The 12-Steps of Avoiding LGBT Blackmail & Career Destruction

Oh trust me, when SCOTUS finally weighs in, I'll drop the topic.
Why would you? I thought you said you were concerned about people. Do the negatives associated with homosexuality just vanish when the court rules?

I'm sure the cult of LGBT won't drop its blackmailing, intimidation and career-wrecking techniques. But what will change is when Windsor is reaffirmed, the cult will have to go back to selling its wares state by state to try to increase the numbers of states that have legal gay marriage per Windsor from 3.

By then it will be the LGBT cult's money v the money of traditional family groups in advertising in the media. Then the public will "try" this case at the polls.

I'm thinking of renting space on a billboard near my town advertising photos from gay pride parades just before each election where gays are trying to get the voters to approve their marriage. Or excerpts from Harvey Milk's bio. That sort of thing. I'll let those things do the "blogging" for me...

You know the old saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words". Maybe just a montage like this one:




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Oh trust me, when SCOTUS finally weighs in, I'll drop the topic.
Why would you? I thought you said you were concerned about people. Do the negatives associated with homosexuality just vanish when the court rules?

I'm sure the cult of LGBT won't drop its blackmailing, intimidation and career-wrecking techniques. But what will change is when Windsor is reaffirmed, the cult will have to go back to selling its wares state by state to try to increase the numbers of states that have legal gay marriage per Windsor from 3.

By then it will be the LGBT cult's money v the money of traditional family groups in advertising in the media. Then the public will "try" this case at the polls.

I'm thinking of renting space on a billboard near my town advertising photos from gay pride parades just before each election where gays are trying to get the voters to approve their marriage. Or excerpts from Harvey Milk's bio. That sort of thing. I'll let those things do the "blogging" for me...

You know the old saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words". Maybe just a montage like this one:





How is the last picture relevant to the first three?
I'm sure the cult of LGBT won't drop its blackmailing, intimidation and career-wrecking techniques. But what will change is when Windsor is reaffirmed, the cult will have to go back to selling its wares state by state to try to increase the numbers of states that have legal gay marriage per Windsor from 3.

By then it will be the LGBT cult's money v the money of traditional family groups in advertising in the media. Then the public will "try" this case at the polls.

I'm thinking of renting space on a billboard near my town advertising photos from gay pride parades just before each election where gays are trying to get the voters to approve their marriage. Or excerpts from Harvey Milk's bio. That sort of thing. I'll let those things do the "blogging" for me...

You know the old saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words". Maybe just a montage like this one:




So once again you don't give a shit about children. Heterosexuals can slaughter 54 million inthe womb. But a dude in rainbow briefs, or painted in briefs is the end of the world? Doyou thinkthe Olympic divers are the end of the world?

And a man with a giant phallus is worse than 100million babies being butchered in the womb.

Just think about it, there are alcoholic drug using child abusers (heterosexuals greatly outnumber anybody else) that torture their children to death or lock them in hot cars to die and have massive numbers hacked up in the womb, but you know whatis way worse than that? Two men hugging their newborn baby. How aweful, that kid should be chained to a toilet or left in a car while his mom gets hooked up. Or butchered in the womb.

I am glad you have your priorities straight. Drugs aren't the threat, parental abuse isn't, even death in the womb, isn't, it's men in briefs. Oh no....
Yeah Sil a picture is worth a thousand words
Have a look ass what I found.




See I can cherry pick Google images search and find pictures to make anything look bad.
Why would you? I thought you said you were concerned about people. Do the negatives associated with homosexuality just vanish when the court rules?

I'm sure the cult of LGBT won't drop its blackmailing, intimidation and career-wrecking techniques. But what will change is when Windsor is reaffirmed, the cult will have to go back to selling its wares state by state to try to increase the numbers of states that have legal gay marriage per Windsor from 3.

By then it will be the LGBT cult's money v the money of traditional family groups in advertising in the media. Then the public will "try" this case at the polls.

I'm thinking of renting space on a billboard near my town advertising photos from gay pride parades just before each election where gays are trying to get the voters to approve their marriage. Or excerpts from Harvey Milk's bio. That sort of thing. I'll let those things do the "blogging" for me...

You know the old saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words". Maybe just a montage like this one:





How is the last picture relevant to the first three?

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.
I'm sure the cult of LGBT won't drop its blackmailing, intimidation and career-wrecking techniques. But what will change is when Windsor is reaffirmed, the cult will have to go back to selling its wares state by state to try to increase the numbers of states that have legal gay marriage per Windsor from 3.

By then it will be the LGBT cult's money v the money of traditional family groups in advertising in the media. Then the public will "try" this case at the polls.

I'm thinking of renting space on a billboard near my town advertising photos from gay pride parades just before each election where gays are trying to get the voters to approve their marriage. Or excerpts from Harvey Milk's bio. That sort of thing. I'll let those things do the "blogging" for me...

You know the old saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words". Maybe just a montage like this one:





How is the last picture relevant to the first three?

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.
I would agree with that but it's that picture sexually suggestive?

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.


And notice the gay guy holding the newborn is much older than the other one just on skin tone etc. I wonder if the baby is a boy as the younger guy ages past that older guy's tweak, if the boy will be in danger?

[That's how the last picture is relevant to the first three]

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.


And notice the gay guy holding the newborn is much older than the other one just on skin tone etc. I wonder if the baby is a boy as the younger guy ages past that older guy's tweak, if the boy will be in danger?

[That's how the last picture is relevant to the first three]
So, it's only relevant because you wish to believe all homosexual men are child molesters? Yep, it isn't really relevant.

And you making up sexual perversions where non exist tells me that you are thinking thesethings. Kind of like my avatar. Clearly it triggered some deep sexual desire youhad and you dreamed up some perverted fiction and applied it to me.

Go get some help sil
How is the last picture relevant to the first three?

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.
I would agree with that but it's that picture sexually suggestive?

No it's just for lack of a better word, gay. And as far as the pics go the rest of them are. I don't mind discussing the topic. But for Christs' sake does everyone need to copy them in every post? Iwould love to know the pathology on that one.
Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.
I would agree with that but it's that picture sexually suggestive?

No it's just for lack of a better word, gay. And as far as the pics go the rest of them are. I don't mind discussing the topic. But for Christs' sake does everyone need to copy them in every post? Iwould love to know the pathology on that one.
Gay, and unappealing. Hairy blubbering men as well as a slimy new infant does not a pretty picture make.

As far as the repeating, I can't figure out why quotes of quotes of quotes happen onan thisforum.
I would agree with that but it's that picture sexually suggestive?

No it's just for lack of a better word, gay. And as far as the pics go the rest of them are. I don't mind discussing the topic. But for Christs' sake does everyone need to copy them in every post? Iwould love to know the pathology on that one.
Gay, and unappealing. Hairy blubbering men as well as a slimy new infant does not a pretty picture make.

As far as the repeating, I can't figure out why quotes of quotes of quotes happen onan thisforum.

What anyone can do to select the text they want is to highlight and cut out sections you don't want to reply to, making sure the [ quote ] [ /quote ] markers are in the right place. You have to pay attention to where they start and end for each poster's ID.

Try it a few times & get practice.

Yes, two gay guys holding a newborn infant is disgusting and ironic...ironically-disgusting if you will... I can see why folks would not want to keep repeating that photo.
No it's just for lack of a better word, gay. And as far as the pics go the rest of them are. I don't mind discussing the topic. But for Christs' sake does everyone need to copy them in every post? Iwould love to know the pathology on that one.
Gay, and unappealing. Hairy blubbering men as well as a slimy new infant does not a pretty picture make.

As far as the repeating, I can't figure out why quotes of quotes of quotes happen onan thisforum.

What anyone can do to select the text they want is to highlight and cut out sections you don't want to reply to, making sure the [ quote ] [ /quote ] markers are in the right place. You have to pay attention to where they start and end for each poster's ID.

Try it a few times & get practice.

Yes, two gay guys holding a newborn infant is disgusting and ironic...ironically-disgusting if you will... I can see why folks would not want to keep repeating that photo.
not to mention the obvious but sillywet is one sick fuck ....
what would you have thought (I use that word in it's loosest form) if you hadn't found it after hours of searching gay sites for the pics that disgusted you the most?
in other words if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway?
not to mention the obvious but sillywet is one sick fuck ....
what would you have thought (I use that word in it's loosest form) if you hadn't found it after hours of searching gay sites for the pics that disgusted you the most?
in other words if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway?

Never went to one "gay site" to find those pictures. I found them through mainstream news outlets, here, and on Google searches using the keywords "gay" "pride" and "parade"... Like anyone else can.
not to mention the obvious but sillywet is one sick fuck ....
what would you have thought (I use that word in it's loosest form) if you hadn't found it after hours of searching gay sites for the pics that disgusted you the most?
in other words if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway?

Never went to one "gay site" to find those pictures. I found them through mainstream news outlets, here, and on Google searches using the keywords "gay" "pride" and "parade"... Like anyone else can.
the end around you are attempting has failed...
answer the question : "if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway"
No it's just for lack of a better word, gay. And as far as the pics go the rest of them are. I don't mind discussing the topic. But for Christs' sake does everyone need to copy them in every post? Iwould love to know the pathology on that one.
Gay, and unappealing. Hairy blubbering men as well as a slimy new infant does not a pretty picture make.

As far as the repeating, I can't figure out why quotes of quotes of quotes happen onan thisforum.

What anyone can do to select the text they want is to highlight and cut out sections you don't want to reply to, making sure the [ quote ] [ /quote ] markers are in the right place. You have to pay attention to where they start and end for each poster's ID.

Try it a few times & get practice.
This isn't my first rodeo cowboy. I just think it's strange that the quotes pile up like that

Yes, two gay guys holding a newborn infant is disgusting and ironic...ironically-disgusting if you will... I can see why folks would not want to keep repeating that photo.
I didn't say disgusting, it isn't really, just unappealing.
the end around you are attempting has failed...
answer the question : "if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway"

The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance. Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.
Sorry Sil but one picture of a suggestive costume does not a valid case make. All the other pictures you posted aren't really that bad. 3% of the population is homosexual that's 9million people. Now if you had a picture of four million acting this way you'd have a point.

You are simply judging millions of people by the actions of two. That is absolutely prejudiced. You aren't making a very compelling case.

That's kind of like judging all Christians based on the actions of Warren Jeffs

Never went to one "gay site" to find those pictures. I found them through mainstream news outlets, here, and on Google searches using the keywords "gay" "pride" and "parade"... Like anyone else can.
the end around you are attempting has failed...
answer the question : "if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway"

The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance. Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.
still dodging ..
I'm talking about the pic where one man is holding the newborn!
The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.
Sex acts in public? Now you are making shit up. You may have eyes but they are worthless because they only see the world through a prism of hatred. This everything you observe it'stainted and not credible

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance.
You haven't found that in homosexual people either. You see what you want to see.

Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.
You see what you want to see. If the attendees at the parade were in business suits you would likely still see what you want to see.

Face it Sil. You want to dislike homosexuals for no other reason than they are homosexual. Whether it's because you are actually gay, or you are too much of a busy body, or you need a scapegoat to pin problems on so they don't get pinned on you, your motives are selfish and your argument is bullshit.

You callcan lie to yourself all you wish, but I don't buy it.
You see what you want to see. If the attendees at the parade were in business suits you would likely still see what you want to see.

How about we just post the pictures and let the readers decide what is or isn't a lewd act in front of a child?




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