valley continues to struggle to fill vacancies, and
  • employers across the grid are coping with a skills mismatch
as the economy edges ever closer to full employment.

“Business’ number one problem is finding qualified workers. At the current pace of job growth, if sustained, this problem is set to get much worse,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said in a statement. “These labor shortages will only intensify across all industries and company sizes.”
The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point

Now WHY does a Trump presidency provide a business environment where THERE ARE MORE JOBS available than people to fill them?
Maybe because during our "deified God" presidency and I'm not making that what a hardened
"professional journalist said about Obama...
Evan Thomas, Editor of NewsWeek...
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Despite the miserable results from the $48 billion spent on infrastructure in the $787 billion American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, President Obama’s recently-proposed American Jobs Act includes $50 billion for new infrastructure projects to be funded through the creation of a government-run infrastructure bank
The Shovel-Ready Jobs Swindle

And it was so evident that EVEN OBAMA said there never were "shovel ready jobs"!
"Remember ‘shovel-ready projects.' Those were construction projects in the 2009 stimulus bill that were supposed to get moving right away ... ‘Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected,' Obama said." (David Jackson, "Obama Jokes About 'Shovel-Ready Projects'," USA Today, 6/13/11)
Mitt Romney: Press Release - President Obama's Not-So-Shovel-Ready Jobs

MAYBE JUST MAYBE Trump would NEVER be so anti-business, anti-profit, anti-capitalist as this list of Obama
quotes show. NONE of which Trump WOULD ever ever say!View attachment 203053

Idiot, Obama had to deal with 10% unemployment - OF COURSE at that time we were nowhere close to full employment.


The "shining god" oversaw Great Recession turn into stable growth with unemployment falling to 4.5%. Having inherited that economy Trump record is riding on the coattails of that success.
...and his answer was let's spend trillions of dollars (making sure to enrich his donors in the process), heavily regulate industry to benefit his big corporate donors...hey a six year old could have done that.

Obama The Corporatist...but many Americans don't know this.

That's hilarious considering you clearly love deficit fueled Trump stimulus.

Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.

Obama and the Democrats added nearly $7 Trillion in new debt in Barry's 1st 4 years, starting off with the nearly $1 trillion failed stimulus bill. I would rather have a deficit fueled 'Best economy / lowest unemployment in decades' under Trump than the failed, deficit-fueled economy, high unemployment, record number of Americans on Food Stamps / Welfare / Unemployment, etc...' under Barry.

If you have such a strong economy, why do you need to run a deficit?
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .
Funny how obamas policies never worked until he left office. As a business guy, obama leaving office was the best thing he did for us
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy was improving since 2010. Your guy gets the credit for the valley.
No silly, it has nothing to do with personalities. It has to do with sound economics.

When you are in the middle of a disaster like Great Recession deficit funded stimulus is the appropriate response to help break the downward spiral and ease some of the pain.

The appropriate thing to do during good times with full employment however is to PAY DOWN DEFICITS and get fiscally stable. Which is exactly OPPOSITE of what Trump and Republicans did.
Yet all he did was bail out big corps, while doing nothing for the average citizen.

Bullshit. Straight up, clueless bullshit.

many components of stimulus directly and indirectly benefited the average citizen. Starting with "making work pay" tax credits.

Making Work Pay tax credit - Wikipedia
Really? Enlighten me please.

...i just did!

Making Work Pay tax credit - Wikipedia

In years 2009 and 2010 Making Work Pay provided $400 annual credit for individuals or $800 for married taxpayers...making between $8,100 per year and $190,000 per year.

That's just ONE of many parts of Stimulus.
Peanuts in comparison.

Millions of Americans lost their homes. Millions more lost much of their wealth from the stock market crash. This was the consequence of criminal behavior on the part of big banks. yet obama bailed them out and prosecuted no one.
He couldn't have done it without the right wing.
Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists

This never happened under Obama... NEVER!
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them
There are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them.
It’s the first time that has happened since the government began tracking job openings in 2000.
There were a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. That was an increase from an upwardly revised 6.63 million in March.
The revised data show that job openings outstripped total unemployed workers in March for the first time, and the trend continued in April.
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them

But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.
This never happened under Obama... NEVER!
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them
There are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them.
It’s the first time that has happened since the government began tracking job openings in 2000.
There were a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. That was an increase from an upwardly revised 6.63 million in March.
The revised data show that job openings outstripped total unemployed workers in March for the first time, and the trend continued in April.
There now are more job openings in the U.S. than unemployed workers to fill them

But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.

But it never WENT down consistently. It went up dramatically and 2017 was a decline from 2016. That is a turn around. 7 years of constant growth of part time workers.

We do not know if it is down consistently under Trump or not. Time will tell if you are correct.
Part timers have fluctuated between 27 and 28 million for the last 9 years now. This is yet another trend which has continued under Trump.


By the way, the jobs numbers are out for June and they’re good again. Kudos to Trump, this is his economy now.
But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.
But this is not what you claimed, you claimed that things "turned around", so if this is the case then you should be able to provide at least one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

As has been shown in this thread, unemployment did not, it has been heading steadily down for the past 6 years.

And you are correct, that Obama never had more jobs that people, but Trump did not start his term with in the middle of a recession with an 8% unemployment rate. So I could say that Trump has never cut the UE rate in half, so he is worse than Obama...would that make much sense?

So, I will ask you again, can you provide just one economic indicator that turned around after the election.

Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.

But it never WENT down consistently. It went up dramatically and 2017 was a decline from 2016. That is a turn around. 7 years of constant growth of part time workers.

We do not know if it is down consistently under Trump or not. Time will tell if you are correct.
Part timers have fluctuated between 27 and 28 million for the last 9 years now. This is yet another trend which has continued under Trump.


By the way, the jobs numbers are out for June and they’re good again. Kudos to Trump, this is his economy now.

The 2.7% increase in hourly wages being the best of the good news from June.
The average hourly wage paid to American workers rose by 5 cents, or 0.2%, to $26.98.
The yearly rate of pay increases was unchanged at 2.7%.
Employment gains for May and April were revised up by a combined 37,000, the Labor Department said Friday.
The government said 244,000 new jobs were created in May instead of 223,000. April's increase was raised to 175,000 from 159,000.
U.S. gains 213,000 jobs in June; unemployment rises to 4%

US Average Hourly Earnings Historical Data June 30, 2016 $25.62
US Average Hourly Earnings
Another economic indicator going up and this is for the WAGE earner UP. 5% more than same time in 2016. This meant overall 40 hour work week wages increased $54.40
or annually $2,828.80.

A economic indicator going UP after Obama stagnant hourly wages. That averaged only 0.2% increase per week versus Trump's 0.22% increase.
The average hourly wage paid to American workers rose by 5 cents, or 0.2%, to $26.98.
The yearly rate of pay increases was unchanged at 2.7%.
Employment gains for May and April were revised up by a combined 37,000, the Labor Department said Friday.
The government said 244,000 new jobs were created in May instead of 223,000. April's increase was raised to 175,000 from 159,000.
U.S. gains 213,000 jobs in June; unemployment rises to 4%

US Average Hourly Earnings Historical Data June 30, 2016 $25.62
US Average Hourly Earnings
Another economic indicator going up and this is for the WAGE earner UP. 5% more than same time in 2016. This meant overall 40 hour work week wages increased $54.40
or annually $2,828.80.

A economic indicator going UP after Obama stagnant hourly wages. That averaged only 0.2% increase per week versus Trump's 0.22% increase.

WOW....0.22% as opposed to 0.20%....What a turn around! An extra 0.02% Fuck yeah, now I can retire early! :21::21::21::21:
Obama's middle-of-recession Stimulus cost ~500B (with dynamic effect) and Trump's tax-cuts-in-the-middle-of-full-employment will cost ~1 TRILLION.
In one flash of his pen Obama signed into law the $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,000 self-serving, self-enriching, DNC-ONLY pieces of pork.

Hailed as a 'jobs bill, the bill bailed out Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business, financially helped Pelosi's husband's failing business, and financed every pet project the Democrats had held onto for years. It failed to keep unemployment down below 9% as promised, failed to boos the economy.

The CBO stated afterwards that the bill helped create a reported modest number of jobs (the numbers for which were found to have been 'fudged' / made-up...for example, Obama claimed to have created / saved more jobs at one factory than they actually had people working there...). By the CBO's calculations, the cost of each job created / saved thanks to Obama's jobs $1 Trillion 'Jobs' bill was approx. $774,000 PER JOB. ...and, AGAIN, it completely FAILED to boost / help the economy or average American worker - it was a Liberal Pork-Fueled 'Wet Dream' tax payer expense.

Compare that to the Trump Tax Cuts' Results:

More Jobs, More FULL TIME jobs, Pay Raises, Bonuses...
Best Economy seen in decades
Lowest unemployment seen in decades
Fewest people on Welfare, Unemployment, & Food Stamps in decades
Record Stock Market
Higher home values
Higher approval ratings for Trump than Reagan and Obama
Highest number of tantrums thrown by Trump-Hating, Butt-Hurt, Felon-Hillary-Supporting snowflakes
Record intolerance, hate, and violence from b@t-schmidt crazy Leftists

nobody takes the right wing seriously.
The average hourly wage paid to American workers rose by 5 cents, or 0.2%, to $26.98.
The yearly rate of pay increases was unchanged at 2.7%.
Employment gains for May and April were revised up by a combined 37,000, the Labor Department said Friday.
The government said 244,000 new jobs were created in May instead of 223,000. April's increase was raised to 175,000 from 159,000.
U.S. gains 213,000 jobs in June; unemployment rises to 4%

US Average Hourly Earnings Historical Data June 30, 2016 $25.62
US Average Hourly Earnings
Another economic indicator going up and this is for the WAGE earner UP. 5% more than same time in 2016. This meant overall 40 hour work week wages increased $54.40
or annually $2,828.80.

A economic indicator going UP after Obama stagnant hourly wages. That averaged only 0.2% increase per week versus Trump's 0.22% increase.

WOW....0.22% as opposed to 0.20%....What a turn around! An extra 0.02% Fuck yeah, now I can retire early! :21::21::21::21:
good thing the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
A report Thursday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics cast an even brighter light on what is becoming one of the most important economic stories of 2018:
the difficulty employers are having in finding qualified employees to fill a record 6.7 million job openings.

  • Truck drivers are in perilously low supply,
  • Silicon Valley continues to struggle to fill vacancies, and
  • employers across the grid are coping with a skills mismatch
as the economy edges ever closer to full employment.

“Business’ number one problem is finding qualified workers. At the current pace of job growth, if sustained, this problem is set to get much worse,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said in a statement. “These labor shortages will only intensify across all industries and company sizes.”
The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point

Now WHY does a Trump presidency provide a business environment where THERE ARE MORE JOBS available than people to fill them?
Maybe because during our "deified God" presidency and I'm not making that what a hardened
"professional journalist said about Obama...
Evan Thomas, Editor of NewsWeek...
"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Despite the miserable results from the $48 billion spent on infrastructure in the $787 billion American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, President Obama’s recently-proposed American Jobs Act includes $50 billion for new infrastructure projects to be funded through the creation of a government-run infrastructure bank
The Shovel-Ready Jobs Swindle

And it was so evident that EVEN OBAMA said there never were "shovel ready jobs"!
"Remember ‘shovel-ready projects.' Those were construction projects in the 2009 stimulus bill that were supposed to get moving right away ... ‘Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected,' Obama said." (David Jackson, "Obama Jokes About 'Shovel-Ready Projects'," USA Today, 6/13/11)
Mitt Romney: Press Release - President Obama's Not-So-Shovel-Ready Jobs

MAYBE JUST MAYBE Trump would NEVER be so anti-business, anti-profit, anti-capitalist as this list of Obama
quotes show. NONE of which Trump WOULD ever ever say!View attachment 203053
Can't. Quit. Obama.
The average hourly wage paid to American workers rose by 5 cents, or 0.2%, to $26.98.
The yearly rate of pay increases was unchanged at 2.7%.
Employment gains for May and April were revised up by a combined 37,000, the Labor Department said Friday.
The government said 244,000 new jobs were created in May instead of 223,000. April's increase was raised to 175,000 from 159,000.
U.S. gains 213,000 jobs in June; unemployment rises to 4%

US Average Hourly Earnings Historical Data June 30, 2016 $25.62
US Average Hourly Earnings
Another economic indicator going up and this is for the WAGE earner UP. 5% more than same time in 2016. This meant overall 40 hour work week wages increased $54.40
or annually $2,828.80.

A economic indicator going UP after Obama stagnant hourly wages. That averaged only 0.2% increase per week versus Trump's 0.22% increase.

WOW....0.22% as opposed to 0.20%....What a turn around! An extra 0.02% Fuck yeah, now I can retire early! :21::21::21::21:
good thing the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

and at 0.02% that is an extra 0.003 dollars and hour. :21::21:
The average hourly wage paid to American workers rose by 5 cents, or 0.2%, to $26.98.
The yearly rate of pay increases was unchanged at 2.7%.
Employment gains for May and April were revised up by a combined 37,000, the Labor Department said Friday.
The government said 244,000 new jobs were created in May instead of 223,000. April's increase was raised to 175,000 from 159,000.
U.S. gains 213,000 jobs in June; unemployment rises to 4%

US Average Hourly Earnings Historical Data June 30, 2016 $25.62
US Average Hourly Earnings
Another economic indicator going up and this is for the WAGE earner UP. 5% more than same time in 2016. This meant overall 40 hour work week wages increased $54.40
or annually $2,828.80.

A economic indicator going UP after Obama stagnant hourly wages. That averaged only 0.2% increase per week versus Trump's 0.22% increase.

WOW....0.22% as opposed to 0.20%....What a turn around! An extra 0.02% Fuck yeah, now I can retire early! :21::21::21::21:
good thing the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

and at 0.02% that is an extra 0.003 dollars and hour. :21::21:
qe didn't cause much inflation; why should full employment. another myth that needs to be busted.
BO never reached 3%. Trump did it in his first year. Must mean greater economic growth no?
Liar, flaming imbecile, or both; which one are you?

Quarters of 3% or higher since 2009...

2009Q4: 3.9
2010Q2: 3.9
2011Q4: 4.6
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2013Q3: 3.1
2013Q4: 4.0
2014Q2: 4.6
2014Q3: 5.2
2015Q1: 3.2
2017Q2: 3.1
2017Q3: 3.2

Annual GDP since 2009...

2009: -2.8
2010: 2.5
2011: 1.6
2012: 2.2
2013: 1.7
2014: 2.6
2015: 2.9
2016: 1.5
2017: 2.3

This is why there is no reasoning with rightards. They are truly just fucking insane. :cuckoo:
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .
Funny how obamas policies never worked until he left office. As a business guy, obama leaving office was the best thing he did for us
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy was improving since 2010. Your guy gets the credit for the valley.

'nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics'

No insane SNOWFLAKE takes Conservatives seriously about the economy...they actually believed the sired offspring of an anti-colonialist America-hating Muslim, tutored by communist Frank Marshall Davis, mentored by hate-spewing anti-American racist Jeremiah Wright, friend of domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers, who was a Community Organizer' and 1/2-term Senator would be / was more successful at improving the US economy than an actual successful millionaire businessman...



1. CONGRESS (usually), not a PRESIDENT, has control over spending, the budget, and thus the economy.

2. During Bush's time in office - 8 years - $4 Trillion in new debt was added
-- For the 1st 6 years with a Congress controlling the purse strings, ONLY $2.5 Trillion was added
...*** This included the events of 9/11/01 its aftermath, and the cost of 2 wars.

3. The Democrats controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years, meaning THEY controlled spending, the purse strings, and therefore the economy. During those 2 years, DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt...IN ONLY 2 YEARS and while NOT facing the same tragedies/problems Bush and the GOP had in the 1st 6 years. In only 2 years the Democrats added just $1 Trillion less than what Bush and the GOP had added in 6 (SIX) years.

4. Democrats controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and during Obama's 1st 2 years...again meaning they controlled spending, the purse strings, the budget....the ECONOMY. Obama and ignorant snowflake sheep screamed how Obama had 'inherited' a 'bad economy'....but they REFUSED to accept that Congress / the ECONOMY had been under DEMOCRAT control the last 2 years before Obama took over.


Snowflakes, lie, deny, justify, deceive, spin, claim they are NEVER wrong, NEVER responsible for anything, and ALWAYS accuse others of doing what THEY.

By declaring / admitting it is CONGRESS who controls spending / the budget / the economy you argued that it was the DEMOCRATS responsible for the declining economy Obama inherited when he took over....and Barry doubled-down on stepping on the neck of the economy by immediately passing the disastrous $2 Trillion Stimulus 'JOBS' Bill that contained, again, over 7,000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) self-serving, self-enriching DEMOCRATIC-PARTY-ONLY pieces of PORK that did NOTHING to improve the economy...and did NOT improve the economy.
Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.
Easy! Look at this chart!
Number of part-time employees in the U.S. 1990-2017 | Timeline

As this chart shows Obama's economy INCREASED part-time workers because of several reasons one was Obamacare.
But look every year of Obama's presidency Part time employees Increased.
It wasn't till Trump the number has declined and will continue to decline as more and more employers are finding it hard to find employees.
A problem they didn't have during Obama's terms.
View attachment 203165

According to that chart part-time workers evened out in 2012 and has stayed about the same since. 2017 is no lower than 2015. No turn around there.

But it never WENT down consistently. It went up dramatically and 2017 was a decline from 2016. That is a turn around. 7 years of constant growth of part time workers.

We do not know if it is down consistently under Trump or not. Time will tell if you are correct.
Part timers have fluctuated between 27 and 28 million for the last 9 years now. This is yet another trend which has continued under Trump.


By the way, the jobs numbers are out for June and they’re good again. Kudos to Trump, this is his economy now.

The 2.7% increase in hourly wages being the best of the good news from June.
That is good but there are other gems to be found too... about 600,000 people entered the labor force. An indication that many people are starting to look for work.
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .
Funny how obamas policies never worked until he left office. As a business guy, obama leaving office was the best thing he did for us
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy was improving since 2010. Your guy gets the credit for the valley.

'nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics'

No insane SNOWFLAKE takes Conservatives seriously about the economy...they actually believed the sired offspring of an anti-colonialist America-hating Muslim, tutored by communist Frank Marshall Davis, mentored by hate-spewing anti-American racist Jeremiah Wright, friend of domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers, who was a Community Organizer' and 1/2-term Senator would be / was more successful at improving the US economy than an actual successful millionaire businessman...



1. CONGRESS (usually), not a PRESIDENT, has control over spending, the budget, and thus the economy.

2. During Bush's time in office - 8 years - $4 Trillion in new debt was added
-- For the 1st 6 years with a Congress controlling the purse strings, ONLY $2.5 Trillion was added
...*** This included the events of 9/11/01 its aftermath, and the cost of 2 wars.

3. The Democrats controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years, meaning THEY controlled spending, the purse strings, and therefore the economy. During those 2 years, DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt...IN ONLY 2 YEARS and while NOT facing the same tragedies/problems Bush and the GOP had in the 1st 6 years. In only 2 years the Democrats added just $1 Trillion less than what Bush and the GOP had added in 6 (SIX) years.

4. Democrats controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and during Obama's 1st 2 years...again meaning they controlled spending, the purse strings, the budget....the ECONOMY. Obama and ignorant snowflake sheep screamed how Obama had 'inherited' a 'bad economy'....but they REFUSED to accept that Congress / the ECONOMY had been under DEMOCRAT control the last 2 years before Obama took over.


Snowflakes, lie, deny, justify, deceive, spin, claim they are NEVER wrong, NEVER responsible for anything, and ALWAYS accuse others of doing what THEY.

By declaring / admitting it is CONGRESS who controls spending / the budget / the economy you argued that it was the DEMOCRATS responsible for the declining economy Obama inherited when he took over....and Barry doubled-down on stepping on the neck of the economy by immediately passing the disastrous $2 Trillion Stimulus 'JOBS' Bill that contained, again, over 7,000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) self-serving, self-enriching DEMOCRATIC-PARTY-ONLY pieces of PORK that did NOTHING to improve the economy...and did NOT improve the economy.
Yet, we had no trade wars, the rich got bailed out and got to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses, and the stock market kept going up.
Obama got us out of a recession. Trump is riding his wave .
Funny how obamas policies never worked until he left office. As a business guy, obama leaving office was the best thing he did for us
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy was improving since 2010. Your guy gets the credit for the valley.

'nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics'

No insane SNOWFLAKE takes Conservatives seriously about the economy...they actually believed the sired offspring of an anti-colonialist America-hating Muslim, tutored by communist Frank Marshall Davis, mentored by hate-spewing anti-American racist Jeremiah Wright, friend of domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers, who was a Community Organizer' and 1/2-term Senator would be / was more successful at improving the US economy than an actual successful millionaire businessman...



1. CONGRESS (usually), not a PRESIDENT, has control over spending, the budget, and thus the economy.

2. During Bush's time in office - 8 years - $4 Trillion in new debt was added
-- For the 1st 6 years with a Congress controlling the purse strings, ONLY $2.5 Trillion was added
...*** This included the events of 9/11/01 its aftermath, and the cost of 2 wars.

3. The Democrats controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years, meaning THEY controlled spending, the purse strings, and therefore the economy. During those 2 years, DEMOCRATS added $1.5 Trillion in new debt...IN ONLY 2 YEARS and while NOT facing the same tragedies/problems Bush and the GOP had in the 1st 6 years. In only 2 years the Democrats added just $1 Trillion less than what Bush and the GOP had added in 6 (SIX) years.

4. Democrats controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and during Obama's 1st 2 years...again meaning they controlled spending, the purse strings, the budget....the ECONOMY. Obama and ignorant snowflake sheep screamed how Obama had 'inherited' a 'bad economy'....but they REFUSED to accept that Congress / the ECONOMY had been under DEMOCRAT control the last 2 years before Obama took over.


Snowflakes, lie, deny, justify, deceive, spin, claim they are NEVER wrong, NEVER responsible for anything, and ALWAYS accuse others of doing what THEY.

By declaring / admitting it is CONGRESS who controls spending / the budget / the economy you argued that it was the DEMOCRATS responsible for the declining economy Obama inherited when he took over....and Barry doubled-down on stepping on the neck of the economy by immediately passing the disastrous $2 Trillion Stimulus 'JOBS' Bill that contained, again, over 7,000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) self-serving, self-enriching DEMOCRATIC-PARTY-ONLY pieces of PORK that did NOTHING to improve the economy...and did NOT improve the economy.

What a bullshitterconservative you are.

You hold Democrats responsible for the economy from 2007 through 2010 because they controlled the purse strings — while during that period, the biggest impact on the economy came not from spending, but from the Great Recession Bush and Republicans foisted on America.
I never really hear anyone refer to Obama as a "god" except Republicans.

I think they are major pissed he was such a better president than Trump, Bush, Bush, Reagan or Nixon. All of them had major scandals. Obama's so called scandals were the birth certificate that racists threw at him and how come we can't see his college transcripts?

And WE can't even see Trump's tax returns.

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