The 6 Types of Gun Grabbers


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Type 1: There is a sucker born every minute. Before Sarah Brady died and went to her happy place she ran the none profit group, The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The group showed they had no morals time and time again. No matter which gun they wanted to ban it was the favorite weapon for criminals and after 9/11 it was the terrorist favorite too. "GUN DEATHS AMONG CHILDREN IS SKYROCKETING" blasted their web sight and the media. I knew better and checked. Sarah took the age one becomes an adult 18 and moved it to 26. Now your children's death rate would include most gang and drug related killings.

When she got her gun ban in DC it shot the city to murder capital of the nation in less than a year. Words as semi auto assault rifle, plastic gun, Saturday night special, cop killing bullets, cop killer gun all came from the back room of the Brady Center once known as Hand Gun Control. You need a lot of fear to keep those Donations coming in and Sarah living the life style she is accustom Sarah pulled $900,000 a year off the top of those donations, Plus $5,000 every time she would show up with her machine gun toting body guards to sling her lies and wheel around Side Show Bob just like a snake oil salesman. You know after seeing the death she had caused she still was able to sleep at night till the day she went to hell.

Number two is one who thinks everyone gets crazy with a gun because he does and lost his right to posses arms long ago.

Number three is one of Sarah Brady's chumps. If he don't donate now, donate a lot, and donate often he will be dead. Sarah was a busy woman and may not have the time to save him from that semi automatic, hollow core, cop killing, plastic, ceramic bullet coming right at his head at 25,000 foot per second carrying a ball and chain.

Number four is a person that sold his right to have a gun for a food stamp and a roach infested roof over his worthless head. Government dependents are not allowed fire arms. They are worthless, couldn't tell the Constitution from the Communist Manifesto, and vote for what the democrats tell them to vote for. Isn't it a Great Society!?

Number five They have never held a gun if they did it would go off and the fearful idiot would shoot himself in the head curing his brain damage and give him back 20/20 vision or kill another family member as Sarah said 'you are 47 times more likely to shoot a love one than a bad guy.

Number 6 is someone who is all of number one through five and more. You will find him under his bed from being kicked, beaten, and burned by his foster parents or hanging out in Grey Hound bus station men's room stalls looking for a boy friend. Most have red hair and give genocide a good name. There are a lot of a-holes out there. If I missed anyone let me know, I'll control my breathing more next time I aim.

For these people if your home is ever invaded you have the Brady Maneuver. When you are being attacked remain completely limp and don't make any defensive move. Soon your attackers will tire of beating you and move on to another family member. With any luck Neighborhood Watch will show up and watch.
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