The 5th column

I was trying to defend P. Jew from accusations of being an agnostic. he is a devout catholic but still again i dont care sure I lied but you are the only one who resorted to insults, being a slanderer and being a liar run pretty damn close.
I should also say that he is a good guy, he just hates christianity. And I just read the list of times he said he didn't know me, I'm not sure why it was so impt(i'll find out later), but if I had been here while he was posting I'd have told him I didn't care.
Originally posted by deaddude
I was trying to defend P. Jew from accusations of being an agnostic. he is a devout catholic but still again i dont care sure I lied but you are the only one who resorted to insults, being a slanderer and being a liar run pretty damn close.

I think PJ is quite capable of defending himself.

And now every post you make here is useless. You've been outted as a piece of shit liar.

And allow me to remind you yet again to stay in school. Words can only be considered slander if they are spoken. I believe, my illiterate little friend, you meant to say libel.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
I should also say that he is a good guy, he just hates christianity.

If that and being a liar equates to "good", you guys are a fine example of socialists.
If accusing everyone for of being a socialist or accusing all muslims of trying to take over the world is being a good guy then Id rather be pure evil

To take a passage from your all teaching bible " Judge not lest ye be judged" though you hell-fire and brimstone guys always seem to forget about that one
Originally posted by deaddude
If accusing everyone for of being a socialist or accusing all muslims of trying to take over the world is being a good guy then Id rather be pure evil

To take a passage from your all teaching bible " Judge not lest ye be judged" though you hell-fire and brimstone guys always seem to forget about that one


Would you care to post the entire passage to put it into context?
jimnyc Im afraid every point you make hits dead on I lied and you have caught me at it damn! However again I state that I dont care for all of your remarks about me being a "sack of shit" or a "prick." Even though I may and, in my oppinion, do deserve them. The permanency of ostracism is quite uncalled for but if you see the need I will be content to merely observe the forums.
Why dont you post the entire thing bible boy im sure you have some copy of it
Originally posted by deaddude
Why dont you post the entire thing bible boy im sure you have some copy of it

Until you make an intelligent remark in context, your statements, (especially regarding Biblical passages), are not worth discussing.
just put the thing in context New Guy I dont happen to have the entire passage in my head like I do that one particular quote. If you have it just post it
Originally posted by deaddude
by the way Jimnyc that was a beautiful violin solo what peice was it from.

What 'peice'? Type slower, you'll either appear more intelligent or save us from having to read more of your drivel. :D
Even if I did make an intelegent comment (heaven {ha} forbid) you would strike it down as stupid and make some technical correction and write off said comment in a flurry of insults.
Originally posted by deaddude
Even if I did make an intelegent comment (heaven {ha} forbid) you would strike it down as stupid and make some technical correction and write off said comment in a flurry of insults.

How would you know? You've yet to write anything of intelligence.
Originally posted by jimnyc
I hope you aren't holding your breath waiting for this miracle.


As they say, even God can't steer a parked car.
"How would you know? You've yet to write anything of intelligence."

How would you know I haven't written anything of intelligence; you've yet to look at any one of my posts objectively. You caught me lying on an anonymous meassage board and you labled me a "lying sack of shit." You read my posts not looking for intelligent comments but looking for fodder for your next post. You did this even before you caught me at the lie.

So I, who obviously lack intelligence, am confused. I am confused that you can get so angry over a lie of no real importance on an anonymous measage board yet you have already forgiven Bush for lies about weapons of mass destruction that led us to war and to the deaths of about 700 soldiers and thousands of Iraqis.

Now I'm sure I probably spelled something wrong or left out a comma somewhere, so jimnyc you can focus on that and claim that the entire post is unintelligent.

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