The 2nd Amendment for dumbocrats

There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

An alleged robber is dead after breaking in to a house in Hickory, North Carolina.

Police received a call Saturday morning from a homeowner who said he’d shot an intruder, and arrived to find both men still at the house. The homeowner is alive and lightly injured; the intruder was pronounced dead at the scene.

The survivor, identified as Paul Ohla, explained his side of the story to WBTV3: “Guy kicked in the door, he came in and, ah, grabbed me and threw me down…He kept beating me and I finally got a hold of my .38, and I shot him.”

1 Dead After Alleged Home Invasion in North Carolina: ?He Kept Beating Me So I Finally Got Out My .38?? | Video |

You are truly the typical rightwing idiot.

Joe sets the trap and you unwittingly step right into it.

To liberals the Founders were always wrong even though the country they created is the greatest in human history by far!!

Alexander Hamilton: "...that standing army can never be formidable (threatening) to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in the use of arms."
(Federalist Paper #29)
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

An alleged robber is dead after breaking in to a house in Hickory, North Carolina.

Police received a call Saturday morning from a homeowner who said he’d shot an intruder, and arrived to find both men still at the house. The homeowner is alive and lightly injured; the intruder was pronounced dead at the scene.

The survivor, identified as Paul Ohla, explained his side of the story to WBTV3: “Guy kicked in the door, he came in and, ah, grabbed me and threw me down…He kept beating me and I finally got a hold of my .38, and I shot him.”

1 Dead After Alleged Home Invasion in North Carolina: ?He Kept Beating Me So I Finally Got Out My .38?? | Video |

You are truly the typical rightwing idiot.

Joe sets the trap and you unwittingly step right into it.

Uh.....what? I "stepped into a trap" because I just annihilated him with verifiable facts?!? :cuckoo:

The story was retracted by the very scientist who did the DNA test. It turns out it was in fact Jefferson's brother that had a consensual relationship with Sally.

The liberals manufactured this story in the late 90's as a cover up for Bill Clinton and his Monica Lewinsky scandal (they desperately needed the narrative of "see - other presidents had done it, what's the big deal?).

Once again - JoeB. caught LYING....

Guy, it isn't consent when you are property.

And yes even the Monticello Website concedes Jefferson was banging her.

(Adding an extra bit of sick to this, Sally was the half sister to Jefferson's dead wife, and despite her 1/4th African blood, looked a lot like her.)

As for making things up to "cover up" for Bill Clinton (most people were against impeachment, so there was no need to "cover up".) stories about Hemmings and Jefferson's relationship with her go back to the 18th century. Jefferson's political opponents even publsihed phamphlets about it.
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

Twice this week robbers in Detroit were shot by concealed carry holders who refused to be victims

On Thursday night, a pair of teenagers approached two utility workers with the intention of robbing them. What the criminals didn’t know is one of the workers was a concealed carry holder. He pulled out his handgun and shot both teens, injuring them — one crucially and the other seriously.

According to the FBI, there are only 200 cases of "Justifiable" homicide a year compared to 11,101 gun murders and 16,000 gun suicides. So you can go on all day and cherry pick this story about someone who shot an intruder, but there are just as many tragedies...

Like this one.

Joseph Loughrey, Dad Who Accidentally Shot Son, Craig, Outside Gun Shop, Won't Be Charged: DA

Kochems said he considered the charge, a misdemeanor punishable by up to five years in prison, because Loughrey's gun was loaded when he put it in his truck moments before the gun fired on Dec. 8, killing his son, Craig. The boy had been buckling himself into his safety seat in his father's truck when the handgun, which was placed on the truck's console, fired as Joseph Loughrey got into the front seat, police said.
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

Uh-oh Joey! Even the elite special forces wings of the United States military is against you (and Obama)! :lol:

So why should non-gun owners, a majority of Americans, care about maintaining the 2nd Amendment right for citizens to bear arms of any kind?

The answer is “The Battle of Athens, TN”. The Cantrell family had controlled the economy and politics of McMinn County, Tennessee since the 1930s. Paul Cantrell had been Sheriff from 1936 -1940 and in 1942 was elected to the State Senate. His chief deputy, Paul Mansfield, was subsequently elected to two terms as Sheriff. In 1946 returning WWII veterans put up a popular candidate for Sheriff. On August 1 Sheriff Mansfield and 200 “deputies” stormed the post office polling place to take control of the ballot boxes wounding an objecting observer in the process. The veterans bearing military style weapons, laid siege to the Sheriff’s office demanding return of the ballot boxes for public counting of the votes as prescribed in Tennessee law. After exchange of gun fire and blowing open the locked doors, the veterans secured the ballot boxes thereby protecting the integrity of the election. And this is precisely why all Americans should be concerned about protecting all of our right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment!

Read the Letter 1,100 Green Berets Signed for Protection of the 2nd Amendment |

In these threads I've heard the right wingers state that Obama is a marxist, or a socialist, or whatever, bent on destroying this great country of ours. What are you lovers of liberty waiting for? This is what the 2nd Amendment's all about. It maybe too late already but give it a try. Take up your arms and fight this tyranny he's putting you through. Log off and get busy. Maybe Ted Nugent or Wayne La Pierre will lead the charge. Good luck guys.
Dream on moron....methinks you hide from your own fear by projecting it upon everyone else ;)

You lose.

LOL Joe...

The Constution says we can have guns, the Courts have UPHELD that we can have guns..and frightened little bunnies like you don't like it.

Given the latter your argument is irrelevant.

The only thing standing between your interpretation and sanity is a 79 Justice...

Scalia retires or dies, Obama appoints his replacement, and then we get votes for sanity.
I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

An alleged robber is dead after breaking in to a house in Hickory, North Carolina.

Police received a call Saturday morning from a homeowner who said he’d shot an intruder, and arrived to find both men still at the house. The homeowner is alive and lightly injured; the intruder was pronounced dead at the scene.

The survivor, identified as Paul Ohla, explained his side of the story to WBTV3: “Guy kicked in the door, he came in and, ah, grabbed me and threw me down…He kept beating me and I finally got a hold of my .38, and I shot him.”

1 Dead After Alleged Home Invasion in North Carolina: ?He Kept Beating Me So I Finally Got Out My .38?? | Video |

You are truly the typical rightwing idiot.

Joe sets the trap and you unwittingly step right into it.

Uh.....what? I "stepped into a trap" because I just annihilated him with verifiable facts?!? :cuckoo:

If you had any intelligence or understanding of the Constitution and its case law, you would have responded:

“You’re right, there is no good reason for me to own a gun.”

Citizens aren’t required to justify the exercising of a civil right, such as gun ownership.

Instead, like the moron you are, you responded with a hasty generalization fallacy about a robbery in North Carolina, further contributing to the image of gun owners as ‘nuts’ and undermining arguments in support of Second Amendment rights.

Good job.
Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
From Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary

com·ma *(km)*n.
1. Grammar A punctuation mark ( , ) used to indicate a separation of ideas or of elements within the structure of a sentence.
2. A pause or separation; a caesura.
3. Any of several butterflies of the genus Polygonia, having wings with brownish coloring and irregularly notched edges.
[Latin, from Greek komma, piece cut off, short clause, from koptein, to cut.]

comma [ˈkɒmə]*n
1. (Communication Arts / Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the punctuation mark, indicating a slight pause in the spoken sentence and used where there is a listing of items or to separate a nonrestrictive clause or phrase from a main clause
2. (Music, other) Music a minute interval
3. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) short for comma butterfly
[from Latin, from Greek komma clause, from kopteinto cut]

com•ma (ˈkɒm ə)*n., pl. -mas.
1. the sign (,), a mark of punctuation used to indicate a division in a sentence, as in setting off a word, phrase, or clause, to separate items in a list, to mark off thousands in numerals, to separate types or levels of information in bibliographic and other data, and, in Europe, as a decimal point.
2. a brown and black nymphalid butterfly, Polygonia comma, with a silver comma mark on the underwing.
[1520–30; < Late Latin: mark of punctuation, Latin: division of a phrase < Greek kómma piece cut off (referring to the phrase so marked) <kóptein to strike, chop]

Now, look where the commas are in the 2nd Amendment.

What does that tell you?

Each comma separates and defines the Amendment. If they wanted only Militia to have the right, it would have been written "the right of the Militia to keep and bear Arms" and not "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms".
NO, actually, it's a math thing. Obama will be appointing SCOTUS Justices for the next 4 years. Hillary will be appointing them for the 8 after that.

Scalia is 77 and Kennedy is 76.

Dream on moron....methinks you hide from your own fear by projecting it upon everyone else ;)

You lose.

LOL Joe...

The Constution says we can have guns, the Courts have UPHELD that we can have guns..and frightened little bunnies like you don't like it.

Given the latter your argument is irrelevant.

The only thing standing between your interpretation and sanity is a 79 Justice...

Scalia retires or dies, Obama appoints his replacement, and then we get votes for sanity.
Sorry sweetie....this is called counting your chickens before they hatch.

It is sad really.....a full grown man like you swallowing all that hate filled jizz from the Left.

NO, actually, it's a math thing. Obama will be appointing SCOTUS Justices for the next 4 years. Hillary will be appointing them for the 8 after that.

Scalia is 77 and Kennedy is 76.

Dream on moron....methinks you hide from your own fear by projecting it upon everyone else ;)

You lose.

The only thing standing between your interpretation and sanity is a 79 Justice...

Scalia retires or dies, Obama appoints his replacement, and then we get votes for sanity.
Sorry sweetie....this is called counting your chickens before they hatch.

It is sad really.....a full grown man like you swallowing all that hate filled jizz from the Left.


I just made statements of fact. Heller is an Absurd decision. You "conservatives" (not really) scream all day about "Activist" courts.

The reality is, the best the GOP can offer for 2016 is Jeb Bush.

While the Democrats will run Hillary.

Now both are running off of relatives who had the job previously.


Bill Clinton's Speech was the highlight of the Democratic convention.

And Dubya's speech? Oh, yeah. Dubya didn't have a speech.
Sorry sweetie....this is called counting your chickens before they hatch.

It is sad really.....a full grown man like you swallowing all that hate filled jizz from the Left.


I just made statements of fact. Heller is an Absurd decision. You "conservatives" (not really) scream all day about "Activist" courts.

The reality is, the best the GOP can offer for 2016 is Jeb Bush.

While the Democrats will run Hillary.

Now both are running off of relatives who had the job previously.


Bill Clinton's Speech was the highlight of the Democratic convention.

And Dubya's speech? Oh, yeah. Dubya didn't have a speech.

Joe you have it all wrong heller was not a victory for the second amendment Miller was.

Joe you have it all wrong heller was not a victory for the second amendment Miller was.

Did you mean to say, "activist decision" instead of "second amendment"?

Miller was a quite sensible decision. And frankly, the whole notion of an individual right in the Second Amendment is largely a modern invention, promoted by a gun industry that is completely irresponsible.

Joe you have it all wrong heller was not a victory for the second amendment Miller was.

Did you mean to say, "activist decision" instead of "second amendment"?

Miller was a quite sensible decision. And frankly, the whole notion of an individual right in the Second Amendment is largely a modern invention, promoted by a gun industry that is completely irresponsible.

Miller intent was also an individual right when it says the arms had to be supplied by the citizen and they had too be arms in common use at the time.
Too funny, some schmuck named Joe on the internet thinks he is "smarter" than the SC Justices, too funny.

Now sweetie, please watch the inflation that is happening as we speak...then watch as the dollar loses ground.....(thats called deflation but I understand that that concept is beyond you).

Watch China and Russia and how they are going to attempt to replace the dollar as the World's anchor should be frightened but you aren't smart enough.

Sorry sweetie....this is called counting your chickens before they hatch.

It is sad really.....a full grown man like you swallowing all that hate filled jizz from the Left.


I just made statements of fact. Heller is an Absurd decision. You "conservatives" (not really) scream all day about "Activist" courts.

The reality is, the best the GOP can offer for 2016 is Jeb Bush.

While the Democrats will run Hillary.

Now both are running off of relatives who had the job previously.


Bill Clinton's Speech was the highlight of the Democratic convention.

And Dubya's speech? Oh, yeah. Dubya didn't have a speech.
Too funny, some schmuck named Joe on the internet thinks he is "smarter" than the SC Justices, too funny.]

Anyone can be smarter than Clarance Thomas and Antonin Scalia... They're practically retarded.

Now sweetie, please watch the inflation that is happening as we speak...then watch as the dollar loses ground.....(thats called deflation but I understand that that concept is beyond you).]

Right... The Obamapocolyse is coming. Meanwhile, out here in the real world, the economy is coming along pretty nicely. In one of my side jobs, I've been told that the housing market is starting to rise in Chicago because there are so few houses left on the market.

Watch China and Russia and how they are going to attempt to replace the dollar as the World's anchor should be frightened but you aren't smart enough.


Guy, if I had a dollar for every potential Obamapoclypse you mutts predicted for the last 4 years, I'd be richer than Paris Hilton.
Here is why you are now, and always be a moron....

Obama is doing NOTHING that Bush didn't do.

But being the short bus guy you are you think EVERYONE is a straight party line partisan like just isn't true...but again..that is beyond you.

Bad things are coming world wide ....I feel bad for your family, you are going to go into this thing unprepared...your shortsightedness could cost them dearly.

Too funny, some schmuck named Joe on the internet thinks he is "smarter" than the SC Justices, too funny.]

Anyone can be smarter than Clarance Thomas and Antonin Scalia... They're practically retarded.

Now sweetie, please watch the inflation that is happening as we speak...then watch as the dollar loses ground.....(thats called deflation but I understand that that concept is beyond you).]

Right... The Obamapocolyse is coming. Meanwhile, out here in the real world, the economy is coming along pretty nicely. In one of my side jobs, I've been told that the housing market is starting to rise in Chicago because there are so few houses left on the market.

Watch China and Russia and how they are going to attempt to replace the dollar as the World's anchor should be frightened but you aren't smart enough.


Guy, if I had a dollar for every potential Obamapoclypse you mutts predicted for the last 4 years, I'd be richer than Paris Hilton.
Here is why you are now, and always be a moron....

Obama is doing NOTHING that Bush didn't do.

But being the short bus guy you are you think EVERYONE is a straight party line partisan like just isn't true...but again..that is beyond you.

Bad things are coming world wide ....I feel bad for your family, you are going to go into this thing unprepared...your shortsightedness could cost them dearly.


GUy, I was a republican for 30 years until the Religious fuckwads and corporate douchebags ran the party- and the country - into the ground

Here's the problem with the Right Wing telling me about the economy at this point.

So far, you've been wrong about- EVERYTHING.

I might remind you of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Anyone can be smarter than Clarance Thomas and Antonin Scalia... They're practically retarded.

Joe - seriously - Antonin Scalia's fecal is smarter than you.

It's very clear Joe that you're a troll just looking to see if you can "push buttons" and get a reaction out of people. Nobody could possibly be as dumb as you. So, with that, I'm going to block you now and I highly recommend that the rest of the people on this board do the same thing since you're not the least bit interested in having a serious conversation.

Have fun responding to your own posts.... :lmao:
Anyone can be smarter than Clarance Thomas and Antonin Scalia... They're practically retarded.

Joe - seriously - Antonin Scalia's fecal is smarter than you.

It's very clear Joe that you're a troll just looking to see if you can "push buttons" and get a reaction out of people. Nobody could possibly be as dumb as you. So, with that, I'm going to block you now and I highly recommend that the rest of the people on this board do the same thing since you're not the least bit interested in having a serious conversation.

Have fun responding to your own posts.... :lmao:

Well, I notice you didn't try to make yourself look foolish by claiming Clarance Uncle Tom was smart.

And pushing your buttons is easy, dimwit.

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