That was the Awfullest speech I've ever heard a Pres make

Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
He's now admitted that he's not qualified to be Precedent and that nobody knew that it would be such a hard job.
He's also admitted that he was making promises during the campaign without knowing anything about whatever he was making the promises about...and now that he's found out some stuff he won't be able to keep a lot of those promises.
He still won't lose any support.
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
He's now admitted that he's not qualified to be Precedent and that nobody knew that it would be such a hard job.
He's also admitted that he was making promises during the campaign without knowing anything about whatever he was making the promises about...and now that he's found out some stuff he won't be able to keep a lot of those promises.
He still won't lose any support.

Agree today he blamed the U.S. Constitution for his failures--stating: “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

The U.S. Constitution is the core foundation of this country. But it wouldn't suprise me in the least if Trump supporters wanted to shred the constitution because Trump just stated that it's a "really a bad thing for this country."

It is a fascinating period for our Democracy and Donald Trump is a "yuuuge" threat to it.

Clearly he didn't understand that you cannot run government like a business. His supporters didn't understand that either. There are 3 branches of government. The executive, the judicial and the legislative branch. All 3 have their own authority over certain issues that he cannot override--and they have been slapping him around quite a bit. Right now I don't think he actually understood what he was getting into-and he continually makes an idiot out of himself with saying something really stupid and or tweeting out stupid irrational comments.

The only accomplishments in the first 100 days, are 3 ongoing Russian investigations that look to be headed toward impeachment, one executive order after another overturned by a Federal District court judge, and congress has been saying NO to him on money issues, such as the wall, and Obamacare (repeal & replace) was a huge disaster. He couldn't even get Republicans to vote for the new health care bill.

Other than that, he and his kids have been great time at spending taxpayer dollars. His weekly trips back and forth to Mar a Lago--hauling White House staff, equipment and security has cost us 700K per weekly trip. Ivanka, Eric & Donald Jr. & families taking off to Aspen Colorado for a ski trip with 100 security agents in tow--and ski rental alone was 12K. Eric & Donald flying all over the globe to expand the Trump empire--like that new golf course in Dubai. And Melania Trump who refuses to move the White House, so we are paying for additional security for her to stay at the Trump tower.
President Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago have cost taxpayers an estimated $10 million
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

To a normal pragmatic thinking person, regardless of your political affliation this would be enough to say NO MORE--I no longer support him. But not to a Trump supporter. Things that they would have been burning cross's in the street, and demanding a public hanging for if it was a Democrat- or anyone else-they're O.K. with--because it's Donald Trump.

Last edited:
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
He's now admitted that he's not qualified to be Precedent and that nobody knew that it would be such a hard job.
He's also admitted that he was making promises during the campaign without knowing anything about whatever he was making the promises about...and now that he's found out some stuff he won't be able to keep a lot of those promises.
He still won't lose any support.

Agree today he blamed the U.S. Constitution for his failures--stating: “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

The U.S. Constitution is the core foundation of this country. But it wouldn't suprise me in the least if Trump supporters wanted to shred the constitution because Trump just stated that it's a "really a bad thing for this country."

It is a fascinating period for our Democracy and Donald Trump is a "yuuuge" threat to it.

Clearly he didn't understand that you cannot run government like a business. His supporters didn't understand that either. There are 3 branches of government. The executive, the judicial and the legislative branch. All 3 have their own authority over certain issues that he cannot override--and they have been slapping him around quite a bit. Right now I don't think he actually understood what he was getting into-and he continually makes an idiot out of himself with saying something really stupid and or tweeting out stupid irrational comments.

The only accomplishments in the first 100 days, are 3 ongoing Russian investigations that look to be headed toward impeachment, one executive order after another overturned by a Federal District court judge, and congress has been saying NO to him on money issues, such as the wall, and Obamacare (repeal & replace) was a huge disaster. He couldn't even get Republicans to vote for the new health care bill.
We might just be witnessing the most inept president in this nation's history.

Hmmm. It seems Obama was listening to the American people when they collectively suggested they were tired of war. Also, surely you remember the economic mess Obama inherited, don't you? After all Republicans had destroyed the economy with unfunded wars and undermined the war effort by giving tax breaks to the rich. How was Obama expected to stop Iran or any other nation under those circumstances? He certainty couldn't rely on a hostile Congress; one top heavy with racist demagoguery.
-------------------------------------------------- mrobama kissed iranian azz with his nukes deal and transfer of billions of USA dollars to 'iran' .
I hear it was Iran's own money being returned to them. Obama just showed he isn't a thief.
-------------------------------- USA had control of the money rather than the iranian enemy . mrobama never should have given them any money and sanctions should have been ramped up JQP !!
Would you rather the international community with deposits in our banks see America play by the rules or would you have them recall their assets because we stole funds deposited by another nation.
----------------------------------------- oh geez , last thing i want is any international involvement in the USA and that includes their money . Let fureigners recall anything and every thing they like JQP !!

You'd better educate yourself. 34% of our national debt is owned by foreign entities.

He's now admitted that he's not qualified to be Precedent and that nobody knew that it would be such a hard job.
He's also admitted that he was making promises during the campaign without knowing anything about whatever he was making the promises about...and now that he's found out some stuff he won't be able to keep a lot of those promises.
He still won't lose any support.

Cute try!

Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
He's now admitted that he's not qualified to be Precedent and that nobody knew that it would be such a hard job.
He's also admitted that he was making promises during the campaign without knowing anything about whatever he was making the promises about...and now that he's found out some stuff he won't be able to keep a lot of those promises.
He still won't lose any support.

Agree today he blamed the U.S. Constitution for his failures--stating: “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

The U.S. Constitution is the core foundation of this country. But it wouldn't suprise me in the least if Trump supporters wanted to shred the constitution because Trump just stated that it's a "really a bad thing for this country."

It is a fascinating period for our Democracy and Donald Trump is a "yuuuge" threat to it.

Clearly he didn't understand that you cannot run government like a business. His supporters didn't understand that either. There are 3 branches of government. The executive, the judicial and the legislative branch. All 3 have their own authority over certain issues that he cannot override--and they have been slapping him around quite a bit. Right now I don't think he actually understood what he was getting into-and he continually makes an idiot out of himself with saying something really stupid and or tweeting out stupid irrational comments.

The only accomplishments in the first 100 days, are 3 ongoing Russian investigations that look to be headed toward impeachment, one executive order after another overturned by a Federal District court judge, and congress has been saying NO to him on money issues, such as the wall, and Obamacare (repeal & replace) was a huge disaster. He couldn't even get Republicans to vote for the new health care bill.

Other than that, he and his kids have been great time at spending taxpayer dollars. His weekly trips back and forth to Mar a Lago--hauling White House staff, equipment and security has cost us 700K per weekly trip. Ivanka, Eric & Donald Jr. & families taking off to Aspen Colorado for a ski trip with 100 security agents in tow--and ski rental alone was 12K. Eric & Donald flying all over the globe to expand the Trump empire--like that new golf course in Dubai. And Melania Trump who refuses to move the White House, so we are paying for additional security for her to stay at the Trump tower.
President Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago have cost taxpayers an estimated $10 million
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

To a normal pragmatic thinking person, regardless of your political affliation this would be enough to say NO MORE--I no longer support him. But not to a Trump supporter. Things that they would have been burning cross's in the street, and demanding a public hanging for if it was a Democrat- or anyone else-they're O.K. with--because it's Donald Trump.


He's now admitted that he's not qualified to be Precedent and that nobody knew that it would be such a hard job.
He's also admitted that he was making promises during the campaign without knowing anything about whatever he was making the promises about...and now that he's found out some stuff he won't be able to keep a lot of those promises.
He still won't lose any support.

Cute try!


Obama never whined about how hard the job is. He manned up and got the job done. It's time for Trump to put his big boy pants and try leading this nation instead of crying on Twitter.
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
He's now admitted that he's not qualified to be Precedent and that nobody knew that it would be such a hard job.
He's also admitted that he was making promises during the campaign without knowing anything about whatever he was making the promises about...and now that he's found out some stuff he won't be able to keep a lot of those promises.
He still won't lose any support.

Agree today he blamed the U.S. Constitution for his failures--stating: “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”’
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days

The U.S. Constitution is the core foundation of this country. But it wouldn't suprise me in the least if Trump supporters wanted to shred the constitution because Trump just stated that it's a "really a bad thing for this country."

It is a fascinating period for our Democracy and Donald Trump is a "yuuuge" threat to it.

Clearly he didn't understand that you cannot run government like a business. His supporters didn't understand that either. There are 3 branches of government. The executive, the judicial and the legislative branch. All 3 have their own authority over certain issues that he cannot override--and they have been slapping him around quite a bit. Right now I don't think he actually understood what he was getting into-and he continually makes an idiot out of himself with saying something really stupid and or tweeting out stupid irrational comments.

The only accomplishments in the first 100 days, are 3 ongoing Russian investigations that look to be headed toward impeachment, one executive order after another overturned by a Federal District court judge, and congress has been saying NO to him on money issues, such as the wall, and Obamacare (repeal & replace) was a huge disaster. He couldn't even get Republicans to vote for the new health care bill.

Other than that, he and his kids have been great time at spending taxpayer dollars. His weekly trips back and forth to Mar a Lago--hauling White House staff, equipment and security has cost us 700K per weekly trip. Ivanka, Eric & Donald Jr. & families taking off to Aspen Colorado for a ski trip with 100 security agents in tow--and ski rental alone was 12K. Eric & Donald flying all over the globe to expand the Trump empire--like that new golf course in Dubai. And Melania Trump who refuses to move the White House, so we are paying for additional security for her to stay at the Trump tower.
President Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago have cost taxpayers an estimated $10 million
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

To a normal pragmatic thinking person, regardless of your political affliation this would be enough to say NO MORE--I no longer support him. But not to a Trump supporter. Things that they would have been burning cross's in the street, and demanding a public hanging for if it was a Democrat- or anyone else-they're O.K. with--because it's Donald Trump.




Do you remember what this little painting was about?

Oh yea that's right, Executive Orders, Federal encroachment on State rights and attacking countries without congressinal approval.

But now that Trump is doing it Republicans seem to have developed sudden bad case of amnesia. Funny that.
Having the rally itself shows what a whiny little insecure bitch he is. He'll do anything for the feeling of people liking him.
Whiny little insecure bitches? That is just fucking hilarious you pathetic miserable scumbag loser.

Lets look at the faces of pathetic whiny little fucking insecure bitches, shall we?


And this motherfucker calls someone a whiny little bitch? Fucking pussies. ALL liberals. Fucking losers. NO EXCEPTIONS.
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Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing....Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

I know you've been in the "I don't like that he's there but he is, so let's hold out hope and give him a chance" camp. Do you so remain?

Make no mistake; I concur with all your OP says. A key difference is that my forbearance of him has expired.

At this point, frankly well before now, to tell the truth, I'd sooner have any of the "old models" or any other new one. Even Nixon. About the only one I to which I wouldn't cotton is Frank Pierce, who, favoring the South's secession, repealed the 1850 Missouri Compromise and thereby paved the way for the Civil War.

Like Trump, Pierce was rather amiable in person, committed to doing things his way, every bit as byronic, and utterly clueless about the greater implications of what he wanted to do. Both show a doggedness for achieving their goals, come hell or high water. Was Pierce popular too? Absolutely. He never lost an election.

Be that as it may, one needs to look all the way back to Richard II -- or perhaps, as Lincoln suggested, Richard III - to find a more inept leader. (Splitting hairs, one might argue that Fillmore was equally inept.) Richard II, had his moments such as Bolingbroke, but mostly his was a reign of ineptitude and unfitness for office, that of a governance and policy dilettante. We have exactly that in Trump.
I thought of you, Xelor, as I wrote the OP, since I have argued against his "madness" with you. I still don't think he's crazy; he's acting like one glorious asshole, however.

I am not familiar with any of the leaders you mentioned except Nixon, so I can't say much one way or the other about most of your post, but I appreciate your input.
Yeah we can't all talk like 3rd graders. You're right.

"Awfullest" is not a word dip, any 3rd grader would know that.
I didn't say it was. I'm not the supporting Trump. He's the one who talks like an actual 3rd grader.

Guess you never been instructed on public speaking, you're suppose to tailor the message to the lowest educated person in the room, not the highest. But I guess the OP understood everything perfectly since they appear to lack an education.


Oh wow, talk about false equivalence, a typo compared to a made up word, really?

"Typo" my ass. But hopefully you learned something.
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

That was the "Awfullest" speech I've ever heard a Pres make

How would you know, you don't even speak the language.

Oh, we go again. Nope, not gonna bother.
Well, let's put it this way Texas: I was referring to the man who made up the word BIGLY. So it's fair.


Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Idioms.
Related to bigly: Bitly
adj. big·ger, big·gest
Of considerable size, number, quantity, magnitude, or extent; large. See Synonyms at large.
b. Having great strength or force: a big wind; in a big rage.
c. Of great significance; momentous: a big decision; a big victory.
Mature or grown-up: big enough to take the bus by herself.
b. Older or eldest. Used especially of a sibling: My big brother is leaving for college next week.
Filled up; brimming over: felt big with love.
b. Bountiful; generous: had a big heart.
4. Pregnant: big with child.
Having or exercising considerable authority, control, or influence: a big official; a big chief.
b. Conspicuous in position, wealth, or importance; prominent: a big figure in the peace movement.
6. Loud and firm; resounding: a big voice.
7. Informal Widely liked, used, or practiced; popular: "The Minneapolis indie-rock band was big in the blogosphere,beloved by hipsters, and unknown to pretty much everyone else" (Robert Levine).
8. Informal Self-important; cocky: You're too big for your own good.
1. In a pretentious or boastful way: talked big about the new job.
2. Informal
a. With considerable success: made it big with their recent best-selling album.
b. In a thorough or unmistakable way; emphatically: failed big at the box office.
big on

Enthusiastic about; partial to: "a patriotic youth organization big on military-style marching drills" (Earl Swift).
[Middle English, perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]
big′gish adj.
big′ly adv.
big′ness n.

It appears to be an adjective, not made up. So you were saying?

That page says it was an adverb used in Middle English. Spout away, Chaucer.

Still a word, isn't it?

Not in the past five hundred years, no.

This is Middle English:
And happed that, allone as he was born,
He saugh a mayde walkynge hym biforn,
Of which mayde anon, maugree hir heed,
By verray force, he rafte hire maydenhed;

This is the Trump modern language equivalent: "Grab em by the pussy"
If CNN felt they needed to "take a shower" it makes the Trump speech even more satisfying.
It's pretty sad that EITHER side would be so hostile to the other that they would feel as you do.
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

I have thought the same of a Trump supporter The outright glee that they force themselves to be in the face of failure. You're right just like what North Koreans are required do for their leader Kim Jun Un. Like robots--they're going to support their leader no matter what. And agreed it is very scary. The mentality of that is astounding, and it's still astounding.

A Trump supporter lives in a world all their own. They are people that need to continually be told what to do. They're well below par on a rational thinking process & do not possess pragmatic thought. It's easier to not think, and let someone else do the thinking for them. They believe they've elected John Wayne. And it's very clear that the majority of this nation, nor the congress of this country have any such opinion of him. Here is a great article on this.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

They certainly were not attracted to him by any of the debates because of knowledge or experience. There wasn't one single debate he won, including with Hillary Clinton. If they tell you that, they're lying through their teeth. They were attracted to the bombastic--the insults, the offensive remarks.

This is what they were attracted to. This is what sent a thrill up their legs.


He was delivering to them everything they wanted to hear--without them never questioning once, how he intended to accomplish all of his campaign rhetoric. "Just believe me--I alone--can do this." "I know more than our Generals do." "I know people that know more than the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies and I'll get back to you on this next week." They believed everything he was telling them, no matter how implausible it was. It was an astounding Phenomena, especially coming from American citizens, whom normally question everything.

Even Trump remarked about this phenomena in this statement.

"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."

Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

He's right he could have shot someone down on 5th Avenue in New York City in cold blood and for no dam reason and he wouldn't have lost a single supporter. Clearly this rally shows that this mentality is still rock solid. And that is what is very scary.


Even Republicans were very frustrated with this mentality during the primary. Here is a great article--funny but soooo true.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

As another stated on this board--which is also 100% truth: "Trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach algebra to a Chimpanzee."
Thanks, oreo. You put it much better than I could. You have hit the nail on the head. I love the campaign cartoon, too. LOL
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Trump needs to realize he is now President

His 100 day speech should have been a declaration of what he achieved and what he still has planned for the future

Instead, Trump chose to use it as an excuse to attack the press, identify his enemies and pander to his base
It was a superb speech. It is to be expected that Trump bashers gonna bash. They can't even be taken seriously any more.

One of the shrewdest moves by Trump is forcing the reporters to cover his speech instead of going to that dinner.

Superb in what way?

Hey, I've just watched the first 3 seconds and you know what popped up in my head?

The Nazi rallies.

I can't even be bothered to watch past the first minute or so. It's the same old, same old.
Yeah....he needs to say it using bigger words.....or maybe a foreign language.
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

Every single Hillary voter: "That was the awfullest speech I have ever heard.

Every single Trump voter: " That was a great speech!


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