The 12-Steps of Avoiding LGBT Blackmail & Career Destruction

It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..

Nah ...couse not ,there just happenned to a professional photographer on hand with a camera, and they just happenned to have Media access and that photographer just happenned to be a gay activist and gay writer Lindsay Foster ... but of course there's no indication it was staged - course not - just a bunch of comvenient coincidences ...

Official Jennifer McCreath: Newfoundland Newspaper "Norwester" Publishes Transphobic Article!

OT: DAWS - your proctologist called ,he said they reviewed the x-rays and your head is too far up to retrieve. Sorry Pal
and why not it's news ...
Is that Legal ? A straight Parade with REAL families and REAL Children !!!! Oh My Gosh !!! those nasty little gay bashers from the friggin BOY SCOUTS too !!! Youd' probably get arrested for discriminating against the Mentally Insane.
define real..

A Man, A Women and Children . Got It !?
false that's a version , a narrow version of real.
a real family is what the people in it say it is.
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..

I wouldn't waste your time with some of the posters here.

Nah ...couse not ,they just pointout inconvenient facts and ruin your pathetic little World View :lol: You still haven't attempted to adress the fact that the picture was staged , a fantasy created for propaganda purposes

.... there just happenned to a professional photographer on hand with a camera, and they just happenned to have Media access and that photographer just happenned to be a gay activist and gay writer Lindsay Foster ... but of course there's no indication it was staged - course not - just a bunch of comvenient coincidences ...

Official Jennifer McCreath: Newfoundland Newspaper "Norwester" Publishes Transphobic Article!

OT :By the way Daws - did you get the message re: your proctologist and your head - he said it's too far up"there" to attempt and retrieve it -That "Stinks" right ?
the irony of your "your pathetic little World View " rant is a classic of small mindedness
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..

Nah ...couse not ,there just happenned to a professional photographer on hand with a camera, and they just happenned to have Media access and that photographer just happenned to be a gay activist and gay writer Lindsay Foster ... but of course there's no indication it was staged - course not - just a bunch of comvenient coincidences ...

Official Jennifer McCreath: Newfoundland Newspaper "Norwester" Publishes Transphobic Article!

OT: DAWS - your proctologist called ,he said they reviewed the x-rays and your head is too far up to retrieve. Sorry Pal
and why not it's news ...

What ? News ... about your proctologist calling - I guess you could say it's News - stick it in the Weird But True catergory .
Nah ...couse not ,there just happenned to a professional photographer on hand with a camera, and they just happenned to have Media access and that photographer just happenned to be a gay activist and gay writer Lindsay Foster ... but of course there's no indication it was staged - course not - just a bunch of comvenient coincidences ...

Official Jennifer McCreath: Newfoundland Newspaper "Norwester" Publishes Transphobic Article!

OT: DAWS - your proctologist called ,he said they reviewed the x-rays and your head is too far up to retrieve. Sorry Pal
and why not it's news ...

What ? News ... about your proctologist calling - I guess you could say it's News - stick it in the Weird But True catergory .
truth is stranger than fiction making it easy to see why you have extreme difficulty with the concept.
as to your proctologist rant ...3 times a failure.
and why not it's news ...

What ? News ... about your proctologist calling - I guess you could say it's News - stick it in the Weird But True catergory .
truth is stranger than fiction making it easy to see why you have extreme difficulty with the concept.
as to your proctologist rant ...3 times a failure.

They tried to get it out 3 times before and couldn't do it ? Understandable - it's very apparent your head is so far up your ass - it's hopeless
It was staged - the fags in the pic had it planned - it's simply propaganda that blew up in their faces. The majority of sane people who see the pic will simply think to themselves OMG - That Poor Kid !!
failed attempt at sarcasm...
and no credible for that matter no evidence at all that it was staged..

Nah ...couse not ,there just happenned to a professional photographer on hand with a camera, and they just happenned to have Media access and that photographer just happenned to be a gay activist and gay writer Lindsay Foster ... but of course there's no indication it was staged - course not - just a bunch of comvenient coincidences ...

Official Jennifer McCreath: Newfoundland Newspaper "Norwester" Publishes Transphobic Article!

OT: DAWS - your proctologist called ,he said they reviewed the x-rays and your head is too far up to retrieve. Sorry Pal

It's unlikely the photo on the previous pages was staged. It simply is the way it is and I'll wager that photo came from the bay area in California.

You have to understand the mind of a cult and a cult member to get why the picture was taken and distributed though. In SF CA the mentally ill and their behaviors have been so incorporated into mainstream values that the person taking the picture undoubtedly believed that it would be met with heartwarming support. They probably only believed that "just a fringe few on the far right would object to it". That's what happens when insanity become incorporated into mainstream: it loses the ability to see itself through others' eyes...

You are completely correct though that it backfired. The loss of perspective makes the cultees incapable of seeing or knowing that a vast majority of people who look at that photo have their stomach turn with an instinctive revulsion. And that is because there is very very weak support for gay marriage in the middle crowd. [see the polling results of thsi thread: ]

Usually reluctantly and only in fear of social repurcussions if they don't agree when put on the spot. The voting booth however is a very different kettle of fish. And it's this mistake of insane values mainstreamed and the subsequent loss of perspective that is going to kill the democratic hopes for both Congress and the Whitehouse in the next two election cycles. Put a nail in the wall and hang your hat on that one..
In response to Political Torch's "Spam till you make it campaign" here at USMB...

Step 1-We admitted we were powerless over the Gay Agenda - that our own governance had become unmanageable

Step 2 - Came to believe that a baseless Lawsuit greater than ourselves could restore us to poverty

Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our moral code and our courage over to the care of Political Expediency as we were fooled via false polling data to believe this was "the real American thought trend"

Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of constituents from the false information in step 3

Step 5 - Confessed under this blackmail and torture to the church of LGBT, to ourselves and to the main stream media the exact nature of our "wrongs"

Step 6 - Were entirely readied to be deprogrammed as to these "defects of character"

Step 7 - Humbly asked LGBT not to remove our career if we caved in and did their bidding

Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had told our truth to, and became willing to spin the gay dogma to them all instead

Step 9 - Made direct spin to such people wherever possible, even knowing that to do so would injure them or others; particularly children

Step 10 - Continued to feel the pressure of the Gay Agenda and when we were "wrong" promptly "admitted it"

Step 11 - Sought through schools and pride parades to improve LGBT contact with children as we understood this is their end game, praying only that history books will leave us out of this for misusing our power to carry that out

Step 12 - Having had a "spiritual awakening" as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other soothsayers, and to not risk further blackmail in all our affairs

Stay wise readers. Stay courageous. Never give in.

It really only takes one step. Stop thinking other people's sex lives are any of your business.

Better idea: stop forcing your queer agenda on the rest of us.
what ? News ... About your proctologist calling - i guess you could say it's news - stick it in the weird but true catergory .
truth is stranger than fiction making it easy to see why you have extreme difficulty with the concept.
As to your proctologist rant ...3 times a failure.

they tried to get it out 3 times before and couldn't do it ? Understandable - it's very apparent your head is so far up your ass - it's hopeless
that would be #4
In response to Political Torch's "Spam till you make it campaign" here at USMB...

Stay wise readers. Stay courageous. Never give in.

It really only takes one step. Stop thinking other people's sex lives are any of your business.

Better idea: stop forcing your queer agenda on the rest of us.

Agreed. The use of force is the hinge of this thread's OP after all...
In response to Political Torch's "Spam till you make it campaign" here at USMB...

Stay wise readers. Stay courageous. Never give in.

It really only takes one step. Stop thinking other people's sex lives are any of your business.

Better idea: stop forcing your queer agenda on the rest of us.
nobody's forcing anything on you..
What ? News ... about your proctologist calling - I guess you could say it's News - stick it in the Weird But True catergory .
truth is stranger than fiction making it easy to see why you have extreme difficulty with the concept.
as to your proctologist rant ...3 times a failure.

It's like exposing quantum physics to a turnip
nah! A turnip wouldn't embarrass itself by repeating a not funny and ineffective insult...
In response to Political Torch's "Spam till you make it campaign" here at USMB...

Stay wise readers. Stay courageous. Never give in.

It really only takes one step. Stop thinking other people's sex lives are any of your business.

Better idea: stop forcing your queer agenda on the rest of us.

You know what ..

I'm straight as a string and have never seen anyone forcing their agenda on me EXCEPT the ignorant RWs and those idiotic bible thumpers banging on my door on Saturday morning.

If its between consenting adults, its not my business. If the phobes would stop being Peeping Tom's and just mind their own damn business, all of this would quietly go away.
In response to Political Torch's "Spam till you make it campaign" here at USMB...

Stay wise readers. Stay courageous. Never give in.

It really only takes one step. Stop thinking other people's sex lives are any of your business.

Better idea: stop forcing your queer agenda on the rest of us.

No one is 'forcing' anything on you.

You remain at liberty to express your ignorance and hate with regard to gay Americans with impunity.

You are not, however, at liberty to seek to codify your ignorance and hate.
It really only takes one step. Stop thinking other people's sex lives are any of your business.

Better idea: stop forcing your queer agenda on the rest of us.

No one is 'forcing' anything on you.

You remain at liberty to express your ignorance and hate with regard to gay Americans with impunity.

You are not, however, at liberty to seek to codify your ignorance and hate.
let's see if being told by three different posters that nothing is being forced on him or her sticks ...

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