The absence of the Iraq and Afghan wars..and the war on terror in general at the RNC.

With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


Yes. Strange that they aren't so hawkish now. I guess it would require reversing their whole position mandating supporting a president in a time of war, huh?
Meanwhile, we're still in the shit hole Afghanistan.... Troops getting killed by the fuckers they are training...

Somehow the left stopped protesting that war... Stopped as of 1/20/2009...
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


Yes. Strange that they aren't so hawkish now. I guess it would require reversing their whole position mandating supporting a president in a time of war, huh?

Another wonderful Conservative hypocrisy..

Brought to you by Mr. Conservative himself..Mitt Romney.

Who's been a bat shit conservative for what..six months now?
Haven't we begun drawing down troops for our withdraw from Afghanistan? In fact I would not be surprised if on November 7th whoever is President elect does not set a date for total withdraw. Here is the simple truth the Republicans didn't talk about it because they know the American people are focused on the economy not Afghanistan or really even foreign policy at all which is why I suspect you will hear little if anything about Afghanistan from the Democrats at the convention outside of highlighting Bin Laden's death.

They ain't talking about it because it represents one of many Republican failures that Obama's been left to clean up.

That's why they ain't talking about it.

Romney's the first Republican candidate since 1952..not to talk about war.

Good show.

A republican failure now how did that become a Republican failure when it was supported by virtually ever Democrat at the time and don't to try and say Iraq because a majority of Democrats also supported that at the time as well. Are you upset that Romeny is not talking about war so you can't call him a war monger? How sad you can't use that talking point. The main failure here has been your attempts to try and make this into a big deal.

Oh he has been talking about war..

With Iran.

While shaking a fist at
"The Soviet Union"..


[ame=]Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy Senior Advisor, Rich Williamson, Refers to Russia as "Soviet Union" - YouTube[/ame]
With the notable exception of McCain, who wants to start wars with Syria, Iran, Libya and several other middle eastern country to build governments in America's image..and Eastwood..who notably advocated for the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan..there was little about our ongoing, real live shooting wars at the RNC.

Why was that?


Maybe it's because the left has told us over and over Obama ended the wars.:eusa_whistle:

We have? When?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I seriously doubt a loyal programmed Obamabot is going to agree with anything that was or wasn't discussed at the GOP Convention. This post is Bullshite. Nuff said.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I seriously doubt a loyal programmed Obamabot is going to agree with anything that was or wasn't discussed at the GOP Convention. This post is Bullshite. Nuff said.

It wasn't mentioned.


And that's what is interesting.
Well sir..Obama not only mentioned the wars..but thanked the Veterans for the service. As was done through the whole DNC.
Doesn't it say a lot about what they think about our troops. They don't think about them at all
Doesn't it say a lot about what they think about our troops. They don't think about them at all


And Romney dug a bigger hole for himself trying to explain it. First he said he mentioned his policy plans at his speech at the American Legion. That turns out to be a lie. Then he went on to say he wanted to talk about "important" things.

Also he says the "Miltary" = "Troops".

It doesn't. The military is much more then the troops. It's gear. It's policy. It's real estate.

Part and parcel with that is military contracts. The type that cost alot of money and make the private sector bosses very rich.

That's basically the "Military" Romney cares about.

The type that acts as a funnel for wealth extraction from the middle and lower class to the upper crust.
Romney's addressing the national guard today. Wonder how much deeper this ditch will get.

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