The 2020 election poll! Who are you voting for!?

If the election was held today who would you vote for?

  • Donald trump

    Votes: 47 67.1%
  • Joe biden

    Votes: 12 17.1%
  • Justin Amash

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • No one.

    Votes: 5 7.1%

  • Total voters
playtime did you participate in this nation wide poll, trump is winning by 66% . Hehehe

i just voted. 'nation wide ' poll?

who you kiddin'? CONducted by who? YOU????? lol....

this ain't no stinkin' nation wide poll. it's a biased poll because it's on a biased site that has an overwhelmingly right wing nutter membership, such as yourself.... the OP....

Not looking good

Is that A box of tissues lol

wow............ you really got nuthin'.
Just winning elections lol

like the house in 2018? the KY governorship? & wisCONsin in 2020?

View attachment 333106
Wow congrats.. lol haha
This poll is 100% accurate! Let’s see who wins in 2020.
Biden is like a flu shot. It’s not at all exciting and a little unpleasant, but a vote for him is a vote against Trump. It’s the only one that counts.
According to this poll biden is going to get his ass kicked
Oh gee like every other poll on this forum there are more conservatives than liberals voting. Liberals are smarter so there are fewer of them in comparison to those that are stupid or those of average intelligence.
Lol, you idiots cannot decide which bathroom to use.
This poll is 100% accurate! Let’s see who wins in 2020.
Biden is like a flu shot. It’s not at all exciting and a little unpleasant, but a vote for him is a vote against Trump. It’s the only one that counts.
Once again, you saps can't give anyone something to be in favor of.

Y'all suck every bit as badly as the repubs.
It’s definitely not my fault. I voted for Bernie, doofus.
It's your fault if you vote for Biden by default....It just makes you you a spineless follower.
It makes me pragmatic because it’s the only true vote against Trump who is a complete sack of garbage in comparison. It’s embarrassing to share this country with Trump supporters. The rest of the world is laughing at us. They know he’s a moron. All they have to do is hear him talk for 10 seconds.
You just described liberal tolerance perfectly. The reason liberalism has to be destroyed.
Reluctantly voting Biden

Run with me for a second. If you have to hold your nose and suppress a gag reflex to cast a vote for Biden because you would literally vote for anyone to get rid of President Trump.

How many average Americans will do the same if they don't think President Trump is the Communist's version of the antichrist and more evil than Hitler's gym teacher?
I was all democrat just prior to 2016. I started backing off in 2015. Actully, about the time of Benghazi and the money meant for Haiti in Hillary's Charity not being used by Haitians. I began to wake up. Now I am totally Repub...but only because of Trump. Republicans have no balls and left him to battle everyone alone. His own party. long as Trump is in the running..I will vote for him. In telling who will step up. If its a career politician that has shown his/her stripes during this pandemic...I wont vote at all.

Good for you. Many feel the cognitive dissonance that comes from supporting the Hypocrisy of the Democrats and their Pravda-like Media, but few overcome it. Also agree Republicans have no balls, excepting Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes and a small few others.
I'll be voting for Trump. The rest of those to pick from sure ain't POTUS material.

Once this Covid shit is done the economy will be coming back.
playtime did you participate in this nation wide poll, trump is winning by 66% . Hehehe

i just voted. 'nation wide ' poll?

who you kiddin'? CONducted by who? YOU????? lol....

this ain't no stinkin' nation wide poll. it's a biased poll because it's on a biased site that has an overwhelmingly right wing nutter membership, such as yourself.... the OP....

Not looking good

Is that A box of tissues lol

wow............ you really got nuthin'.
Just winning elections lol

like the house in 2018? the KY governorship? & wisCONsin in 2020?

View attachment 333106
Wow congrats.. lol haha

the house will stay blue. & the senate only needs 4 seats to go blue this time around.
playtime did you participate in this nation wide poll, trump is winning by 66% . Hehehe

i just voted. 'nation wide ' poll?

who you kiddin'? CONducted by who? YOU????? lol....

this ain't no stinkin' nation wide poll. it's a biased poll because it's on a biased site that has an overwhelmingly right wing nutter membership, such as yourself.... the OP....

Not looking good

Is that A box of tissues lol

wow............ you really got nuthin'.
Just winning elections lol

like the house in 2018? the KY governorship? & wisCONsin in 2020?

View attachment 333106
Wow congrats.. lol haha

the house will stay blue. & the senate only needs 4 seats to go blue this time around.
And? You ain’t winning anything you all
Want open borders with infectious coming over. You want to give illegals the right to vote and trillions on welfare .. you all
Are nuts Latinos aren’t even going to vote for you
playtime did you participate in this nation wide poll, trump is winning by 66% . Hehehe

i just voted. 'nation wide ' poll?

who you kiddin'? CONducted by who? YOU????? lol....

this ain't no stinkin' nation wide poll. it's a biased poll because it's on a biased site that has an overwhelmingly right wing nutter membership, such as yourself.... the OP....

Not looking good

Is that A box of tissues lol

wow............ you really got nuthin'.
Just winning elections lol

like the house in 2018? the KY governorship? & wisCONsin in 2020?

View attachment 333106
Wow congrats.. lol haha

the house will stay blue. & the senate only needs 4 seats to go blue this time around.
And? You ain’t winning anything you all
Want open borders with infectious coming over. You want to give illegals the right to vote and trillions on welfare .. you all
Are nuts Latinos aren’t even going to vote for you

lol... cool story bruh.
playtime did you participate in this nation wide poll, trump is winning by 66% . Hehehe

i just voted. 'nation wide ' poll?

who you kiddin'? CONducted by who? YOU????? lol....

this ain't no stinkin' nation wide poll. it's a biased poll because it's on a biased site that has an overwhelmingly right wing nutter membership, such as yourself.... the OP....

Not looking good

Is that A box of tissues lol

wow............ you really got nuthin'.
Just winning elections lol

like the house in 2018? the KY governorship? & wisCONsin in 2020?

View attachment 333106
Wow congrats.. lol haha

the house will stay blue. & the senate only needs 4 seats to go blue this time around.
And? You ain’t winning anything you all
Want open borders with infectious coming over. You want to give illegals the right to vote and trillions on welfare .. you all
Are nuts Latinos aren’t even going to vote for you

lol... cool story bruh.
67% trump wins haha it’s over
i'm Dutch, so please consider this just a public statement of my opinion on this matter of re-election.
i'd vote Trump, mainly because i'm happy with his job-performance, both internationally and domestically.
yes, Trump lies a lot, but so do the democrats, and it's all within fairly tight bounds anyway.
i'm not saying i'm happy with lying politicians, but i am happy with well performing ones. why not keep 'm around?
This tree-hugging liberal would bear The Donald's baby if I could ... of course I'll vote for him ... just because I hate conservatism doesn't mean it's wrong ... [wolfish grin] ...

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