That unAmerican black chick with the African name promises free healthcare for all.

I'm fairly convinced the pseudocons secretly desire single payer healthcare. Their actions speak volumes to that effect.

LefTard Logic:
“My mind is so fucked and twisted...surely everybody’s minds is equally as fucked up.”
You have been presenting your anus to the GOP and Trump for nine years, and have not once held them accountable for hoaxing you about an Obamacare repeal and replacement.

So, yeah. Your actions tell all, cuck. You clearly enjoy being lied to and secretly hope for single payer health care.

Could it be that there really is no viable “replacement” for Obeaner Care without going full commie?
You statists realize the Kenyan Chimp set a plan in action that looked good on paper for some yet had an expiration date due to its unsustainability...Obeaner Care always was a time-bomb. You knew that right?
I have outlined many times on this forum how to reform healthcare and get government out of health care, dipshit.

Unlike you, I do not let myself by hoaxed by fuckwits like Trump and Ryan and McConnell. I hold them accountable. But you just sit there and take it.

And because of cucks like you, we will end up with socialized medicine.
You statists realize the Kenyan Chimp set a plan in action that looked good on paper for some yet had an expiration date due to its unsustainability...Obeaner Care always was a time-bomb. You knew that right?
Here you go, cuck. August 2012:

I want you to remember in 2019 that you were told today that ObamaCare is going to bankrupt your state.

By that time, Obama will be retired on the golf course, laughing his ass off. And when your fellow citizens get slammed with a higher state tax bill, and your fellow citizens find their state benefits abruptly cut back, you should probably know that Obama will have a lot of Secret Service protection. And he will need it.

That is Obama's way. Shower you with free gifts and pushing the costs out until long after he is gone. Just so you will swallow his c**k and vote for him.

Remember. 2019. You were warned way ahead of time. You were warned today.
How many times over the past seven-plus years that I have been on this forum did I ask the submissive fucking pseudocons, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?"

How many times did I ask you fucking dumbass motherfuckers that question?

And you just sat there with your retarded little faces all slack and stupid.

So here we are. Well on our way to socialized medicine.

Thanks a lot, assholes.
Aside from the cost, there's also an access problem. As we speak, we already don't have enough providers; how on earth could free healthcare for all be possible? If you look at Canada and Britain and any other UHC system around the world, they all have very long waiting lists of people, some of whom die waiting to see a specialist. Look at our own VA system that provides UHC for our vets; it's a shameful mess, rife with fraud, waste, and abuse, and some people want to do that for everybody? It sounds great, but in reality it doesn't work out too well.
How many times over the past seven-plus years that I have been on this forum did I ask the submissive fucking pseudocons, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?"

How many times did I ask you fucking dumbass motherfuckers that question?

And you just sat there with your retarded little faces all slack and stupid.

So here we are. Well on our way to socialized medicine.

Thanks a lot, assholes. dumbmotherfucker...where the fuck have you been...we’ve always had “socialized medicine”....good, legit people pay for their healthcare and for the healthcare of filthy pieces of shits like you and wetbacks....Yank your head from your ass bud.
60 fake repeals of Obamacare. And then when the tards give the GOP total power...nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No repeals. No replacement.

And the stupid cucks have STILL not caught on they were hoaxed.

As I said, it is blazingly obvious the pseudocons secretly desire single payer health care.

Their actions betray their innermost thoughts.
60 fake repeals of Obamacare. And then when the tards give the GOP total power...nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No repeals. No replacement.

And the stupid cucks have STILL not caught on they were hoaxed.

Its amazing they are that gullible. I call it cognitive dissonance.
60 fake repeals of Obamacare. And then when the tards give the GOP total power...nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No repeals. No replacement.

And the stupid cucks have STILL not caught on they were hoaxed.

Its amazing they are that gullible. I call it cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance requires cognition.

Cognitive dissonance occurs when two conflicting ideas clash in one's head. This has NEVER happened in the mind of a single pseudocon. Ever.

"The party of small government" doubled the federal deficit in two years after assuming total power. Not one pseudocon felt the slightest twinge of cognitive dissonance.

The President of the "party of small government" submitted a $4.407 trillion budget with a trillion dollar deficit. The largest government spending bill in the history of mankind. Not one spark of dissonance in the vacant skulls of the Rube Herd.

A REPUBLICAN President said the Soviets were right to invade Afghanistan. Not one pseudocon felt the slightest twinge of cognitive dissonance.

A Republican President paid off a hooker illegally in order to get elected. The pseudocons celebrate his adultery.

I could go on and on.

Don't give these retarded fucks the compliment of attributing cognition to them. These people are positively schizophrenic.
So, yeah, pseudocons. Here it comes. Single payer healthcare.

And when it does, you will blame the blacks and the Mexicans and the homos and whatever other minority springs to mind, but the real culprit has been looking back at you in the mirror all this time.

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