The 10 Republicans Who Voted to Impeach President Trump

For political reasons.

The filthy ass Democrats were pissed to high heaven that Crooked Hillary was schlonged so they tried a coup against Trump with that treasonous Russia bullshit. When that didn't work they tried impeachment. When that didn't work they did the only thing left short of assassination, stealing the reelection.

The Democrats are the scum of America. Like all Leftest revolutionaries they believe in any means necessary to turn the US into a Socialist shithole.

Trump was the best President of modern times and the Democrats hate success so they stole an election from the American people to install that piece of shit Potatohead. Potatohead's Chinese buddies were pleased.
Democrats don't see how they are self destructing by letting the fringe in high office. They actually think Joe Biden is a moderate -- at least what's left of him
Democrats don't see how they are self destructing by letting the fringe in high office. They actually think Joe Biden is a moderate -- at least what's left of him

Potatohead isn't a moderate. He isn't anything. Just is just a dumbass that shits all over himself and doesn't know what he he is doing or saying 90% of the time..
Do you leftist ass-holes have memory that is so short that you can't remember VP Joe Biden telling the UKRAINIANS that if they didn't fire the prosecutor who was going after Biden's son, they wouldn't get a billion dollars in aid?

Really? That stupid and clueless?
Do you leftist ass-holes have memory that is so short that you can't remember VP Joe Biden telling the UKRAINIANS that if they didn't fire the prosecutor who was going after Biden's son, they wouldn't get a billion dollars in aid?

Really? That stupid and clueless?
That's because the prosecutor was corrupt, it had nothing to do with his son.
That's too bad. We need more Reps with balls!
You got them by the bucketloads. Do I need to name them? You know who they are and you fear them. What you really mean is, we need more Republicans who agree with Pelosi, Biden, and AOC 😂
Don't like Trump? You left wing nut cases are responsible for Trump into office because he was a better choice than HRC or any other low life Democrat. Considering the options proposed for 2024 by your party, I will vote for Trump, using your style, by voting as often as I can.

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