That was the Awfullest speech I've ever heard a Pres make

Trump showed once again what a shallow little man he is and how he relies on his endless lies and misinformation. He showed himself to be not only shallow and misinformed but malicious and mean-spirited as well. He is a hateful whiner. A spoiled brat.
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
It was a bunch of dumb fucking yokels, begging Trump to fuck them harder.
That's rich......coming from Democrat voters.
I guess you're used to it by now.....getting fucked by Democrats and being told it's for your own good.

It's actually called "taking a joke."

Except they're not joking....they hate his guts.
I dunno, Tom. Maybe it's a two way street, ya think? Getting called liars and labeled as "fake news" and ranted against for the first 10 minutes of every address the guy gives....if I were the media, I might get a bit "techy" too.
Trump showed once again what a shallow little man he is and how he relies on his endless lies and misinformation. He showed himself to be not only shallow and misinformed but malicious and mean-spirited as well. He is a hateful whiner. A spoiled brat.
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
It was a bunch of dumb fucking yokels, begging Trump to fuck them harder.
That's rich......coming from Democrat voters.
I guess you're used to it by now.....getting fucked by Democrats and being told it's for your own good.

What's best for the U.S. is stopping Trump's agenda. Surprisingly, lots of members of the GOP have joined the efforts to defend America from Trump, which shocks me as I thought there was no integrity left in the GOP.
Having the rally itself shows what a whiny little insecure bitch he is. He'll do anything for the feeling of people liking him.
He had to have an excuse for not going to the Correspondents' Dinner.
-------------------------------------- Trump has the Freedom to attend any event that he likes , no ones business but his business .

Sorry, but the business of the POTUS is OUR business. He's not an exec in a privately held company anymore. You need to get that through your incredibly thick skull just as he does.
-------------------------------------------- Trump has the FREEDOM to attend any event that he likes '2020' , he didn't want to attend the elites media dinner as he preferred spending his time with his American supporters '2020' .
Like he gives a shit about his supporters?
Heck, his proposed atrocious tax bill, his defunct health care bill, and his plan to send other people's children off to fight for the military industrial complex shows how much he cares.
Trump showed once again what a shallow little man he is and how he relies on his endless lies and misinformation. He showed himself to be not only shallow and misinformed but malicious and mean-spirited as well. He is a hateful whiner. A spoiled brat.
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
You're mixing me up with someone else. Patriotic Americans I know cheer, whistle, applaud. They salute the flag, join the service in times of war or run for office if they see a need in their community. They don't turn into mindless robots chanting mindless slogans while listening to a canned speech they already know by heart.

Sorry, I thought you were Dragonlady.

Nonetheless, President Trump's speech in Pennsylvania was a resounding success. Attending the loser convention aka correspondents dinner would have been nothing but a waste of time,

As far as results - there are 1360 more days in his first term .

And 1460 more days in his second term.

It took Obama 2960 days NOT to close Gitmo.

Patience, patience.
I dunno, Tom. Maybe it's a two way street, ya think? Getting called liars and labeled as "fake news" and ranted against for the first 10 minutes of every address the guy gives....if I were the media, I might get a bit "techy" too.

Look at any of the alphabet news web pages and try to find ONE positive story on President Trump.....lottsa luck. When the election was over, they couldn't believe what had happened and still can't. They despise Trump and everything he stands for....and unlike other Republican presidents, he not only fights back, but out maneuvers them and leaves them looking like the dogmatic socialists they are. It's not going to stop until they can't attract the advertising money to stay in business.
Trump showed once again what a shallow little man he is and how he relies on his endless lies and misinformation. He showed himself to be not only shallow and misinformed but malicious and mean-spirited as well. He is a hateful whiner. A spoiled brat.
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
It was a bunch of dumb fucking yokels, begging Trump to fuck them harder.
That's rich......coming from Democrat voters.
I guess you're used to it by now.....getting fucked by Democrats and being told it's for your own good.

What's best for the U.S. is stopping Trump's agenda. Surprisingly, lots of members of the GOP have joined the efforts to defend America from Trump, which shocks me as I thought there was no integrity left in the GOP.
I'm not sure if you're touting obstructionism, OldSchool, but if you are, I can't agree with you here. Obstructionism is not going to save the country. Many of Trump's ideas are supported by a lot of Republicans and conservatives and the fact that you or I don't agree with them isn't an invitation to stop trying to improve this country through legislative change. I'm happy the courts have stopped his immigration ban, but frustrated he can't stop funding to sanctuary cities. I agree with getting rid of a lot of bloated unnecessary bureaucracy but not with cutting front-line funding to those in need. There are ways to meet in the middle and still have this country make progress. The Right is having its turn. We have to respect that, don't we?
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
It was a bunch of dumb fucking yokels, begging Trump to fuck them harder.
That's rich......coming from Democrat voters.
I guess you're used to it by now.....getting fucked by Democrats and being told it's for your own good.

What's best for the U.S. is stopping Trump's agenda. Surprisingly, lots of members of the GOP have joined the efforts to defend America from Trump, which shocks me as I thought there was no integrity left in the GOP.
I'm not sure if you're touting obstructionism, OldSchool, but if you are, I can't agree with you here. Obstructionism is not going to save the country. Many of Trump's ideas are supported by a lot of Republicans and conservatives and the fact that you or I don't agree with them isn't an invitation to stop trying to improve this country through legislative change. I'm happy the courts have stopped his immigration ban, but frustrated he can't stop funding to sanctuary cities. I agree with getting rid of a lot of bloated unnecessary bureaucracy but not with cutting front-line funding to those in need. There are ways to meet in the middle and still have this country make progress. The Right is having its turn. We have to respect that, don't we?
The right are the ones blocking him. It's easy to shout and bluster when your actions have no consequences like the right did for 8 years. Now they have to govern, and they know the crazy things they campaigned on are bad for this country and will get them booted out. Trump tried to illegally defund sanctuary cities, and it failed. Why doesn't he try to do it legally? Because the GOP knows it will harm America.
I dunno, Tom. Maybe it's a two way street, ya think? Getting called liars and labeled as "fake news" and ranted against for the first 10 minutes of every address the guy gives....if I were the media, I might get a bit "techy" too.

Look at any of the alphabet news web pages and try to find ONE positive story on President Trump.....lottsa luck. When the election was over, they couldn't believe what had happened and still can't. They despise Trump and everything he stands for....and unlike other Republican presidents, he not only fights back, but out maneuvers them and leaves them looking like the dogmatic socialists they are. It's not going to stop until they can't attract the advertising money to stay in business.
Trump isn't out maneuvering anybody. He is just using his populist appeal. His blatant lies and broken promises go unheeded as he manipulates the riff raff, wannabe Konservative, Archie Bunker types, into giving praise to their newly elected god.
Trump's lies have become the gospels of his poor bed bug ridden congregants. I just didn't realize how many of them there are.
Having the rally itself shows what a whiny little insecure bitch he is. He'll do anything for the feeling of people liking him.
He had to have an excuse for not going to the Correspondents' Dinner.
-------------------------------------- Trump has the Freedom to attend any event that he likes , no ones business but his business .

Sorry, but the business of the POTUS is OUR business. He's not an exec in a privately held company anymore. You need to get that through your incredibly thick skull just as he does.
-------------------------------------------- Trump has the FREEDOM to attend any event that he likes '2020' , he didn't want to attend the elites media dinner as he preferred spending his time with his American supporters '2020' .
Like he gives a shit about his supporters?
Heck, his proposed atrocious tax bill, his defunct health care bill, and his plan to send other people's children off to fight for the military industrial complex shows how much he cares.
---------------------------------------------------- i approve of all of that and woulda been at the Rally if it wasn't so far away JQP !!
Having the rally itself shows what a whiny little insecure bitch he is. He'll do anything for the feeling of people liking him.

He can't seem to shift from campaigning to governance.

He also has not made any attempts to reach out beyond his base - his "rallies" and speeches are all about rallying his base and only his base rather than reaching out to other republicans, to Democrats, to people he will need if he's going to have legislative accomplishments.
Trump showed once again what a shallow little man he is and how he relies on his endless lies and misinformation. He showed himself to be not only shallow and misinformed but malicious and mean-spirited as well. He is a hateful whiner. A spoiled brat.
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
You're mixing me up with someone else. Patriotic Americans I know cheer, whistle, applaud. They salute the flag, join the service in times of war or run for office if they see a need in their community. They don't turn into mindless robots chanting mindless slogans while listening to a canned speech they already know by heart.

Sorry, I thought you were Dragonlady.

Nonetheless, President Trump's speech in Pennsylvania was a resounding success. Attending the loser convention aka correspondents dinner would have been nothing but a waste of time,

As far as results - there are 1360 more days in his first term .

And 1460 more days in his second term.

It took Obama 2960 days NOT to close Gitmo.

Patience, patience.
I guess maybe I didn't make it clear in my OP, but my problem is not with the conservative agenda, but with the man. We should not conflate the two. I don't agree with all the conservative agenda, but what I am having a little gut level reaction to this morning is the smugness and the propaganda hype bulloney instead of thoughtful intelligent speech to ALL the American people. I don't rush to seek out Trump's interviews or addresses anymore, but I thought a 100 Day Rally by the sitting President deserved an hour of my time. Maybe I need to start building a bit of a bubble there, like Care4All. Or maybe I shouldn't--should remain informed. I don't know. It troubled me.
Trump showed once again what a shallow little man he is and how he relies on his endless lies and misinformation. He showed himself to be not only shallow and misinformed but malicious and mean-spirited as well. He is a hateful whiner. A spoiled brat.
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
It was a bunch of dumb fucking yokels, begging Trump to fuck them harder.
That's rich......coming from Democrat voters.
I guess you're used to it by now.....getting fucked by Democrats and being told it's for your own good.

What's best for the U.S. is stopping Trump's agenda. Surprisingly, lots of members of the GOP have joined the efforts to defend America from Trump, which shocks me as I thought there was no integrity left in the GOP.
What's best for the U.S. is keeping Democrats from being in power.
After 8 years of Obama's disastrous results you still cannot recognize it.......mainly because you really don't care.
7 years and many months to go , we will see what he gets done 'Ladies' and Gents !!
Having the rally itself shows what a whiny little insecure bitch he is. He'll do anything for the feeling of people liking him.

He can't seem to shift from campaigning to governance.

He also has not made any attempts to reach out beyond his base - his "rallies" and speeches are all about rallying his base and only his base rather than reaching out to other republicans, to Democrats, to people he will need if he's going to have legislative accomplishments.
Obama never stopped campaigning. I guess you never learned that presidents have to campaign 24/7/365 now, because they can't just talk to congress directly anymore. They always have to threaten them from the Bully Pulpit.
Last night's speech by Trump at his 100 Day Rally in Pennsylvania was truly stirring, but not in a good way. It was not only disappointing, it was frightening. As one CNN guest, a former governor, put it, "I feel like I need a shower."

Why was this one so bad, when I've watched so many others of his without feeling the need to growl at the television set like I did last night? It wasn't because I've lost my ability to listen to another's point of view. It wasn't that I've turned into a partisan froot loop who will automatically criticize everything the man says or does. It was because:

  • During his rambling prelude, giving a 10 minute perfunctory slamming of the press, he wore the smug, self satisfied smirk of a bully safe in his position that would lead most parents to say "Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you."

  • He spent a great deal of time deftly conflating the genuine concerns about MS-13 with all illegal immigrants and then to frost the cake, he read that damned "The Snake."

  • He did spend a few minutes talking about his accomplishments in the first 100 days, but then spent the rest of the speech giving the exact same campaign promises that he has not actually been able to take the first steps toward. Last I knew, ISIS is no more "on the run" than it was at the end of Obama's term. Economic growth this quarter was .7%. When he mentioned the Wall, it was to say "Don't worry--we'll have a Wall." How? Since you just took it off the spending bill because Congress won't fund it? Yadda, yadda, yadda. He's making us safe, making us prosperous, making us GREAT.
Tbh, what bothered me the most was the way the crowd was reacting with their chanting on demand at the end of each of his pronouncements like a brainwashed proletariat. I was reminded of watching the NK parade--everyone in the crowd chanting exactly what the Boss wants to hear. That was actually the creepiest, most frightening part, what we seem to be turning into.

That was not a president's speech. It was the ill tempered rant of a man who smugly feels he can get away with anything, and who continues to ignore or demean the 60% of the country that doesn't approve of the job he's doing. It was mostly an old recycled stump speech from his glory days of the campaign, when any hollow promise goes.

Very disappointing all around and like I said, it gave me the creeps.

Trump's entire speech on 100th day - CNN Video

Most people don't pay attention to their 'sixth sense', when they sense something isn't right. It was clear to many and is becoming clear to most now that trump is a child trapped in a man's body. And he has the mentality and temper (or lack of) that a child has.

An astute observation that the crowds resembled the crowds for Kim Jong Un. Trump has praised a number of the vilest dictators around the world. He recently praised Kim Jong Un for doing a 'tough job at his age'. Trump is a danger to the Republic. He talks constantly about 'doing something about the press and the courts'. Doing something? Sorry chump you aren't a dictator and you have to eat the spoon fed shit the courts give you. The people that follow him don't operate on reason, they only operate on gut level emotion. This is true on a general level with conservatives but with trump followers it is an absolute.
Trump showed once again what a shallow little man he is and how he relies on his endless lies and misinformation. He showed himself to be not only shallow and misinformed but malicious and mean-spirited as well. He is a hateful whiner. A spoiled brat.
I didn't hear a lot of misinformation. The mask was off, though, and the mean-spirited side of the man was out in full force. And WHAT is with the crowd? It was scary.

The crowd was patriotic Americans.

Something that a noodle spined semi-communist Canadian like you will never understand or be able to appreciate.
You're mixing me up with someone else. Patriotic Americans I know cheer, whistle, applaud. They salute the flag, join the service in times of war or run for office if they see a need in their community. They don't turn into mindless robots chanting mindless slogans while listening to a canned speech they already know by heart.

Sorry, I thought you were Dragonlady.

Nonetheless, President Trump's speech in Pennsylvania was a resounding success. Attending the loser convention aka correspondents dinner would have been nothing but a waste of time,

As far as results - there are 1360 more days in his first term .

And 1460 more days in his second term.

It took Obama 2960 days NOT to close Gitmo.

Patience, patience.
I guess maybe I didn't make it clear in my OP, but my problem is not with the conservative agenda, but with the man. We should not conflate the two. I don't agree with all the conservative agenda, but what I am having a little gut level reaction to this morning is the smugness and the propaganda hype bulloney instead of thoughtful intelligent speech to ALL the American people. I don't rush to seek out Trump's interviews or addresses anymore, but I thought a 100 Day Rally by the sitting President deserved an hour of my time. Maybe I need to start building a bit of a bubble there, like Care4All. Or maybe I shouldn't--should remain informed. I don't know. It troubled me.

There is a difference between the person and the political agenda. The two are different. I disagree with the agenda but it's not much different then the platform other republicans have run on. But I don't like what I've seen in the man.

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