The 2nd Amendment for dumbocrats

Not till gun owners are required to join a "well-regulated militia" , as the Constitution says, will the 2nd Amendment be correctly followed and interpreted.

Where does it say in the 2nd Amend that gun rights are restricted to members of a "well regulated militia"? Seems to me that the 2nd says that a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state but then preserves the right to keep and bear arms for "the people" and not "members of the well regulated militia". Experts in linguists have analyzed the language in the 2nd so that the first phrase provides a purpose for the second phrase, not a limitation.

So how do you achieve your restriction from the language in the 2nd and what 'well regulated milita" does one have to join in order to have gun rights?

Inquiring minds wish to know...
It doesn't have to say it outright. It's clearly implied. Quite clearly. And our failure to pay adequate attention to the first clause of the 2nd Amendment is why we our kids get shot in Newtown CT or Brunswick GA. Our country's gun policy has been a blood-soaked disaster, and it's the fault of Conservatism.
It doesn't have to say it outright. It's clearly implied. Quite clearly. And our failure to pay adequate attention to the first clause of the 2nd Amendment is why we our kids get shot in Newtown CT or Brunswick GA. Our country's gun policy has been a blood-soaked disaster, and it's the fault of Conservatism.

Yeah - we wrote a LEGAL DOCUMENT but left things "implied".

You're just an idiot who doesn't like what the Constitution says - so you try to pretend you know what was "implied" over what is actually written.
It doesn't have to say it outright..

Oh, so you can make it up? Interesting...

It's clearly implied. Quite clearly.

No it is not.. What is clearly stated, and in modern English is the following:

"Because we need a well regulated militia for the security of a free state, we are going to protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms"

The fact that you do not know why protecting a broad right of the people to have and use arms protects the "well regulated militia" is a testament to your ignorance, not to your insight or mastery of the english language. BTW, the above modern translation of the 2nd? It comes from an amicus brief in Heller submitted by English professors and colonial liguistic experts who were supporting the position of the District of Columbia.. ie the antigun side.

You did not answer the question about what"well regulated militia" must one join... why is that?
It's become clear to me since Newtown that conservative America is willing to accept Newtowns, and Auroras, and Brunswicks. as a reasonable cost of its gun fetish.

You're half correct - we are willing to accept Newtown, Aurora, and Brunswick as a reasonable cost of LIBERTY. :)


The Epic Gun Control Testimony You?ve Been Waiting For: ?The Constitution Did Not Guarantee Public Safety, It Guaranteed Liberty? | Video |
Not till gun owners are required to join a "well-regulated militia" , as the Constitution says, will the 2nd Amendment be correctly followed and interpreted.

Where does it say in the 2nd Amend that gun rights are restricted to members of a "well regulated militia"? Seems to me that the 2nd says that a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state but then preserves the right to keep and bear arms for "the people" and not "members of the well regulated militia". Experts in linguists have analyzed the language in the 2nd so that the first phrase provides a purpose for the second phrase, not a limitation.

So how do you achieve your restriction from the language in the 2nd and what 'well regulated milita" does one have to join in order to have gun rights?

Inquiring minds wish to know...

:clap2: <standing ovation> :clap2:
It doesn't have to say it outright..

Yes it does!!! What the hell kind of "logic" is that?

You're sad, pathetic attempt to rewrite the U.S. Constitution to fit your own irrational fears would be like a rapist claiming that he did not rape a woman if he used a condom because there was no actual contact between his penis and her orifices. :cuckoo:

You would never tolerate that - yet that is the exact absurd bullshit you are desperately trying to pull here...
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

A dramatic 911 call recorded a Oklahoma man’s confrontation with an intruder who broke into his Ponca City home early Thursday morning. The homeowner ended up shooting the intruder several times when police didn’t arrive in time.

?I Just Put Three Rounds in His A**?: Dramatic 911 Call Captures Oklahoma Man Shooting Home Intruder After Police Couldn?t Arrive Fast Enough |
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

An Alabama homeowner shot and killed a suspected burglar while defending his property on Tuesday night. It is merely the latest instance of a gun owner using a firearm to combat a criminal, which TheBlaze has reported on extensively.

The gun owner dropped the home intruder with just one shot from his shotgun, according to police. Investigators do not expect any charges to be filed against the homeowner as it appears to be a clear-cut case of self-defense.

?Your Home Is Your Castle?: Alabama Gun Owner Drops Home Intruder With One Deadly Shot |
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

On Tuesday night, an armed would-be robber approached a Miami man outside his apartment building and demanded his belongings.

Though it is not clear why, the robber then shot the victim in the hand. He didn’t know it at the time, but it would turn out to be a senseless violent act that cost him his life.

The victim, whose injury was said to be non-life threatening, then pulled out his own handgun in self-defense and shot his attacker several times. The violent robber later died at Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital due to his injuries.

Violent Armed Robber Shoots Would-Be ?Victim? During Hold Up ? But It Was the Criminal Who Left in a Body Bag |

If she wasn't restricted from owning a gun she would never have been raped, why do you support disarming women so they will be victims?

Yeah, I'm sure if this black woman shot a rich guy who owned her, the legal system of 1787 would have been TOTALLY understanding of her plight.

Right after they strunger her up from the nearest tree.

If the black man had access to firearms they could have defended themselves something a racist like you would never want too see.

you dont need a license it does not have to be registered or insured none of it

you are fulla bs


So someone is going to chuck out thousands of dollars for a car and never drive it?

That's pretty much the only way you can avoid all the rules I've listed. And I'm still not sure about the emissions thingee.
I know plenty of farmers that have trucks that are not registered or have insurance.
When we change the laws, it won't be.

And the laws ARE going to change, guy. Only a matter of time before people get sick of watching little kids get wheeled out of schools or theatres.

Joe is right - the laws, they are a changing....

Last March, in a victory for Maryland gun owners, a federal judge ruled in the case of Woollard v. Sheridan that a key provision of the state’s gun laws was unconstitutional. Judge Benson Everett Legg declared that Maryland's requirement for a "good and substantial reason" to obtain a concealed-carry permit violates the Second Amendment protection of the right to keep and bear arms.

"The Court finds that the right to bear arms is not limited to the home," Judge Legg wrote in his 23-page ruling.

NRA-ILA | Maryland: Appeals Court Reverses Lower Court Decision, Upholds Maryland Carry Permit Criteria
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

An alleged robber is dead after breaking in to a house in Hickory, North Carolina.

Police received a call Saturday morning from a homeowner who said he’d shot an intruder, and arrived to find both men still at the house. The homeowner is alive and lightly injured; the intruder was pronounced dead at the scene.

The survivor, identified as Paul Ohla, explained his side of the story to WBTV3: “Guy kicked in the door, he came in and, ah, grabbed me and threw me down…He kept beating me and I finally got a hold of my .38, and I shot him.”

1 Dead After Alleged Home Invasion in North Carolina: ?He Kept Beating Me So I Finally Got Out My .38?? | Video |
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

Twice this week robbers in Detroit were shot by concealed carry holders who refused to be victims

On Thursday night, a pair of teenagers approached two utility workers with the intention of robbing them. What the criminals didn’t know is one of the workers was a concealed carry holder. He pulled out his handgun and shot both teens, injuring them — one crucially and the other seriously.

It?s Been a Bad Week for Robbers in Detroit: Concealed Carry Holders Fight Back and Open Fire | Video |
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

Twice this week robbers in Detroit were shot by concealed carry holders who refused to be victims

Last Friday, a high school basketball coach was walking two female players to their cars after practice when they were approached by two teen boys. The teenagers “announced a holdup” and grabbed the coach by his chain necklace and stuck something in his chest.

After struggling with the teens for a period of time, the coach is able to get some distance between himself and his attackers. The 70-year-old coach then pulled out his concealed handgun and fired at the robbers, hitting both of them, one of them fatally.

It?s Been a Bad Week for Robbers in Detroit: Concealed Carry Holders Fight Back and Open Fire | Video |[/QUOTE]
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

Uh-oh Joey! Even the elite special forces wings of the United States military is against you (and Obama)! :lol:

So why should non-gun owners, a majority of Americans, care about maintaining the 2nd Amendment right for citizens to bear arms of any kind?

The answer is “The Battle of Athens, TN”. The Cantrell family had controlled the economy and politics of McMinn County, Tennessee since the 1930s. Paul Cantrell had been Sheriff from 1936 -1940 and in 1942 was elected to the State Senate. His chief deputy, Paul Mansfield, was subsequently elected to two terms as Sheriff. In 1946 returning WWII veterans put up a popular candidate for Sheriff. On August 1 Sheriff Mansfield and 200 “deputies” stormed the post office polling place to take control of the ballot boxes wounding an objecting observer in the process. The veterans bearing military style weapons, laid siege to the Sheriff’s office demanding return of the ballot boxes for public counting of the votes as prescribed in Tennessee law. After exchange of gun fire and blowing open the locked doors, the veterans secured the ballot boxes thereby protecting the integrity of the election. And this is precisely why all Americans should be concerned about protecting all of our right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment!

Read the Letter 1,100 Green Berets Signed for Protection of the 2nd Amendment |
There's no good reason for you to have a gun.

I'm sorry - you were saying?

You really are the epitome of the term fucking idiot...

An alleged robber is dead after breaking in to a house in Hickory, North Carolina.

Police received a call Saturday morning from a homeowner who said he’d shot an intruder, and arrived to find both men still at the house. The homeowner is alive and lightly injured; the intruder was pronounced dead at the scene.

The survivor, identified as Paul Ohla, explained his side of the story to WBTV3: “Guy kicked in the door, he came in and, ah, grabbed me and threw me down…He kept beating me and I finally got a hold of my .38, and I shot him.”

1 Dead After Alleged Home Invasion in North Carolina: ?He Kept Beating Me So I Finally Got Out My .38?? | Video |

You are truly the typical rightwing idiot.

Joe sets the trap and you unwittingly step right into it.

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