The 33 reasons you know you're a liberal


Jun 2, 2011
?You Know You?re a Liberal If?? 33 Litmus Tests for Liberals | Addicting Info

You can discern the geographic distance between Kenya and Hawaii.

Bernie Sanders is one of your favorite senators.

You’re seriously considering dropping Verizon and switching to Credo Mobile.

You get much of your news from Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher and/or Jon Stewart.

You’re in favor of tax increases to support the common good even if you have to pay more yourself.

You recognize that marijuana is physically less harmful than either cigarettes or alcohol.

You understand Citizens United is about 5 conservative justices who are united against citizens and who favor the corporate control of elections.

You get that Ron Paul is no better than the Tea Party.

You’ve pissed off a conservative in your life by railing against Fox News or Sarah Palin.

You have an “Obama ‘08” or “Obama 2012” logo riding on your bumper.

You are a fan of a dozen or more liberal pages on Facebook.

At some point, you wore dreads or went barefoot in public – or you know a few people who fit this description.

You read food labels.

You have gay friends and you respect them.

You probably graduated from college and your degree probably isn’t in marketing or business administration.

You post to Facebook and Twitter in support of liberal causes. A conservative friend may have un-friended you because of your posts.

You support the middle class.

You don’t think NPR is biased.

You think the Koch brothers are evil.

You’ve been following the dogged and brave uprising in Wisconsin.

You prefer to breathe non-cancer-causing air and drink non-toxic water.

You value a good standard of living for the public over corporate profits.

You believe people should be able to choose, in private, the family planning option that’s right for them.

You use hash tags like #p2, #p21, #topprog, and #taxtherich on Twitter.

You are serious about recycling.

You actually care that the ice caps are melting, coral reefs are dying and bio-diversity is diminishing.

You can find Iraq on a map while realizing that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

You’ve been called a hippie, a bleeding heart or a tree hugger.

You believe education and health care should be subsidized for the common good.

GOP voter suppression is ticking you off enough to mobilize the vote within your circles.

You’ve given to a homeless person – ever.

You cringe when you hear Obama referred to as a “one-term president.”

You have gotten into a heated online debate with a Republican troll and even though you didn’t change their mind it still felt good to defeat their logic.

Yep, I'm a bleeding heart liberal, and proud. -poet
You are a bigger nagging busybody than everyone you know.

You can annoy people on just about any topic.

You think money grows on trees.
You despise people who do not agree with at least 89% of what you say.

You demand and expect that everyone tolerate you and those you support while refusing to tolerate those you believe are beneath you, which happens to be everyone else.
How you know you're a leftist.

The most intelligent sound to come from you is a fart.
You have anyone who disagrees with the party on ignore.
You think Christians are intolerant and should be locked in prison.
You have more than 30 people on ignore.
You like to give to charities - with other people's money.
You have most of the forum on ignore.
You think Al Gore won the election in 2000.
You have a bigger ignore list than friends list.
The 11 reasons you know you're a liberal

Anything goes...

You envy anyone that has more than you...

You believe Bill didn't have sex with that woman...

You believe Nancy and Harry have a secret love affair...

You believe Bill Ayers was innocent...

Jeremiah Wright is a true American...

Saul Alinsky and Frank Marshall Davis shared on the playground...

Uncle Teddy was sober that night at Chappaquiddick...

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are stalwarts of the Black Community...

That only Uncle Tom's vote Republican...

That Oblammer deserves a 3rd term...

You know you are a liberal when...

You believe that same sex couples deserve to be treated like heterosexual couples, and that includes marriage

You believe that healthcare is a basic human right, not a luxury, and that everyone, no matter how poor, should have free access to it
You believe you have the right to the fruits of labour of others, ie free healthcare is a "right."
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Again... Ms. poit is still mad that she wasn't born a cute little white girl.
You know you are a liberal when...

You believe that same sex couples deserve to be treated like heterosexual couples, and that includes marriage

You believe that healthcare is a basic human right, not a luxury, and that everyone, no matter how poor, should have free access to it

Sounds like something Jesus Christ, himself, would say, to me.

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