The 2nd Civil War

"My men, better suited to such conditions, shoot with better accuracy than the US troops do as a panic forms among remaining US soldiers"??

How do you think your men will be better suited to such conditions? And how, given less resources for training, do you think they will shoot with better accuracy?

Because these are my elite who specialize in sneak attacks and have probably been using whatever they are equipped with for longer than many of the US troops. Or are US vets themselves.

So you think you will be able to gather and arm elite special forces veterans, and that they will follow the command of a 20 year old with no military experience?

Good luck with that.

Oh, and most air commands now have special forces troops that train together to defend the base and come up with the ways ot would be attacked.

Pretty hard to assess a situation when all of your men outside have been gunned down and you are stuck inside of multiple barracks with the remainder of your troops. And don't say security cameras, I would assign a few men to disable them after we enter the compound.
And I didn't say they would be "elite special forces veterans", but my elite I know I can trust and have been in multiple battles with, and the veterans would be men I have seen fight before and know them to be the equal or better of the US troops, and had also fought the US before, so I would have no issues with them being traitors. Men I have seen fight just as hard as the rest of my troops if not harder. And they will follow me because I fought beside them and I helped them and planned with them.
BTW, Joan of Arc was what, 16, when she led the French forces against the British. God forbid they ever follow a 20-year-old!
Honestly though, on that capturing policy, how many US troops would actually go back to fight? If they've just lost, been humiliated, stripped of all of their equipment, and told to march back to wherever their nearest encampment is, why should they return? Nobody can shoot them without guns, they've already fought, if they're in the countryside, they can simply run off, same with the woods, and in a city, blending in to the local populace would be simplicity itself. The only US personnel to return would be the diehards. Those who couldn't care less and were forced to fight would fade back into the woodwork. And if the US forced them to come back after they deserted, then they certainly aren't making any friends. Also, imagine the good PR of releasing a bunch of US soldiers after taking their equipment instead of executing them or having them imprisoned.

You are grossly underestimating the effect of killing the friends of those captured. Soldiers will join for 'God & Country'. But they fight for the man next to them. You will have killed many of those men. Also, the fact that you captured them and then released them is not going to take away the humiliation and anger of being unable to defeat you. They will be back.

I also think you are vastly overestimating your ability to defeat a military force. You will have people who joined that have not trained together. You have people with varying amounts of training in many areas. To turn that into a cohesive fighting force without being infiltrated by law enforcement or shutdown by raids and arrests is pretty difficult to imagine.

To expect that force to be able to go head to head against trained professionals is suicidal. I think you are dreaming if you think you would last more than a week.

Shrug. Look at the Continental Army. They fought against the world's most powerful military with a ragtag bunch of civilians and won. Plus they were underequipped, under-fed, and were driven by just about the same reasons we would be.
Yes and when couldn't produce 5 legitimate grievances. Also reinforcements were an ocean away that would take weeks to arrive and the soldiers were fighting for non-native land.

Have you never read a history book?

People doubted they could make a stand against the Brits and look at Bunker Hill. The patriots fought off several waves of them before retreating. They held their ground. They lasted for much more than a week.
As to the enemy captives, they've just seen their friends mowed down. And you suggest they would come back with their friends to be mowed down a second time? I think you overestimate their resolve.

As I said many times, you're a fucking idiot.
Honestly though, on that capturing policy, how many US troops would actually go back to fight? If they've just lost, been humiliated, stripped of all of their equipment, and told to march back to wherever their nearest encampment is, why should they return? Nobody can shoot them without guns, they've already fought, if they're in the countryside, they can simply run off, same with the woods, and in a city, blending in to the local populace would be simplicity itself. The only US personnel to return would be the diehards. Those who couldn't care less and were forced to fight would fade back into the woodwork. And if the US forced them to come back after they deserted, then they certainly aren't making any friends. Also, imagine the good PR of releasing a bunch of US soldiers after taking their equipment instead of executing them or having them imprisoned.

Oh my God. You really are retarded. So all of these type A personalities are just going to give up? yourself a favor kid and spend a few minutes with some soldiers before you get yourself killed.

Several of the people on your side have said that my men would be cowering in their britches or shitting their pants. Why? Why would they lack the ability to stand up to bullets when the US could? What big gulf separates the men I'm recruiting and the stock the US uses? And if the war drags on and becomes costly, I could see the US reinstituting a draft. Would the drafted be half as gung-ho as you seem to think they all are? Would the fresh recruits?

I think the comments were not made about your men. I think they were referring to you (or the 3 or 4 people who post under your account). I think the general consensus is that you have no clue what you are trying to unleash.

As for the war dragging on, I doubt that would happen. If you did not win in a VERY short time, you would be ground down by the military machine. As I said, I started you with 50,000 troops. Look again at the ammunition numbers I posted. That is assuming you use less than half the rounds per casualty that the military does. You will have no air support. Unless you are able to attack and set yourself inside a large civilian population, your forces would be wiped out by air support in short order.

No, the US Military cannot transfer troops instantly. But they CAN put numerous attack aircraft on any spot in the US in a couple of hours. You would certainly not be able to take a military base in that time. So your troops (elite or not) would be in the open and subject to fire from the most efficient and high tech aircraft in the world.
Given the overwhelming odds against you, coupled with the fact that you will have no air support and limited quantities of weapons and ammo, how will you win those "significant" battles that will make other nations risk the anger of the US? I allowed that you would have 50,000 armed men. How do you plan to appear as anything capable of toppling the US gov't?

Stealing or detonating US air support. With the new influx of volunteers the US would seem to receive, according to you and CC, it would be simplicity itself for me to slip spies in. Spies report guard times and watches at airfields, I strike with a moderate force, blow up some planes or shoot anybody who goes near them. The US, so dependent on their air support, now has to fight a force that is gunning them down as they emerge from their barracks or tents or whatever they are using. And keeping them away from their precious aircraft! My men, better suited to such conditions, shoot with better accuracy than the US troops do as a panic forms among remaining US soldiers. Any officer I see trying to organize a reasonable defense gets several snipers turned his way! After the troops inevitably surrender, I take their armaments, kick them out, and take the planes for myself, along with whatever other goodies they have in there. And if the US counterattacks? Have the planes hold off the land-based US troops while I make my getaway with my troops. Any planes that survive until we escape are to meet at a pre-designated rendezvous point, where further plans are to be made. If I have to ditch the planes, I'll either blow them up or use them in a trap for the US.

I haven't laughed so hard in years...thanks for this.

Take another bong rip junior...

You could do better? The only person I don't actually mind criticizing my plans is Winterborn, he provides reasons for his doubt.
Stealing or detonating US air support. With the new influx of volunteers the US would seem to receive, according to you and CC, it would be simplicity itself for me to slip spies in. Spies report guard times and watches at airfields, I strike with a moderate force, blow up some planes or shoot anybody who goes near them. The US, so dependent on their air support, now has to fight a force that is gunning them down as they emerge from their barracks or tents or whatever they are using. And keeping them away from their precious aircraft! My men, better suited to such conditions, shoot with better accuracy than the US troops do as a panic forms among remaining US soldiers. Any officer I see trying to organize a reasonable defense gets several snipers turned his way! After the troops inevitably surrender, I take their armaments, kick them out, and take the planes for myself, along with whatever other goodies they have in there. And if the US counterattacks? Have the planes hold off the land-based US troops while I make my getaway with my troops. Any planes that survive until we escape are to meet at a pre-designated rendezvous point, where further plans are to be made. If I have to ditch the planes, I'll either blow them up or use them in a trap for the US.

"My men, better suited to such conditions, shoot with better accuracy than the US troops do as a panic forms among remaining US soldiers"??

How do you think your men will be better suited to such conditions? And how, given less resources for training, do you think they will shoot with better accuracy?

Because these are my elite who specialize in sneak attacks and have probably been using whatever they are equipped with for longer than many of the US troops. Or are US vets themselves.

[MENTION=21643]creativedreams[/MENTION] finally can claim a legitimate reason for a superiority complex.
Oh my God. You really are retarded. So all of these type A personalities are just going to give up? yourself a favor kid and spend a few minutes with some soldiers before you get yourself killed.

Several of the people on your side have said that my men would be cowering in their britches or shitting their pants. Why? Why would they lack the ability to stand up to bullets when the US could? What big gulf separates the men I'm recruiting and the stock the US uses? And if the war drags on and becomes costly, I could see the US reinstituting a draft. Would the drafted be half as gung-ho as you seem to think they all are? Would the fresh recruits?

I think the comments were not made about your men. I think they were referring to you (or the 3 or 4 people who post under your account). I think the general consensus is that you have no clue what you are trying to unleash.

As for the war dragging on, I doubt that would happen. If you did not win in a VERY short time, you would be ground down by the military machine. As I said, I started you with 50,000 troops. Look again at the ammunition numbers I posted. That is assuming you use less than half the rounds per casualty that the military does. You will have no air support. Unless you are able to attack and set yourself inside a large civilian population, your forces would be wiped out by air support in short order.

No, the US Military cannot transfer troops instantly. But they CAN put numerous attack aircraft on any spot in the US in a couple of hours. You would certainly not be able to take a military base in that time. So your troops (elite or not) would be in the open and subject to fire from the most efficient and high tech aircraft in the world.

Which is why I'm gone and the airfield is ruined before the planes show up. And if my men salvage rounds from fallen soldiers, they could subsist off of that for some time if they were frugal and careful with their aim. And how do you know I would cower before bullets? Men have done so in the past and today, so why can't I? Are you that much more superior to me? Is everyone just automatically superior to me?
"My men, better suited to such conditions, shoot with better accuracy than the US troops do as a panic forms among remaining US soldiers"??

How do you think your men will be better suited to such conditions? And how, given less resources for training, do you think they will shoot with better accuracy?

Because these are my elite who specialize in sneak attacks and have probably been using whatever they are equipped with for longer than many of the US troops. Or are US vets themselves.

[MENTION=21643]creativedreams[/MENTION] finally can claim a legitimate reason for a superiority complex.

I assume that it is a safe bet creativedreams is an idiot?
Because these are my elite who specialize in sneak attacks and have probably been using whatever they are equipped with for longer than many of the US troops. Or are US vets themselves.

So you think you will be able to gather and arm elite special forces veterans, and that they will follow the command of a 20 year old with no military experience?

Good luck with that.

Oh, and most air commands now have special forces troops that train together to defend the base and come up with the ways ot would be attacked.

Pretty hard to assess a situation when all of your men outside have been gunned down and you are stuck inside of multiple barracks with the remainder of your troops. And don't say security cameras, I would assign a few men to disable them after we enter the compound.
And I didn't say they would be "elite special forces veterans", but my elite I know I can trust and have been in multiple battles with, and the veterans would be men I have seen fight before and know them to be the equal or better of the US troops, and had also fought the US before, so I would have no issues with them being traitors. Men I have seen fight just as hard as the rest of my troops if not harder. And they will follow me because I fought beside them and I helped them and planned with them.
BTW, Joan of Arc was what, 16, when she led the French forces against the British. God forbid they ever follow a 20-year-old!

These bases cover hundreds of acres of land (if not significantly more). As soon as you open fire there will be an armed response. That you think you can infiltrate a base, attack and kill every armed man before there is a response shows how little you know of major military base security. As for taking out the cameras, you would first have to be able to identify the location of all the cameras. And while you might be able to get some, having security cameras go dark is a surefire way to get aircraft locked down and armed security forces headed your way.

You think you can just gather guys together and form a cohesive fighting unit? You think that because they are veterans they are the equal of active troops who are training daily and know the terrain and facilities? Sadly, you know very little.

I have had the privilege of serving with some top fighting men. If you look at the journals and writings of men who served in war time, one constant complaint is the young officers sent to command them. That you have not even served enough to earn a junior officer rank would make them even more suspect.
Stealing or detonating US air support. With the new influx of volunteers the US would seem to receive, according to you and CC, it would be simplicity itself for me to slip spies in. Spies report guard times and watches at airfields, I strike with a moderate force, blow up some planes or shoot anybody who goes near them. The US, so dependent on their air support, now has to fight a force that is gunning them down as they emerge from their barracks or tents or whatever they are using. And keeping them away from their precious aircraft! My men, better suited to such conditions, shoot with better accuracy than the US troops do as a panic forms among remaining US soldiers. Any officer I see trying to organize a reasonable defense gets several snipers turned his way! After the troops inevitably surrender, I take their armaments, kick them out, and take the planes for myself, along with whatever other goodies they have in there. And if the US counterattacks? Have the planes hold off the land-based US troops while I make my getaway with my troops. Any planes that survive until we escape are to meet at a pre-designated rendezvous point, where further plans are to be made. If I have to ditch the planes, I'll either blow them up or use them in a trap for the US.

I haven't laughed so hard in years...thanks for this.

Take another bong rip junior...

You could do better? The only person I don't actually mind criticizing my plans is Winterborn, he provides reasons for his doubt.

I think he's humoring you but I won't speak for him or her.

Your plans have no basis in reality...

For example,

-The US military trains on weaponry all the time. Yet you claim your troops are trained better?

-Nobody has ever surrendered to a sniper in the history of warfare.

-You're going to take the planes for yourself because, obviously, you know how to fly...right? And where would you land them? Oh yeah, in the fictional city you took.

And this is just the bullshit you've put into one post that was (pardon the pun) shot down easily.

You still haven't explained how you're going to pay your troops (not a small matter)
You still haven't explained why anyone would pledge loyalty to you (not a small matter)
You still haven't articulated 5 (a very small number) of legitimate grievances so there is no reason to join your fools errand.

I'm humoring you now...

I could go on for hours listing all of the holes in your scenario but it's better to just sum it up in calling you a fucking idiot because in every sense of the are.

PS: Where you going to get gas?
You are grossly underestimating the effect of killing the friends of those captured. Soldiers will join for 'God & Country'. But they fight for the man next to them. You will have killed many of those men. Also, the fact that you captured them and then released them is not going to take away the humiliation and anger of being unable to defeat you. They will be back.

I also think you are vastly overestimating your ability to defeat a military force. You will have people who joined that have not trained together. You have people with varying amounts of training in many areas. To turn that into a cohesive fighting force without being infiltrated by law enforcement or shutdown by raids and arrests is pretty difficult to imagine.

To expect that force to be able to go head to head against trained professionals is suicidal. I think you are dreaming if you think you would last more than a week.

Shrug. Look at the Continental Army. They fought against the world's most powerful military with a ragtag bunch of civilians and won. Plus they were underequipped, under-fed, and were driven by just about the same reasons we would be.
Yes and when couldn't produce 5 legitimate grievances. Also reinforcements were an ocean away that would take weeks to arrive and the soldiers were fighting for non-native land.

Have you never read a history book?

People doubted they could make a stand against the Brits and look at Bunker Hill. The patriots fought off several waves of them before retreating. They held their ground. They lasted for much more than a week.
As to the enemy captives, they've just seen their friends mowed down. And you suggest they would come back with their friends to be mowed down a second time? I think you overestimate their resolve.

As I said many times, you're a fucking idiot.

I have read many history books, thank you. Ever read Arrian's Campaigns of Alexander? Or Livy? How about Polybius?
Several of the people on your side have said that my men would be cowering in their britches or shitting their pants. Why? Why would they lack the ability to stand up to bullets when the US could? What big gulf separates the men I'm recruiting and the stock the US uses? And if the war drags on and becomes costly, I could see the US reinstituting a draft. Would the drafted be half as gung-ho as you seem to think they all are? Would the fresh recruits?

I think the comments were not made about your men. I think they were referring to you (or the 3 or 4 people who post under your account). I think the general consensus is that you have no clue what you are trying to unleash.

As for the war dragging on, I doubt that would happen. If you did not win in a VERY short time, you would be ground down by the military machine. As I said, I started you with 50,000 troops. Look again at the ammunition numbers I posted. That is assuming you use less than half the rounds per casualty that the military does. You will have no air support. Unless you are able to attack and set yourself inside a large civilian population, your forces would be wiped out by air support in short order.

No, the US Military cannot transfer troops instantly. But they CAN put numerous attack aircraft on any spot in the US in a couple of hours. You would certainly not be able to take a military base in that time. So your troops (elite or not) would be in the open and subject to fire from the most efficient and high tech aircraft in the world.

Which is why I'm gone and the airfield is ruined before the planes show up. And if my men salvage rounds from fallen soldiers, they could subsist off of that for some time if they were frugal and careful with their aim. And how do you know I would cower before bullets? Men have done so in the past and today, so why can't I? Are you that much more superior to me? Is everyone just automatically superior to me?

From what we've read, superior mentally...yes. You sound like a 12 year old.
I haven't laughed so hard in years...thanks for this.

Take another bong rip junior...

You could do better? The only person I don't actually mind criticizing my plans is Winterborn, he provides reasons for his doubt.

I think he's humoring you but I won't speak for him or her.

Your plans have no basis in reality...

For example,

-The US military trains on weaponry all the time. Yet you claim your troops are trained better?

-Nobody has ever surrendered to a sniper in the history of warfare.

-You're going to take the planes for yourself because, obviously, you know how to fly...right? And where would you land them? Oh yeah, in the fictional city you took.

And this is just the bullshit you've put into one post that was (pardon the pun) shot down easily.

You still haven't explained how you're going to pay your troops (not a small matter)
You still haven't explained why anyone would pledge loyalty to you (not a small matter)
You still haven't articulated 5 (a very small number) of legitimate grievances so there is no reason to join your fools errand.

I'm humoring you now...

I could go on for hours listing all of the holes in your scenario but it's better to just sum it up in calling you a fucking idiot because in every sense of the are.

PS: Where you going to get gas?

I have answered all of your issues. And gas could be obtained from the airfield while I'm looting it! And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?
Several of the people on your side have said that my men would be cowering in their britches or shitting their pants. Why? Why would they lack the ability to stand up to bullets when the US could? What big gulf separates the men I'm recruiting and the stock the US uses? And if the war drags on and becomes costly, I could see the US reinstituting a draft. Would the drafted be half as gung-ho as you seem to think they all are? Would the fresh recruits?

I think the comments were not made about your men. I think they were referring to you (or the 3 or 4 people who post under your account). I think the general consensus is that you have no clue what you are trying to unleash.

As for the war dragging on, I doubt that would happen. If you did not win in a VERY short time, you would be ground down by the military machine. As I said, I started you with 50,000 troops. Look again at the ammunition numbers I posted. That is assuming you use less than half the rounds per casualty that the military does. You will have no air support. Unless you are able to attack and set yourself inside a large civilian population, your forces would be wiped out by air support in short order.

No, the US Military cannot transfer troops instantly. But they CAN put numerous attack aircraft on any spot in the US in a couple of hours. You would certainly not be able to take a military base in that time. So your troops (elite or not) would be in the open and subject to fire from the most efficient and high tech aircraft in the world.

Which is why I'm gone and the airfield is ruined before the planes show up. And if my men salvage rounds from fallen soldiers, they could subsist off of that for some time if they were frugal and careful with their aim. And how do you know I would cower before bullets? Men have done so in the past and today, so why can't I? Are you that much more superior to me? Is everyone just automatically superior to me?

So your plan is to infiltrate, attack, neutralize and then destroy a military air base in just a few hours? And go where? As soon as the base is under attack, your every move will be seen by aircraft and satellite. In a few hours it will be raining bullets and bombs on your troops. Any aircraft you manage to get will be shot down before it gets very far. Any vehicles that are seen leaving the base will be destroyed. And all of that will happen without there ever being a target your troops can shoot at. Unless you count Apache Helicopters versus your small arms fire. Not good odds.
You could do better? The only person I don't actually mind criticizing my plans is Winterborn, he provides reasons for his doubt.

I think he's humoring you but I won't speak for him or her.

Your plans have no basis in reality...

For example,

-The US military trains on weaponry all the time. Yet you claim your troops are trained better?

-Nobody has ever surrendered to a sniper in the history of warfare.

-You're going to take the planes for yourself because, obviously, you know how to fly...right? And where would you land them? Oh yeah, in the fictional city you took.

And this is just the bullshit you've put into one post that was (pardon the pun) shot down easily.

You still haven't explained how you're going to pay your troops (not a small matter)
You still haven't explained why anyone would pledge loyalty to you (not a small matter)
You still haven't articulated 5 (a very small number) of legitimate grievances so there is no reason to join your fools errand.

I'm humoring you now...

I could go on for hours listing all of the holes in your scenario but it's better to just sum it up in calling you a fucking idiot because in every sense of the are.

PS: Where you going to get gas?

I have answered all of your issues. And gas could be obtained from the airfield while I'm looting it! And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?

Here is one tip I will offer you. You do NOT want to try and loot a military base for fuel. In fact, you should keep all your troops and equipment away from the fuel trucks and fueling points. Otherwise you will lose them to a fiery demise.
Shrug. Look at the Continental Army. They fought against the world's most powerful military with a ragtag bunch of civilians and won. Plus they were underequipped, under-fed, and were driven by just about the same reasons we would be.
Yes and when couldn't produce 5 legitimate grievances. Also reinforcements were an ocean away that would take weeks to arrive and the soldiers were fighting for non-native land.

Have you never read a history book?

People doubted they could make a stand against the Brits and look at Bunker Hill. The patriots fought off several waves of them before retreating. They held their ground. They lasted for much more than a week.
As to the enemy captives, they've just seen their friends mowed down. And you suggest they would come back with their friends to be mowed down a second time? I think you overestimate their resolve.

As I said many times, you're a fucking idiot.

I have read many history books, thank you. Ever read Arrian's Campaigns of Alexander? Or Livy? How about Polybius?

No. Have you ever read Tom Clancy? Something from post 2000 may be better suited toward understanding the US combat soldier there skippy. Because you clearly have zero idea of what you're talking about. Sorry to be blunt but you're not playing checkers while we're playing chess, you're playing connect four. Which I would not be surprised to find out you played today.

If you had read them and understood them, you wouldn't have used the Revolutionary War as any example of how "easy" it will be to defeat an enemy since it, in no way, applies to the character of the soldiers or the logistics of 2014 warfare.
You could do better? The only person I don't actually mind criticizing my plans is Winterborn, he provides reasons for his doubt.

I think he's humoring you but I won't speak for him or her.

Your plans have no basis in reality...

For example,

-The US military trains on weaponry all the time. Yet you claim your troops are trained better?

-Nobody has ever surrendered to a sniper in the history of warfare.

-You're going to take the planes for yourself because, obviously, you know how to fly...right? And where would you land them? Oh yeah, in the fictional city you took.

And this is just the bullshit you've put into one post that was (pardon the pun) shot down easily.

You still haven't explained how you're going to pay your troops (not a small matter)
You still haven't explained why anyone would pledge loyalty to you (not a small matter)
You still haven't articulated 5 (a very small number) of legitimate grievances so there is no reason to join your fools errand.

I'm humoring you now...

I could go on for hours listing all of the holes in your scenario but it's better to just sum it up in calling you a fucking idiot because in every sense of the are.

PS: Where you going to get gas?

I have answered all of your issues.
No skippy, you haven't seriously considered anything except the quasi orgasmic bloodlust you have.

So you're going to win the troops over with "Are you tired of China? Me too. Lets attack Gary, IN? Most of your "hates" were BS and it was explained to you several times. Nobody is going to join you in any sort of exercise.
And gas could be obtained from the airfield while I'm looting it!
Jet fuel...put that in your Toyota and see how it works. Most deuce and a halves (that is the common Army truck skippy) run on diesel. So you had better steal some of that too.
Meanwhile, you're killing the kids of people who live outside of the area you've "conquered" so when you get around to Fairfield, IA or Springfield Missouri, or Bentonville, is more than likely that you've iced somebody's kid over there. In your mind, you think they are going to join you. You're wrong.

And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?
And when you give the orders to Lt. Jane Doe to strafe Dallas (where she is from)...she's going to do it?

You're batshit crazy.
You could do better? The only person I don't actually mind criticizing my plans is Winterborn, he provides reasons for his doubt.

I think he's humoring you but I won't speak for him or her.

Your plans have no basis in reality...

For example,

-The US military trains on weaponry all the time. Yet you claim your troops are trained better?

-Nobody has ever surrendered to a sniper in the history of warfare.

-You're going to take the planes for yourself because, obviously, you know how to fly...right? And where would you land them? Oh yeah, in the fictional city you took.

And this is just the bullshit you've put into one post that was (pardon the pun) shot down easily.

You still haven't explained how you're going to pay your troops (not a small matter)
You still haven't explained why anyone would pledge loyalty to you (not a small matter)
You still haven't articulated 5 (a very small number) of legitimate grievances so there is no reason to join your fools errand.

I'm humoring you now...

I could go on for hours listing all of the holes in your scenario but it's better to just sum it up in calling you a fucking idiot because in every sense of the are.

PS: Where you going to get gas?

I have answered all of your issues. And gas could be obtained from the airfield while I'm looting it! And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?

In point and fact, you've never answered the most basic one...what differentiates you from Al Queda except for the supposed religious beliefs?
Because these are my elite who specialize in sneak attacks and have probably been using whatever they are equipped with for longer than many of the US troops. Or are US vets themselves.

So you think you will be able to gather and arm elite special forces veterans, and that they will follow the command of a 20 year old with no military experience?

Good luck with that.

Oh, and most air commands now have special forces troops that train together to defend the base and come up with the ways ot would be attacked.

Pretty hard to assess a situation when all of your men outside have been gunned down and you are stuck inside of multiple barracks with the remainder of your troops. And don't say security cameras, I would assign a few men to disable them after we enter the compound.
And I didn't say they would be "elite special forces veterans", but my elite I know I can trust and have been in multiple battles with, and the veterans would be men I have seen fight before and know them to be the equal or better of the US troops, and had also fought the US before, so I would have no issues with them being traitors. Men I have seen fight just as hard as the rest of my troops if not harder. And they will follow me because I fought beside them and I helped them and planned with them.
BTW, Joan of Arc was what, 16, when she led the French forces against the British. God forbid they ever follow a 20-year-old!

Joan of Arc convinced her followers that she was sent by God, and still many did not want to follow her. Also, by the time the Maid of Orleans led troops she had already seen battles.

But you are certainly not sent by God.

And the men you want to follow you are seasoned veterans who have likely been led by junior officers that graduated from one of the military academies. Those junior officers would have been scoffed at and ridiculed.

You want seasoned veterans to follow you into battle, where their lives depend on your ability to make snap decisions under fire, and you have no experience in combat?

You wanted honorably discharged veterans to risk, not only their lives in combat, but prosecution for treason and a loss of their freedom and any benefits, and you have absolutely no experience in military command of combat?

Sorry, but no veteran worth his salt would take that risk.
I think he's humoring you but I won't speak for him or her.

Your plans have no basis in reality...

For example,

-The US military trains on weaponry all the time. Yet you claim your troops are trained better?

-Nobody has ever surrendered to a sniper in the history of warfare.

-You're going to take the planes for yourself because, obviously, you know how to fly...right? And where would you land them? Oh yeah, in the fictional city you took.

And this is just the bullshit you've put into one post that was (pardon the pun) shot down easily.

You still haven't explained how you're going to pay your troops (not a small matter)
You still haven't explained why anyone would pledge loyalty to you (not a small matter)
You still haven't articulated 5 (a very small number) of legitimate grievances so there is no reason to join your fools errand.

I'm humoring you now...

I could go on for hours listing all of the holes in your scenario but it's better to just sum it up in calling you a fucking idiot because in every sense of the are.

PS: Where you going to get gas?

I have answered all of your issues.
No skippy, you haven't seriously considered anything except the quasi orgasmic bloodlust you have.

So you're going to win the troops over with "Are you tired of China? Me too. Lets attack Gary, IN? Most of your "hates" were BS and it was explained to you several times. Nobody is going to join you in any sort of exercise.
And gas could be obtained from the airfield while I'm looting it!
Jet fuel...put that in your Toyota and see how it works. Most deuce and a halves (that is the common Army truck skippy) run on diesel. So you had better steal some of that too.
Meanwhile, you're killing the kids of people who live outside of the area you've "conquered" so when you get around to Fairfield, IA or Springfield Missouri, or Bentonville, is more than likely that you've iced somebody's kid over there. In your mind, you think they are going to join you. You're wrong.

And why should I not have pilots in my military? Why would pilots not join in as well?
And when you give the orders to Lt. Jane Doe to strafe Dallas (where she is from)...she's going to do it?

You're batshit crazy.

Your arguments are hilarious. Wanna know why? They can all be reciprocated! The people whose kids were in my army aren't likely to join you. Lt. Jane Doe isn't likely to strafe her home city. All the cities you've retaken have had casualties whose families will hate you.
So you think you will be able to gather and arm elite special forces veterans, and that they will follow the command of a 20 year old with no military experience?

Good luck with that.

Oh, and most air commands now have special forces troops that train together to defend the base and come up with the ways ot would be attacked.

Pretty hard to assess a situation when all of your men outside have been gunned down and you are stuck inside of multiple barracks with the remainder of your troops. And don't say security cameras, I would assign a few men to disable them after we enter the compound.
And I didn't say they would be "elite special forces veterans", but my elite I know I can trust and have been in multiple battles with, and the veterans would be men I have seen fight before and know them to be the equal or better of the US troops, and had also fought the US before, so I would have no issues with them being traitors. Men I have seen fight just as hard as the rest of my troops if not harder. And they will follow me because I fought beside them and I helped them and planned with them.
BTW, Joan of Arc was what, 16, when she led the French forces against the British. God forbid they ever follow a 20-year-old!

Joan of Arc convinced her followers that she was sent by God, and still many did not want to follow her. Also, by the time the Maid of Orleans led troops she had already seen battles.

But you are certainly not sent by God.

And the men you want to follow you are seasoned veterans who have likely been led by junior officers that graduated from one of the military academies. Those junior officers would have been scoffed at and ridiculed.

You want seasoned veterans to follow you into battle, where their lives depend on your ability to make snap decisions under fire, and you have no experience in combat?

You wanted honorably discharged veterans to risk, not only their lives in combat, but prosecution for treason and a loss of their freedom and any benefits, and you have absolutely no experience in military command of combat?

Sorry, but no veteran worth his salt would take that risk.

None of them will have to follow us (Drake, _, and Roberts). That's why we will fade into the background as lieutenants as you may recall me saying to CC some time ago. We are merely preparing the way for someone with modern military experience, someone more intelligent, and a better leader than us. Someone those veterans will follow. We are the bricklayers of the foundation of someone else's grand empire. We are trying to gain followers for someone else's grand crusade.

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