The 12 GOP traitors that voted against American Security

There is no such thing as a “constitutional conservative”. You either believe in and support the Constitution or you don’t.

Those who support Trumps emergency declaration are opposing not just the Constitution but the separation of powers it contains.

You Russian pieces of shit don’t get that.

No, its you EU kibitzers that don't get what the AG of the US says is perfectly constitutional. If the AG isn't good enough for the dems, they can tee it up in court and have the courts confirm that Trump is well within his lane. A proof that the dems are simply playing politics is that the GOP offered to change the "National Emergencies" law to claw back the power for the president to declare a national emergency, requiring congressional confirmation within (30) days, and Nancy said no. Please recall that this entire episode could have beenj averted if the dems approved $5.3b for the wall, as requested. But no, Nancy said no money, so here we are and Nancy lost.

Nancy didn’t lose. Trump did.

What Barr says is irrelevant. If he wasn’t willing to subvert the Constitution, Trump wouldn’t have hired him.

Trump is alone and the walls are closing in.

OMG, are you living in an alternate universe?
Q: Is the wall being built yes or no? <yes> Nancy lost
The AG and the courts know what the Constitution says, you don't.
Trump defeated the veto override, he has clear sailing to 2024 with the motley crew of dem presidential pretenders they are putting up.<g>
The walls are closing in on AOC, from all sides....

The wall is NOT BEING BUILT. That's a lie Trump is telling fools like you. The only fences going up are replacement fences and you never check Trump on his lies.

No new wall is being built. Period, end of story. TRUMP LOST!
...And our southern border remains wide open like it has been for decades… LOL

I heard they were all relocating to SD.
Nancy didn’t lose. Trump did.

What Barr says is irrelevant. If he wasn’t willing to subvert the Constitution, Trump wouldn’t have hired him.

Trump is alone and the walls are closing in.

OMG, are you living in an alternate universe?
Q: Is the wall being built yes or no? <yes> Nancy lost
The AG and the courts know what the Constitution says, you don't.
Trump defeated the veto override, he has clear sailing to 2024 with the motley crew of dem presidential pretenders they are putting up.<g>
The walls are closing in on AOC, from all sides....
The wall is being frozen except for some small sections

There is no great concrete wall stretching 2000 miles and Mexico is not paying

1. The wall is not concrete, the border patrol wants to be able to see thru it. This is the current wall being mass produced and installed (photos below)
2. Trump's wall will be more like 550 miles, not 2000. Desolate deserts don't need walls.
Yea, I think that one is even easier to climb:

You posted an old wall in post #227, the ones that are being replaced with the new prototype shown below. Imagine the gash you'd get on your ass sitting on this wall. They aren't getting over the new wall.

Tie a pad to your butt. Then it won’t get cut. Are these people really that stupid they can’t figure out a sharp edge. How did they use knives? How do they not cut off their hands when cutting potatoes?
The wall is NOT BEING BUILT. That's a lie Trump is telling fools like you. The only fences going up are replacement fences and you never check Trump on his lies.

No new wall is being built. Period, end of story. TRUMP LOST!

1. First you replace the defective/inadequate wall with the new wall.
2. Then you extend the wall to cover new areas after getting the right-of-way.

The southern border is being strengthened the right way. There are hundreds of miles of wall under contract, it takes time to get all of the issues resolved before construction can start. The wall is being built, the right way, that is a fact. NANCY LOST.

This is what the new wall looks like:


No rights of way have been applied for. There is no "eminent domain" actions under way, except the ones that have yet to be resolved from the building of the fence under the Secure Fences Act.

Trump Claims His Wall Is Being Built. It’s Just a Replacement of Old Barriers.

Please see the CNN article below that shows that new wall is being built. Don't believe the MSM's bullshit.

In South Texas, Border Wall Construction Imminent

This is how much of the border wall has been built so far - CNNPolitics
"That could soon change. Construction is scheduled to start in February on a project that will bring 14 miles of new border wall to the Rio Grande Valley."

Do you know what that word means? It means it hasn't HAPPENED yet.

So all the pictures you have been posting are LIES

Reading comprehension issues? hint: its now March, soon to be April, so the claim that "no new wall is being constructed" is a lie.

From the above CNN article:

"That could soon change. Construction is scheduled to start in February on a project that will bring 14 miles of new border wall to the Rio Grande Valley."

I posted just the other day in this or some other thread not one piece of new wall is being built just repairs. So you are believing CNN?
Nancy didn’t lose. Trump did.

What Barr says is irrelevant. If he wasn’t willing to subvert the Constitution, Trump wouldn’t have hired him.

Trump is alone and the walls are closing in.

OMG, are you living in an alternate universe?
Q: Is the wall being built yes or no? <yes> Nancy lost
The AG and the courts know what the Constitution says, you don't.
Trump defeated the veto override, he has clear sailing to 2024 with the motley crew of dem presidential pretenders they are putting up.<g>
The walls are closing in on AOC, from all sides....

You are the one living in a alternate universe.
A: The wall is not being built. Some fencing will be built and/or replaced.
The AG is not a judge and no judges have ruled.
Democrats regained the House and had fewer losses in the Senate than expected. I suppose that was a motley crew.
The walls are closing in on Trump.

Ok, the wall isn't being built. Just ignore that big new steel thingy, with a lot more under contract
Agreed the courts will decide the issue, but the AG supports the constitutionality argument
The dems wanted a "wave" and got the House because they promised to fix healthcare (a lie) and 40 incumbent GOP congressmen bailed, 2018 was a normal mid-term
Trump will win in 2020, damn the walls, full speed ahead
Trumps AG will say anything he does is legal

Just like Bushs AG said torture was legal
Waterboarding is not torture… DJs do it all the time for fun
The United States has prosecuted water boarding as a war crime

Guess it is only a crime when someone does it to us
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
When I put out an accusation I put out the reasoning behind it. And I list facts. And most of the time I link to Republican quotes to back up my point. But you can’t. All you do is slander and smear. That’s all you’ve got.
If you can’t prove what you say then you don’t even believe what you say. You’re just an old phonograph repeating whatever is the set on your turntable.
  1. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who is retiring at the end of the current Congress
  2. Susan Collins
  3. Mike Lee (Utah)
  4. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) (She voted against Kavanaugh too)
  5. Roy Blunt (Mo.)
  6. Rand Paul (Ky.)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pa.)
  8. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  9. Jerry Moran (Kan.)
  10. Marco Rubio (Fla.) (Go to any foam parties recently, little Marco?)
  11. Roger Wicker (Miss.)
  12. Mitt Romney (Utah) (Really, Mormons, you couldn't find anyone else??)
1 is retiring thankfully,Collins,
Murkowski,Lee,Blunt,Paul,Toomey,Portman,Moran,Rubio are up for reelection in 2022.
Wicker and Romney are up for reelection in 2024

Murkowski BARELY won reelection a few years ago she had to use a write in ballot to "win" her race so let's send all these FAKE conservatives packing.

The fake conservatives are the 41 Republicans who voted to ignore the Constitution and you fascist pigs. .There are 25 Republicans in the House and Senate who respect the Constitution.

Among Republicans who probably lost their seats. Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis and Martha McSalley. I am sure that Democrats would love them to be primaries. Tim Pawlenty was the one Republican who Democrats worried about and he was defeated. The result was a easy win for Democrats. Mark Sanford was primaried and replaced by a far right extremist who lost to a Democrat.

2/3rds of voters do not support what Trump and the Republicans are doing.
Oh fk off

Oh go fck Trump like you always do.
Infatile babies each and everyone of you. Truly a shameful bunch you are
OMG, are you living in an alternate universe?
Q: Is the wall being built yes or no? <yes> Nancy lost
The AG and the courts know what the Constitution says, you don't.
Trump defeated the veto override, he has clear sailing to 2024 with the motley crew of dem presidential pretenders they are putting up.<g>
The walls are closing in on AOC, from all sides....

You are the one living in a alternate universe.
A: The wall is not being built. Some fencing will be built and/or replaced.
The AG is not a judge and no judges have ruled.
Democrats regained the House and had fewer losses in the Senate than expected. I suppose that was a motley crew.
The walls are closing in on Trump.

Ok, the wall isn't being built. Just ignore that big new steel thingy, with a lot more under contract
Agreed the courts will decide the issue, but the AG supports the constitutionality argument
The dems wanted a "wave" and got the House because they promised to fix healthcare (a lie) and 40 incumbent GOP congressmen bailed, 2018 was a normal mid-term
Trump will win in 2020, damn the walls, full speed ahead
Trumps AG will say anything he does is legal

Just like Bushs AG said torture was legal

Not to mention Holder or Lynch, huh?

Remember Obama's controversies? :Category:Obama administration controversies - Wikipedia
ATF Gunwalking
DOJ investigates reporters
Illegal surveillance programs
Hillary emails & server
IRS targeting
NSA warrantless surveillance
Uranium One
Illegal Executive Orders

So many of these "scandals" were simply lies FOX News/Republicans told you.

And all of them pale in comparison to a President who surrounds himself with criminals in the thrall of Russia and who takes his marching orders from Vladimir Putin.

The President is actively undermining and destroying the rule of law in the USA, pulling out of all of the strategic alliances and trade deals that have made the US the richest country in the world, and is driving your Treasury towards bankruptcy.

All of his close friends and business associates are now going to jail for money laundering, lying to Congress, paying off porn stars on Trump's behalf, and lying to the FBI. All of his family, staff and officials lied about contacts with Russians throughout the campaign and after his election.

Your President is not only corrupt, but he's also an agent of a hostile foreign power.

Far more damaging to the country than whether or not the Tea Party had to answer a few more questions about their request for a non-profit status.

1. Those Obama scandals are real, that's why they're in wiki, and they will be in the history books
2. Got any evidence that Putin owns Trump? Didn't think so, thanks for playing
3. Trump is improving trade deals. What strategic alliance did he pull out of? NONE (he told NATO members to pay up)
4. Treasury? The Debt is growing, but Trump's borrowing pales in comparison to Obama's
5. Trump's associates are getting what they deserve, those old crimes have nothing to do with Trump. We'll soon see what Mueller has on Trump, then when that craps out we can focus on 2020 and what type of country the voters want. It sure as hell won't be the "Green New Deal".
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
How does an abuse of presidential powers defend the constitution
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
When I put out an accusation I put out the reasoning behind it. And I list facts. And most of the time I link to Republican quotes to back up my point. But you can’t. All you do is slander and smear. That’s all you’ve got.
If you can’t prove what you say then you don’t even believe what you say. You’re just an old phonograph repeating whatever is the set on your turntable.
Or not
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
How does an abuse of presidential powers defend the constitution

How does it defend the constitution to not let people in the country who don't believe in the constitution even slightly... and if they do, it's the Mexican constitution?

Good question, I will let you ponder it for a minute.
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
what violation? usually, the right wing is not bright enough to understand our Constitution.
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
How does an abuse of presidential powers defend the constitution

How does it defend the constitution to not let people in the country who don't believe in the constitution even slightly... and if they do, it's the Mexican constitution?

Good question, I will let you ponder it for a minute.
make up anything you want, right wingers?
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
what violation? usually, the right wing is not bright enough to understand our Constitution.

Obamacare was found unconstitutional by 4 of the 9 judges. People voting it in didn't give a shit.

And of course, leftists actively try to destroy the constitution, the first and second amendments in particular.
OMG, are you living in an alternate universe?
Q: Is the wall being built yes or no? <yes> Nancy lost
The AG and the courts know what the Constitution says, you don't.
Trump defeated the veto override, he has clear sailing to 2024 with the motley crew of dem presidential pretenders they are putting up.<g>
The walls are closing in on AOC, from all sides....

You are the one living in a alternate universe.
A: The wall is not being built. Some fencing will be built and/or replaced.
The AG is not a judge and no judges have ruled.
Democrats regained the House and had fewer losses in the Senate than expected. I suppose that was a motley crew.
The walls are closing in on Trump.

Ok, the wall isn't being built. Just ignore that big new steel thingy, with a lot more under contract
Agreed the courts will decide the issue, but the AG supports the constitutionality argument
The dems wanted a "wave" and got the House because they promised to fix healthcare (a lie) and 40 incumbent GOP congressmen bailed, 2018 was a normal mid-term
Trump will win in 2020, damn the walls, full speed ahead
Trumps AG will say anything he does is legal

Just like Bushs AG said torture was legal
Waterboarding is not torture… DJs do it all the time for fun
The United States has prosecuted water boarding as a war crime

Guess it is only a crime when someone does it to us
We have no security problem; we have a naturalization problem and the right wing is simply too lazy.
Illegal immigration is just a paperwork problem
The Cold War is over and all of those programs should be abolished.
Easy enough to issue working papers

Problem solved
You do make a point. Republicans are making illegal immigrants the boogeyman to win elections. The minute corporate America tells republicans they need more bodies they’ll just hand out citizenship to anyone who wants it. Provided they pass the background check of course.

Just let’s not pretend republicans are anti immigrants. Only their crazy supporters are. That’s who trump caters to. The racist voters. The nationalists. He blames brown people for their woes.
They hate brown immigrants
Corporate republicans don’t. Only the poor and middle class worker republicans care about that. That’s why trump is trying so hard to give them the wall. He gives them nothing else. Maga my ass
What a bunch of morons. The leftists violate the constitution with no two shits given. Soon we have no constitution to begin with as these idiots obstruct the best means of defending it.
what violation? usually, the right wing is not bright enough to understand our Constitution.

Obamacare was found unconstitutional by 4 of the 9 judges. People voting it in didn't give a shit.

And of course, leftists actively try to destroy the constitution, the first and second amendments in particular.
Our welfare clause is General not Common.

There is no crime, drug, or terror clause.
You are the one living in a alternate universe.
A: The wall is not being built. Some fencing will be built and/or replaced.
The AG is not a judge and no judges have ruled.
Democrats regained the House and had fewer losses in the Senate than expected. I suppose that was a motley crew.
The walls are closing in on Trump.

Ok, the wall isn't being built. Just ignore that big new steel thingy, with a lot more under contract
Agreed the courts will decide the issue, but the AG supports the constitutionality argument
The dems wanted a "wave" and got the House because they promised to fix healthcare (a lie) and 40 incumbent GOP congressmen bailed, 2018 was a normal mid-term
Trump will win in 2020, damn the walls, full speed ahead
Trumps AG will say anything he does is legal

Just like Bushs AG said torture was legal
Waterboarding is not torture… DJs do it all the time for fun
The United States has prosecuted water boarding as a war crime

Guess it is only a crime when someone does it to us

Wartime Tax rates is not punishment.
Ok, the wall isn't being built. Just ignore that big new steel thingy, with a lot more under contract
Agreed the courts will decide the issue, but the AG supports the constitutionality argument
The dems wanted a "wave" and got the House because they promised to fix healthcare (a lie) and 40 incumbent GOP congressmen bailed, 2018 was a normal mid-term
Trump will win in 2020, damn the walls, full speed ahead
Trumps AG will say anything he does is legal

Just like Bushs AG said torture was legal
Waterboarding is not torture… DJs do it all the time for fun
The United States has prosecuted water boarding as a war crime

Guess it is only a crime when someone does it to us

Wartime Tax rates is not punishment.

It most certainly is.
Trumps AG will say anything he does is legal

Just like Bushs AG said torture was legal
Waterboarding is not torture… DJs do it all the time for fun
The United States has prosecuted water boarding as a war crime

Guess it is only a crime when someone does it to us

Wartime Tax rates is not punishment.

It most certainly is.

waterboarding is worse.

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