That unAmerican black chick with the African name promises free healthcare for all.


Clown, remember when Trump blabbed that he had the details of his newfangled health care plan that would cover everybody, cheaper? Remember he said the plan was written down on a scrap of paper that he stuck in his pocket?

I guess his slacks went in the wash & his beautiful plan went down the drain.

Aside from the cost, there's also an access problem. As we speak, we already don't have enough providers; how on earth could free healthcare for all be possible? If you look at Canada and Britain and any other UHC system around the world, they all have very long waiting lists of people, some of whom die waiting to see a specialist. Look at our own VA system that provides UHC for our vets; it's a shameful mess, rife with fraud, waste, and abuse, and some people want to do that for everybody? It sounds great, but in reality it doesn't work out too well.
The VA isn't that bad. If countries are having problems recruiting enough doctors, they should look into why and improve their practices.
So, yeah, pseudocons. Here it comes. Single payer healthcare.

And when it does, you will blame the blacks and the Mexicans and the homos and whatever other minority springs to mind, but the real culprit has been looking back at you in the mirror all this time.
The days of expecting average Americans, who are getting broker and broker, to pay for their insurance are gone. It's not our fault; it has become too astronomically expensive to pay for wellness.
Such is the ignorance, fear, racism, and hate common to most on the right.
Race card played by a hater


Check out the title here. If his topic is "health care" what the fuck does "black" have to do with anything?
If the topic is "health care" how did Oakland California become "unAmerica"? Where is it now, Kenya? And whether it is or isn't what the fuck does that have to do with "health care"?
If the topic is "health care" why does the OP pretend a Sanskrit name is "African"? Does this mean Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal are "African" too? And even if they were what the fuck would it have to do with "health care"?

Read much?
Same way they pay for the military budget.
Maintaining the military is an actual constitutional government function.

Taking money from Republicans to pay for Democrat's healthcare is not.
So is providing for the common good.

Democrats pay taxes so poor repubs like you can have healthcare.
There is no Constitutional mandate for handouts to lazy Democrats and illegal immigrants (AKA future Democrats).
Same way they pay for the military budget.
Maintaining the military is an actual constitutional government function.

Taking money from Republicans to pay for Democrat's healthcare is not.
So is providing for the common good.

Democrats pay taxes so poor repubs like you can have healthcare.
There is no Constitutional mandate for handouts to lazy Democrats and illegal immigrants (AKA future Democrats).
There is no Constitutional mandate for handouts to lazy repubs either yet you still collect welfare. :rolleyes:
Aside from the cost, there's also an access problem. As we speak, we already don't have enough providers; how on earth could free healthcare for all be possible? If you look at Canada and Britain and any other UHC system around the world, they all have very long waiting lists of people, some of whom die waiting to see a specialist. Look at our own VA system that provides UHC for our vets; it's a shameful mess, rife with fraud, waste, and abuse, and some people want to do that for everybody? It sounds great, but in reality it doesn't work out too well.
The VA isn't that bad. If countries are having problems recruiting enough doctors, they should look into why and improve their practices.

RE the VA, read the link and then tell me why you think the VA isn't that bad. Maybe it isn't as bad as it was 5 years ago, but it still looks to me it still sucks. Do you have reasons to believe otherwise?

6 big things the new Veterans Affairs chief will have to address

We already have a shortage of providers in this country, it boggles the mind to figure out how we could add the entire population into a UHC system. It wouldn't be just the uninsured but also the under-insured, and those that have insurance but can't afford the co-pays and deductibles. That's a lot of new patients; as I said, aside from the much higher costs of treating all those newbies, we just don't have nearly enough providers. Who's going to want to be a GP when they can be paid more as a specialist? Sounds like a real problem to me.
So, yeah, pseudocons. Here it comes. Single payer healthcare.

And when it does, you will blame the blacks and the Mexicans and the homos and whatever other minority springs to mind, but the real culprit has been looking back at you in the mirror all this time.
The days of expecting average Americans, who are getting broker and broker, to pay for their insurance are gone. It's not our fault; it has become too astronomically expensive to pay for wellness.

I presume you realize that in every country that has UHC, the average citizen does indeed pay for their health insurance. They all pay a VAT tax around 25% (that's everybody), and they all pay income taxes too, somewhere around 25-30% on average. None of this stuff where almost half the income earners pay no income tax like we have here.
So, yeah, pseudocons. Here it comes. Single payer healthcare.

And when it does, you will blame the blacks and the Mexicans and the homos and whatever other minority springs to mind, but the real culprit has been looking back at you in the mirror all this time.
The days of expecting average Americans, who are getting broker and broker, to pay for their insurance are gone. It's not our fault; it has become too astronomically expensive to pay for wellness.

I presume you realize that in every country that has UHC, the average citizen does indeed pay for their health insurance. They all pay a VAT tax around 25% (that's everybody), and they all pay income taxes too, somewhere around 25-30% on average. None of this stuff where almost half the income earners pay no income tax like we have here.

France: Record low number of French workers paying income taxes

UK: Barely more than half of adults pay income tax, says report

Canada: Canadians Are Now Paying Lower Income Taxes Than Americans

The tax rate for a married couple with one income and two kids in the U.S. is 12 times as high as the tax rate on the same family in Canada.
So, yeah, pseudocons. Here it comes. Single payer healthcare.

And when it does, you will blame the blacks and the Mexicans and the homos and whatever other minority springs to mind, but the real culprit has been looking back at you in the mirror all this time.
The days of expecting average Americans, who are getting broker and broker, to pay for their insurance are gone. It's not our fault; it has become too astronomically expensive to pay for wellness.

I presume you realize that in every country that has UHC, the average citizen does indeed pay for their health insurance. They all pay a VAT tax around 25% (that's everybody), and they all pay income taxes too, somewhere around 25-30% on average. None of this stuff where almost half the income earners pay no income tax like we have here.
The money is not the issue. The amount we already pay, and let employers keep as a tax break for providing HC insurance, amounts to more per capita than any other country pays. There are arguments against Medicare for all, but the need to raise taxes to get the money is .... a false flag.

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