The abuse of Greta

First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’

I did not know who this was. It seems she is a bit unhinged.

A classic example of the social rot in our society.

She suffers from a number of mental disorders that remove some of the normal social skills that most people have.

She has a TED talk out there where she is calm and pretty much normal.

It is on thing to disagree with her message, another to attack her personally.
If she has medically diagnosed mental issues, why is she being permitted to speak on a world stage and threaten those who do not agree with her fantasies?

Society has slowly been going down the very road she is treading on right now.

First, you bully your parents with tantrums and anger fits.

Then you bully those at school if they do not adhere to your way of things.

Then you start screaming and namecalling those you disagree with.

Then you start punching them.

Then you get friends together and start attacking them with weapons.

Then you go out and start mass shooting those you dislike.

All brought to us by people unwilling to stand up to a brat and tell her she is wrong and to sit down and shut up.

The trouble is, it is already to late for her.

Is there a contest to see who can be the biggest snowflake about this girl?

I think you are in the lead
Notice how this thread morphed into an off-the-rails pissing contest? Attacking a young girl, excoriating her self being, and persistently playing the blame game. Is anyone aware of the presidents son? Is he fair game to those who question his condition? And where is Melania on the subject?
What was the reaction supposed to be when people are yelling at you and hating you? Love? Dude, are you for real? Fk her ideas and her parents
Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?
Stupid thread. Not one person thinks this. We will still turn to the experts for policy suggestions.
Then it was point one. She’s a puppet for the left. She had no purpose to these speeches other than emotional outbursts.

First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’

I did not know who this was. It seems she is a bit unhinged.

A classic example of the social rot in our society.

She suffers from a number of mental disorders that remove some of the normal social skills that most people have.

She has a TED talk out there where she is calm and pretty much normal.

It is on thing to disagree with her message, another to attack her personally.
She made it personal didn’t she? Or her puppet masters did. All that crazy shit about how dare we ruin her life. There’s no reason we have to put up with that shit and stay silent.
You don't appear to be able to "best" anyone. Nobody is trying to "best" poor Greta, she is a pawn for you AGW Conspiracy nuts.

Nice try, but I am not an AGW Conspiracy nut, I just think attacking a 16 year old because you do not agree with her is a petty thing to do. You all seem to think it makes a real man.

You don't know what I think, her 15 mins will be over soon and then she will go the way of hero David Hogg. You have no idea what a "real" man is.
Notice how this thread morphed into an off-the-rails pissing contest? Attacking a young girl, excoriating her self being, and persistently playing the blame game. Is anyone aware of the presidents son? Is he fair game to those who question his condition? And where is Melania on the subject?

I for one tend to not listen to people that do not respect others. To me she was disrespectful to the U.N. other than that, I wish her well and I hope she has a good trip back home.
Her ideas are childish!
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’

I did not know who this was. It seems she is a bit unhinged.

A classic example of the social rot in our society.

She suffers from a number of mental disorders that remove some of the normal social skills that most people have.

She has a TED talk out there where she is calm and pretty much normal.

It is on thing to disagree with her message, another to attack her personally.
If she has medically diagnosed mental issues, why is she being permitted to speak on a world stage and threaten those who do not agree with her fantasies?

Society has slowly been going down the very road she is treading on right now.

First, you bully your parents with tantrums and anger fits.

Then you bully those at school if they do not adhere to your way of things.

Then you start screaming and namecalling those you disagree with.

Then you start punching them.

Then you get friends together and start attacking them with weapons.

Then you go out and start mass shooting those you dislike.

All brought to us by people unwilling to stand up to a brat and tell her she is wrong and to sit down and shut up.

The trouble is, it is already to late for her.

Is there a contest to see who can be the biggest snowflake about this girl?

I think you are in the lead
I am pretty sure that your view on the matter is not relevant.

We see this kind of slide going on all the time. Just watch the Universities, Antifa, and of course, any manifesto from any mass shooter.

Say goodbye now.
Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.
Does it help?
Where is the compassion of Conservatives?
They attack Parkland Students who just underwent a massacre of fellow students

They personally attack a young girl who is passionate about protecting the environment

Can’t they address the issue rather than generating hatred against those who dare to disagree?

Did she present her arguments in a respectful and civil manner?
Does that somehow condone adults calling a child a Nazi, a retard and attacking her parents?

Who is held to a higher standard of behavior?

Why did you not answer the question?

Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you, that you cannot answer a simple fucking question?

And why should I answer your fucking questions, when you refuse to answer mine?

OK...I will answer your question
But let’s establish the conditions

You spell out what she said that was disrespectful. Please detail anything that is a personal attack or name calling

I will do the same with what Conservatives are saying about her

Then we can compare notes

I asked if she presented her arguments in a respectful and civil manner.

Your response is to demand that I "spell out what she said that was disrespectful"?

You don't even understand the concept of a real question.

Possibly because it has been so long since you actually asked one.

Seriously. something is seriously fucking wrong with you.
From what I have seen, she is being celebrated by the Left for being rude to world leaders.

That does not impress me. Being rude is easy. Being civil deserves far more respect.

people with her conditions are often mistaken for being rude as they lack some of the innate social skills most people have.

Perhaps a little charity on your part would be appropriate...the term 'be the adult in the room" comes to mind.

Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

No shit, I asked him a very simple question and he jumped in with his macho bullshit attacks.

What question did you ask him?
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’

I did not know who this was. It seems she is a bit unhinged.

A classic example of the social rot in our society.

She suffers from a number of mental disorders that remove some of the normal social skills that most people have.

She has a TED talk out there where she is calm and pretty much normal.

It is on thing to disagree with her message, another to attack her personally.
She made it personal didn’t she? Or her puppet masters did. All that crazy shit about how dare we ruin her life. There’s no reason we have to put up with that shit and stay silent.

She is a 16 year old girl with mental disorders that remove some of the normal social skills that most people have.

And she has a passion for a subject, I think she is brave as hell even though I do not agree with 90% of what she is saying.

But hey, you keep on attacking the little 16 year old, I am sure it makes you feel like a man to brag to you friends about it
From what I have seen, she is being celebrated by the Left for being rude to world leaders.

That does not impress me. Being rude is easy. Being civil deserves far more respect.

people with her conditions are often mistaken for being rude as they lack some of the innate social skills most people have.

Perhaps a little charity on your part would be appropriate...the term 'be the adult in the room" comes to mind.

Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

I am truly embarrassed for you. you are so petty that you are incapable of offering charity or understanding to a 16 year old with a mental disorder that limits the control she has over herself.

Your cowardly desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by made up bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
then what was her purpose
To urge them to listen to the experts and take action, of course.
Who is she that she gained that right and not me? I have things to say too? Why a child? Her purpose was to be a parrot, her knowledge of life is childish. She has no formal skills or purpose in life except school! So again, what was her purpose? You believe she knows all about climate do you? Let’s laugh
You don't appear to be able to "best" anyone. Nobody is trying to "best" poor Greta, she is a pawn for you AGW Conspiracy nuts.

Nice try, but I am not an AGW Conspiracy nut, I just think attacking a 16 year old because you do not agree with her is a petty thing to do. You all seem to think it makes a real man.

You don't know what I think, her 15 mins will be over soon and then she will go the way of hero David Hogg. You have no idea what a "real" man is.

I do not actually even know that you do think, you have provided no evidence of such yet.

She has given almost a dozen speeches and done a TED talk over the last year or so....just think she has had more fame in the last year than you will in your whole life...
Notice how this thread morphed into an off-the-rails pissing contest? Attacking a young girl, excoriating her self being, and persistently playing the blame game. Is anyone aware of the presidents son? Is he fair game to those who question his condition? And where is Melania on the subject?
What was the reaction supposed to be when people are yelling at you and hating you? Love? Dude, are you for real? Fk her ideas and her parents
Who was yelling at you Dude?
You don't appear to be able to "best" anyone. Nobody is trying to "best" poor Greta, she is a pawn for you AGW Conspiracy nuts.

Nice try, but I am not an AGW Conspiracy nut, I just think attacking a 16 year old because you do not agree with her is a petty thing to do. You all seem to think it makes a real man.

You don't know what I think, her 15 mins will be over soon and then she will go the way of hero David Hogg. You have no idea what a "real" man is.

I do not actually even know that you do think, you have provided no evidence of such yet.

She has given almost a dozen speeches and done a TED talk over the last year or so....just think she has had more fame in the last year than you will in your whole life...

Let's hope it does not kill her.
people with her conditions are often mistaken for being rude as they lack some of the innate social skills most people have.

Perhaps a little charity on your part would be appropriate...the term 'be the adult in the room" comes to mind.

Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

I am truly embarrassed for you. you are so petty that you are incapable of offering charity or understanding to a 16 year old with a mental disorder that limits the control she has over herself.

Your cowardly desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by made up bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

you are such an internet tough guy, attacking a 16 year old!

Your desire for your spokesgirl, to be allowed to lecture people, very rudely, while we have to stand there and just take it like a bitch, is noted and denied.

The concept of being the bigger person is totally lost on you, even when the other person is a child with a mental disorder.

You are truly a loathsome human being

Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

I am truly embarrassed for you. you are so petty that you are incapable of offering charity or understanding to a 16 year old with a mental disorder that limits the control she has over herself.

Your cowardly desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by made up bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.

you are such an internet tough guy, attacking a 16 year old!


Your desire to be allowed to verbally abuse your enemies, while they are required by bullshit reasons to just stand there and take it like a bitch,

is noted and denied.
You don't appear to be able to "best" anyone. Nobody is trying to "best" poor Greta, she is a pawn for you AGW Conspiracy nuts.

Nice try, but I am not an AGW Conspiracy nut, I just think attacking a 16 year old because you do not agree with her is a petty thing to do. You all seem to think it makes a real man.

You don't know what I think, her 15 mins will be over soon and then she will go the way of hero David Hogg. You have no idea what a "real" man is.

I do not actually even know that you do think, you have provided no evidence of such yet.

She has given almost a dozen speeches and done a TED talk over the last year or so....just think she has had more fame in the last year than you will in your whole life...

Let's hope it does not kill her.

you are the one triggered by her, perhaps we should worry about you
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

Want to know about hostility for a young person...… ask Nick Sampson left wing nuts went after him hammer and tong.

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