The 2020 election poll! Who are you voting for!?

If the election was held today who would you vote for?

  • Donald trump

    Votes: 47 67.1%
  • Joe biden

    Votes: 12 17.1%
  • Justin Amash

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • No one.

    Votes: 5 7.1%

  • Total voters
I will be voting for Trump.

I voted for him the first time, even though I thought he might be about half-crazy (and with obvious personality disorders, but certainly not stupid) because my other choice was Pure Depravity---Hillary Clinton...a dumb, drunk, dishonest and incompetent, hate-filled, coattail-riding bitch whose big stroke in life was to marry a pussy loving Southern boy who happened to be a political genius and who got her every job she ever had, all of which she fucked up.

I will vote for him again for Two reasons this time:

1) Now, instead of running against Pure Depravity, he is running against a Potted Plant--who will need full time Nursing Care between from six months to two years from now; and

2) I have never seen a man work so hard, try so hard---and try against such malignant forces arrayed against him---to fulfill every campaign promise on which he got elected.

When I started typing this, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the Donald, personality disorders and all.

So, it is worthwhile to look at the components, as best we can, of what is obviously an unscientific poll. We can only guess.

I joined this board simply by typing in some key words to guide me to what would be a place for mutual sharing of views---something where all views were equally welcome---USMESSAGE Board sounded Unbiased and I joined on that basis. I found it to be controlled by LIBERALS, but with most, but not all, Moderators willing to allow Free Speech. Coyote had some Jackboot tendencies, but she has since gained controlled over them, and I think this board is well run and allows all comers a fee voice.

So, why would it come to be dominated by Trump Supporters, as this poll so far shows?

I saw one post up the thread which explained it as mostly Stupid people---only Progressives are smart...but Progressives are the very ones who advocate so strenuously that every vote should count and every person should have a voice. This is the elitist attitude from the North East which the Heartland has had to put up with since, believe it or not, the contest between Adams and Jefferson in the first few year or so of the 1800's. It was further defined in the contest between Adams' son, John Quincy, and Andrew Jackson---who drove the Northeast Elitists just as crazy as Trump is now driving the modern day Elitists crazy.

Jackson was considered half-crazy (and mean as Hell) but Heartland Americans had to take a chance on him, as we have with Trump, because their other choice---John Quincy Adams, was America's first Socialist President, even though we didn't know to call him a socialist at the time. He thought, like today's Socialists, that the words in the Constitution "promote the Common Welfare" meant creating a Nation of mostly Federal Plantation Porch Sitters who would somehow live happily forever off the efforts of an ever diminishing cohort of PRODUCERS in the Heartland.

So, then as now, Sane Americans find that they have to take a chance on Crazy. Sometimes it works. Jackson was elected to two terms and is now on the Twenty Dollar Bill. Theodore Roosevelt was at least half crazy. He is on Mount Rushmore. The Brits were absolutely sure, in the late 1930's that Winston Churchill was bat-shit crazy. Then Hitler got to chewing on their ass...and they turned to Churchill who performed so brilliantly that he is generally considered the greatest man of the 20th century.

One more. The absolutely craziest man to ever govern a major country is Peter Alexeyevich Romanov, and the Russians still revere him centuries later as Peter The Great.

So why is Trump romping in this poll?

Because he is Crazy enough to have worked his ass off for America; put up with unmitigated Hell for America...and because he is running against a Potted Plant.

You do realize that a bankruptcy is just a legal term and he didn’t lose all his money? Different from a personal bankruptcy.

Doesn't matter. It shows he has poor business acumen..
Risky for sure. Poor? Idk. Mark Cuban had three bankruptcies before he made it. It’s just a legal option. He definitely built a strong brand.
I don't pay any attention to Trump haters...

I pay attention to Trump supporters. They're the reason this nation has spent the last 3 years under a bigoted, narcissistic idiot whose intellect, morals and ethics would be unacceptable in a ditch digger. Trump got elected because several million Americans were stupid enough to think he was an acceptable choice for president. It was an incredible indictment of our educational system. Of course, a large portion of them didn't spend much time in the system, so...
If you’re too stupid to see that Trump is the effect and not the cause then nothing can help you. It’s people like you that make this country worse not people like Trump. Chew on that for a while, cupcake
I will be voting for Trump.

I voted for him the first time, even though I thought he might be about half-crazy (and with obvious personality disorders, but certainly not stupid) because my other choice was Pure Depravity---Hillary Clinton...a dumb, drunk, dishonest and incompetent, hate-filled, coattail-riding bitch whose big stroke in life was to marry a pussy loving Southern boy who happened to be a political genius and who got her every job she ever had, all of which she fucked up.

I will vote for him again for Two reasons this time:

1) Now, instead of running against Pure Depravity, he is running against a Potted Plant--who will need full time Nursing Care between from six months to two years from now; and

2) I have never seen a man work so hard, try so hard---and try against such malignant forces arrayed against him---to fulfill every campaign promise on which he got elected.

When I started typing this, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the Donald, personality disorders and all.

So, it is worthwhile to look at the components, as best we can, of what is obviously an unscientific poll. We can only guess.

I joined this board simply by typing in some key words to guide me to what would be a place for mutual sharing of views---something where all views were equally welcome---USMESSAGE Board sounded Unbiased and I joined on that basis. I found it to be controlled by LIBERALS, but with most, but not all, Moderators willing to allow Free Speech. Coyote had some Jackboot tendencies, but she has since gained controlled over them, and I think this board is well run and allows all comers a fee voice.

So, why would it come to be dominated by Trump Supporters, as this poll so far shows?

I saw one post up the thread which explained it as mostly Stupid people---only Progressives are smart...but Progressives are the very ones who advocate so strenuously that every vote should count and every person should have a voice. This is the elitist attitude from the North East which the Heartland has had to put up with since, believe it or not, the contest between Adams and Jefferson in the first few year or so of the 1800's. It was further defined in the contest between Adams' son, John Quincy, and Andrew Jackson---who drove the Northeast Elitists just as crazy as Trump is now driving the modern day Elitists crazy.

Jackson was considered half-crazy (and mean as Hell) but Heartland Americans had to take a chance on him, as we have with Trump, because their other choice---John Quincy Adams, was America's first Socialist President, even though we didn't know to call him a socialist at the time. He thought, like today's Socialists, that the words in the Constitution "promote the Common Welfare" meant creating a Nation of mostly Federal Plantation Porch Sitters who would somehow live happily forever off the efforts of an ever diminishing cohort of PRODUCERS in the Heartland.

So, then as now, Sane Americans find that they have to take a chance on Crazy. Sometimes it works. Jackson was elected to two terms and is now on the Twenty Dollar Bill. Theodore Roosevelt was at least half crazy. He is on Mount Rushmore. The Brits were absolutely sure, in the late 1930's that Winston Churchill was bat-shit crazy. Then Hitler got to chewing on their ass...and they turned to Churchill who performed so brilliantly that he is generally considered the greatest man of the 20th century.

One more. The absolutely craziest man to ever govern a major country is Peter Alexeyevich Romanov, and the Russians still revere him centuries later as Peter The Great.

So why is Trump romping in this poll?

Because he is Crazy enough to have worked his ass off for America; put up with unmitigated Hell for America...and because he is running against a Potted Plant.


He's not just crazy. And a bigot. He's stupid as stupid can be. That's NOT a good combination and this country is really worse off for having him. How many extra Americans are dead or just sick or broke and out of work now because he had no fucking idea what to do about coronavirus? And that is just the last in a long list of horrendously bad choices he has made.
Trump is winning the poll and libstains are going batshit crazy.
Just wait till their little heads explode, AGAIN, come November.
This poll means absolutely nothing. The real polls all show Biden winning.
You didn't actually think this poll meant something did you? I suppose that might explain why you think Trump's been a good president but... for christ's sake dude...
Trump is winning the poll and libstains are going batshit crazy.
Just wait till their little heads explode, AGAIN, come November.
This poll means absolutely nothing. The real polls all show Biden winning.
You didn't actually think this poll meant something did you? I suppose that might explain why you think Trump's been a good president but... for christ's sake dude...
Exhibit A.
Exploded head.

Biden. Lol.
I will be voting for Trump.

I voted for him the first time, even though I thought he might be about half-crazy (and with obvious personality disorders, but certainly not stupid) because my other choice was Pure Depravity---Hillary Clinton...a dumb, drunk, dishonest and incompetent, hate-filled, coattail-riding bitch whose big stroke in life was to marry a pussy loving Southern boy who happened to be a political genius and who got her every job she ever had, all of which she fucked up.

I will vote for him again for Two reasons this time:

1) Now, instead of running against Pure Depravity, he is running against a Potted Plant--who will need full time Nursing Care between from six months to two years from now; and

2) I have never seen a man work so hard, try so hard---and try against such malignant forces arrayed against him---to fulfill every campaign promise on which he got elected.

When I started typing this, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the Donald, personality disorders and all.

So, it is worthwhile to look at the components, as best we can, of what is obviously an unscientific poll. We can only guess.

I joined this board simply by typing in some key words to guide me to what would be a place for mutual sharing of views---something where all views were equally welcome---USMESSAGE Board sounded Unbiased and I joined on that basis. I found it to be controlled by LIBERALS, but with most, but not all, Moderators willing to allow Free Speech. Coyote had some Jackboot tendencies, but she has since gained controlled over them, and I think this board is well run and allows all comers a fee voice.

So, why would it come to be dominated by Trump Supporters, as this poll so far shows?

I saw one post up the thread which explained it as mostly Stupid people---only Progressives are smart...but Progressives are the very ones who advocate so strenuously that every vote should count and every person should have a voice. This is the elitist attitude from the North East which the Heartland has had to put up with since, believe it or not, the contest between Adams and Jefferson in the first few year or so of the 1800's. It was further defined in the contest between Adams' son, John Quincy, and Andrew Jackson---who drove the Northeast Elitists just as crazy as Trump is now driving the modern day Elitists crazy.

Jackson was considered half-crazy (and mean as Hell) but Heartland Americans had to take a chance on him, as we have with Trump, because their other choice---John Quincy Adams, was America's first Socialist President, even though we didn't know to call him a socialist at the time. He thought, like today's Socialists, that the words in the Constitution "promote the Common Welfare" meant creating a Nation of mostly Federal Plantation Porch Sitters who would somehow live happily forever off the efforts of an ever diminishing cohort of PRODUCERS in the Heartland.

So, then as now, Sane Americans find that they have to take a chance on Crazy. Sometimes it works. Jackson was elected to two terms and is now on the Twenty Dollar Bill. Theodore Roosevelt was at least half crazy. He is on Mount Rushmore. The Brits were absolutely sure, in the late 1930's that Winston Churchill was bat-shit crazy. Then Hitler got to chewing on their ass...and they turned to Churchill who performed so brilliantly that he is generally considered the greatest man of the 20th century.

One more. The absolutely craziest man to ever govern a major country is Peter Alexeyevich Romanov, and the Russians still revere him centuries later as Peter The Great.

So why is Trump romping in this poll?

Because he is Crazy enough to have worked his ass off for America; put up with unmitigated Hell for America...and because he is running against a Potted Plant.


He's not just crazy. And a bigot. He's stupid as stupid can be. That's NOT a good combination and this country is really worse off for having him. How many extra Americans are dead or just sick or broke and out of work now because he had no fucking idea what to do about coronavirus? And that is just the last in a long list of horrendously bad choices he has made.

Really? Do you really want to go with Stupid---on a man who made several billion dollars and then took on the entire Republican Establishment and whipped them at their own game; and then did the same thing to the vaunted Clinton Political Apparatus and whole Democratic Party. Who then set the US Economy on the best tract it was ever previously on?

Do you have any concept of how ridiculous you look to dismiss such a uniquely successful phenomenon simply as Stooopid.

Political Scientists, Philosophers, and Historians will be studying what he has done for many decades---and while their conclusions may not be complementary---they won't be "Oh, he was Stoopid!"

You look like an absolute fool---which is my great disappointment with this board. It's not the moderators' fault. They can't control the quality of poster they get. But, they have to be disappointed with the representation they have gotten from the Liberal/Socialists segment--like you.
This poll is 100% accurate! Let’s see who wins in 2020.
Biden is like a flu shot. It’s not at all exciting and a little unpleasant, but a vote for him is a vote against Trump. It’s the only one that counts.
Once again, you saps can't give anyone something to be in favor of.

Y'all suck every bit as badly as the repubs.
It’s definitely not my fault. I voted for Bernie, doofus.
It's your fault if you vote for Biden by default....It just makes you you a spineless follower.
It makes me pragmatic because it’s the only true vote against Trump who is a complete sack of garbage in comparison. It’s embarrassing to share this country with Trump supporters. The rest of the world is laughing at us. They know he’s a moron. All they have to do is hear him talk for 10 seconds.
It makes you a mindless lemming follower, who is pretending that your dumpster fire is less noxious and toxic than the next one....It makes you more like the people you claim to detest than unlike them.

Sucks to be you.
Say what you want about Biden. I dont care. You’re just incredibly stupid if you vote for Trump. You could just vote third party or not at all but you’re an idiot instead.
I ll be voting for Trump. If it triggers you, it’s a good vote in my book.
So that’s the only reason huh? Wow. Republicans are stupid.
So are Democrats. So is anyone who belongs to a political party. I am and have always been an Independent. So yes, if it triggers you, he gets my vote.
My god that is stupid lol
Stupid is subjective. Why do you care that I vote to trigger you? I am a citizen and a taxpayer. Why may I not vote how I see fit? Please explain yourself.
A vote for Trump is stupid regardless of whether or not you fancy yourself an independent.
Explain why my vote for Trump is stupid. Let’s see how smart you are.
Because Trump is stupid. How hard is this? He is an unprecedented international embarrassment on every level. He makes Bush look like Lincoln. That is how shockingly surreal US politics has become since 2015. No one could have predicted someone as retarded as Trump would become president, but I guess that’s Americans for you. We out do ourselves on the world stage.
Let’s say all that is true (it isn’t) how is MY vote for him stupid? Please explain. Not any vote, MY vote. You said you were smart. So explain. Should be easy for a smart guy?
Hmm well If you think your vote is wasted, then I guess that makes you a dummy who is wasting time.
Nope. You said my vote was stupid. So explain why. Wouldn’t it be wasted it I voted for Biden as well by your logic? So, smart guy, why is MY vote stupid? You are making a fool of yourself in front of everyone after you called yourself “smart”. Hmmm....
It’s inherently stupid for you to vote for a stupid person. I’m really not sure how else to explain this basic logic to you lol
Stupid is subjective. He is a billionaire who married a hot model and became the most powerful man in the world with zero prior political experience. Doubt that is what stupid means. Perhaps you should look up the meaning and see if your picture comes up when you Google the word?

Stupid is how I just made you look in this thread. Learn from it.
That moron would be a Wal-Mart greeter right now if daddy hadn’t given him 10’s of millions of dollars in the 80’s. Hell I almost blame his dad for him being president right now. From there he got a trophy wife. So impressive!
Maybe or maybe not.
Many people squander millions. He made it billions. Sorry, another stupid statement from you. Want to keep digging that hole?
Any moron can take completely free capital in the 10’s of millions and turn into a billion or two. They would just need sound investment advice. You know there is a huge difference between a millionaire who earned it and a millionaire just given millions right? Hell with 10’s of millions you could enter into any industry you wanted. Keep in mind that he got those millions in the 80’s, not with today’s inflation. For Trump he made the easy choice of investing into casinos and real estate. Of course one of them went bankrupt so that shows you his business skills at work.
Then why do so many pro athletes go bankrupt? Bad advice? You are very stupid. You would be the stupidest person in these forums if not for playtime and JoeB.
Lol fucking athletes actually earned it with self-discipline training. They had to put in their own money when they first started out. They also started at lower wages to become millionaires.
Antoine Walker blew through $100mil. He did it gambling and spending on luxuries. Trump invested it, built a brand and won the presidency.
Okay some random guy went broke and you pretend that justifies Trump’s stupidity? Are you listening to yourself? Trump is terrible at brand as evidenced by his many brand failures. He won the presidency by a fluke. Only 5 total winning presidents in history have lost the popular vote.
If he could dig himself out of his grave, JFK I'd vote for. No because he's a dem..but because I think he was a great potus. Gonads. Pure manly man that took no shit. And no, I don't care that he fucked every pretty woman he could find. He did his job well.
But Trump is a misogynist pig because he supposedly said something about grabbing p----y?.......Got it....I'd say Trump has got cajones the size of grapefruit
Every potus under the sun has grabbed, eaten, fucked and sucked p****. So do male bankers, football players, congressmen, senators, joe blow and uncle fred. Has no bearing on the JOB they do. Trump is doing a fine job. Love him. Love his attitude. Love his assholiness and not being shy to troll back, cuss, and in general give back double what is dealt him. JFK was sneakier and more gentlemanly, but he did a might fine job too. Alas, JFK was removed due to being like Trump. Just a different party, but probably offed by his own party.
This poll is 100% accurate! Let’s see who wins in 2020.
Biden is like a flu shot. It’s not at all exciting and a little unpleasant, but a vote for him is a vote against Trump. It’s the only one that counts.
According to this poll biden is going to get his ass kicked
Really? The Orange Buffoon has got most votes on your poll??? Can't believe that on a board overwhelmingly infested with Deplorables he'd head the poll!!! Amazing! Unbelievable!!!
Don't like it? Go to FB or Twitter. They will greet you with open arms. USMB is OURS (mostly). Deal with it, or get out.
Last edited:
I will be voting for Trump.

I voted for him the first time, even though I thought he might be about half-crazy (and with obvious personality disorders, but certainly not stupid) because my other choice was Pure Depravity---Hillary Clinton...a dumb, drunk, dishonest and incompetent, hate-filled, coattail-riding bitch whose big stroke in life was to marry a pussy loving Southern boy who happened to be a political genius and who got her every job she ever had, all of which she fucked up.

I will vote for him again for Two reasons this time:

1) Now, instead of running against Pure Depravity, he is running against a Potted Plant--who will need full time Nursing Care between from six months to two years from now; and

2) I have never seen a man work so hard, try so hard---and try against such malignant forces arrayed against him---to fulfill every campaign promise on which he got elected.

When I started typing this, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the Donald, personality disorders and all.

So, it is worthwhile to look at the components, as best we can, of what is obviously an unscientific poll. We can only guess.

I joined this board simply by typing in some key words to guide me to what would be a place for mutual sharing of views---something where all views were equally welcome---USMESSAGE Board sounded Unbiased and I joined on that basis. I found it to be controlled by LIBERALS, but with most, but not all, Moderators willing to allow Free Speech. Coyote had some Jackboot tendencies, but she has since gained controlled over them, and I think this board is well run and allows all comers a fee voice.

So, why would it come to be dominated by Trump Supporters, as this poll so far shows?

I saw one post up the thread which explained it as mostly Stupid people---only Progressives are smart...but Progressives are the very ones who advocate so strenuously that every vote should count and every person should have a voice. This is the elitist attitude from the North East which the Heartland has had to put up with since, believe it or not, the contest between Adams and Jefferson in the first few year or so of the 1800's. It was further defined in the contest between Adams' son, John Quincy, and Andrew Jackson---who drove the Northeast Elitists just as crazy as Trump is now driving the modern day Elitists crazy.

Jackson was considered half-crazy (and mean as Hell) but Heartland Americans had to take a chance on him, as we have with Trump, because their other choice---John Quincy Adams, was America's first Socialist President, even though we didn't know to call him a socialist at the time. He thought, like today's Socialists, that the words in the Constitution "promote the Common Welfare" meant creating a Nation of mostly Federal Plantation Porch Sitters who would somehow live happily forever off the efforts of an ever diminishing cohort of PRODUCERS in the Heartland.

So, then as now, Sane Americans find that they have to take a chance on Crazy. Sometimes it works. Jackson was elected to two terms and is now on the Twenty Dollar Bill. Theodore Roosevelt was at least half crazy. He is on Mount Rushmore. The Brits were absolutely sure, in the late 1930's that Winston Churchill was bat-shit crazy. Then Hitler got to chewing on their ass...and they turned to Churchill who performed so brilliantly that he is generally considered the greatest man of the 20th century.

One more. The absolutely craziest man to ever govern a major country is Peter Alexeyevich Romanov, and the Russians still revere him centuries later as Peter The Great.

So why is Trump romping in this poll?

Because he is Crazy enough to have worked his ass off for America; put up with unmitigated Hell for America...and because he is running against a Potted Plant.

Fantastic post. Thank you.
Stupid is subjective. He is a billionaire who married a hot model and became the most powerful man in the world with zero prior political experience. Doubt that is what stupid means. Perhaps you should look up the meaning and see if your picture comes up when you Google the word?

Stupid is how I just made you look in this thread. Learn from it.

Relative stupidity is NOT subjective. Donald Trump is absolutely the stupidest individual to ever hold the office of the presidency.
And yet at EVERY turn, every confrontation with democrats Trump has won usually embarrassing the dem in the process. What does that tell you about your dems?
I was all democrat just prior to 2016. I started backing off in 2015. Actully, about the time of Benghazi and the money meant for Haiti in Hillary's Charity not being used by Haitians. I began to wake up. Now I am totally Repub...but only because of Trump. Republicans have no balls and left him to battle everyone alone. His own party. long as Trump is in the running..I will vote for him. In telling who will step up. If its a career politician that has shown his/her stripes during this pandemic...I wont vote at all.
Old Joe's pushing limp rope both mentally and physically and although he perfectly represents the Democrat ideal on the USMB ... I'm going with a winner.

Likely the best President of my lifetime .. President of the United States .. Donald J. Trump...

.. then there's this ...
...... jail time for the treasonous Dems... :113:

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