The 3 types of Democrats, The activist, the shill, and the denier. Which 1 are you?


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019
There are basically 3 types of democrats. The activist, the shill, and the denier. Here's how they work.

First the activist will engage in activism. For example, proposing gas stove bans. The second type, the shill, pushes for the stove ban and agrees with the activist that gas stoves are racist/bad. All while the 3rd type denies anyone wants to ban gas stoves and labels anyone who claims otherwise a conspiracy theorist.

Have you seen this ploy in action?

Try CRT...

The first type teaches kids CRT. The second type supports the teaching of CRT. All while the 3rd type denies CRT is being taught.


The first type of democrat talks to kids all about their warped gender ideas to confuse and manipulate children. The second type supports the grooming and teaching of gender ideology to children. All while the third type denies any grooming is taking place and says anyone saying it is a conspiracy theorist.

Can you provide other examples of the activist, shill, denier, democrats and how they gaslight Americans?
Whereas there is one type of Neo-GOP. The followers. They lap up the daily talking point as if it were nector from the Gods and then recite them to anyone who will listen,

I wonder which talking head came up with this nonsense. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is made up of both Democrats and Republicans.

They have been conditioned for years to accept the words from on high on Faux.

Now with the dangerous rhetoric accusing all democrats of supporting pedophilia, they are absolutely pushing for more violence confrontations with whack jobs who believe them, like that pizza parlor guy with a rifle......
I am basically the typical Democrat

The one who loves Truth, Justice and the American way
The one who cares about others
The one who loves this country and wants to make it better
Whereas there is one type of Neo-GOP. The followers. They lap up the daily talking point as if it were nector from the Gods and then recite them to anyone who will listen,

I wonder which talking head came up with this nonsense. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is made up of both Democrats and Republicans.

They have been conditioned for years to accept the words from on high on Faux.

Now with the dangerous rhetoric accusing all democrats of supporting pedophilia, they are absolutely pushing for more violence confrontations with whack jobs who believe them, like that pizza parlor guy with a rifle......

I know right! Remember when conservatives lapped up if you get the shot you won’t get Covid?

How about lapping up double or triple masks work?

Remember when they lapped up Trump is killing Americans because he won’t give Cuomo ventilators?

What a bunch of morons!
I am basically the typical Democrat

The one who loves Truth, Justice and the American way
The one who cares about others
The one who loves this country and wants to make it better

The one who thinks he loves Truth, Justice and the American way.
The one who thinks he cares about others.
The one who thinks he loves this country and thinks he wants to make it better.

Just because one thinks something, doesn't make it true.
The one who thinks he loves Truth, Justice and the American way.
The one who thinks he cares about others.
The one who thinks he loves this country and thinks he wants to make it better.

Just because one thinks something, doesn't make it true.

You see…

Democrats care about others and care about this country
You would never see a Democrat attacking our Capitol

There is a 4th type of Dem: Sheeple NPCs.
Remember when conservatives lapped up if you get the shot you won’t get Covid?
During a July 2021 CNN town hall, U.S. President Joe Biden falsely stated that "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."

During the same public appearance, Biden also stated, accurately, that vaccinated people are less likely to catch the virus than unvaccinated people and, if they do catch it, are less likely to get sick.

How about lapping up double or triple masks work?
Mask guidelines have changed many times since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as researchers have improved their understanding of the virus.

StudiesTrusted Source have found that double-masking with a cloth mask over a surgical mask can offer a high level of protection. Additionally, masking offers prevents people with the virus from spreading it to others. This has led to a question: Is triple-masking even more effective?

Although triple-masking may theoretically offer more protection, it may also make it more difficult to breathe and isn’t currently recommended by any health authorities.

Remember when they lapped up Trump is killing Americans because he won’t give Cuomo ventilators?

The largest Venn circle is "congenital liars" and everything else is a subset.

7 subsets later, they're a crybaby faggot self-loathing, mentally ill, congenital liar that likes to fuck kids.

Hey, this could be a fun drinking game - "define the democrat".
During a July 2021 CNN town hall, U.S. President Joe Biden falsely stated that "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."

During the same public appearance, Biden also stated, accurately, that vaccinated people are less likely to catch the virus than unvaccinated people and, if they do catch it, are less likely to get sick.

Mask guidelines have changed many times since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic as researchers have improved their understanding of the virus.

StudiesTrusted Source have found that double-masking with a cloth mask over a surgical mask can offer a high level of protection. Additionally, masking offers prevents people with the virus from spreading it to others. This has led to a question: Is triple-masking even more effective?

Although triple-masking may theoretically offer more protection, it may also make it more difficult to breathe and isn’t currently recommended by any health authorities.

You must be dizzy from all that spinning.
Prog politicians killed people with the Covid agenda. They show no guilt.

Republicans were victims of COVID by a significant margin

Mostly because they believed the misinformation about protecting yourself and getting vaccinated
It could be that like sheep, they are interchangeable and their roles morph based upon where they are in the vast herd.

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