The 2nd Amendment for dumbocrats

Anyone can be smarter than Clarance Thomas and Antonin Scalia... They're practically retarded.

Joe - seriously - Antonin Scalia's fecal is smarter than you.

It's very clear Joe that you're a troll just looking to see if you can "push buttons" and get a reaction out of people. Nobody could possibly be as dumb as you. So, with that, I'm going to block you now and I highly recommend that the rest of the people on this board do the same thing since you're not the least bit interested in having a serious conversation.

Have fun responding to your own posts.... :lmao:

Well, I notice you didn't try to make yourself look foolish by claiming Clarance Uncle Tom was smart.

And pushing your buttons is easy, dimwit.

Clarence Thomas enrolled in Massachusetts's Holy Cross College. After graduating in 1971, he attended Connecticut's Yale University Law School, and earned a doctor of jurisprudence degree in 1974.
At least he understands the constitution unlike obama.

Clarence Thomas enrolled in Massachusetts's Holy Cross College. After graduating in 1971, he attended Connecticut's Yale University Law School, and earned a doctor of jurisprudence degree in 1974.
At least he understands the constitution unlike obama.

Clarance Thomas was a token black guy Bush-41 put on the court because he was replacing Thurgood Marshall.

Clarance Thomas has been on the court for 21 years, and when he finally kicks the bucket, the only thing anyone is going to remember him for is "pubic hair on a Coke Can".

Clarence Thomas enrolled in Massachusetts's Holy Cross College. After graduating in 1971, he attended Connecticut's Yale University Law School, and earned a doctor of jurisprudence degree in 1974.
At least he understands the constitution unlike obama.

Clarance Thomas was a token black guy Bush-41 put on the court because he was replacing Thurgood Marshall.

Clarance Thomas has been on the court for 21 years, and when he finally kicks the bucket, the only thing anyone is going to remember him for is "pubic hair on a Coke Can".

If he was a token black guy why did democrats hate him so much? Is it because they hate black people who are actually intelligent?

Clarence Thomas enrolled in Massachusetts's Holy Cross College. After graduating in 1971, he attended Connecticut's Yale University Law School, and earned a doctor of jurisprudence degree in 1974.
At least he understands the constitution unlike obama.

Clarance Thomas was a token black guy Bush-41 put on the court because he was replacing Thurgood Marshall.

Clarance Thomas has been on the court for 21 years, and when he finally kicks the bucket, the only thing anyone is going to remember him for is "pubic hair on a Coke Can".

If he was a token black guy why did democrats hate him so much? Is it because they hate black people who are actually intelligent?

Why hate him?

Frankly, I didn't personaly believe Anita Hill, but some people do think he was a sexual harrasser.

He's also kind of a phony and a hypocrite, given he only got as far as he did in life due to affirmative action, and yet he'd bring an end to the practice.

But here's the thing. Without checking google, name the most signifigant court decision that Thomas ever wrote.

Oh, wait. YOu can't. Because he's that much of a mediocrity.
Clarance Thomas was a token black guy Bush-41 put on the court because he was replacing Thurgood Marshall.

Clarance Thomas has been on the court for 21 years, and when he finally kicks the bucket, the only thing anyone is going to remember him for is "pubic hair on a Coke Can".

If he was a token black guy why did democrats hate him so much? Is it because they hate black people who are actually intelligent?

Why hate him?

Frankly, I didn't personaly believe Anita Hill, but some people do think he was a sexual harrasser.

He's also kind of a phony and a hypocrite, given he only got as far as he did in life due to affirmative action, and yet he'd bring an end to the practice.

But here's the thing. Without checking google, name the most signifigant court decision that Thomas ever wrote.

Oh, wait. YOu can't. Because he's that much of a mediocrity.

That's a load of horse shit, you should rest before moving it around.
If he was a token black guy why did democrats hate him so much? Is it because they hate black people who are actually intelligent?

Why hate him?

Frankly, I didn't personaly believe Anita Hill, but some people do think he was a sexual harrasser.

He's also kind of a phony and a hypocrite, given he only got as far as he did in life due to affirmative action, and yet he'd bring an end to the practice.

But here's the thing. Without checking google, name the most signifigant court decision that Thomas ever wrote.

Oh, wait. YOu can't. Because he's that much of a mediocrity.

That's a load of horse shit, you should rest before moving it around.

You asked a question- why do people hate Clarance Thomas.

Sexual Harrasser
Affirmative Action Hypocrite
Intellectual Lightweight.

Only two reasons why Bush-41 nominated this clown. 1) He was black. 2) He had no judicial record that could be "Borked".

It was not because of his accomplishments before getting on teh court and he hasn't had any since.
But here's the thing. Without checking google, name the most signifigant court decision that Thomas ever wrote.

Majority opinion: Heller vs DC

Actually, that was Scalia, not Thomas.

District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uncle Thomas was just doing what he normally does, playing Rochester to Scalia's Jack Benny.

Thomas filed an opinion for the majority. Its in your wiki-link sport.
Majority opinion: Heller vs DC

Actually, that was Scalia, not Thomas.

District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uncle Thomas was just doing what he normally does, playing Rochester to Scalia's Jack Benny.

Thomas filed an opinion for the majority. Its in your wiki-link sport.

He filed AN opinion. He didn't write THE Opinion.

Fact is, Thomas is a nobody. When he retires, people are going to replay all that stock footage of Anita Hill, and that's all anyone will remember him for.

Incidently, I personally thought that Hill was a lying sack of crap, and the Democrats cheapened the proceedings by making a spectacle of her.
Yeah,yeah, yeah...we've all heard your boo hoo story a hundred time.

The fact is that you know nothing of what is happening Joes, thats just the way it is.

The day will come when the Fed can no longer print and dump 85 billion into the economy every month and then the shit will hit the fan.

Here is why you are now, and always be a moron....

Obama is doing NOTHING that Bush didn't do.

But being the short bus guy you are you think EVERYONE is a straight party line partisan like just isn't true...but again..that is beyond you.

Bad things are coming world wide ....I feel bad for your family, you are going to go into this thing unprepared...your shortsightedness could cost them dearly.


GUy, I was a republican for 30 years until the Religious fuckwads and corporate douchebags ran the party- and the country - into the ground

Here's the problem with the Right Wing telling me about the economy at this point.

So far, you've been wrong about- EVERYTHING.

I might remind you of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Yeah,yeah, yeah...we've all heard your boo hoo story a hundred time.

The fact is that you know nothing of what is happening Joes, thats just the way it is.

The day will come when the Fed can no longer print and dump 85 billion into the economy every month and then the shit will hit the fan.


Actually, guy, your side (which used to be my side until I smartened up) really doesn't have any credibility on the economy when you caused the worst financial disaster in 80 years.

All your predictions are a lot of sour grapes. The rest of the country didn't see things like you did, and now you're skulking.

What you should be doing is asking, "How did we lose guys like Joe B who supported us for 30 years, but didn't vote for us this time."

Because, seriously, until you guys nominated the Mormon Douchebag, I was willing to give you another look.
He filed AN opinion. He didn't write THE Opinion.

Thomas did not file any opinion in Heller. Scalia wrote the the majority opinion which Thomas, Roberts, Alito and Kennedy joined. There were no concurring opinions written in Heller whatsoever. Stevens wrote a dissent in which Ginsburg, Breyer and Souter joined and Breyer wrote another dissent in which Stevens, Ginsburg and Souter joined...

In McDonald v Chicago Thomas did write a concurring opinion.. preferring to invoke the Privileges or Immunities clause of the 14th Amendment to make the 2nd applicable to the states while the opinion written by Alito employed the traditional selective incorporation under the Due Process clause of the 14th.

Most legal scholars on the left and the right agree with the approach taken by Thomas in McDonald, but Thomas was fighting an uphill battle against court precedent that goes back to a horrible decision known as The Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1873)
Why hate him?

Frankly, I didn't personaly believe Anita Hill, but some people do think he was a sexual harrasser.

He's also kind of a phony and a hypocrite, given he only got as far as he did in life due to affirmative action, and yet he'd bring an end to the practice.

But here's the thing. Without checking google, name the most signifigant court decision that Thomas ever wrote.

Oh, wait. YOu can't. Because he's that much of a mediocrity.

That's a load of horse shit, you should rest before moving it around.

You asked a question- why do people hate Clarance Thomas.

Sexual Harrasser
Affirmative Action Hypocrite
Intellectual Lightweight.

Only two reasons why Bush-41 nominated this clown. 1) He was black. 2) He had no judicial record that could be "Borked".

It was not because of his accomplishments before getting on teh court and he hasn't had any since.

Sexual Harrasser

Dude go back and reread what you posted, why are you calling him a sexual harasser when you said you didn't believe anti hill? You're just a hater of intelligent blacks.

What is it you expect of the man he's protected your rights. But I guess you can out shine him with your stellar career :eusa_whistle:
That's a load of horse shit, you should rest before moving it around.

You asked a question- why do people hate Clarance Thomas.

Sexual Harrasser
Affirmative Action Hypocrite
Intellectual Lightweight.

Only two reasons why Bush-41 nominated this clown. 1) He was black. 2) He had no judicial record that could be "Borked".

It was not because of his accomplishments before getting on teh court and he hasn't had any since.

Sexual Harrasser

Dude go back and reread what you posted, why are you calling him a sexual harasser when you said you didn't believe anti hill? You're just a hater of intelligent blacks.

What is it you expect of the man he's protected your rights. But I guess you can out shine him with your stellar career :eusa_whistle:

Go back and read what I said. I said "why people" hate him. Not why I hate him. I'm kind of indifferent to the man.

I personally don't believe he was a sexual harrasser. But a lot of people do.

Get back to me when you learn basic English Comprehension.
Joe its ok, I know you have no knowledge of what happens when the Gov prints money out of nothing, it is completely beyond you.

All you know is that you want what you think you deserve and you think daddy Bammy will give it to you.

How much of that fake 85 billion do you need?

Yeah,yeah, yeah...we've all heard your boo hoo story a hundred time.

The fact is that you know nothing of what is happening Joes, thats just the way it is.

The day will come when the Fed can no longer print and dump 85 billion into the economy every month and then the shit will hit the fan.


Actually, guy, your side (which used to be my side until I smartened up) really doesn't have any credibility on the economy when you caused the worst financial disaster in 80 years.

All your predictions are a lot of sour grapes. The rest of the country didn't see things like you did, and now you're skulking.

What you should be doing is asking, "How did we lose guys like Joe B who supported us for 30 years, but didn't vote for us this time."

Because, seriously, until you guys nominated the Mormon Douchebag, I was willing to give you another look.
You asked a question- why do people hate Clarance Thomas.

Sexual Harrasser
Affirmative Action Hypocrite
Intellectual Lightweight.

Only two reasons why Bush-41 nominated this clown. 1) He was black. 2) He had no judicial record that could be "Borked".

It was not because of his accomplishments before getting on teh court and he hasn't had any since.

Sexual Harrasser

Dude go back and reread what you posted, why are you calling him a sexual harasser when you said you didn't believe anti hill? You're just a hater of intelligent blacks.

What is it you expect of the man he's protected your rights. But I guess you can out shine him with your stellar career :eusa_whistle:

Go back and read what I said. I said "why people" hate him. Not why I hate him. I'm kind of indifferent to the man.

I personally don't believe he was a sexual harrasser. But a lot of people do.

Get back to me when you learn basic English Comprehension.
The only reason I can see why people hate him is because he's a conservative, and the only people who hate conservatives are liberals so not even a lot of people hate just people like you, who hate a real intelligent black man
Guy, I lived through the hyper-inflation of the 1970's. The world didn't end then and it ain't going to end now.

Here's the thing... 85 Billion in a 14 Trillion dollar economy is nothing. It's a joke.

Joe its ok, I know you have no knowledge of what happens when the Gov prints money out of nothing, it is completely beyond you.

All you know is that you want what you think you deserve and you think daddy Bammy will give it to you.

How much of that fake 85 billion do you need?

The only reason I can see why people hate him is because he's a conservative, and the only people who hate conservatives are liberals so not even a lot of people hate just people like you, who hate a real intelligent black man

Right. You mean like the one progressives have elected twice, eh?

Okay, if you can ONLY see one reason why people hate him, then you just are simply being obtuse, as usual.

A lot of people (again, not me) think he really did sexually harrass Anita Hill. Now, personally, I don't because Hill had too many holes in her story. But man, it wasn't like he made a good case for his own innocence. He just slapped down the race card and dared people to vote him down.

On a related note, after a whole career of trying to distance himself from the Civil Rights movement and such, he was pretty freakin' quick to slap down the race card.

People might also VALIDLY dislike the fact that he has voted with the most regressive block in the history of the Supreme court despite promising during his confirmation hearings he'd keep an open mind on things.
Dude go back and reread what you posted, why are you calling him a sexual harasser when you said you didn't believe anti hill? You're just a hater of intelligent blacks.

What is it you expect of the man he's protected your rights. But I guess you can out shine him with your stellar career :eusa_whistle:

Go back and read what I said. I said "why people" hate him. Not why I hate him. I'm kind of indifferent to the man.

I personally don't believe he was a sexual harrasser. But a lot of people do.

Get back to me when you learn basic English Comprehension.
The only reason I can see why people hate him is because he's a conservative, and the only people who hate conservatives are liberals so not even a lot of people hate just people like you, who hate a real intelligent black man

Not only intelligent, but intelligent to know that the Constitution was written to preserve very very limited government!!

A liberal will hate anyman who in effect says his liberal ideas are treasonous!!

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