The 2nd Amendment was meant for you to have same guns as the ARMY.

So the 2nd covers surface to air missiles too? Where does it end ?

Sonny, you are a fucking idiot. Turn your man card in - you're too stupid to be breathing my air.

Insults ? For shame .

Back in 1776 we didn't have a standing army . We do now .

You want a gun to protect your house or to hunt . Fine .

But what's up with the mass killing machines designed to turn people into hamburger ?

What's the best gun for protecting ones house?

Your Grindr profile.
well regulated militia... there's a chain of command involved in that. the more specialized the weapons, the more restrictions on who gets to use them.

"Well regulated" referred to bullet calibers. It was due to the militias having so many different caliber rifles and the Army had mass stocks of only a few calibers of ammo. So in the war...they had a hard time keeping ammo flowing to crucial militia units. (Book "History of Snipers and Stalkers").

So...well regulated meant basically having lots of guns but only a few calibers of in times of domestic war the Army could supply ammo to civilian militias.
So the 2nd covers surface to air missiles too? Where does it end ?

Sonny, you are a fucking idiot. Turn your man card in - you're too stupid to be breathing my air.

Insults ? For shame .

Back in 1776 we didn't have a standing army . We do now .

You want a gun to protect your house or to hunt . Fine .

But what's up with the mass killing machines designed to turn people into hamburger ?

Again - what part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED are you incapable of understanding? Tell you what, let's get rid of the 1st amendment also. You know, the one that allows your commie media to spew lies each day, all day, every hour of the day? Oh, you don't want to give that one up? OK, how about the fourth? You know, the one that keeps you safe from unlawful search and seizure? Want to give that one up also? How about the right to vote?

You see sonny, once you begin tearing that wonderful document to shreds, all sorts of bad things start happening. Are you prepared for that, Sonny?

Watch this Sonny and learn something. It's nearly here.....and YOU, and those like you are praying that it happens sooner rather than later.

So the 2nd covers surface to air missiles too? Where does it end ?

Sonny, you are a fucking idiot. Turn your man card in - you're too stupid to be breathing my air.

Insults ? For shame .

Back in 1776 we didn't have a standing army . We do now .

You want a gun to protect your house or to hunt . Fine .

But what's up with the mass killing machines designed to turn people into hamburger ?

What's the best gun for protecting ones house?

Handgun probably .
So the 2nd covers surface to air missiles too? Where does it end ?

Sonny, you are a fucking idiot. Turn your man card in - you're too stupid to be breathing my air.

Insults ? For shame .

Back in 1776 we didn't have a standing army . We do now .

You want a gun to protect your house or to hunt . Fine .

But what's up with the mass killing machines designed to turn people into hamburger ?

Again - what part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED are you incapable of understanding? Tell you what, let's get rid of the 1st amendment also. You know, the one that allows your commie media to spew lies each day, all day, every hour of the day? Oh, you don't want to give that one up? OK, how about the fourth? You know, the one that keeps you safe from unlawful search and seizure? Want to give that one up also? How about the right to vote?

You see sonny, once you begin tearing that wonderful document to shreds, all sorts of bad things start happening. Are you prepared for that, Sonny?

Watch this Sonny and learn something. It's nearly here.....and YOU, and those like you are praying that it happens sooner rather than later.

What part of "well regulated" don't you understand ? Cherry pick lines will Ya!!!

All our rights have limits .
That's right. That's the point. The conditions in 1776 are what caused the Founders to WANT those rights.

A tyrannical government using the Army to oppress.

1776 led to the 2nd Amendment.
I have to disagree with you on that one:
The 2nd Amendment does not grant the right to keep and bear arms, therefore it doesn't say: the people shall have the right to keep and bear arms.
It says: "......, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Thus recognizing the already existing right (independently from any government) and the 2nd Amendment is for the sole purpose of limiting/prohibiting the government from infringe it.

AH....Interesting point.
To bolster your point here is something else:
From the founding of the country to 1934 the Second Amendment was understood by the populace and the Courts as it was intended to be by architects of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The National Firearms Act changed that in order to "fight" gang wars during the Prohibition era. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" means that the people have the right to own contemporary weapons. Illustrated below:

"On May 8, 1792, Congress passed "[a]n act more effectually to provide for the National Defence, by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the United States" requiring:

[E]ach and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia...[and] every citizen so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty-four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball: or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder; and shall appear, so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise, or into service, except, that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack.[117]"
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armed citizenry is supposed to be the militia.
So the 2nd covers surface to air missiles too? Where does it end ?

Sonny, you are a fucking idiot. Turn your man card in - you're too stupid to be breathing my air.

Insults ? For shame .

Back in 1776 we didn't have a standing army . We do now .

You want a gun to protect your house or to hunt . Fine .

But what's up with the mass killing machines designed to turn people into hamburger ?

What's the best gun for protecting ones house?

Handgun probably .

Handgun is good. A .45 shoots a MUCH bigger and more powerful bullet than an AR15 that's for sure. A shotgun is MUCH more powerful than a handgun or AR15...and a semi auto shotgun even better.
The best home defense gun:

So the 2nd covers surface to air missiles too? Where does it end ?

Sonny, you are a fucking idiot. Turn your man card in - you're too stupid to be breathing my air.

Insults ? For shame .

Back in 1776 we didn't have a standing army . We do now .

You want a gun to protect your house or to hunt . Fine .

But what's up with the mass killing machines designed to turn people into hamburger ?

Again - what part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED are you incapable of understanding? Tell you what, let's get rid of the 1st amendment also. You know, the one that allows your commie media to spew lies each day, all day, every hour of the day? Oh, you don't want to give that one up? OK, how about the fourth? You know, the one that keeps you safe from unlawful search and seizure? Want to give that one up also? How about the right to vote?

You see sonny, once you begin tearing that wonderful document to shreds, all sorts of bad things start happening. Are you prepared for that, Sonny?

Watch this Sonny and learn something. It's nearly here.....and YOU, and those like you are praying that it happens sooner rather than later.

What part of "well regulated" don't you understand ? Cherry pick lines will Ya!!!

All our rights have limits .

"Well regulated" in that time meant "disciplined". Nice try, but no cigar.
So the 2nd covers surface to air missiles too? Where does it end ?

Sonny, you are a fucking idiot. Turn your man card in - you're too stupid to be breathing my air.

Insults ? For shame .

Back in 1776 we didn't have a standing army . We do now .

You want a gun to protect your house or to hunt . Fine .

But what's up with the mass killing machines designed to turn people into hamburger ?

What's the best gun for protecting ones house?

Handgun probably .

Handgun is good. A .45 shoots a MUCH bigger and more powerful bullet than an AR15 that's for sure. A shotgun is MUCH more powerful than a handgun or AR15...and a semi auto shotgun even better.

I like the .45. A shotgun is great at close range using buck shot. Bird shot will just piss someone off, though.
The best home defense gun:


You're probably right. Get a FFL and you can buy one for (guess) $150,000 or more.
Which is bullshit. That should be available to every American. We're all walking targets until we can have that at a reasonable price.

The old word play huh? Too bad you suck at it. There are laws already in place for the purchase of automatic weapons dickhead. Get a FFL and be rich enough, you can purchase what you want.
The best home defense gun:


You're probably right. Get a FFL and you can buy one for (guess) $150,000 or more.
Which is bullshit. That should be available to every American. We're all walking targets until we can have that at a reasonable price.

The old word play huh? Too bad you suck at it. There are laws already in place for the purchase of automatic weapons dickhead. Get a FFL and be rich enough, you can purchase what you want.
Duh moron. Everyone knows that you think you're special? Fucking Marxists :cuckoo:
The best home defense gun:


You're probably right. Get a FFL and you can buy one for (guess) $150,000 or more.
Which is bullshit. That should be available to every American. We're all walking targets until we can have that at a reasonable price.

The old word play huh? Too bad you suck at it. There are laws already in place for the purchase of automatic weapons dickhead. Get a FFL and be rich enough, you can purchase what you want.
Duh moron. Everyone knows that you think you're special? Fucking Marxists :cuckoo:

You mad, Bro...not my fault that you're a fucking idiot....

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