The 2nd Civil War

Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

Say what? Your "hopes and bets are on a dissident cell"? Are you even aware of what happens when "common people" take up arms against the United States? Get real a-holes and get off your asses and try to make the system better instead of promoting anarchy.


There are limitations to your right to swing your fist. Your right to bear arms was never "absolute" in the first place.


The right there specified is that of 'bearing arms for a lawful purpose.' This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed; but this, as has been seen, means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress. .......' 'not surrendered or restrained' by the Constituton of the United States.

UNITED STATES v. CRUIKSHANK ET AL., 92 U.S. 542 (U.S. 10/01/1875)

You are simply naive, gullible and willing to accept enslavement.


Well dumb fuck, you are the people that continue to talk about 2nd amendment solution and violent revolution.

Really, sucks old cocks? *I* have advocated violent revolution?

And we liberals continue to make real revolution in the way that Jefferson reccommended.

You're not a liberal, and you have nothing in common with Thomas Jefferson.

You're a leftist, with a great deal in common with Pol Pot.

We change our culture for the better. From the Civil War to civil rights,

Yes, you fought a civil war to keep blacks enslaved, then brought out troops to keep black children out of schools.

You democrats are real paragons of virtue...

it was the liberals that kept the nation advancing for individual rights. And the Conservatives, no matter what party they claimed, that fought against human rights.

Yeah, we've noticed - with the democrats open war on the 1st amendment, the second amendment, the 4th amendment, the 5th amendment..

Your shameful party is at war to end all civil rights.

Social Security, Medicare, early childhood education, all fought for by liberals, and fought against by Conservatives. Same today. The Conservatives deny science, do their best to destroy education in this nation, and would put the American Worker back to where he was in the 1890's.

Yeah, that "no child left behind" shit was brilliant by you leftists...

Oh wait..

No, no right wing violent revolution, just a bunch of whining, sniveling losers, some of which will get themselves killed doing really stupid things. The real revolution will be the work of we liberals. A better nation with a better distribution of wealth, and education more accessable to all, a health care system that is 21st Century rather than 18th.

We have the filthy democrats crushing the Constitution in your drive to establish an authoritarian system unconstrained by law. I know it outrages you that any would resist, I know that you want dissenters to be executed.

But you lack the power.

In November, your shameful party will lose the Senate - you know this is true. Both houses will be with the Republicans. Now I don't have much faith in the GOP to do anything right, but your march to end the Constitution will certainly be thwarted. Holder could go to prison, where he belongs.
it doesnt matter because another government will be created that will just oppress people like every other government throughout history has done until it collapses and we rinse and repeat.

it is really a shame people feel the need to be ruled and cant just govern themselves.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

To all intents and purposes, we are already IN a civil war. Not a war of rebellion against the government, but a war of the people against the people. Right now there are no outright battles of large numbers of people, but ambushes and skirmishes.
it doesnt matter because another government will be created that will just oppress people like every other government throughout history has done until it collapses and we rinse and repeat.

it is really a shame people feel the need to be ruled and cant just govern themselves.

It's not a shame for you. A little fool like you would last about half an hour in a state of nature.
You've become unhinged2008. Again.


There are many here for whom there is no line to cross in serving Obama.

What do you think Clayton would not do in service to Obama? Where is the line for you? You openly applaud the subversion of civil liberty and the discarding of Constitutional checks and balances. So where would you stop, in seeking power for your party? Arrest of those speaking against the party? Torture of dissidents?
I do believe you all are forgetting one key point. Drake_Roberts= No war unless the nation has gotten so bad that in no way will the current path work. If the people are already declaring mass war on the US gov't. Or if the government starts killing harmless protestors for protesting their corruption. Not because I feel like it or I think it sounds fun.

You mean we've made you realize how pointless your rhetoric was, and how terribly you would get lolroflpwned?
It’s neither.

It’s infantile idiocy.

If you get your way and start marching enemies of the party off to killing fields, resistance is hardly infantile.

The KGB is already going after your enemies

{The IRS, at the direction of some political elites in Washington, not in Cincinnati, but Washington, took what had been for decades a process of reviewing applications for exempt status, that for a 501(c)(4) organization could be expected to take three or four weeks. And they converted that process into one that could take three or four years, and in some cases, is still not over.}

IRS Scandal In a Nutshell - Carol Platt Liebau

You're not constrained by the foundational law of the Constitution. You have utter contempt for civil rights. You have absolutely no ethics or integrity. The ONLY thing keeping your party from rounding up enemies is the knowledge that your enemies are armed.
Beware of people on either side of the political spectrum who justify taking up arms against the US government because they claim they are unhappy with the political climate. They are either genuinely crazy, dirty tricksters, foreign posters or they live in a fantasy world. Either way they are asking for a knock on the door from any one of a half dozen federal agencies.
I do believe you all are forgetting one key point. Drake_Roberts= No war unless the nation has gotten so bad that in no way will the current path work. If the people are already declaring mass war on the US gov't. Or if the government starts killing harmless protestors for protesting their corruption. Not because I feel like it or I think it sounds fun.

Now why would we think you want war?

Where would we have gotten the impression that you liked the idea or that you wanted a war? Hmmm....

Could it be when you posted "I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc."?

So you practice marksmanship constantly (with actual rifles), study military tactics and logistics, spend time looking at military gear, condition yourself for long marches, are manipulative and make good grades??

Unless there is a war, you have no career skills. lol

Sorry, that was a description of Drake. _ is a mathematician and I am a law student.

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