CDZ The 10 commandments which ones do leftys object to?

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Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.

I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.


Totally depends on whether it was a Democrat or Republican that did it.
And I am being serious.
I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.


Number 10 goes right out the window with leftists
They call me a leftie, and I think it's a fine set of rules. You shouldn't blame lefties for everything, you know. It's not very Christian.
"You shall not bear false witness....."
Well, number 4 is a problem. It may need to be rephrased to Honor your parental partners. Could be two men or two women or some other combination.
I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.

They have a problem with all ten.
I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.


Personally I object to the one that insists politics has anything to do with religion.

Oh look -- you're a sinner. Repent.

But as far as comparison to politics -- number one is an Authoritarian's wet dream.
My personal view is that these are 10 Jewish laws that are good for everybody when translated into a form that is relevant to their own particular faith.

More specifically, #1 says don't choose or invent a deity more important than the deity that your parents taught you to worship.

#2 says don't worship graven objects.

#3 says don't use the NAME of your deity in common speech. The Irony of this is that most people don't even know the name of their deity at all.

#4 says to follow a day of rest for your body during which your mind focus on your deity.

#5 says to be a worthy and attentive child and also care for your parents in their old age when you are grown. Most people don't get both parts of that. There is another part of Leviticus that says a truant miscreant should be stoned by the village upon petition by his/her parents.

#6 talks about "murder" but uses the Hebrew word "bludgeoning" instead. It has nothing to do about killing in self defense of yourself, someone else, or of your nation. But Quakers do not get that part either.

#7 means keep your eyes off married woman, but the words used in Hebrew refer specifically to "wife swapping" actually. Unless you can read Hebrew you will never get this part though.

#8 means theft and kidnapping.

#9 means perjury and lies.

#10 means don't set your eyes on anything that is not yours.

Good rules. Not all encompassing but still very good.
Well, number 4 is a problem. It may need to be rephrased to Honor your parental partners. Could be two men or two women or some other combination.
#4 is honor the Sabbath.

#5 is honor your father and mother.
I can only guess number one maybe number two and three ..a serious question which others would a lefty have a problem.with?

  1. I am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
  3. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy.
  4. Honor thy Mother and Father.
  5. Thou shall not kill.
  6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
  7. Thou shall not steal.
  8. Thou shall not bear false witness of thy neighbor.
  9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
  10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.


Personally I object to the one that insists politics has anything to do with religion.

Oh look -- you're a sinner. Repent.

But as far as comparison to politics -- number one is an Authoritarian's wet dream.

How is the 10 commandments politics , or religion if you take out the first three?

You have a problem with 4~ 10?

Well, number 4 is a problem. It may need to be rephrased to Honor your parental partners. Could be two men or two women or some other combination.
#4 is honor the Sabbath.

#5 is honor your father and mother.
I was using Bear's list. I didn't verify the order......thanks.
You learn something new everyday I never realized there were different numbering sytems


The Ten Commandments
LXX P S T A C L R Main article Exodus 20:1-17 Deuteronomy 5:4-21
— — — 1 — 1 — (1) I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 2[29] 6[29]
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me 3[30] 7[30]
2 2 1 2 1 1 — 2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 4–6[31] 8–10[32]
3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 7[33] 11[33]
4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy 8–11[34] 12–15[35]
5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 Honour thy father and thy mother 12[36] 16[37]
6 7 5 6 5 5 5 6 Thou shalt not kill 13[38] 17[38]
7 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 Thou shalt not commit adultery 14[39] 18[40]
8 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 Thou shalt not steal 15[41] 19[42]
9 9 8 9 8 8 8 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour 16[43] 20[44]
10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 Thou shalt not covet(neighbour's house)

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