That’s Why Hunter Biden Got a Wrist Slap

“Just days after Hunter Biden reached a sweetheart plea deal with his father’s Justice Department to avoid jail time for tax and gun crimes, the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled new testimony from IRS whistleblowers alleging roadblocks were set before them to ensure preferential treatment to President Joe Biden’s son. What’s more, whistleblower testimony claims that the U.S. attorney overseeing the probe of Hunter’s alleged tax crimes had his attempts to charge Hunter in 2022 denied.”

Deep State needs to taken care of, one way or another as Joe has insinuated.

He should have been jailed -

/——-/ Deep State refers to unelected career bureaucrats who run things behind the scenes. Presidents may appoint agency heads, but the rank and file never change. Got it now?
And since your blob didn't change the folks who supposedly "run things behind the scenes" the first're thinking in 2024, he's the guy who will do it this time if re-elected? You'd have to be a special kind of stupid if you think that way. Got it now?
And since your blob didn't change the folks who supposedly "run things behind the scenes" the first're thinking in 2024, he's the guy who will do it this time if re-elected? You'd have to be a special kind of stupid if you think that way. Got it now?
/——-/ Did Dementia Joe change them? So your special kind of stupid is to do nothing and let the Swamp run things. Ever think about the things a good president like Trump can do in spite of the Deep State?
/——-/ Did Dementia Joe change them?
Since you won't tell me who you're talking about--name names--I do not know. He did get rid of all of Trump's appointees you once cheered and are now criticizing.

But lets look at what YOU said:

By the end of September, all Cabinet departments except Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs and Interior had fewer permanent staff than when Trump took office in January — with most shedding many hundreds of employees, according to an analysis of federal personnel data by The Washington Post. once said he was cleaning house house. But now you say he couldn't do it.

Care to explain? Let me guess. Somehow what you said back then was wrong but what you're saying now is the "truth"....right? LOL
So your special kind of stupid is to do nothing and let the Swamp run things.
Again, you've stated that he couldn't change things the first time around...that the "deep state" undercut him at every turn. So why would this time be any different?
Ever think about the things a good president like Trump can do in spite of the Deep State?

Your blob did very little and many if not most campaign promises went unfulfilled.

Is the wall built? Nope. Did Mexico pay for any of it? Nope. Did he replace Obama care? Nope. Did he pass an infrastructure bill? Nope. Did he end Afghanistan? Nope. Did he cut the deficit? LOL...

But this time will be different...right?
Titled “Competing Accounts of Justice Dept.’s Handling of Hunter Biden Case,” the NYT independently fact-checked IRS whistleblower claims alleging that Biden Justice Department officials worked to re-direct his agency’s investigation into tax fraud by Hunter Biden.

Despite burying its admission at the end of the article, the piece confirmed the whistleblower was telling the truth— this as Democrat-leaning outlets have already moved on from reporting on the damning situation involving the President of the United States and his son.

The article gave an overview of the DOJ’s investigation against Hunter Biden, which ultimately ended with him getting a sweetheart plea deal for failing to pay taxes in 2017 and 2018 and lying about whether he was an active drug user when he bought a gun in 2018.

The Times laid out and answered the question, admitting that the corrupt DOJ played a hand in getting Hunter Biden a slap on the wrist.

“Did David C. Weiss, have full authority to bring charges against President Biden’s son in California and Washington if he wanted to? Had Mr. Weiss ever asked to be made a special counsel? Was the investigation truly insulated from political considerations?
That encounter has taken on new significance after House Republicans released testimony last week from a senior Internal Revenue Service investigator on the case that appeared to contradict Mr. Garland’s assurances to Mr. Grassley and others that Mr. Weiss had all the freedom and authority he needed to pursue the case as he saw fit."
The article gave an overview of the DOJ’s investigation against Hunter Biden, which ultimately ended with him getting a sweetheart plea deal for failing to pay taxes in 2017 and 2018 and lying about whether he was an active drug user when he bought a gun in 2018.

How is it a sweetheart deal if most people who do the same thing get the same deal?
Hunter didn't go to jail for his tax evasion and neither did anyone at the Trump Organization.

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