The 2nd Civil War

I think he's humoring you but I won't speak for him or her.

Your plans have no basis in reality...

For example,

-The US military trains on weaponry all the time. Yet you claim your troops are trained better?

-Nobody has ever surrendered to a sniper in the history of warfare.

-You're going to take the planes for yourself because, obviously, you know how to fly...right? And where would you land them? Oh yeah, in the fictional city you took.

And this is just the bullshit you've put into one post that was (pardon the pun) shot down easily.

You still haven't explained how you're going to pay your troops (not a small matter)
You still haven't explained why anyone would pledge loyalty to you (not a small matter)
You still haven't articulated 5 (a very small number) of legitimate grievances so there is no reason to join your fools errand.

I'm humoring you now...

I could go on for hours listing all of the holes in your scenario but it's better to just sum it up in calling you a fucking idiot because in every sense of the are.

PS: Where you going to get gas?

I have answered all of your issues. And gas could be obtained from the airfield while I'm looting it! And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?

In point and fact, you've never answered the most basic one...what differentiates you from Al Queda except for the supposed religious beliefs?

Um... we're not anti-homosexual and anti-women by nature? We don't want to impose our religion on the world? We don't want to hijack planes and drive them into heavily populated skyscrapers? Problem is, just about everything with Al-Queda is religion related in some form or another.
I have answered all of your issues.
No skippy, you haven't seriously considered anything except the quasi orgasmic bloodlust you have.

So you're going to win the troops over with "Are you tired of China? Me too. Lets attack Gary, IN? Most of your "hates" were BS and it was explained to you several times. Nobody is going to join you in any sort of exercise.

Jet fuel...put that in your Toyota and see how it works. Most deuce and a halves (that is the common Army truck skippy) run on diesel. So you had better steal some of that too.
Meanwhile, you're killing the kids of people who live outside of the area you've "conquered" so when you get around to Fairfield, IA or Springfield Missouri, or Bentonville, is more than likely that you've iced somebody's kid over there. In your mind, you think they are going to join you. You're wrong.

And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?
And when you give the orders to Lt. Jane Doe to strafe Dallas (where she is from)...she's going to do it?

You're batshit crazy.

Your arguments are hilarious. Wanna know why? They can all be reciprocated! The people whose kids were in my army aren't likely to join you. Lt. Jane Doe isn't likely to strafe her home city. All the cities you've retaken have had casualties whose families will hate you.

One of your alter-egos?
Pretty hard to assess a situation when all of your men outside have been gunned down and you are stuck inside of multiple barracks with the remainder of your troops. And don't say security cameras, I would assign a few men to disable them after we enter the compound.
And I didn't say they would be "elite special forces veterans", but my elite I know I can trust and have been in multiple battles with, and the veterans would be men I have seen fight before and know them to be the equal or better of the US troops, and had also fought the US before, so I would have no issues with them being traitors. Men I have seen fight just as hard as the rest of my troops if not harder. And they will follow me because I fought beside them and I helped them and planned with them.
BTW, Joan of Arc was what, 16, when she led the French forces against the British. God forbid they ever follow a 20-year-old!

Joan of Arc convinced her followers that she was sent by God, and still many did not want to follow her. Also, by the time the Maid of Orleans led troops she had already seen battles.

But you are certainly not sent by God.

And the men you want to follow you are seasoned veterans who have likely been led by junior officers that graduated from one of the military academies. Those junior officers would have been scoffed at and ridiculed.

You want seasoned veterans to follow you into battle, where their lives depend on your ability to make snap decisions under fire, and you have no experience in combat?

You wanted honorably discharged veterans to risk, not only their lives in combat, but prosecution for treason and a loss of their freedom and any benefits, and you have absolutely no experience in military command of combat?

Sorry, but no veteran worth his salt would take that risk.

None of them will have to follow us (Drake, _, and Roberts). That's why we will fade into the background as lieutenants as you may recall me saying to CC some time ago. We are merely preparing the way for someone with modern military experience, someone more intelligent, and a better leader than us. Someone those veterans will follow. We are the bricklayers of the foundation of someone else's grand empire. We are trying to gain followers for someone else's grand crusade.

Leading from the rear...

Name whomever as the "leader", they are going to face the same problems which you've glossed over in the most juvenile of ways.
I have answered all of your issues. And gas could be obtained from the airfield while I'm looting it! And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?

In point and fact, you've never answered the most basic one...what differentiates you from Al Queda except for the supposed religious beliefs?

Um... we're not anti-homosexual and anti-women by nature? We don't want to impose our religion on the world? We don't want to hijack planes and drive them into heavily populated skyscrapers? Problem is, just about everything with Al-Queda is religion related in some form or another.

Actually none of what Al Queda does is sanctioned by religion unless you bastardize it into the most bat-shit-crazy understandings of what the prophet Mohammed meant. Basically the same thing you guys are trying to do with the founders words.

But the dodge of what separates you from any other terrorist organization is noted. The correct answer is; Nothing.
Pretty hard to assess a situation when all of your men outside have been gunned down and you are stuck inside of multiple barracks with the remainder of your troops. And don't say security cameras, I would assign a few men to disable them after we enter the compound.
And I didn't say they would be "elite special forces veterans", but my elite I know I can trust and have been in multiple battles with, and the veterans would be men I have seen fight before and know them to be the equal or better of the US troops, and had also fought the US before, so I would have no issues with them being traitors. Men I have seen fight just as hard as the rest of my troops if not harder. And they will follow me because I fought beside them and I helped them and planned with them.
BTW, Joan of Arc was what, 16, when she led the French forces against the British. God forbid they ever follow a 20-year-old!

Joan of Arc convinced her followers that she was sent by God, and still many did not want to follow her. Also, by the time the Maid of Orleans led troops she had already seen battles.

But you are certainly not sent by God.

And the men you want to follow you are seasoned veterans who have likely been led by junior officers that graduated from one of the military academies. Those junior officers would have been scoffed at and ridiculed.

You want seasoned veterans to follow you into battle, where their lives depend on your ability to make snap decisions under fire, and you have no experience in combat?

You wanted honorably discharged veterans to risk, not only their lives in combat, but prosecution for treason and a loss of their freedom and any benefits, and you have absolutely no experience in military command of combat?

Sorry, but no veteran worth his salt would take that risk.

None of them will have to follow us (Drake, _, and Roberts). That's why we will fade into the background as lieutenants as you may recall me saying to CC some time ago. We are merely preparing the way for someone with modern military experience, someone more intelligent, and a better leader than us. Someone those veterans will follow. We are the bricklayers of the foundation of someone else's grand empire. We are trying to gain followers for someone else's grand crusade.

Perhaps one of you did, but the other(s?) made it sound as though they planned to lead the military forces.
No skippy, you haven't seriously considered anything except the quasi orgasmic bloodlust you have.

So you're going to win the troops over with "Are you tired of China? Me too. Lets attack Gary, IN? Most of your "hates" were BS and it was explained to you several times. Nobody is going to join you in any sort of exercise.

Jet fuel...put that in your Toyota and see how it works. Most deuce and a halves (that is the common Army truck skippy) run on diesel. So you had better steal some of that too.
Meanwhile, you're killing the kids of people who live outside of the area you've "conquered" so when you get around to Fairfield, IA or Springfield Missouri, or Bentonville, is more than likely that you've iced somebody's kid over there. In your mind, you think they are going to join you. You're wrong.

And when you give the orders to Lt. Jane Doe to strafe Dallas (where she is from)...she's going to do it?

You're batshit crazy.

Your arguments are hilarious. Wanna know why? They can all be reciprocated! The people whose kids were in my army aren't likely to join you. Lt. Jane Doe isn't likely to strafe her home city. All the cities you've retaken have had casualties whose families will hate you.

One of your alter-egos?

We are three different people, not one, first of all. Secondly, I just felt like using the random name you did to make sure we understood one another.
Your arguments are hilarious. Wanna know why? They can all be reciprocated! The people whose kids were in my army aren't likely to join you. Lt. Jane Doe isn't likely to strafe her home city. All the cities you've retaken have had casualties whose families will hate you.

One of your alter-egos?

We are three different people, not one, first of all. Secondly, I just felt like using the random name you did to make sure we understood one another.

Not sure what the last post means or this post for that matter. The fact remains you're batshit crazy.
Joan of Arc convinced her followers that she was sent by God, and still many did not want to follow her. Also, by the time the Maid of Orleans led troops she had already seen battles.

But you are certainly not sent by God.

And the men you want to follow you are seasoned veterans who have likely been led by junior officers that graduated from one of the military academies. Those junior officers would have been scoffed at and ridiculed.

You want seasoned veterans to follow you into battle, where their lives depend on your ability to make snap decisions under fire, and you have no experience in combat?

You wanted honorably discharged veterans to risk, not only their lives in combat, but prosecution for treason and a loss of their freedom and any benefits, and you have absolutely no experience in military command of combat?

Sorry, but no veteran worth his salt would take that risk.

None of them will have to follow us (Drake, _, and Roberts). That's why we will fade into the background as lieutenants as you may recall me saying to CC some time ago. We are merely preparing the way for someone with modern military experience, someone more intelligent, and a better leader than us. Someone those veterans will follow. We are the bricklayers of the foundation of someone else's grand empire. We are trying to gain followers for someone else's grand crusade.

Perhaps one of you did, but the other(s?) made it sound as though they planned to lead the military forces.

We (all three of us) will. To some extent. As I said to CC earlier, we will appoint ourselves, or have our new leader do it, lieutenants or some minor military position. We won't weasel out of a war we had a large hand in starting. Simple as that. Total control will shift to someone with more experience.
Joan of Arc convinced her followers that she was sent by God, and still many did not want to follow her. Also, by the time the Maid of Orleans led troops she had already seen battles.

But you are certainly not sent by God.

And the men you want to follow you are seasoned veterans who have likely been led by junior officers that graduated from one of the military academies. Those junior officers would have been scoffed at and ridiculed.

You want seasoned veterans to follow you into battle, where their lives depend on your ability to make snap decisions under fire, and you have no experience in combat?

You wanted honorably discharged veterans to risk, not only their lives in combat, but prosecution for treason and a loss of their freedom and any benefits, and you have absolutely no experience in military command of combat?

Sorry, but no veteran worth his salt would take that risk.

None of them will have to follow us (Drake, _, and Roberts). That's why we will fade into the background as lieutenants as you may recall me saying to CC some time ago. We are merely preparing the way for someone with modern military experience, someone more intelligent, and a better leader than us. Someone those veterans will follow. We are the bricklayers of the foundation of someone else's grand empire. We are trying to gain followers for someone else's grand crusade.

Leading from the rear...

Name whomever as the "leader", they are going to face the same problems which you've glossed over in the most juvenile of ways.

Yes but we will recognize the new leader as the true leader, and having been a US officer for several years, will probably earn many new recruits as well as have knowledge of US bases, tactics, equipment, training, discipline, the aptitude of officers, give us added legitimacy, etc. In short, he will have an easier go of it than we ever would. Again, we're here to make sure he has an army if things degenerate into war.
None of them will have to follow us (Drake, _, and Roberts). That's why we will fade into the background as lieutenants as you may recall me saying to CC some time ago. We are merely preparing the way for someone with modern military experience, someone more intelligent, and a better leader than us. Someone those veterans will follow. We are the bricklayers of the foundation of someone else's grand empire. We are trying to gain followers for someone else's grand crusade.

Perhaps one of you did, but the other(s?) made it sound as though they planned to lead the military forces.

We (all three of us) will. To some extent. As I said to CC earlier, we will appoint ourselves, or have our new leader do it, lieutenants or some minor military position. We won't weasel out of a war we had a large hand in starting. Simple as that. Total control will shift to someone with more experience.

Yeah, your opponent.
None of them will have to follow us (Drake, _, and Roberts). That's why we will fade into the background as lieutenants as you may recall me saying to CC some time ago. We are merely preparing the way for someone with modern military experience, someone more intelligent, and a better leader than us. Someone those veterans will follow. We are the bricklayers of the foundation of someone else's grand empire. We are trying to gain followers for someone else's grand crusade.

Leading from the rear...

Name whomever as the "leader", they are going to face the same problems which you've glossed over in the most juvenile of ways.

Yes but we will recognize the new leader as the true leader, and having been a US officer for several years, will probably earn many new recruits as well as have knowledge of US bases, tactics, equipment, training, discipline, the aptitude of officers, give us added legitimacy, etc. In short, he will have an easier go of it than we ever would. Again, we're here to make sure he has an army if things degenerate into war.

You'be been spouting this nonsense for 2 weeks now never once mentioning how you're going to pay this "true leader" and all of these recruits.

You will have zero legitimacy as you will be nothing more than native terrorists in the finest traditions of Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.
Leading from the rear...

Name whomever as the "leader", they are going to face the same problems which you've glossed over in the most juvenile of ways.

Yes but we will recognize the new leader as the true leader, and having been a US officer for several years, will probably earn many new recruits as well as have knowledge of US bases, tactics, equipment, training, discipline, the aptitude of officers, give us added legitimacy, etc. In short, he will have an easier go of it than we ever would. Again, we're here to make sure he has an army if things degenerate into war.

You'be been spouting this nonsense for 2 weeks now never once mentioning how you're going to pay this "true leader" and all of these recruits.

You will have zero legitimacy as you will be nothing more than native terrorists in the finest traditions of Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.

The true leader will not be paid. Do you think we do not know who he is? He started us on this path while he furthers himself and prepares for the worst. Once we have done our job, he will step in and fight for free in the movement he created. And have I not mentioned taxes? Did you think the revenue would go towards alcohol for the officers? Or fine steak dinners? Officers shall suffer the same as the foot soldier: eat the same food, be paid the same, sleep in the same tents, fight on the field, etc.
And a respected military officer defecting with his subordinates would not add legitimacy and perhaps cause other military soldiers to defect as well?
Yes but we will recognize the new leader as the true leader, and having been a US officer for several years, will probably earn many new recruits as well as have knowledge of US bases, tactics, equipment, training, discipline, the aptitude of officers, give us added legitimacy, etc. In short, he will have an easier go of it than we ever would. Again, we're here to make sure he has an army if things degenerate into war.

You'be been spouting this nonsense for 2 weeks now never once mentioning how you're going to pay this "true leader" and all of these recruits.

You will have zero legitimacy as you will be nothing more than native terrorists in the finest traditions of Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.

The true leader will not be paid. Do you think we do not know who he is? He started us on this path while he furthers himself and prepares for the worst. Once we have done our job, he will step in and fight for free in the movement he created.
As I've said, your imagination is getting the best of your. So, let me get this straight. Your Dear Leader is already identified working, assumingly, in the US Military and will leave that, lose his retirement, be branded a traitor, to commit treason for $0.00 in compensation. Oh...okay. :cuckoo:

And have I not mentioned taxes?
Yes and you're imagination is running away with you yet again. Since you will be illegitimate invaders, nobody is going to give you one penny of their earnings. You will have to take it by force which will, of course, sap more troops away from your invasion force. And unless you plan on mowing them down, you'll have to use troops for garrison duty which is neither popular with troops nor helps the war effort.

The long and short will be that nobody is getting paid unless you knock over some federal reserve depositories.

Did you think the revenue would go towards alcohol for the officers? Or fine steak dinners? Officers shall suffer the same as the foot soldier:
There'll be plenty of suffering to go around.

eat the same food, be paid the same,
Which you can't buy

sleep in the same tents,
Which you can't buy

fight on the field, etc.
And a respected military officer defecting with his subordinates would not add legitimacy
For once, you're right. You can't force legitimacy upon an occupied area.

and perhaps cause other military soldiers to defect as well?

To an illegitimate movement where nobody gets paid and where they will be invading inevitably their home states. All because...oh yeah, like hard currency, you haven't given legitimate reasons for the terrorists attacks in the first place.
You'be been spouting this nonsense for 2 weeks now never once mentioning how you're going to pay this "true leader" and all of these recruits.

You will have zero legitimacy as you will be nothing more than native terrorists in the finest traditions of Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.

The true leader will not be paid. Do you think we do not know who he is? He started us on this path while he furthers himself and prepares for the worst. Once we have done our job, he will step in and fight for free in the movement he created.
As I've said, your imagination is getting the best of your. So, let me get this straight. Your Dear Leader is already identified working, assumingly, in the US Military and will leave that, lose his retirement, be branded a traitor, to commit treason for $0.00 in compensation. Oh...okay. :cuckoo:


Some of us believe that LIBERTY is intrinsically good.

You'be been spouting this nonsense for 2 weeks now never once mentioning how you're going to pay this "true leader" and all of these recruits.

You will have zero legitimacy as you will be nothing more than native terrorists in the finest traditions of Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.

The true leader will not be paid. Do you think we do not know who he is? He started us on this path while he furthers himself and prepares for the worst. Once we have done our job, he will step in and fight for free in the movement he created.
As I've said, your imagination is getting the best of your. So, let me get this straight. Your Dear Leader is already identified working, assumingly, in the US Military and will leave that, lose his retirement, be branded a traitor, to commit treason for $0.00 in compensation. Oh...okay. :cuckoo:

Yes and you're imagination is running away with you yet again. Since you will be illegitimate invaders, nobody is going to give you one penny of their earnings. You will have to take it by force which will, of course, sap more troops away from your invasion force. And unless you plan on mowing them down, you'll have to use troops for garrison duty which is neither popular with troops nor helps the war effort.

The long and short will be that nobody is getting paid unless you knock over some federal reserve depositories.

There'll be plenty of suffering to go around.

Which you can't buy

Which you can't buy

fight on the field, etc.
And a respected military officer defecting with his subordinates would not add legitimacy
For once, you're right. You can't force legitimacy upon an occupied area.

and perhaps cause other military soldiers to defect as well?

To an illegitimate movement where nobody gets paid and where they will be invading inevitably their home states. All because...oh yeah, like hard currency, you haven't given legitimate reasons for the terrorists attacks in the first place.

It is obvious both of us will just keep claiming the other's arguments about taxes are wrong, so I will just stop with that. But clearly you misunderstand, our leader recruited Drake, _, and myself before we started posting. He has taught us a little of his rhetoric and tasked us with recruitment and organization until he is ready to claim command of our forces. He does not get paid because it is his rebellion and always has been. Drake_Roberts may be the leaders now, but we are working because he told us to and recruited us.
The true leader will not be paid. Do you think we do not know who he is? He started us on this path while he furthers himself and prepares for the worst. Once we have done our job, he will step in and fight for free in the movement he created.
As I've said, your imagination is getting the best of your. So, let me get this straight. Your Dear Leader is already identified working, assumingly, in the US Military and will leave that, lose his retirement, be branded a traitor, to commit treason for $0.00 in compensation. Oh...okay. :cuckoo:


Some of us believe that LIBERTY is intrinsically good.


Thank you for voicing my sentiment. Some people will fight because they believe liberty is a cause worth dying for, no matter the pain. No matter the hardship. No matter the loss. CC, you speak for the selfish American, as opposed to those who fight for America's freedom.
The true leader will not be paid. Do you think we do not know who he is? He started us on this path while he furthers himself and prepares for the worst. Once we have done our job, he will step in and fight for free in the movement he created.
As I've said, your imagination is getting the best of your. So, let me get this straight. Your Dear Leader is already identified working, assumingly, in the US Military and will leave that, lose his retirement, be branded a traitor, to commit treason for $0.00 in compensation. Oh...okay. :cuckoo:

Yes and you're imagination is running away with you yet again. Since you will be illegitimate invaders, nobody is going to give you one penny of their earnings. You will have to take it by force which will, of course, sap more troops away from your invasion force. And unless you plan on mowing them down, you'll have to use troops for garrison duty which is neither popular with troops nor helps the war effort.

The long and short will be that nobody is getting paid unless you knock over some federal reserve depositories.

There'll be plenty of suffering to go around.

Which you can't buy

Which you can't buy

For once, you're right. You can't force legitimacy upon an occupied area.

and perhaps cause other military soldiers to defect as well?

To an illegitimate movement where nobody gets paid and where they will be invading inevitably their home states. All because...oh yeah, like hard currency, you haven't given legitimate reasons for the terrorists attacks in the first place.

It is obvious both of us will just keep claiming the other's arguments about taxes are wrong, so I will just stop with that.
But clearly you misunderstand, our leader recruited Drake, _, and myself before we started posting. He has taught us a little of his rhetoric and tasked us with recruitment and organization until he is ready to claim command of our forces. He does not get paid because it is his rebellion and always has been. Drake_Roberts may be the leaders now, but we are working because he told us to and recruited us.

And if this is any indication of your pitch, you three and this mythical "leader" are what you will end up with.
As I've said, your imagination is getting the best of your. So, let me get this straight. Your Dear Leader is already identified working, assumingly, in the US Military and will leave that, lose his retirement, be branded a traitor, to commit treason for $0.00 in compensation. Oh...okay. :cuckoo:

Yes and you're imagination is running away with you yet again. Since you will be illegitimate invaders, nobody is going to give you one penny of their earnings. You will have to take it by force which will, of course, sap more troops away from your invasion force. And unless you plan on mowing them down, you'll have to use troops for garrison duty which is neither popular with troops nor helps the war effort.

The long and short will be that nobody is getting paid unless you knock over some federal reserve depositories.

There'll be plenty of suffering to go around.

Which you can't buy

Which you can't buy

For once, you're right. You can't force legitimacy upon an occupied area.

To an illegitimate movement where nobody gets paid and where they will be invading inevitably their home states. All because...oh yeah, like hard currency, you haven't given legitimate reasons for the terrorists attacks in the first place.

It is obvious both of us will just keep claiming the other's arguments about taxes are wrong, so I will just stop with that.
But clearly you misunderstand, our leader recruited Drake, _, and myself before we started posting. He has taught us a little of his rhetoric and tasked us with recruitment and organization until he is ready to claim command of our forces. He does not get paid because it is his rebellion and always has been. Drake_Roberts may be the leaders now, but we are working because he told us to and recruited us.

And if this is any indication of your pitch, you three and this mythical "leader" are what you will end up with.

He is not mythical because he exists. We have spoken to him directly before. And besides, we have recruited people other than Drake, _, and myself (and our leader) FYI.
As I've said, your imagination is getting the best of your. So, let me get this straight. Your Dear Leader is already identified working, assumingly, in the US Military and will leave that, lose his retirement, be branded a traitor, to commit treason for $0.00 in compensation. Oh...okay. :cuckoo:


Some of us believe that LIBERTY is intrinsically good.


Thank you for voicing my sentiment. Some people will fight because they believe liberty is a cause worth dying for, no matter the pain. No matter the hardship. No matter the loss. CC, you speak for the selfish American, as opposed to those who fight for America's freedom.


America's freedom is just fine. Unleashing terrorist attacks which is what you're doing is the antithesis to freedom.
It is obvious both of us will just keep claiming the other's arguments about taxes are wrong, so I will just stop with that.
But clearly you misunderstand, our leader recruited Drake, _, and myself before we started posting. He has taught us a little of his rhetoric and tasked us with recruitment and organization until he is ready to claim command of our forces. He does not get paid because it is his rebellion and always has been. Drake_Roberts may be the leaders now, but we are working because he told us to and recruited us.

And if this is any indication of your pitch, you three and this mythical "leader" are what you will end up with.

He is not mythical because he exists. We have spoken to him directly before. And besides, we have recruited people other than Drake, _, and myself (and our leader) FYI.

You have spoken to him before....pure comedy gold.
Just when we thought you couldn't sound more pathetic.

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