The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

In low income areas, many people live closer to a McDonalds than a grocery store. That can also get more calories for a lower price at McDonalds than at the grocery store.
No they can't. I just showed you that they can prepare an entire dinner for 4 people for $5.00. A single meal at McDonald's will cost more than $5.00.

The claim that they don't have any grocery stores near them is also fatuous. I lived in the hood in Baltimore for a year, and there were a number of grocery stores in the area.

But a single meal at McDonalds can feed you for an entire day based on the calorie content. A healthy meal like you are describing won't do that.

Someone eating only a single meal a day at McDs is not the morbidly obese person you are whinging about.
U2Edge you must have conveniently missed my post from yesterday. Hopefully it doesn’t destroy your narrative.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?"
A few other questions you may have an interest in.....
Do other nations steal from their best citizens to pay for tens of millions of illegal third-world wetbacks and their litters of anchor babies?
What are the average income tax rates in those nations you speak of?
Why do so many folks from those nations you speak of travel to the U.S. for healthcare?
How large is their bottom feeding class that contributes nothing and takes the most?
Ok it seems like we’re chasing our own tails a bit. I think that we can all agree that we want our nation to have the highest quality health care within practical economic restraints. Where the differences arise is how to achieve that. Our federal government does not have a great track record of creating effective long lasting solutions for wide spread problems efficiently, and the private sector does not have a great track record of making ethical choices that negatively affect profit margins. So logic dictates that a truly effective and efficient solution must thread the needle between the two. Personally, I am very concerned with the idea of our federal government doing much beyond providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare, and protecting liberty now and for future generations. I am also deeply concerned about letting a free market make choices about health care driven by profit.
There hasn't been a free market for medical services since the enactment of Medicare/Medicaid.
And the creation of the FDA.
I'm interested in making my country a better place to live. I wanted it to be #1 in healthcare and quality of life.

Then you want to be proactive and not reactive. We are the fattest country in the world. That is unhealthy and causes the shorter life spans. A ton of fast food and bad eats joints. Bad food costs less. Tackle that instead of universal healthcare because everyone in every party likely agrees that the country is fat

Universal Healthcare is the best way to make progress on the overweight/obese issue. Most of the overweight/obese issues are with people in poverty or in the lower class with no health insurance at all.

Yes...actually, it is. Once the government takes over healthcare, they stop providing quality healthcare, so overweight people die....then, the government increases the economic collapse of the country so that food becomes so hard to get, people lose weight because they run out of house pets to eat.......

Where does this happen in Europe?

In the UK, the NHS exterminates expensive to care for elderly:

Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year | Daily Mail Online

Thousands of elderly patients may have died prematurely due to faulty opiate syringe pumps | Daily Mail Online

Yet, people in the UK on average live longer than people in the United States!
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

In low income areas, many people live closer to a McDonalds than a grocery store. That can also get more calories for a lower price at McDonalds than at the grocery store.

So now you think the Poor are innately less intelligent and unable to locate a grocery store.

Low income areas, poor housing, no transportation, no grocery store located nearby. Proximity and the price you pay for a calorie of food is what is critical here.

Good thing we have capitalism in this country. You can get a job and bump up those calories.

Its harder to get a job in low income areas. If your physically or mentally ill In a low income area the situation gets much worse.

Oh WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then you want to be proactive and not reactive. We are the fattest country in the world. That is unhealthy and causes the shorter life spans. A ton of fast food and bad eats joints. Bad food costs less. Tackle that instead of universal healthcare because everyone in every party likely agrees that the country is fat

Universal Healthcare is the best way to make progress on the overweight/obese issue. Most of the overweight/obese issues are with people in poverty or in the lower class with no health insurance at all.

Yes...actually, it is. Once the government takes over healthcare, they stop providing quality healthcare, so overweight people die....then, the government increases the economic collapse of the country so that food becomes so hard to get, people lose weight because they run out of house pets to eat.......

Where does this happen in Europe?

In the UK, the NHS exterminates expensive to care for elderly:

Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year | Daily Mail Online

Thousands of elderly patients may have died prematurely due to faulty opiate syringe pumps | Daily Mail Online

Yet, people in the UK on average live longer than people in the United States!
They aren't as fat, and they don't get pregnant when they are 14.
Are you nuts? The VA is one of the worst healthcare systems in the have no idea what you are talking about.....
And he wants to deploy more troops in Europe, to guard against RUSSIA!

He's certifiably insane.

Of course, you would think that is in insane. Your a Trump supporter, a man who is essentially an agent of the Russian Federation. The Russians just invaded and annexed Crimea from the Ukraine in 2014. The possibility that they may try annex parts of Estonia and Latvia, two NATO countries, just went up. NATO as a whole does not have enough forces defending its eastern border area with Russia. Historically, such weakness and a lack of deterrence increases the odds of military aggression by a country like Russia.
I'm not a Trump supporter...In fact, I didn't vote at all...You've lost the original argument and now need to make it about me.

And you are still fucking madman.
He called you a Russian agent. Lol

What a stupidfuck
U2Edge you must have conveniently missed my post from yesterday. Hopefully it doesn’t destroy your narrative.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?"
A few other questions you may have an interest in.....
Do other nations steal from their best citizens to pay for tens of millions of illegal third-world wetbacks and their litters of anchor babies?
What are the average income tax rates in those nations you speak of?
Why do so many folks from those nations you speak of travel to the U.S. for healthcare?
How large is their bottom feeding class that contributes nothing and takes the most?

Yes, other nations properly tax their rich unlike the United States which is a GOOD THING!
The United States needs more latin American immigrants to achieve consistent 3% real GDP growth per year. There is a labor shortage in this country. 7.3 million jobs unfilled. We need more people from Central America to be crossing the border. Immigrants commit less crime than citizens, work harder and are more productive than citizens, tend to be more religious, have more children and are more devoted to family, and serve in the U.S. military in higher percentages than upper income American citizens.

The average income tax rates in Europe are about 50% to 150% more than in the United States. The tax rates are progressive weighted towards the rich. Its how taxes should be done here in the United States.

Most Europeans don't travel to the United States for healthcare.
Universal Healthcare is the best way to make progress on the overweight/obese issue. Most of the overweight/obese issues are with people in poverty or in the lower class with no health insurance at all.

Yes, the Universal Healthcare Overlords will deal with the obesity issue by denying health care services to the fatties, thus causing them to die off much earlier. They'll do the same to the Aged, and anyone with expensive chronic conditions.

For the Common Good, donchaknow.

Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

Do you agree or disagree that unhealthy aka fat people don’t normally live as long as those who are of healthy weight. Stop making it political. Open your eyes.

You have higher rates of obesity among those in poverty and the lower class in the United States than you do in the Middle Class or rich in the United States. People in poverty or the lower class often have poor access to education, healthcare and good quality food at an affordable price.
You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

It's far cheaper to cook healthy food at home than to buy tons-o-crap junk food.

Based on calorie content, the cheapest food out there comes from McDonalds. You can get more than full days worth of calories with just one meal at McDonalds. Many people in low income areas don't actually live in house and do no have a care or other access to transportation. The grocery store if they know where one is, is much further away than the McDonalds where one meal will get you a days worth of calories.

The issue is not cheapness of calories. If someone got 2,000 calories per day on fast food, he likely would not be obese. It's that people eat 4,000, 5,000 or more of crap food. The cost of all of that is more than buying healthy ingredients and cooking at home.

This is an issue for poverty and low income people. Access to good quality food at a low price In low income areas is an issue. Its a fact. If you are overeating by just 200 calories a day, you will eventually become obese.
U2Edge you must have conveniently missed my post from yesterday. Hopefully it doesn’t destroy your narrative.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?"
A few other questions you may have an interest in.....
Do other nations steal from their best citizens to pay for tens of millions of illegal third-world wetbacks and their litters of anchor babies?
What are the average income tax rates in those nations you speak of?
Why do so many folks from those nations you speak of travel to the U.S. for healthcare?
How large is their bottom feeding class that contributes nothing and takes the most?

Yes, other nations properly tax their rich unlike the United States which is a GOOD THING!
The United States needs more latin American immigrants to achieve consistent 3% real GDP growth per year. There is a labor shortage in this country. 7.3 million jobs unfilled. We need more people from Central America to be crossing the border. Immigrants commit less crime than citizens, work harder and are more productive than citizens, tend to be more religious, have more children and are more devoted to family, and serve in the U.S. military in higher percentages than upper income American citizens.

The average income tax rates in Europe are about 50% to 150% more than in the United States. The tax rates are progressive weighted towards the rich. Its how taxes should be done here in the United States.

Most Europeans don't travel to the United States for healthcare.

Okay cool...thanks for the seemed like you were disguising your motive a little bit....I just wanted to expose you as yet another beggar...just another beggar who firmly believes he’s entitled to others shit because he breathes oxygen in a wealthy nation. Cool, carry on with your discreet begging.
Then you want to be proactive and not reactive. We are the fattest country in the world. That is unhealthy and causes the shorter life spans. A ton of fast food and bad eats joints. Bad food costs less. Tackle that instead of universal healthcare because everyone in every party likely agrees that the country is fat

Universal Healthcare is the best way to make progress on the overweight/obese issue. Most of the overweight/obese issues are with people in poverty or in the lower class with no health insurance at all.

Yes...actually, it is. Once the government takes over healthcare, they stop providing quality healthcare, so overweight people die....then, the government increases the economic collapse of the country so that food becomes so hard to get, people lose weight because they run out of house pets to eat.......

Where does this happen in Europe?

In the UK, the NHS exterminates expensive to care for elderly:

Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year | Daily Mail Online

Thousands of elderly patients may have died prematurely due to faulty opiate syringe pumps | Daily Mail Online

Yet, people in the UK on average live longer than people in the United States!

Yes because they have better eating habits overall in Europe. Nothing to do with healthcare. Mutually exclusive. Have you ever traveled?
Yes, the Universal Healthcare Overlords will deal with the obesity issue by denying health care services to the fatties, thus causing them to die off much earlier. They'll do the same to the Aged, and anyone with expensive chronic conditions.

For the Common Good, donchaknow.

Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

Do you agree or disagree that unhealthy aka fat people don’t normally live as long as those who are of healthy weight. Stop making it political. Open your eyes.

You have higher rates of obesity among those in poverty and the lower class in the United States than you do in the Middle Class or rich in the United States. People in poverty or the lower class often have poor access to education, healthcare and good quality food at an affordable price.

Translation: The Poor are too stupid and incompetent to figure out how to eat healthy food and get exercise.

That's the Prog Low Expectations theory of The Poor.
Try establishing residency in Barain or Quatr. In Bahrain your passport determines where you can live and how you can make a living. Try living in Bahrain without a valid passport and starve to death or rot away in prison. You need to support yourself for 20 years before considering establishing residency in Quatar. Try entering the country illegally and universal health care will be the least of your problems. Granted border states in the U.S. are going broke treating illegal aliens but nobody is refused emergency treatment. Again it should be noted that the U.S. supports an estimated 11 million illegal aliens which is more than three times the entire population of Quatar, Bahrain and Cyprus put together.
No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

It's far cheaper to cook healthy food at home than to buy tons-o-crap junk food.

Based on calorie content, the cheapest food out there comes from McDonalds. You can get more than full days worth of calories with just one meal at McDonalds. Many people in low income areas don't actually live in house and do no have a care or other access to transportation. The grocery store if they know where one is, is much further away than the McDonalds where one meal will get you a days worth of calories.

The issue is not cheapness of calories. If someone got 2,000 calories per day on fast food, he likely would not be obese. It's that people eat 4,000, 5,000 or more of crap food. The cost of all of that is more than buying healthy ingredients and cooking at home.

This is an issue for poverty and low income people. Access to good quality food at a low price In low income areas is an issue. Its a fact. If you are overeating by just 200 calories a day, you will eventually become obese.

You keep parroting that, but it's not true for many poor obese people.
No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

In low income areas, many people live closer to a McDonalds than a grocery store. That can also get more calories for a lower price at McDonalds than at the grocery store.

So now you think the Poor are innately less intelligent and unable to locate a grocery store.

Low income areas, poor housing, no transportation, no grocery store located nearby. Proximity and the price you pay for a calorie of food is what is critical here.

Translation: The Poor are too stupid to figure out how to find and travel to a grocery store.

They may not have the means to travel to a grocery store, that is if one is even available in the low income area they live in. Poverty and low income areas generally have lower life expectancy, education, and quality of life.
Yes, the Universal Healthcare Overlords will deal with the obesity issue by denying health care services to the fatties, thus causing them to die off much earlier. They'll do the same to the Aged, and anyone with expensive chronic conditions.

For the Common Good, donchaknow.

Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

Do you agree or disagree that unhealthy aka fat people don’t normally live as long as those who are of healthy weight. Stop making it political. Open your eyes.

You have higher rates of obesity among those in poverty and the lower class in the United States than you do in the Middle Class or rich in the United States. People in poverty or the lower class often have poor access to education, healthcare and good quality food at an affordable price.

Yes and Nationalized Healthcare would not solve that. If I have a leaky roof, fixing my toilet won’t fix the roof lol. Sir, with all due respect you are just writing and not reading what I am writing.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

It's far cheaper to cook healthy food at home than to buy tons-o-crap junk food.

Based on calorie content, the cheapest food out there comes from McDonalds. You can get more than full days worth of calories with just one meal at McDonalds. Many people in low income areas don't actually live in house and do no have a care or other access to transportation. The grocery store if they know where one is, is much further away than the McDonalds where one meal will get you a days worth of calories.

The issue is not cheapness of calories. If someone got 2,000 calories per day on fast food, he likely would not be obese. It's that people eat 4,000, 5,000 or more of crap food. The cost of all of that is more than buying healthy ingredients and cooking at home.

This is an issue for poverty and low income people. Access to good quality food at a low price In low income areas is an issue. Its a fact. If you are overeating by just 200 calories a day, you will eventually become obese.

You keep parroting that, but it's not true for many poor obese people.

The studies on the issue that have been done show that poverty and low income impact the rate of obesity.
Universal Healthcare is the best way to make progress on the overweight/obese issue. Most of the overweight/obese issues are with people in poverty or in the lower class with no health insurance at all.

Yes...actually, it is. Once the government takes over healthcare, they stop providing quality healthcare, so overweight people die....then, the government increases the economic collapse of the country so that food becomes so hard to get, people lose weight because they run out of house pets to eat.......

Where does this happen in Europe?

In the UK, the NHS exterminates expensive to care for elderly:

Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year | Daily Mail Online

Thousands of elderly patients may have died prematurely due to faulty opiate syringe pumps | Daily Mail Online

Yet, people in the UK on average live longer than people in the United States!

Yes because they have better eating habits overall in Europe. Nothing to do with healthcare. Mutually exclusive. Have you ever traveled?

About that myth that people in the UK are healthier: they're getting tubbier too.

The term "obese" describes a person who's very overweight, with a lot of body fat.

It's a common problem in the UK that's estimated to affect around one in every four adults.

In 2016 according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nearly 27 per cent of adults in the United Kingdom were obese, the highest proportion in Western Europe and a 92 per cent increase since 1996.

It's claimed that by 2030, half of the UK could be obese if the trends continue.

In September 2018, a UN study reported the UK was the third-fattest nation in Europe - behind just Turkey and Malta with an obesity rate of 27.8 per cent.

And in December the UK was crowned the 26th fattest country in the world.

What is the obesity crisis, how does alcohol affect your weight and how can childhood obesity be prevented?
Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

Do you agree or disagree that unhealthy aka fat people don’t normally live as long as those who are of healthy weight. Stop making it political. Open your eyes.

You have higher rates of obesity among those in poverty and the lower class in the United States than you do in the Middle Class or rich in the United States. People in poverty or the lower class often have poor access to education, healthcare and good quality food at an affordable price.

Yes and Nationalized Healthcare would not solve that. If I have a leaky roof, fixing my toilet won’t fix the roof lol. Sir, with all due respect you are just writing and not reading what I am writing.

It would, because then people in low income areas would have access to food and healthcare that they are currently not receiving.

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