The 2014 Charlton Heston Postal stamp

I wish they had one that had him saying from my cold dead hands. :)

There was a lot more to Heston than that.

Doesn't matter.

He showed up less than a week after Columbine to push guns. Same with the NRA pushing guns in Sandy Hook. In both cases, they were making money off the publicity and incredible pain of the survivors of guns.

In that one move, he went from being Moses to being in support of mass killers. Even if he's not perceived that way by some, that IS what he did and he knew it when he did it. Just like with the NRA, he could have been part of the healing but he chose money instead.

No excuse for that.

No excuse for ignoring the facts in favor of slander.

Perhaps if you actually did some research instead of relying on a political hack masquerading as a maker of documentaries (never was that term more loosely applied), you would not show your ignorance so blatantly.

The NRA LOST money on the Annual Members Meeting in Denver, BTW.
Check out.. Touch of Evil.

It's a film by Orson Wells and one of the greats.

Touch of Evil - Opening Scene - With Street and Theme Music - YouTube

Just an amazing film. Very dark and nuanced.

Touch of Evil was a great film!

And if you look at some of his best known roles, he was one of the greats. El Cid, The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, and even The Planet of the Apes are all among the most popular movies made.

I think I've seen everything he's been in.

I also loved Omega Man and Soylent Green.

[ame=]Soylent green trailer - YouTube[/ame]

I was remiss in not adding those two to the ones I mentioned. Both are classic films and ones I loved.
I hope the stamp shows Charlie lying dead still gripping his gun.

Let me guess, you are one of the dupes who think he said that after the Columbine shooting?

He should have canceled.

He was a whore for gun mfgrs.

[ame=]Charlton Heston My Cold DEAD Hands NRA Speech Low - YouTube[/ame]

You ignorant, obstinate little twat. Can you not read??

The bylaws for nonprofits in NY (where the NRA was originally registered as a nonprofit) requires an annual member meeting. If a change of venue is done, all members must be notified 10 days in advance. Would you care to explain how they were to notify 4 million members in 24 hours???? (since the shooting was 11 days prior to the meeting)

He cancelled everything he could legally cancel. But nooooo, you want to call him a whore for following the laws that govern the organization he was elected to run?

Most people would just admit they were wrong rather than post the nonsense you just did.
I hope the stamp shows Charlie lying dead still gripping his gun.

Let me guess, you are one of the dupes who think he said that after the Columbine shooting?

He should have canceled.

He was a whore for gun mfgrs.

[ame=]Charlton Heston My Cold DEAD Hands NRA Speech Low - YouTube[/ame]

Oh yeah, the video you posted was not from the Denver meeting in 1999. It was from the meeting held in Charlotte NC a year later.

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He also wrote this about the culture war degrading America. I admire him for writing it. Here it is.
Fighting the Cultural War in America - David | David

A cultural war is raging across our land-storming our values, assaulting our freedoms, killing our self-confidence in who we are and what we believe. (Mr. Heston then asked those present who owned a gun to raise their hand.)

I wonder how many of you own guns but chose not to raise your hand? How many of you considered revealing your conviction about a constitutional right, but then though better of it?

If so, you are a victim of the culture war being waged against traditional American freedom of beliefs and ideas. You have been assaulted and robbed of the courage of your convictions. Your pride in who you are and what you believe in has been ridiculed, ransacked, and plundered! It may be a war without a bullet or bloodshed, but with just as much liberty lost: You and your country are less free!

Because you choose to own guns- affirmed by no less than the Bill of Rights- you embrace a view at odds with the cultural war lords. If that is the outcome of cultural war, and you are the victims, I can only ask the obvious question. What will become of the right itself? Or other rights not deemed acceptable by the thought police? What other truth in your heart will you disavow with your hand?

Rank-and-file Americans wake up every morning, increasingly bewildered and confused at why their views make them lesser citizens. The message gets through; Heaven help the God fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle- class Protestant-or even worse, evangelical Christian, Midwestern or Southern- or even worse, rural, apparently straight-or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owing-or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff-or even worse, male working stiff-because, not only don’t you count, you are a down-right obstacle to social progress. Your voice deserves a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly, mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something from your new-America and until you do, would you mind shutting up?

That is why you didn’t raise your hand. That’s how cultural war works. That’s what happens when a generation of media, educators, entertainers, and politicians-led by a willing President-decide the America they were born into isn’t good enough anymore. So, they contrive to change it through cultural warfare of class distinction! Ask the Romans if powerful nations have ever fallen as a result of cultural division. There are ruins around the world that were once the smug centers of small-minded, arrogant elitism. It appears that, rather than evaporate in the flash of a split atom, we may succumb to a divided culture!

The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! Its true-they were white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln’s name opposing slavery in the 1860′s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is “Hispanic Pride” or “Black Pride” a good thing, while “White Pride” conjures shaven heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated by many as progress, while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I’ll tell you why, Cultural warfare!

You don’t see other Hollywood luminaries speaking out on this do you? Its not because there aren’t any. Its because they can’t afford the heat! They dare not speak for fear of CNN or the IRS or the SAG or NBC! It saps the strength of our country when the personal price is simply too high to stand for what you believe in. Today, speaking with the courage of your convictions can be costly, the price of principal can be so high that legislators won’t lead and citizens can’t follow, and so there is no arm to fight back. That’s cultural warfare!

Mainstream America is counting on you to “draw your sword” and fight for them. These people have precious little time and resources to battle misguided Cinderella attitudes, the fringe propaganda of the homosexual coalition, the feminists who preach that it is a divine duty for woman to hate men, blacks who raise a militant fist with one hand while they seek preference with the other, New Age apologists for juvenile crime who see roving gangs as a means to only the merchandising violence as a form of entertainment for impressionable minds, and gun bans as a means to only the Lord-knows-what. We have reached that point in time when our social policy originates on Oprah. Its time to pull the plug!
I like Heston, but commemorative stamps are a waste of money. The Postal Service is losing money hand over fist- instead of wasting taxpayer money creating special stamps for dead people, ducks, and railroads -they should devote themselves to fiscal sanity.

You may resume your regularly scheduled ambivalence.......

Tell the simians, who populate the majority of the union jobs at the postal service to get off their collective grossly obese asses and actually get some fucking work done and maybe anyone would give a shit about the service. The simians don't obviously. As long as their union bosses keeps shaking down Obama nothing will change.
There are ten union postal workers keeping warm in thousands of postal outlets that if it were the private sector three employees could do the job. The US postal service has basically become one of the only places were tens of thousands of Blacks with an IQ of 80 can be paid twenty five bucks an hour for accomplishing SFA. And some wonder why the postal service is failing. WOW! Blacks make up about 13% of the population and about 20% of postal workers are Black. Do the math. The average salary for postal employees involved with delivery of the mail is about $55,000 a year. Do the math.
I like Heston, but commemorative stamps are a waste of money. The Postal Service is losing money hand over fist- instead of wasting taxpayer money creating special stamps for dead people, ducks, and railroads -they should devote themselves to fiscal sanity.

You may resume your regularly scheduled ambivalence.......

Tell the simians, who populate the majority of the union jobs at the postal service to get off their collective grossly obese asses and actually get some fucking work done and maybe anyone would give a shit about the service. The simians don't obviously. As long as their union bosses keeps shaking down Obama nothing will change.
There are ten union postal workers keeping warm in thousands of postal outlets that if it were the private sector three employees could do the job. The US postal service has basically become one of the only places were tens of thousands of Blacks with an IQ of 80 can be paid twenty five bucks an hour for accomplishing SFA. And some wonder why the postal service is failing. WOW! Blacks make up about 13% of the population and about 20% of postal workers are Black. Do the math. The average salary for postal employees involved with delivery of the mail is about $55,000 a year. Do the math.


That real money?

I like Heston, but commemorative stamps are a waste of money. The Postal Service is losing money hand over fist- instead of wasting taxpayer money creating special stamps for dead people, ducks, and railroads -they should devote themselves to fiscal sanity.

You may resume your regularly scheduled ambivalence.......

Tell the simians, who populate the majority of the union jobs at the postal service to get off their collective grossly obese asses and actually get some fucking work done and maybe anyone would give a shit about the service. The simians don't obviously. As long as their union bosses keeps shaking down Obama nothing will change.
There are ten union postal workers keeping warm in thousands of postal outlets that if it were the private sector three employees could do the job. The US postal service has basically become one of the only places were tens of thousands of Blacks with an IQ of 80 can be paid twenty five bucks an hour for accomplishing SFA. And some wonder why the postal service is failing. WOW! Blacks make up about 13% of the population and about 20% of postal workers are Black. Do the math. The average salary for postal employees involved with delivery of the mail is about $55,000 a year. Do the math.

Perhaps you don't realize that the stamps provide income for the USPS? That the only direct tax payer money the USPS receives is to offset the loss of profit from allowing free postage to the blind and to overseas voters at the direction of congress?
The USPS has announced that Heston will be honored

with his own stamp this year


Charlton Heston, Forever | USPS Stamps

And that was the best picture they could come up with?

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