The 12-Steps of Avoiding LGBT Blackmail & Career Destruction

You see what you want to see. If the attendees at the parade were in business suits you would likely still see what you want to see.

How about we just post the pictures and let the readers decide what is or isn't a lewd act in front of a child?




fucking freaks........whooooooaaaaaaa!! Heard of missing some memo's but fuck me??!!!!:coffee:
You see what you want to see. If the attendees at the parade were in business suits you would likely still see what you want to see.

How about we just post the pictures and let the readers decide what is or isn't a lewd act in front of a child?
Good for you, you have found a picture of two people behaving in a lewd manner.

If a reader is going to judge 9million people based on a photoof two people, they are suffering from the same affliction you are.
You see what you want to see. If the attendees at the parade were in business suits you would likely still see what you want to see.

How about we just post the pictures and let the readers decide what is or isn't a lewd act in front of a child?
Good for you, you have found a picture of two people behaving in a lewd manner.

If a reader is going to judge 9million people based on a photoof two people, they are suffering from the same affliction you are.

My friend, I had to wade through hundreds of picture just like it. If you think for one minute you're going to sell the public that gay pride parades are anything but what you see above... you might as well cancel your membership here and go home. Not a single person is going to believe a spin-stretch that far out to its limit.

In fact, many photos were much much worse. I've mentioned the ones I saw at a political site a year or two back where gay men in SF CA were buck naked on a public street in broad daylight sitting on a float getting head from their friends with passer's-by in the background.

Everything starts in California and radiates outward with this cult. Just so y'all know what's coming your way in a few years as it moves east.
My friend, I had to wade through hundreds of picture just like it. If you think for one minute you're going to sell the public that gay pride parades are anything but what you see above... you might as well cancel your membership here and go home. Not a single person is going to believe a spin-stretch that far out to its limit.
Meh, your opinions don't represent the majority any more. The public seems to accept it and promote them where they occur. I think I am just fine with my membership. It seems you are trying to push boulders up hills. That parade hs been occurring for half a century. And in that time we have seen several states legitimize same sex marriage, all states remove laws against homosexuality.

So it sounds like you are on a sinking ship and insisting that it isn't sinking

In fact, many photos were much much worse. I've mentioned the ones I saw at a political site a year or two back where gay men in SF CA were buck naked on a public street in broad daylight sitting on a float getting head from their friends with passer's-by in the background.
Unless you are talking about millions of people you are talking about an exception not the rule. And you see perversions where there isn't any, so I don't believe you. You will spin any lie you can to push your agenda. Thus any anecdotal things you have to say are complete hogwash.

Everything starts in California and radiates outward with this cult. Just so y'all know what's coming your way in a few years as it moves east.
What, your lies? No that only occurs in your head.
Meh, your opinions don't represent the majority any more. The public seems to accept it and promote them where they occur. I think I am just fine with my membership. It seems you are trying to push boulders up hills. That parade hs been occurring for half a century. And in that time we have seen several states legitimize same sex marriage, all states remove laws against homosexuality.

So it sounds like you are on a sinking ship and insisting that it isn't sinking

Yes, the public is always very accepting when people are blackmailed, their careers ruined and millions of votes are "washed away" by a deviant sex cult.

Here's how strong your support is. Read the poll results and weep:

I said on another thread and I'll say it here. If you're so darned certain of all this "acceptance and support" for your deviant lifestyles, then why all the court appeals? States should be lining up in droves to vote gay marriage right in. Since it's behavioral and not a race issue, it's properly up to the states anyway. I don't even know what all these federal court appeals are about. Seems like both are on the same side as Windsor 2013: "State's Choice"..
How about we just post the pictures and let the readers decide what is or isn't a lewd act in front of a child?
Good for you, you have found a picture of two people behaving in a lewd manner.

If a reader is going to judge 9million people based on a photoof two people, they are suffering from the same affliction you are.

My friend, I had to wade through hundreds of picture just like it. If you think for one minute you're going to sell the public that gay pride parades are anything but what you see above... you might as well cancel your membership here and go home. Not a single person is going to believe a spin-stretch that far out to its limit.

In fact, many photos were much much worse. I've mentioned the ones I saw at a political site a year or two back where gay men in SF CA were buck naked on a public street in broad daylight sitting on a float getting head from their friends with passer's-by in the background.

Everything starts in California and radiates outward with this cult. Just so y'all know what's coming your way in a few years as it moves east.
yes, everything good starts in California BUTT (PUN INTENDED) THERE WERE GAY "HOT SPOTS on the east coast when San Francisco was just a Mexican fishing village..
only in your misfiring mind is gay a cult ..
...only in your misfiring mind is gay a cult ..

Let's see the "differences" then...


1. Have a leadership that sets the standard for the cultees, who are strongly encouraged to not veer from that leadership.

2. They have a set of dogmatic rules.

3. They use surreptitious means to rope people into the fold, or at least not to mess with the integrity of the fold.

4. They evangelize

5. They like malleable minds like the young or mentally compromised to evangelize the most aggressively to.

6. They punish heretics

7. They push the boundaries of legality in the sacrafices and tasks they ask of their followers in order to expand the agenda of the cult leadership.


1. Harvey Milk, GLAAD, Kevin Jennings

2. Thou shalt not give therapy to youngsters imprinted gay by molestation. Thou shalt not get with a "breeder". Thou shalt not disagree with gay values being imposed anywhere, anytime or Thou art a "hater".

3. Banning reparative therapy for youth. Manipulating language such as "sex" in the 14th Amendment to mean a verb. Manipulating the legal system. Outright sedition in California of the People's civil rights to govern themselves.

4. Kevin Jennings' work in schools. Mark Leno's work in the CA legislature. Gay pride parades everywhere, every town. GLAAD owning Hollywood and putting rainbow colors in every TV commercial, and promoting gay themes and openly gay people in all the formats of the networks they keep buying up on cable.

5. Again, Jennings' work in schools. Harvey Milk day in schools. Disallowing youth to get therapy to throw off unwanted imprinted compulsive homosexual drives from being molested. "bi-curious" events/dances/parties thrown to entice adolescents to "come give LGBT a try".

6. Threats to anyone who dares to criticize the moment. Ostracization and demonizing of former cultees who leave the fold [Anne Heche is synonymous with "traitor" in gay vernacular]. Blackmail to politicians and industry leaders who voice their support for traditional marriage. Lawsuits aimed to punish anyone for following their faith to not promote homosexuality.

7. Gay pride parades performing lewd acts in a parade on a public thoroughfare, in broad daylight as a matter of "pride" around children they hope and expect will be there. Forcing adoption agencies to allow them access to kids in spite of these lewd parades in public.
the end around you are attempting has failed...
answer the question : "if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway"

The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance. Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.

Not a bad idea. A "straight" parade with normal people acting normal. I'd attend.
the end around you are attempting has failed...
answer the question : "if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway"

The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance. Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.

Not a bad idea. A "straight" parade with normal people acting normal. I'd attend.
ok... define normal!
Yes, the public is always very accepting when people are blackmailed, their careers ruined and millions of votes are "washed away" by a deviant sex cult.
So you think lgbt is the builderburg group? I don't think anybody else but paranoid delusional folks like you believe that. And you aren't the minority.

Here's how strong your support is. Read the poll results and weep:
I read it and laughed. It had nothing to do with support for same sex marriage. But you would post any irrelevant thing you could to feel like you are in the majority. It's called existential angst kiddo and you have it writtenall over you. Btw here is a poll that shows support for same sex marriage. Read it and deny our seeth or whatever angsty thing you have to do tu convince yourself that reality isn't happening.

In U.S., 52% Back Law to Legalize Gay Marriage in 50 States

I said on another thread and I'll say it here. If you're so darned certain of all this "acceptance and support" for your deviant lifestyles, then why all the court appeals?
Reelection and existential angst.

States should be lining up in droves to vote gay marriage right in. Since it's behavioral and not a race issue, it's properly up to the states anyway.
Well the federal courts seem to disagree.

I don't even know what all these federal court appeals are about. Seems like both are on the same side as Windsor 2013: "State's Choice"..
If they were, there wouldn't be any court cases dealing with it. If they sided with Windsor, they acted against themselves. This was all brought up by the federal court. The states would have nothing to appeal is they sided with Windsor.
the end around you are attempting has failed...
answer the question : "if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway"

The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance. Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.

Not a bad idea. A "straight" parade with normal people acting normal. I'd attend.
That's all a gay pride parade is. But if you need a parade to celebrate your heterosexuality, I fully support that idea. I love straight people.
the end around you are attempting has failed...
answer the question : "if you hadn't known they were gay, would the pic have degusted you?
or would you have assumed they were gay anyway"

The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance. Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.

Not a bad idea. A "straight" parade with normal people acting normal. I'd attend.

Is that Legal ? A straight Parade with REAL families and REAL Children !!!! Oh My Gosh !!! those nasty little gay bashers from the friggin BOY SCOUTS too !!! Youd' probably get arrested for discriminating against the Mentally Insane.
I'm sure the cult of LGBT won't drop its blackmailing, intimidation and career-wrecking techniques. But what will change is when Windsor is reaffirmed, the cult will have to go back to selling its wares state by state to try to increase the numbers of states that have legal gay marriage per Windsor from 3.

By then it will be the LGBT cult's money v the money of traditional family groups in advertising in the media. Then the public will "try" this case at the polls.

I'm thinking of renting space on a billboard near my town advertising photos from gay pride parades just before each election where gays are trying to get the voters to approve their marriage. Or excerpts from Harvey Milk's bio. That sort of thing. I'll let those things do the "blogging" for me...

You know the old saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words". Maybe just a montage like this one:





How is the last picture relevant to the first three?

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.

It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!
The rainbow trappings and their customary sex-acts-in-public gave away the culture they belong to. I have eyes and they are connected to my brain.

I've not found any pictures of heteros scheduling a sex-pride parade down main street in any town where they are doing lewd sex acts as a matter of "pride" on floats where children are anticipated to be in attendance. Can you think of any? I don't have any previous category in my brain to cause me to identify a picture of such an event, besides a gay pride parade.

Not a bad idea. A "straight" parade with normal people acting normal. I'd attend.

Is that Legal ? A straight Parade with REAL families and REAL Children !!!! Oh My Gosh !!! those nasty little gay bashers from the friggin BOY SCOUTS too !!! Youd' probably get arrested for discriminating against the Mentally Insane.
define real..
How is the last picture relevant to the first three?

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.

It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..
How is the last picture relevant to the first three?

Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.

It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!

Yep, only someone who is patently insane could look at those pictures and think that infant was safe.
Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.

It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..

Nah ...couse not ,there just happenned to a professional photographer on hand with a camera, and they just happenned to have Media access and that photographer just happenned to be a gay activist and gay writer Lindsay Foster ... but of course there's no indication it was staged - course not - just a bunch of comvenient coincidences ...

Official Jennifer McCreath: Newfoundland Newspaper "Norwester" Publishes Transphobic Article!

OT: DAWS - your proctologist called ,he said they reviewed the x-rays and your head is too far up to retrieve. Sorry Pal
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Well as the only unbiased non gay hater in the thread I would say a couple of guys crying over a newborn that just came out of some girls vagina is a bit over the top.

It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..

I wouldn't waste your time with some of the posters here.
It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..

I wouldn't waste your time with some of the posters here.

Nah ...couse not ,they just pointout inconvenient facts and ruin your pathetic little World View :lol: You still haven't attempted to adress the fact that the picture was staged , a fantasy created for propaganda purposes

.... there just happenned to a professional photographer on hand with a camera, and they just happenned to have Media access and that photographer just happenned to be a gay activist and gay writer Lindsay Foster ... but of course there's no indication it was staged - course not - just a bunch of comvenient coincidences ...

Official Jennifer McCreath: Newfoundland Newspaper "Norwester" Publishes Transphobic Article!

OT :By the way Daws - did you get the message re: your proctologist and your head - he said it's too far up"there" to attempt and retrieve it -That "Stinks" right ?
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