That unAmerican black chick with the African name promises free healthcare for all.

Independent estimates of the costs are basically it would nearly double the federal government budget. That's why they are drooling for it.
As long as rubes like you allow the GOP and Trump to hoax you about their non-existent fake Obamacare replacement year after year after year after year, then it is inevitable we will end up with socialized medicine.

As long as you get in line to BEG to be lied to, we will have single payer healthcare sooner or later.
That unAmerican black chick with the African name promises free healthcare for all.
You must be one of those LBJ Democrats we hear so much about.

Was LBJ the one who couldn't tell the difference between "African" and "Sanskrit"?

Btw OP ( BrokeLoser ) ---- what's the point of trying to make a Sanskrit name "African"?
Wait, lemme guess ---- 'they all sound alike to you', amirite?
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Day 1: The Signing of ObamaCare


O no he di'int!


Trow da bahstahds out!


We're going to put on some theater for the rubes and repeal ObamaCare, knowing it will be stopped in the Senate and by Obama.


Time travel forward five years...


ObamaCare is repealed for the 60th time!


The rubes never get tired of this shit, and they never catch on!


Time travel forward one year...


Trump and the GOP win! Now we can REALLY repeal ObamaCare!!!


I don't REALLY have a replacement for the ACA. That was just a ruse to win the election!


You've had NINE YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
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Wait, you led with unamerican, female, black and african.

First, given your tone, indicating all are bad.

Second, giving the impresson her race and gender are more imoortant than her healthcare views.

Don’t be scared..put on your straight jacket, get in your safe space and say something meaningful about something meaningful. Simple shit.
I'm fairly convinced the pseudocons secretly desire single payer healthcare. Their actions speak volumes to that effect.
I'm fairly convinced the pseudocons secretly desire single payer healthcare. Their actions speak volumes to that effect.

LefTard Logic:
“My mind is so fucked and twisted...surely everybody’s minds is equally as fucked up.”
I'm fairly convinced the pseudocons secretly desire single payer healthcare. Their actions speak volumes to that effect.

LefTard Logic:
“My mind is so fucked and twisted...surely everybody’s minds is equally as fucked up.”
You have been presenting your anus to the GOP and Trump for nine years, and have not once held them accountable for hoaxing you about an Obamacare repeal and replacement.

So, yeah. Your actions tell all, cuck. You clearly enjoy being lied to and secretly hope for single payer health care.
I'm fairly convinced the pseudocons secretly desire single payer healthcare. Their actions speak volumes to that effect.

LefTard Logic:
“My mind is so fucked and twisted...surely everybody’s minds is equally as fucked up.”
You have been presenting your anus to the GOP and Trump for nine years, and have not once held them accountable for hoaxing you about an Obamacare repeal and replacement.

So, yeah. Your actions tell all, cuck. You clearly enjoy being lied to and secretly hope for single payer health care.

Could it be that there really is no viable “replacement” for Obeaner Care without going full commie?
You statists realize the Kenyan Chimp set a plan in action that looked good on paper for some yet had an expiration date due to its unsustainability...Obeaner Care always was a time-bomb. You knew that right?

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