That unAmerican black chick with the African name promises free healthcare for all.

If you think a government monopoly on anything will bring down the price, you don't know much about economics, or government.

I know that private insurance operates at a profit and overhead margin of 20%...and it's only THAT low because the law won't allow any higher under the ACA.

I also know that Medicare operates at a THREE per cent margin
You should know Medicare is highly subsidized by private insurance. AKA, the golden goose you want to kill.

If you really think the same idiots that screwed up Obamacare into a train wreck should be able to have vastly more power you just aren't thinking with your brain.

When the Trump hating left gets together and decided to put Trump in charge of Americas healthcare, surely you really know it's not too improve healthcare...

Don't you?
Such is the ignorance, fear, racism, and hate common to most on the right.
Race card played by a hater


Check out the title here. If his topic is "health care" what the fuck does "black" have to do with anything?
If the topic is "health care" how did Oakland California become "unAmerica"? Where is it now, Kenya? And whether it is or isn't what the fuck does that have to do with "health care"?
If the topic is "health care" why does the OP pretend a Sanskrit name is "African"? Does this mean Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal are "African" too? And even if they were what the fuck would it have to do with "health care"?

Read much?
It is no secret, and widely reported that Harris is black.

If it is not racist when her fan says she's black, then it isn't racist when a distractor says the same.

That's not an answer, is it.

Is the question inconvenient? Or are you just a wimp?
You probably think I care what you think, don't you?

Grow up

Hey well, once they get the Billionaires out of the way, then they can start in on the millionaires. We'll have a fair country then, dad gummit!
Problem is there's too many rich people that have money! money that can be used for health care! ask any marxist around here, they'll tell ya ;)
Just ask DeBlasio. He says there is plenty of money, it's just in the wrong hands!
Aside from the cost, there's also an access problem. As we speak, we already don't have enough providers; how on earth could free healthcare for all be possible? If you look at Canada and Britain and any other UHC system around the world, they all have very long waiting lists of people, some of whom die waiting to see a specialist. Look at our own VA system that provides UHC for our vets; it's a shameful mess, rife with fraud, waste, and abuse, and some people want to do that for everybody? It sounds great, but in reality it doesn't work out too well.

Yes, rationing is inevitable. To think otherwise is foolish.
Independent estimates of the costs are basically it would nearly double the federal government budget. That's why they are drooling for it.

But it eliminates private healthcare insurance, thus saving every American family $20,000 a year in health insurance premsiums.

What savings? That money will now be taken out in taxes.

These leftwits are dumb. Government takes away your good quality health insurance, gives you shit government health insurance in return, and you pay more.
"Harris" is an African name?

And government take over is the only way to reign in costs at this point.

Kamala Harris is definitely an African name.

The Wizard was just north of Kilimanjaro when he discovered James Kamala Harris and brought him to the WWF and the last time I looked Kilimanjaro was in Africa.

"Harris" is an African name?

And government take over is the only way to reign in costs at this point.

Kamala Harris is definitely an African name.

The Wizard was just north of Kilimanjaro when he discovered James Kamala Harris and brought him to the WWF and the last time I looked Kilimanjaro was in Africa.

OMG, That may be the stupidest line of "reasoning" I've yet seen here and I've seen that kid with the penguin avatar try to justify his climate "theories".
What kind of of fool wants those bufoons in DC deciding how much healthcare they are entitled to?

Yea much better to have some corporate profit driven asshole CEO determining what healthcare we're entitled to at a much higher price

You will still have that under the Kamala Program. Unless you are satisfied with standing in line at the Government Clinics.

People with the means and will to use those means, will be visiting private doctors, have supplemental insurance policies and step out of line. They'll have to deal with insurance and prices and paying medical fees to men and women who opt out of participating in the program. In other words,quality people who value their services at more than what Kamalacare bureaucrats will pay.
Such is the ignorance, fear, racism, and hate common to most on the right.
Race card played by a hater


Check out the title here. If his topic is "health care" what the fuck does "black" have to do with anything?
If the topic is "health care" how did Oakland California become "unAmerica"? Where is it now, Kenya? And whether it is or isn't what the fuck does that have to do with "health care"?
If the topic is "health care" why does the OP pretend a Sanskrit name is "African"? Does this mean Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal are "African" too? And even if they were what the fuck would it have to do with "health care"?

Read much?
It is no secret, and widely reported that Harris is black.

If it is not racist when her fan says she's black, then it isn't racist when a distractor says the same.

That's not an answer, is it.

Is the question inconvenient? Or are you just a wimp?
You probably think I care what you think, don't you?

Grow up

So you're going with Option B. As expected.

Wimp. :gay:

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