That was the Awfullest speech I've ever heard a Pres make

As the press and libs laugh, I wonder how long they'll continue to marginalize themselves into oblivion.
You won't be wondering where the libs are when your party doesn't win another election in our lifetime... Thanks, Donnie!
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video
It was pretty much the same thing as one of his pre-election rally speeches......with the same minions behind him.
I have wondered if my reaction was partly because it had been over six months, mercifully, since I heard one of his campaign speeches. I guess I expected something more, something like explaining WHY he is taking the approach he is. You know, if you listen to Nikki Haley explain Trump's travel ban, he sounds like the kindliest grandfather in the world. Why can't he explain, get people behind him? Instead he pokes out his chest and hollers.
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video
It was pretty much the same thing as one of his pre-election rally speeches......with the same minions behind him.

He even had a protestor kicked out

Just like the good ole days
People don't like me <sob>

Blame the media
I thought if worse came to worst and Trump was elected, that his need for admiration would cause him to do what the majority of people wanted him to do. Maybe that is part of why he has shifted on his policies, but his rhetoric and posture has been increasingly combative. I didn't count on his grandiose belief in himself which apparently doesn't allow the protesters' message to get through. As you said, he just blames it on the media.
Another way of saying it is he listens to the American people, not just his people.

Quite a change from the last 8 years.
And just how does he "listen" to the American people instead of just his people? The scurvy bahs-turd only listens to Faux Noise or Breitbart. But his propaganda machine is being dismantled right in front of him. Another loss over at Fox today has got Hannity running scared that this is the end of Fox as we knew it. With that bigoted propaganda machine crippled, Trump has fewer places to fuel his lying pathology. BTW your sig pic is so 2016-ish. Obama is gone... Trump is the most prolific liar to ever occupy the White House as Commander in Chief. EEven Obama "pales" in comparison!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Trump needs to realize he is now President

His 100 day speech should have been a declaration of what he achieved and what he still has planned for the future

Instead, Trump chose to use it as an excuse to attack the press, identify his enemies and pander to his base

He hasn't actually achieved anything yet, that's the problem. He's using North Korea to deflect attention away from this fact.

Doesn't matter

Trump could have used the occasion to explain what was being done on the wall, pitch Trumpcare, talk about tax reform

Instead, he used it to attack his enemies, do another victory lap, whine about how unfair the press is. Trump is President Snowflake

What is being done on the wall? He's come across a stumbling block, tax reform? Will it happen? It's all turning out quite badly, so he's resorting to what other politicians have resorted to when things go badly, attacking others.

What is being done about anything?

Seems Trump just tweets about what he wants done and then when nothing happens he moves on. He is losing on the wall, tax reform, Obamacare replacement, his budget priorities

The Great Dealmaker seems incapable of making deals in his own party

Yeah, and then his supporters just make excuses for why he's failing.

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