The 2nd Civil War

I do believe you all are forgetting one key point. Drake_Roberts= No war unless the nation has gotten so bad that in no way will the current path work. If the people are already declaring mass war on the US gov't. Or if the government starts killing harmless protestors for protesting their corruption. Not because I feel like it or I think it sounds fun.

You mean we've made you realize how pointless your rhetoric was, and how terribly you would get lolroflpwned?

lolroflpwned? What the hell does that mean?
I do believe you all are forgetting one key point. Drake_Roberts= No war unless the nation has gotten so bad that in no way will the current path work. If the people are already declaring mass war on the US gov't. Or if the government starts killing harmless protestors for protesting their corruption. Not because I feel like it or I think it sounds fun.

Now why would we think you want war?

Where would we have gotten the impression that you liked the idea or that you wanted a war? Hmmm....

Could it be when you posted "I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc."?

So you practice marksmanship constantly (with actual rifles), study military tactics and logistics, spend time looking at military gear, condition yourself for long marches, are manipulative and make good grades??

Unless there is a war, you have no career skills. lol

Sorry, that was a description of Drake. _ is a mathematician and I am a law student.

Sorry, when you post self descriptions, they apply to all under that name.
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Uncensored, you are so full of shit. Were we in the condition that you claim, you would not be uncensored.

You and your shameful party are doing your best to silence opposition voices and crush civil rights.

You just haven't won. If these posts were under my real name, the IRS would audit me as punishment for opposing Obama - we all know it.

Come November, your party will be tossed from power. Perhaps the authoritarian moves by Obama will be checked.
[ame=]Jefferson Airplane - Volunteers (with Lyric) - YouTube[/ame]

Just b'cause
Uncensored, you are so full of shit. Were we in the condition that you claim, you would not be uncensored.

You and your shameful party are doing your best to silence opposition voices and crush civil rights.

You just haven't won. If these posts were under my real name, the IRS would audit me as punishment for opposing Obama - we all know it.

Come November, your party will be tossed from power. Perhaps the authoritarian moves by Obama will be checked.

Hopefully the people will be faced with candidates who actually want to do their jobs. Doubtful, but one can hope.
Now why would we think you want war?

Where would we have gotten the impression that you liked the idea or that you wanted a war? Hmmm....

Could it be when you posted "I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc."?

So you practice marksmanship constantly (with actual rifles), study military tactics and logistics, spend time looking at military gear, condition yourself for long marches, are manipulative and make good grades??

Unless there is a war, you have no career skills. lol

Sorry, that was a description of Drake. _ is a mathematician and I am a law student.

Sorry, when you post self descriptions, they apply to all under that name.

Would you prefer I begin my posts like so: Drake-blah blah blah
_- something something something
Roberts- this and that
Drake Roberts, let me help you see the futility of what you are proposing. Luckily, this is one of my insomnia nights, and I have a tasty adult beverage at hand.

You are proposing a military campaign within the US. You say you will start with those loyal to the cause.

I do not think you have the capability, but I am going to start you (for the sake of this discussion) with a sizeable force. Let's say you have 50,000 healthy men ready to serve. I will even give you that all 50,000 have weapons and as much ammo as they can carry.

I do not see you having any worthwhile air support, due to the expense and difficulty maintaining it. So your force would be vulnerable to air attacks from the beginning.

Have you given any thought to how much ammunition you will need? In WWII, the US military expended 25,000 rounds for each enemy soldier killed. In Korea that number climbed to 100,000 rounds per enemy casualty. In Vietnam we expended 200,000 rounds per enemy casualty. So if you plan to kill roughly 4 times as many enemy combatants as you have soldiers (200,000 enemy casualties), and you are extra well disciplined and only expend 100,000 rounds per casualty, you will need to have access to 20,000,000,000 rounds of ammunition. Good luck obtaining it. Oh, and before you say you plan to raid existing gov't installations, that will only work once or twice. After that the federal supplies will be moved or they will be sacrificed before they are lost. One smart bomb will destroy the facility and remove your resupply.

And how will you move your forces? Trucks? Plan to put all your gear and troops into one area so an air strike can wipe you out? Ever think that one sniper with a .308 can prevent your convoy from crossing a bride and thereby hold you at a bottleneck point?

If you do manage to take a city. How will you bring in food? Do you think the federal gov't will allow food to be shipped in? Or will the food be drugged?

How long do you think the power will stay on? You plan to tax people and want them to continue to produce, but the electrical power will be taken out as soon as you take a city. That is a very simple act.

Do I really need to go on?

Add in 50,000 armed men who haven't been paid. Wouldn't want to be their leader.

Add in that, since he'll still be using green backs that will be instantly limited to the supply on hand...interest rates will be through the roof and the ability to get a loan will be equivalent to the new republic's

we have all left out one very key point in all of this. International effects. If the rebellion were to show itself to be capable of winning a few battles, enemies of the US would be probably be more than willing to donate arms to the rebels to overthrow the US government. Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.
Uncensored, you are so full of shit. Were we in the condition that you claim, you would not be uncensored.

You and your shameful party are doing your best to silence opposition voices and crush civil rights.

You just haven't won. If these posts were under my real name, the IRS would audit me as punishment for opposing Obama - we all know it.

Come November, your party will be tossed from power. Perhaps the authoritarian moves by Obama will be checked.

Hopefully the people will be faced with candidates who actually want to do their jobs. Doubtful, but one can hope.

That would be nice.

But the democrats will be tossed because of Obamacare - not because the public is finally waking up to the mess we are in.
Drake Roberts, let me help you see the futility of what you are proposing. Luckily, this is one of my insomnia nights, and I have a tasty adult beverage at hand.

You are proposing a military campaign within the US. You say you will start with those loyal to the cause.

I do not think you have the capability, but I am going to start you (for the sake of this discussion) with a sizeable force. Let's say you have 50,000 healthy men ready to serve. I will even give you that all 50,000 have weapons and as much ammo as they can carry.

I do not see you having any worthwhile air support, due to the expense and difficulty maintaining it. So your force would be vulnerable to air attacks from the beginning.

Have you given any thought to how much ammunition you will need? In WWII, the US military expended 25,000 rounds for each enemy soldier killed. In Korea that number climbed to 100,000 rounds per enemy casualty. In Vietnam we expended 200,000 rounds per enemy casualty. So if you plan to kill roughly 4 times as many enemy combatants as you have soldiers (200,000 enemy casualties), and you are extra well disciplined and only expend 100,000 rounds per casualty, you will need to have access to 20,000,000,000 rounds of ammunition. Good luck obtaining it. Oh, and before you say you plan to raid existing gov't installations, that will only work once or twice. After that the federal supplies will be moved or they will be sacrificed before they are lost. One smart bomb will destroy the facility and remove your resupply.

And how will you move your forces? Trucks? Plan to put all your gear and troops into one area so an air strike can wipe you out? Ever think that one sniper with a .308 can prevent your convoy from crossing a bride and thereby hold you at a bottleneck point?

If you do manage to take a city. How will you bring in food? Do you think the federal gov't will allow food to be shipped in? Or will the food be drugged?

How long do you think the power will stay on? You plan to tax people and want them to continue to produce, but the electrical power will be taken out as soon as you take a city. That is a very simple act.

Do I really need to go on?

Add in 50,000 armed men who haven't been paid. Wouldn't want to be their leader.

Add in that, since he'll still be using green backs that will be instantly limited to the supply on hand...interest rates will be through the roof and the ability to get a loan will be equivalent to the new republic's

we have all left out one very key point in all of this. International effects. If the rebellion were to show itself to be capable of winning a few battles, enemies of the US would be probably be more than willing to donate arms to the rebels to overthrow the US government. Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.

Nothing says patriotism than saying you'll accept weaponry and support from places like Russia, Iran, North Korea.
Sorry, that was a description of Drake. _ is a mathematician and I am a law student.

Sorry, when you post self descriptions, they apply to all under that name.

Would you prefer I begin my posts like so: Drake-blah blah blah
_- something something something
Roberts- this and that

I really don't care if you provide ID or simply dance a jig. When you share an account on a website, as you claim you do here, you are held to the statements made by all of those you share with.

It doesn't matter to me. But you should at least read and remember what "You" have said.
The sad thing is all these "patriots" advocating or wishing for another Civil War have never seen a shooting war up close and personal, they have no clue of the horrors they wish to unleash. Half would probably shit themselves and run or freeze when the first bullets started to fly, not to mention when the artillery and mortars started dropping in around them.
Sorry, when you post self descriptions, they apply to all under that name.

Would you prefer I begin my posts like so: Drake-blah blah blah
_- something something something
Roberts- this and that

I really don't care if you provide ID or simply dance a jig. When you share an account on a website, as you claim you do here, you are held to the statements made by all of those you share with.

It doesn't matter to me. But you should at least read and remember what "You" have said.

I can imagine him/her/them/they giving orders in the battlefield.

I am beginning to think that little Dwakee is 12 not 20.
The sad thing is all these "patriots" advocating or wishing for another Civil War have never seen a shooting war up close and personal, they have no clue of the horrors they wish to unleash. Half would probably shit themselves and run or freeze when the first bullets started to fly, not to mention when the artillery and mortars started dropping in around them.

They also have never seen hard times. The "hard times" that supposedly we have now are nothing compared to the Great Depression or even the oil embargoes of the early 1970's. I doubt most Americans could fathom not being able to purchase gas--not because it's priced high but simply because it's not available.

Drake Roberts, let me help you see the futility of what you are proposing. Luckily, this is one of my insomnia nights, and I have a tasty adult beverage at hand.

You are proposing a military campaign within the US. You say you will start with those loyal to the cause.

I do not think you have the capability, but I am going to start you (for the sake of this discussion) with a sizeable force. Let's say you have 50,000 healthy men ready to serve. I will even give you that all 50,000 have weapons and as much ammo as they can carry.

I do not see you having any worthwhile air support, due to the expense and difficulty maintaining it. So your force would be vulnerable to air attacks from the beginning.

Have you given any thought to how much ammunition you will need? In WWII, the US military expended 25,000 rounds for each enemy soldier killed. In Korea that number climbed to 100,000 rounds per enemy casualty. In Vietnam we expended 200,000 rounds per enemy casualty. So if you plan to kill roughly 4 times as many enemy combatants as you have soldiers (200,000 enemy casualties), and you are extra well disciplined and only expend 100,000 rounds per casualty, you will need to have access to 20,000,000,000 rounds of ammunition. Good luck obtaining it. Oh, and before you say you plan to raid existing gov't installations, that will only work once or twice. After that the federal supplies will be moved or they will be sacrificed before they are lost. One smart bomb will destroy the facility and remove your resupply.

And how will you move your forces? Trucks? Plan to put all your gear and troops into one area so an air strike can wipe you out? Ever think that one sniper with a .308 can prevent your convoy from crossing a bride and thereby hold you at a bottleneck point?

If you do manage to take a city. How will you bring in food? Do you think the federal gov't will allow food to be shipped in? Or will the food be drugged?

How long do you think the power will stay on? You plan to tax people and want them to continue to produce, but the electrical power will be taken out as soon as you take a city. That is a very simple act.

Do I really need to go on?

Add in 50,000 armed men who haven't been paid. Wouldn't want to be their leader.

Add in that, since he'll still be using green backs that will be instantly limited to the supply on hand...interest rates will be through the roof and the ability to get a loan will be equivalent to the new republic's

we have all left out one very key point in all of this. International effects. If the rebellion were to show itself to be capable of winning a few battles, enemies of the US would be probably be more than willing to donate arms to the rebels to overthrow the US government. Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.

You would have to win a few significant battles, to say the very least. As I described above, I do not see how you would do that. But feel free to correct my errors.

Now, as for accepting weapons from Russia, Iran and N. Korea, I could think of nothing more dangerous. Do you think they will be donating millions of dollars worth of equipment out of the goodness of their heart? Or will they be expecting something in return?

And how would you propose that those arms be delivered to you? As I stated above, you will have virtually no air support. Receiving a large shipment of arms simply would not happen.
The sad thing is all these "patriots" advocating or wishing for another Civil War have never seen a shooting war up close and personal, they have no clue of the horrors they wish to unleash. Half would probably shit themselves and run or freeze when the first bullets started to fly, not to mention when the artillery and mortars started dropping in around them.

I can only hope they never do. Seeing your buddies dying and bleeding all around you is not something that can be forgotten. I hope and pray these children stay blissfully unaware of what combat is like.
The sad thing is all these "patriots" advocating or wishing for another Civil War have never seen a shooting war up close and personal, they have no clue of the horrors they wish to unleash. Half would probably shit themselves and run or freeze when the first bullets started to fly, not to mention when the artillery and mortars started dropping in around them.

They also have never seen hard times. The "hard times" that supposedly we have now are nothing compared to the Great Depression or even the oil embargoes of the early 1970's. I doubt most Americans could fathom not being able to purchase gas--not because it's priced high but simply because it's not available.


Mild compared to this:






I stuck with the old black and white as the color ones are much too graphic for many people.
The sad thing is all these "patriots" advocating or wishing for another Civil War have never seen a shooting war up close and personal, they have no clue of the horrors they wish to unleash. Half would probably shit themselves and run or freeze when the first bullets started to fly, not to mention when the artillery and mortars started dropping in around them.

I can only hope they never do. Seeing your buddies dying and bleeding all around you is not something that can be forgotten. I hope and pray these children stay blissfully unaware of what combat is like.

That and clearing a town, toss a frag or phosphorous grenade into a basement only to discover it was occupied by terrified women and children.
Not to mention the lawlessness, disease and starvation subjected on the civilian population by such a conflict.
The sad thing is all these "patriots" advocating or wishing for another Civil War have never seen a shooting war up close and personal, they have no clue of the horrors they wish to unleash. Half would probably shit themselves and run or freeze when the first bullets started to fly, not to mention when the artillery and mortars started dropping in around them.

They also have never seen hard times. The "hard times" that supposedly we have now are nothing compared to the Great Depression or even the oil embargoes of the early 1970's. I doubt most Americans could fathom not being able to purchase gas--not because it's priced high but simply because it's not available.


Mild compared to this:


I stuck with the old black and white as the color ones are much too graphic for many people.

I deleted the pictures from my response--no need to hammer it home (hope you don't mind).

Yeah but little Dwakee says that he won't kill anyone and even turn over captors to the enemy if they pwomise not to fight any longer. Surely he can pull that off.
It reminds me of an episode I watched of "The Simpsons"...
They visited Africa on a safari and visited Tanzania and saw a bunch of billboards of President Muntu....

Muntu was once president of Tanzania. His image was used on several bill-boards to promote his reign (The messages included "Hail President Muntu," "Muntu Means Progress" and "Muntu Builds Stadiums"). He seized power in a bloodless coup- all smothering.

It pretty much underscores how little these chairborne warriors have studied the subject much less have been anywhere close to it. The plan also seems to be storyboarded along with the latest Simpsons episode.

I know I'd be shitting in my britches.

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