The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.
No, he's not misguided....He is truly insane.

Look at the argument he's trying to make, that the Pentagon is a suitable model to run the entire medical services industry of the nation...Only a truly detached-from-reality lunatic could try to seriously impose that system upon all of us.
The 34th ranking isn't based solely on life expectancy, nimrod. And life expectancy isn't determined solely by the quality of your healthcare system. After achieving a certain minimum, it's largely based on diet and habits like smoking or drinking.

Europeans smoke and drink more than Americans on average.
They are a lot skinnier than Americans, and they don't have hoards of pregnant teenage girls running around.

That's because they have lower poverty rates. Much of the obese/overweight issues in the United States come from those in poverty and the lower class. Lack of access to medical care/advise and lack of access to quality healthy food at an affordable price. Universal Healthcare in the United States would help eliminate this problem.
How would universal healthcare prevent poor people from eating junk food?

Healthy food is cheap. Highly processed junk food is expensive, and that's what the poor eat. That's why they are heavier than the wealthier quintiles of the population.

People are poor because of their bad habits, not the other way around.
Bullshit. You never heard of the "dollar menu"?

Eating healthy DOES cost more

No it doesn't. I just posted the evidence.
All countries have dumb shit like that, yet still manage to fund healthcare for all. Except the richest country in the world.
The collapse of the housing & auto industry nearly brought our country to its knees fiscally and you want to double down on the fiscal stupidity.

Simply unreal
We got fucked by the banks. And because of that you don't want universal healthcare. Not logical.
You try to equate universal healthcare to life longevity. People around the globe lead different lifestyles and have a WIDE variety in diet and exercise. Those are the reasons for longer life.
So spare me the bullshit about me lacking logic

You cannot separate a countries health care system and the life expectancy of its people. Whether a nation is healthy is best determined by life expectancy. Healthcare plays a vital role in extending life.
Actually, largely you can. Once a country's healthcare reaches a certain basic level, life expectancy is determined largely by factors such as sanitation, diet and personal habits such as smoking, drinking and exercise. Simply walking a mile every day will probably increase your life expectancy by 10 years.

Europeans drink more and smoke more than Americans. They live longer thanks to their Universal Healthcare.
Population of Bahrain- a little over a million, population of Cyprus- a little over a million, population of Qatar around 2 million. Estimated illegal alien population in the U.S. - about 11 million. Do the freaking math before you start trashing your own Country.
Yea...because "god fearing" white trash girls never do that right?

Oh wait...they do. All over the place
How does that have anything to do with your claim that white girls don't get pregnant at 14?
People are right when they say you are the dumbest poster in this forum.
Universal Healthcare is the best way to make progress on the overweight/obese issue. Most of the overweight/obese issues are with people in poverty or in the lower class with no health insurance at all.

Yes, the Universal Healthcare Overlords will deal with the obesity issue by denying health care services to the fatties, thus causing them to die off much earlier. They'll do the same to the Aged, and anyone with expensive chronic conditions.

For the Common Good, donchaknow.

Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Population of Bahrain- a little over a million, population of Cyprus- a little over a million, population of Qatar around 2 million. Estimated illegal alien population in the U.S. - about 11 million. Do the freaking math before you start trashing your own Country.

Population in the U.S. about 11 million?
Then move

Problem solved

I'm interested in making my country a better place to live. I wanted it to be #1 in healthcare and quality of life.

Then you want to be proactive and not reactive. We are the fattest country in the world. That is unhealthy and causes the shorter life spans. A ton of fast food and bad eats joints. Bad food costs less. Tackle that instead of universal healthcare because everyone in every party likely agrees that the country is fat

Universal Healthcare is the best way to make progress on the overweight/obese issue. Most of the overweight/obese issues are with people in poverty or in the lower class with no health insurance at all.

Actually they are on Medicaid and how does health insurance impact eating habits. I vehemently disagree with you.

It pays to see the doctor, nurse, nutritionist, and other health providers than can help people in poor and lower income communities live and lead healthier life styles.
You don't need a nutritionist to tell you not to stuff Cheetos and Pizza into your mouth 24 hours/day.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Ok, I’ll play. You pick the system from any of these countries you want to model here in the US. Once you have identified the country we can discuss how we model it to achieve the same results. I’m waiting.....
Yes, the Universal Healthcare Overlords will deal with the obesity issue by denying health care services to the fatties, thus causing them to die off much earlier. They'll do the same to the Aged, and anyone with expensive chronic conditions.

For the Common Good, donchaknow.

Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.
Are you nuts? The VA is one of the worst healthcare systems in the have no idea what you are talking about.....
And he wants to deploy more troops in Europe, to guard against RUSSIA!

He's certifiably insane.

Of course, you would think that is in insane. Your a Trump supporter, a man who is essentially an agent of the Russian Federation. The Russians just invaded and annexed Crimea from the Ukraine in 2014. The possibility that they may try annex parts of Estonia and Latvia, two NATO countries, just went up. NATO as a whole does not have enough forces defending its eastern border area with Russia. Historically, such weakness and a lack of deterrence increases the odds of military aggression by a country like Russia.
Obama denied Poland a missile defense system. So who's the agent of the Russian Federation?

At least Obama did not try to pull the United States out of NATO like Trump did. More proof that Trumps is an agent of the Russian federation with that move. Obama deployed U.S. troops to Eastern Europe for the first time in history. Before Obama was in office, there were no U.S. troops stationed in Estonia or Latvia along the Russian border.
Ok, I’ll play. You pick the system from any of these countries you want to model here in the US. Once you have identified the country we can discuss how we model it to achieve the same results. I’m waiting.....
He already determined that his model of choice is the Pentagon.

Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Because we're smarter than the rest of the world.

The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?

So the reasonable assumption from you comments is that the US government is horribly inefficient. Who would have guessed?
Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

In low income areas, many people live closer to a McDonalds than a grocery store. That can also get more calories for a lower price at McDonalds than at the grocery store.
Yes, the Universal Healthcare Overlords will deal with the obesity issue by denying health care services to the fatties, thus causing them to die off much earlier. They'll do the same to the Aged, and anyone with expensive chronic conditions.

For the Common Good, donchaknow.

Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.

Ah, I see. You look down on poor people as being innately less competent to choose healthy food, cook healthy food, and maneuver through a health care system.

And as I already noted: they already receive Government Funded Healthcare. So if that Government Funded Healthcare is not properly accessible, how is making the Government responsible for all Healthcare going to result in better accessibility? That's a rhetorical question. It won't. Government control will just make the system worse for everyone - the general goal of Socialism-Communism-Totalitarianism.
Universal Healthcare is one of the reasons why Europeans are healthier and live longer.

Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

It's far cheaper to cook healthy food at home than to buy tons-o-crap junk food.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Ok, I’ll play. You pick the system from any of these countries you want to model here in the US. Once you have identified the country we can discuss how we model it to achieve the same results. I’m waiting.....

Its not about adopting a particular countries model, its making sure Universal Healthcare is provided to all Americans regardless of that model used. America can design its own model, provided that everyone gets healthcare and the burden for paying for it is shifted to the wealthy through a higher top federal tax rate of 70% or more.
Utter nonsense.

The U.S. is a not comparable to a largely homogenous small European country. We have people from all over the world here - including 20M plus illegal aliens.

How long you live is not based on race or what country you came from, its based on where you live currently and the environment and conditions you are CURRENTLY living in.

You are sorely misguided.

Genetics and the personal choices we make in how we live our lives are far bigger determinants of health than the patch of land one occupies (unless one lives in a toxic waste dump).

The poor in the U.S. are perfectly free to eat healthy food and get exercise. That they don't is due to the culture of dependency caused by Big Government support. Universal Healthcare just doubles down on something that is already failing. Those poor, by the way, ALREADY HAVE GOVERNMENT PROVIDED HEALTHCARE. As it is not making them healthier, expanding its scope is pointless at best, and disastrous at worst.

No its because low income areas of the United States have poor access to health care and good quality food at an affordable price. When you have conditions like that, the results are not surprising.
Bullshit. Show me one grocery store than doesn't have chicken, rice, carrots or broccoli.

In low income areas, many people live closer to a McDonalds than a grocery store. That can also get more calories for a lower price at McDonalds than at the grocery store.

So now you think the Poor are innately less intelligent and unable to locate a grocery store.
It is all about priorities. The D's prioritize people, the R's profit. It is really that simple.

Well said Wry

Having served 3 decades in local ems lends to a LOT of stories

Those that thought they were covered, in good hands, became targets of capitalist medicine

Trust me in that the best 'out' one has here is to quietly code in one's sleep


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