That was the Awfullest speech I've ever heard a Pres make

When you can't refute a post and offer nothing but invective in lieu of argument, the only logical conclusion is that you agree the other poster is dead on accurate but you're too frustrated to admit it out loud.
Though I don't agree with that in form, I certainly agree with it in substance. I would agree in form but for there being a variety of highly plausible, as Mom called them, "i-reasons" why they have only "invective in lieu of argument": immaturity, ignorance, insipidity, indolence, and/or idiocy. That's just the five primary "i-reasons." There are others, but "intelligence" is not among them, for, as she often enough informed us, "if intelligence had anything to do with it, you'd have just kept your mouth shut."
Awfullest? Now THAT'S awful...

Though I tend to use "most awful," "awfullest" is also an accepted superlative form of "awful," though I only use it for rhetorical effect, such as a title or exclamation, and not in a scholarly publication, forming words like "awfullest" using the conventions of English spelling and grammar -- in this case, double final consonant and superlative suffix rules -- is perfectly acceptable.

You know, you really should "do you" as well as know what your are talking about, before you go "raggin'" on someone else. Moreover, I've said this before, but it bears repeating: I can read what people write, but I cannot read their minds. I didn't have to read OldLady's mind to know what she meant by "awfullest," and neither did you or any other reader here. Thus how "awful" you think be her use of "awfullest," there wasn't anything to say about it unless you didn't know what she meant, in which case the mature thing to have done is ask for clarification, not offer ridicule.
Awfullest? Now THAT'S awful...

Though I tend to use "most awful," "awfullest" is also an accepted superlative form of "awful," though I only use it for rhetorical effect, such as a title or exclamation, and not in a scholarly publication, forming words like "awfullest" using the conventions of English spelling and grammar -- in this case, double final consonant and superlative suffix rules -- is perfectly acceptable.

You know, you really should "do you" as well as know what your are talking about, before you go "raggin'" on someone else. Moreover, I've said this before, but it bears repeating: I can read what people write, but I cannot read their minds. I didn't have to read OldLady's mind to know what she meant by "awfullest," and neither did you or any other reader here. Thus how "awful" you think be her use of "awfullest," there wasn't anything to say about it unless you didn't know what she meant, in which case the mature thing to have done is ask for clarification, not offer ridicule.
Thanks, Xelor.
You won't find it in Merriam Webster's, I'm afraid, but good news--it is a bonafide Scrabble word worth 18 points.
awfullest - Definition of awfullest | Is awfullest a word in the scrabble dictionary?
Awfullest? Now THAT'S awful...

Though I tend to use "most awful," "awfullest" is also an accepted superlative form of "awful," though I only use it for rhetorical effect, such as a title or exclamation, and not in a scholarly publication, forming words like "awfullest" using the conventions of English spelling and grammar -- in this case, double final consonant and superlative suffix rules -- is perfectly acceptable.

You know, you really should "do you" as well as know what your are talking about, before you go "raggin'" on someone else. Moreover, I've said this before, but it bears repeating: I can read what people write, but I cannot read their minds. I didn't have to read OldLady's mind to know what she meant by "awfullest," and neither did you or any other reader here. Thus how "awful" you think be her use of "awfullest," there wasn't anything to say about it unless you didn't know what she meant, in which case the mature thing to have done is ask for clarification, not offer ridicule.
Thanks, Xelor.
You won't find it in Merriam Webster's, I'm afraid, but good news--it is a bonafide Scrabble word worth 18 points.
awfullest - Definition of awfullest | Is awfullest a word in the scrabble dictionary?

Thanks, Xelor.


You won't find it in Merriam Webster's
Many legitimate words one can form using prefix and suffix rules won't be explicitly found in the dictionary, though some are.
Trump needs to realize he is now President

His 100 day speech should have been a declaration of what he achieved and what he still has planned for the future

Instead, Trump chose to use it as an excuse to attack the press, identify his enemies and pander to his base

He hasn't actually achieved anything yet, that's the problem. He's using North Korea to deflect attention away from this fact.

Doesn't matter

Trump could have used the occasion to explain what was being done on the wall, pitch Trumpcare, talk about tax reform

Instead, he used it to attack his enemies, do another victory lap, whine about how unfair the press is. Trump is President Snowflake

What is being done on the wall? He's come across a stumbling block, tax reform? Will it happen? It's all turning out quite badly, so he's resorting to what other politicians have resorted to when things go badly, attacking others.
Having the rally itself shows what a whiny little insecure bitch he is. He'll do anything for the feeling of people liking him.

This is the plot of Sunset Boulevard. Here is the Trump part with his rallies.

"Moved into Norma's mansion at her insistence, Joe resents but gradually accepts his dependent situation. He sees that Norma refuses to face the fact that her fame has evaporated and learns the fan letters she still receives are secretly written by Max. Max tells him Norma is subject to depression and has made suicide attempts."

Max is Normas butler. Trump supporter's are Max
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
Thanks, oreo. You put it much better than I could. You have hit the nail on the head. I love the campaign cartoon, too. LOL
Too was pure nonsense.

I guess all you guys need is for someone to relate to you exactly what Democrats like Chuck Schumer are doing and just say it's Trump doing it, and you automatically agree.

Reminds me of a thread I started last week. College kids were told what Obama did the first 100 days but instead were told it was Trump....of course they reacted negatively. They said the Stimulus was an illegal overreach and that the apology tour was nothing but the lies of a an evil racist. Then they were told the was really Obama's first 100 days.....and they slinked away or made excuses.:scared1:

There has never been a President in this nations history that had so many failures in is 1st 100 days and started up 3 Russian investigations all at the same time.

While you may not have "liked" the stiimulus bill--Obama achieved it, (something he campaigned on) and that's something Trump has been incapable of doing.

Especially after listening to "I am going to repeal & replace Obamacare" 10K times. "I am going to build a WALL--and I am going to deport every illegal in this country which he flipflopped on. There are no accomplishments only a list of failures, scandals & flipflops.
That's bullshit.....especially when he gets it done later. He's not gonna stop trying.

FYI, first president since Nixon to get China to cooperate.

Trump doesn't have 4 years to get "it done." Republicans are not siding with him either in the house or Senate--and Democrats will take over both houses in 2018--"if he's not impeached first."

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emolument's clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Republicans only have two choices.
1. Be the point of the spear on these Russian investigations or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.
Last edited:
I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
Thanks, oreo. You put it much better than I could. You have hit the nail on the head. I love the campaign cartoon, too. LOL
Too was pure nonsense.

I guess all you guys need is for someone to relate to you exactly what Democrats like Chuck Schumer are doing and just say it's Trump doing it, and you automatically agree.

Reminds me of a thread I started last week. College kids were told what Obama did the first 100 days but instead were told it was Trump....of course they reacted negatively. They said the Stimulus was an illegal overreach and that the apology tour was nothing but the lies of a an evil racist. Then they were told the was really Obama's first 100 days.....and they slinked away or made excuses.:scared1:

There has never been a President in this nations history that had so many failures in is 1st 100 days and started up 3 Russian investigations all at the same time.

While you may not have "liked" the stiimulus bill--Obama achieved it, (something he campaigned on) and that's something Trump has been incapable of doing.

Especially after listening to "I am going to repeal & replace Obamacare" 10K times. "I am going to build a WALL--and I am going to deport every illegal in this country which he flipflopped on. There are no accomplishments only a list of failures, scandals & flipflops.
That's bullshit.....especially when he gets it done later. He's not gonna stop trying.

FYI, first president since Nixon to get China to cooperate.

Trump doesn't have 4 years to get "it done." Republicans are not siding with him either in the house or Senate--and Democrats will take over both houses in 2018--"if he's not impeached first."

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emolument's clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Republicans only have two choices.
1. Be the point of the spear on these Russian investigations or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.
Trump impeached?

I remember the days when you had to be guilty of a crime before you were impeached.

Now you actually think you don't even need to have a crime at all.
You lose elections and feel you can just get rid of the president because you lost.

When that day comes I don't think YOU will ever feel safe in your home.....because they will be coming for you next.
Trump needs to realize he is now President

His 100 day speech should have been a declaration of what he achieved and what he still has planned for the future

Instead, Trump chose to use it as an excuse to attack the press, identify his enemies and pander to his base

He hasn't actually achieved anything yet, that's the problem. He's using North Korea to deflect attention away from this fact.

Doesn't matter

Trump could have used the occasion to explain what was being done on the wall, pitch Trumpcare, talk about tax reform

Instead, he used it to attack his enemies, do another victory lap, whine about how unfair the press is. Trump is President Snowflake

What is being done on the wall? He's come across a stumbling block, tax reform? Will it happen? It's all turning out quite badly, so he's resorting to what other politicians have resorted to when things go badly, attacking others.

What is being done about anything?

Seems Trump just tweets about what he wants done and then when nothing happens he moves on. He is losing on the wall, tax reform, Obamacare replacement, his budget priorities

The Great Dealmaker seems incapable of making deals in his own party
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video
It was pretty much the same thing as one of his pre-election rally speeches......with the same minions behind him.
People don't like me <sob>

Blame the media
I thought if worse came to worst and Trump was elected, that his need for admiration would cause him to do what the majority of people wanted him to do. Maybe that is part of why he has shifted on his policies, but his rhetoric and posture has been increasingly combative. I didn't count on his grandiose belief in himself which apparently doesn't allow the protesters' message to get through. As you said, he just blames it on the media.
People don't like me <sob>

Blame the media
I thought if worse came to worst and Trump was elected, that his need for admiration would cause him to do what the majority of people wanted him to do. Maybe that is part of why he has shifted on his policies, but his rhetoric and posture has been increasingly combative. I didn't count on his grandiose belief in himself which apparently doesn't allow the protesters' message to get through. As you said, he just blames it on the media.
Another way of saying it is he listens to the American people, not just his people.

Quite a change from the last 8 years.

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