The 10 Republicans Who Voted to Impeach President Trump

Because the Progs are totalitarian fascists under the thumb of the Globalists with a percentage of Repubs in tow.
I just thought this was interesting. Seems to be a pattern

:thankusmile: I love it,the globalist Rinos in bed with the Demonrats are getting fucked,trump has been true to his word taking down the deep state.:yes_text12:
Don't like Trump? You left wing nut cases are responsible for Trump into office because he was a better choice than HRC or any other low life Democrat. Considering the options proposed for 2024 by your party, I will vote for Trump, using your style, by voting as often as I can.
Actually trump became president because of some very low-handed attacks on Hillary and he probably was manipulating the electoral college even back then. Remember Hillary won the popular vote, so the people of the United States never elected trump as president the electoral college did. And you want him to run and think he can win after he tried to betray the country. If he runs, if he's able to run and is nominated as the Republican parties nominee, he will get fewer votes than ever. Americans aren't that gullible as you think they are. And the women's vote is going to be more important than ever and the gays and their allies will help that vote soundly defeat him or any other Republican that runs for president we can have minority tyranny in this nation. And the Republicans are now a minority party of terrorists and extremists.
Actually trump became president because of some very low-handed attacks on Hillary and he probably was manipulating the electoral college even back then. Remember Hillary won the popular vote, so the people of the United States never elected trump as president the electoral college did. And you want him to run and think he can win after he tried to betray the country. If he runs, if he's able to run and is nominated as the Republican parties nominee, he will get fewer votes than ever. Americans aren't that gullible as you think they are. And the women's vote is going to be more important than ever and the gays and their allies will help that vote soundly defeat him or any other Republican that runs for president we can have minority tyranny in this nation. And the Republicans are now a minority party of terrorists and extremists.
Isn't that thrilling. Gays and single issue (abortion) women are running this country. God help us all.
For political reasons.

The filthy ass Democrats were pissed to high heaven that Crooked Hillary was schlonged so they tried a coup against Trump with that treasonous Russia bullshit. When that didn't work they tried impeachment. When that didn't work they did the only thing left short of assassination, stealing the reelection.

The Democrats are the scum of America. Like all Leftest revolutionaries they believe in any means necessary to turn the US into a Socialist shithole.

Trump was the best President of modern times and the Democrats hate success so they stole an election from the American people to install that piece of shit Potatohead. Potatohead's Chinese buddies were pleased.

best president, ya.
Don't like Trump? You left wing nut cases are responsible for Trump into office because he was a better choice than HRC or any other low life Democrat. Considering the options proposed for 2024 by your party, I will vote for Trump, using your style, by voting as often as I can.

Yes, these morons always seem to ignore this part, that it was their crazy sicko crap that got him elected in the first place.
Every person in America has more credibility than trump does. Every person in America has more integrity than Trump does. Every American in America should have more respect than trump gets. The only thing you guys know how to do is pick real sad loses. He is the most miserable excuse for a human being that there ever was.
i never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky...I just had sex with her dress
Don't like Trump? You left wing nut cases are responsible for Trump into office because he was a better choice than HRC or any other low life Democrat. Considering the options proposed for 2024 by your party, I will vote for Trump, using your style, by voting as often as I can.
It won't matter.
I will not be voting for my vote will cancel yours out.
You must be so happy with our open border. You must be thrilled with the rise in cost of living. You must be giddy with the crime rate in DEMONRAT run cities. You must gush at every word emanating from the mouth of such a fool as Biden. You don't give a damn that Biden caused the deaths of 13 of our bravest in Afghanistan with his failed retreat. You actually don't believe that throwing trillions of dollars at liberal causes was a colossal waste and did not cause inflation.
All because of your hatred of one man. Please, for the sake of a nation, get your head out of your ass.

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