The 12-Steps of Avoiding LGBT Blackmail & Career Destruction

There is no "culture war" between heterosexuals and homosexuals... except in the minds of some delusional humans.

I am personally thrilled these people are becoming so shrill and desperate. It means that we have gained ground. And the general acceptance of their beliefs is eroding quicker and quicker. They have built on shifting sand and this is their swan song.
Sil's shrill harassment of those who deserve marriage equality merely reflects its inevitability.
Sil's shrill harassment of those who deserve marriage equality merely reflects its inevitability.

Yes. Clearly those folks in the photos at the top of this page deserve marriage/rights to sue for equal adoption access to orphans.

There is no significant difference statistically, Sil, yet you ignore the OVERWHELMING numbers of heterosexual assaults on children.

By your compulsive crazy criteria we should outlaw heterosexual marriage ipso facto.

Main street behavior of which you complain is selective and over represented yet out done every year in NO mardi gras alone: yet not a word.

How, based on your own words and evidence, can it be ad hom when you clearly demonstrate that you are conflicted internally and failing?

Give the appropriate emphasis and recognition of adult predation, whether homo or hetero, and I will support you. But continue this charade of "it's about the children," and you will have to deal with the push back.

The law is about marriage equality, not your insane phobia against homosexuality.
Participants of Mardis Gras don't hope children will be watching their drunken display. And they dont wake up 'proud" of what they did the next day. Pride parades are conducted anticipation & hopes that kids will be a matter of pride [not shame & a hangover the next day]. Hence the reason [& the problem] for the LGBT church naming their display "pride".
There is no significant difference statistically, Sil, yet you ignore the OVERWHELMING numbers of heterosexual assaults on children.

By your compulsive crazy criteria we should outlaw heterosexual marriage ipso facto.

Main street behavior of which you complain is selective and over represented yet out done every year in NO mardi gras alone: yet not a word.

How, based on your own words and evidence, can it be ad hom when you clearly demonstrate that you are conflicted internally and failing?

Give the appropriate emphasis and recognition of adult predation, whether homo or hetero, and I will support you. But continue this charade of "it's about the children," and you will have to deal with the push back.

The law is about marriage equality, not your insane phobia against homosexuality.
Participants of Mardis Gras don't hope children will be watching their drunken display. And they dont wake up 'proud" of what they did the next day. Pride parades are conducted anticipation & hopes that kids will be a matter of pride [not shame & a hangover the next day]. Hence the reason [& the problem] for the LGBT church naming their display "pride".

Hasty generalization based on a few photos and no comparison with Mardi Gras exhibitionist intentions: of course they latter do knowing children are watching, or they would not do it.

OK, time for transparency: what happened to you to cause this incredible display of self loathing.
There is no significant difference statistically, Sil, yet you ignore the OVERWHELMING numbers of heterosexual assaults on children.

By your compulsive crazy criteria we should outlaw heterosexual marriage ipso facto.

Main street behavior of which you complain is selective and over represented yet out done every year in NO mardi gras alone: yet not a word.

How, based on your own words and evidence, can it be ad hom when you clearly demonstrate that you are conflicted internally and failing?

Give the appropriate emphasis and recognition of adult predation, whether homo or hetero, and I will support you. But continue this charade of "it's about the children," and you will have to deal with the push back.

The law is about marriage equality, not your insane phobia against homosexuality.
Participants of Mardis Gras don't hope children will be watching their drunken display. And they dont wake up 'proud" of what they did the next day. Pride parades are conducted anticipation & hopes that kids will be a matter of pride [not shame & a hangover the next day]. Hence the reason [& the problem] for the LGBT church naming their display "pride".

Hasty generalization based on a few photos and no comparison with Mardi Gras exhibitionist intentions: of course they latter do knowing children are watching, or they would not do it.

OK, time for transparency: what happened to you to cause this incredible display of self loathing.

You forgot the word "pride" in your response. That word, it turns out, is pivotal in understanding the crucial difference. Here's again what LGBTs wake up "proud" of the net day having done soberly in front of kids:




Would Utah or any other state have grounds to anticipate this "pride" might be a danger to a child?:

Participants of Mardis Gras don't hope children will be watching their drunken display. And they dont wake up 'proud" of what they did the next day. Pride parades are conducted anticipation & hopes that kids will be a matter of pride [not shame & a hangover the next day]. Hence the reason [& the problem] for the LGBT church naming their display "pride".

Hasty generalization based on a few photos and no comparison with Mardi Gras exhibitionist intentions: of course they latter do knowing children are watching, or they would not do it.

OK, time for transparency: what happened to you to cause this incredible display of self loathing.

You forgot the word "pride" in your response. That word, it turns out, is pivotal in understanding the crucial difference. Here's again what LGBTs wake up "proud" of the net day having done soberly in front of kids:




Would Utah or any other state have grounds to anticipate this "pride" might be a danger to a child?:


Always posting your favorite pictures! :laugh:
The word "pride" means nothing in the context of our discussions, Sil.

Transparency requires you reveal your motivation for your incredible display of dislike of yourself.

You don't have law, you don't have the majority, you don't have the Constitution, you don't have common sense, all the time you are being narrowly selective and unrepresentative in your selections.

You need to tell us your problem.
The word "pride" means nothing in the context of our discussions, Sil.

Transparency requires you reveal your motivation for your incredible display of dislike of yourself.

You don't have law, you don't have the majority, you don't have the Constitution, you don't have common sense, all the time you are being narrowly selective and unrepresentative in your selections.

You need to tell us your problem.

On the contrary, it is the hinge of everything we are debating right here.

You have alleged that there is no intrinsic difference between homosexual pedophiles and inappropriate lewd acts around kids and hetero ones. I'm illustrating the difference within the two cultures of how each one regards, cloisters and urges its members to act with respect to those crimes.

Hetero is digusted, will often physically attack a perpetrator, send them to prison, put them on the sex-offender's registry and PC custody in jail because the lowlifes there consider them beneath them and worthy of killing.

1. Heteros discipline their wayward members to adhere to the fold which is "do NOT involve children in lewd acts".

Homos in UNBELIEVABLY STARK CONTRAST are proud of their "chicken hawks", made one their sexual messiah [Harvey Milk] and encourage each other to perform lewd acts in public where they hope kids will be as something they are all "proud" of. I've yet to see any coverage of a gay pride parade where one of the gays in the parade stopped another participant to tell them what they were doing was inappropriate in front of kids. Indeed instead what you hear is quite a lot of cheering-on.

2. Homos encourage lewd acts in front of kids and with them even as part of their dogma. To do so is to receive at worst a silent nod, and can even get you "messiah' status..

We as a society cannot hold this double-standard. And yet PC-blindness has rendered the effect that we do. And hence the danger to children as this thing snowballs.

"Pride" is in FACT the crux of this argument: what the two camps are proud of and what they aren't says everything about them as a group.
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You are illustrating nothing, because you will not admit that the hetero displays in New Orleans and Sao Paulo among other places on parades are some how not the same as the extreme edges of a few gay parades.

Hetero is digusted, will often physically attack a perpetrator, send them to prison, put them on the sex-offender's registry and PC custody in jail because the lowlifes there consider them beneath them and worthy of killing.

Heteros and homos equally discipline by the law those who prey on children.

The remainder of your argument roils out of your disorganized brain without proof and documentation.

Now it is time for you to be transparent as to why you continue on your disturbingly creepy path that is obviously more about you than any issue.

I am going to keep asking you and keep pointing out that you won't answer. The very fact that you won't answer is clear enough suggestion that you have issues.

This thread, then, is far more about the snakes in your head than the OP.
Homos in UNBELIEVABLY STARK CONTRAST are proud of their "chicken hawks", made one their sexual messiah [Harvey Milk]...

You are wrong, Mundane. It is I who is the Sexual Messiah! Humans are made drunk by the Wine of my Fornication! I am made drunk by by the Blood of Saints and Martyrs!

Open the Door that I may enter! Open! Lest I attack the Door! Lest I break apart its Bars! Lest I attack its Barrier! Lest I take its Walls by Force! Open the Door! Open wide the Gates to your Soul! Lest I make the Dead outnumber the Living!
Sil is only worried about children, apparently based on the posts, of children being abused by homosexuals. Very, very little has been said about heterosexual predation of children.

Sil is a compulsive personality addicted/habituated deeply to certain behaviors like drugs who defend these behaviors as you do are very tough prospects..& their futures grim therefore.

The 12-step program by Sil is a self-protective awareness program working itself out on the board.

The obsessive compulsion is limited to homosexuality, using the photos above to further the case, without published photos of carnivals where heterosexual public behavior is just as or more graphic.
Sil doesn't give a shit about children. He can tell himself that lie but I don't buy it.

Back to the ad hominems again in place of substance Jake? Trying to derail a dicey thread again with a flame diversion?
Everything you post isan ad hominem Mr. Pot, do understand it isn't the kettle which is black.

The difference between the two cultures, homo and hetero, when it comes to lewd behavior around children is that one culture marches it down mainstreet as a matter of pride, hoping children will be looking on..patting each other on the back for the effort; while the other one shames anyone in its ranks who is caught doing such a thing, throws them in prison, puts them on the sex-offenders list and has to put them in PC in the pen because the other low lifes there consider them the worst of the worst.
See, ad hominem.

Get the difference in culture values? Now since many of the LGBT vocal public leaders like to spout about the "culture war" going on between the two camps, I know which one I'd like to see win this war.
I see the difference, heterosexuals slaughter one sixth of the population in the womb. Heterosexuals give birth to 100% of unwanted children. You don't give a shit about that because some people wear absurd costumes on a parade.

It seems when we are looking at sexuality heterosexuals are by far the worst offenders. They are the ones depriving children of parents.

And so I endeavor here.
Lol, Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
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Homos in UNBELIEVABLY STARK CONTRAST are proud of their "chicken hawks", made one their sexual messiah [Harvey Milk]...

You are wrong, Mundane. It is I who is the Sexual Messiah! Humans are made drunk by the Wine of my Fornication! I am made drunk by by the Blood of Saints and Martyrs!

Open the Door that I may enter! Open! Lest I attack the Door! Lest I break apart its Bars! Lest I attack its Barrier! Lest I take its Walls by Force! Open the Door! Open wide the Gates to your Soul! Lest I make the Dead outnumber the Living!

Excuse me, your padded cell is ready.
We have finally reached the final defense line of the anti marriage equality opponents: "I can't challenge the language of the law and the Constitution, thus I will merrily babble on and ad hom my enemies, for I have not a darn thing else in my cabinet.."

They admit they cannot stop the inevitable.

Be grateful, far right, that we extend to you the courtesies and protections of the Constitution, when we know full well that you would crush your opponents regardless of the Rule of Law if you had the strength.

Homos in UNBELIEVABLY STARK CONTRAST are proud of their "chicken hawks", made one their sexual messiah [Harvey Milk]...

You are wrong, Mundane. It is I who is the Sexual Messiah! Humans are made drunk by the Wine of my Fornication! I am made drunk by by the Blood of Saints and Martyrs!

Open the Door that I may enter! Open! Lest I attack the Door! Lest I break apart its Bars! Lest I attack its Barrier! Lest I take its Walls by Force! Open the Door! Open wide the Gates to your Soul! Lest I make the Dead outnumber the Living!

Excuse me, your padded cell is ready.

No shit. :cuckoo: Jar Jar and I finally agree on something...
We have finally reached the final defense line of the anti marriage equality opponents: "I can't challenge the language of the law and the Constitution, thus I will merrily babble on and ad hom my enemies, for I have not a darn thing else in my cabinet.."

They admit they cannot stop the inevitable.

Be grateful, far right, that we extend to you the courtesies and protections of the Constitution, when we know full well that you would crush your opponents regardless of the Rule of Law if you had the strength.


And the pictures? What do they say?
We have finally reached the final defense line of the anti marriage equality opponents: "I can't challenge the language of the law and the Constitution, thus I will merrily babble on and ad hom my enemies, for I have not a darn thing else in my cabinet.."

They admit they cannot stop the inevitable.

Be grateful, far right, that we extend to you the courtesies and protections of the Constitution, when we know full well that you would crush your opponents regardless of the Rule of Law if you had the strength.


And the pictures? What do they say?
That you are way more obsessed with sexuality than you are with children.
We have finally reached the final defense line of the anti marriage equality opponents: "I can't challenge the language of the law and the Constitution, thus I will merrily babble on and ad hom my enemies, for I have not a darn thing else in my cabinet.."

They admit they cannot stop the inevitable.

Be grateful, far right, that we extend to you the courtesies and protections of the Constitution, when we know full well that you would crush your opponents regardless of the Rule of Law if you had the strength.


And the pictures? What do they say?
That you are way more obsessed with sexuality than you are with children.
Oh trust me, when SCOTUS finally weighs in, I'll drop the topic. Put it this way, I'll drop my opposition to gay marriage the minute they drop lawsuits against people who are opposed to gay marriage.

Fair enough?
And the pictures? What do they say?
That you are way more obsessed with sexuality than you are with children.
Oh trust me, when SCOTUS finally weighs in, I'll drop the topic.
Why would you? I thought you said you were concerned about people. Do the negatives associated with homosexuality just vanish when the court rules?

I am glad you posted this it really confirms my thoughts about you. All you give a crap aboutis some ridiculous political chess game. Thus confirming when you talked about concern that is was simply emotional pleading.

Put it this way, I'll drop my opposition to gay marriage the minute they drop lawsuits against people who are opposed to gay marriage.
I don't really think anybody is suing anybody else because they oppose same sex marriage, it wouldn't be legal. I think you interpret certain events in such a way to play victim, which is another form of emotional pleading. You repeatedly fake injury so you can cry foul. It's pretty obvious.

Fair enough?
Meh, fairness is an illusion.
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