The abuse of Greta

what is her mental illness?

From what I have heard, autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, with high anxiety.

NOT the type of person, you want to subject to global scrutiny and criticism.

Is autism classified as a mental illness?

Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.

Then perhaps people like you should not attack her for having a different view
what is her mental illness?

From what I have heard, autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, with high anxiety.

NOT the type of person, you want to subject to global scrutiny and criticism.

Is autism classified as a mental illness?

Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.
Does it help?
Where is the compassion of Conservatives?

They attack Parkland Students who just underwent a massacre of fellow students

They personally attack a young girl who is passionate about protecting the environment

Can’t they address the issue rather than generating hatred against those who dare to disagree?
I've received worse from people like you for less reason over the last few years, so fuck it.

Also my understanding is that she IS mentally ill, and her parents should be attacked for letting her be put in the media spotlight like this.

what is her mental illness?

She is autistic

I do not believe that is classified as a mental illness.

Don't care what you "believe" , I ain't the smartest kid in the sand box but I do my homework.

"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, published in 2013) includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) as part of ASD rather than as separate disorders. A diagnosis of ASD includes an assessment of intellectual disability and language impairment."

Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Thanks! I knew I was correct.

You do know there is a difference between a mental illness and mental disorder....right? Did you homework tell you that as well?

I'm sure that will be of great comfort to her parents, if she commits suicide.

From what I have heard, autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, with high anxiety.

NOT the type of person, you want to subject to global scrutiny and criticism.

Is autism classified as a mental illness?

Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.

Then perhaps people like you should not attack her for having a different view

Perhaps she should be more respectful to her elders, and her elders will be nicer to her back.
what is her mental illness?

She is autistic

I do not believe that is classified as a mental illness.

Don't care what you "believe" , I ain't the smartest kid in the sand box but I do my homework.

"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, published in 2013) includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) as part of ASD rather than as separate disorders. A diagnosis of ASD includes an assessment of intellectual disability and language impairment."

Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Thanks! I knew I was correct.

You do know there is a difference between a mental illness and mental disorder....right? Did you homework tell you that as well?

I'm sure that will be of great comfort to her parents, if she commits suicide.

Why do you assume she is that weak? As a child with autism she has likely been made fun of her whole life, kids are cruel to each other
Is autism classified as a mental illness?

Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.

Then perhaps people like you should not attack her for having a different view

Perhaps she should be more respectful to her elders, and her elders will be nicer to her back.

Once again, blaming others for your own actions.

Do you know realize how pathetic this sounds...."well the child was mean to me first....waaaaaaaaaaaa"
Is autism classified as a mental illness?

Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.

Then perhaps people like you should not attack her for having a different view

Perhaps she should be more respectful to her elders, and her elders will be nicer to her back.
How should she respond to leaders who do nothing to address global warming but offer platitudes?

I loved how she spanked the U.N.

From what I have heard, autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, with high anxiety.

NOT the type of person, you want to subject to global scrutiny and criticism.

Is autism classified as a mental illness?

Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.
Does it help?
Where is the compassion of Conservatives?

They attack Parkland Students who just underwent a massacre of fellow students

They personally attack a young girl who is passionate about protecting the environment

Can’t they address the issue rather than generating hatred against those who dare to disagree?

Did she present her arguments in a respectful and civil manner?
She is autistic

I do not believe that is classified as a mental illness.

Don't care what you "believe" , I ain't the smartest kid in the sand box but I do my homework.

"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, published in 2013) includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) as part of ASD rather than as separate disorders. A diagnosis of ASD includes an assessment of intellectual disability and language impairment."

Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Thanks! I knew I was correct.

You do know there is a difference between a mental illness and mental disorder....right? Did you homework tell you that as well?

I'm sure that will be of great comfort to her parents, if she commits suicide.

Why do you assume she is that weak? As a child with autism she has likely been made fun of her whole life, kids are cruel to each other

ONe of my daughter's friends has anxiety. I wouldn't ask her to speak in front of the class, let alone the world.
Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.

Then perhaps people like you should not attack her for having a different view

Perhaps she should be more respectful to her elders, and her elders will be nicer to her back.

Once again, blaming others for your own actions.

Do you know realize how pathetic this sounds...."well the child was mean to me first....waaaaaaaaaaaa"

I think it sounds like you want to hear it.
Not sure why you ignored two of the three things I said. My point stands. No good parent would put their child, especially that one, in the global spotlight.
Why not?

Because they should know how nasty and cruel conservatives can be?

Cruelty is not required for a young girl with high anxiety to be seriously harmed by global attention and criticism.

Then perhaps people like you should not attack her for having a different view

Perhaps she should be more respectful to her elders, and her elders will be nicer to her back.
How should she respond to leaders who do nothing to address global warming but offer platitudes?

I loved how she spanked the U.N.

So, you want her to be allowed to "spank" world leaders, but you dont' want any pushback?

Got it. Standard lib cowardice.
I do not believe that is classified as a mental illness.

Don't care what you "believe" , I ain't the smartest kid in the sand box but I do my homework.

"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, published in 2013) includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) as part of ASD rather than as separate disorders. A diagnosis of ASD includes an assessment of intellectual disability and language impairment."

Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Thanks! I knew I was correct.

You do know there is a difference between a mental illness and mental disorder....right? Did you homework tell you that as well?

I'm sure that will be of great comfort to her parents, if she commits suicide.

Why do you assume she is that weak? As a child with autism she has likely been made fun of her whole life, kids are cruel to each other

ONe of my daughter's friends has anxiety. I wouldn't ask her to speak in front of the class, let alone the world.

anxiety is very different than autism
Don't care what you "believe" , I ain't the smartest kid in the sand box but I do my homework.

"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, published in 2013) includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) as part of ASD rather than as separate disorders. A diagnosis of ASD includes an assessment of intellectual disability and language impairment."

Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Thanks! I knew I was correct.

You do know there is a difference between a mental illness and mental disorder....right? Did you homework tell you that as well?

I'm sure that will be of great comfort to her parents, if she commits suicide.

Why do you assume she is that weak? As a child with autism she has likely been made fun of her whole life, kids are cruel to each other

ONe of my daughter's friends has anxiety. I wouldn't ask her to speak in front of the class, let alone the world.

anxiety is very different than autism

And Greta has both. And more.
Just because a teenager cries and throws a temper-tantrum we have to bow at the alter of socialism.
Very true

Climate change deniers are very few even if many of them hang out on forums like this

The issue is not whether climate change is real. Most know it is.

Most know that man has some impact and influence on the climate. How much is not clear or certain.

The big issue is what to do about it. Every solution proposed is a monstrous effort to radically control every aspect of every persons life. It is an effort to force socialism poverty and destitution on everyone

The cure is always worse than the problem
The is no such thing as a climate change denier...everyone knows the climate changes.

IM2 claims it never happened before.
IM2 think whites and their inventions cause this.

He doesn't realize that folks in Somalia and other countries have deforested most of Africa to burn as firewood for heat.
What about Ireland.
Tress certainly grow in ireland but many people have been burning peet for hundreds of years. They dig it up carve it into blocks let it dry and then use it to cook and heat their homes.

It has a distinctive rather nice smell.

Dont know if they have ever deforested the island.
Notice how this thread morphed into an off-the-rails pissing contest? Attacking a young girl, excoriating her self being, and persistently playing the blame game. Is anyone aware of the presidents son? Is he fair game to those who question his condition? And where is Melania on the subject?
Thanks! I knew I was correct.

You do know there is a difference between a mental illness and mental disorder....right? Did you homework tell you that as well?

I'm sure that will be of great comfort to her parents, if she commits suicide.

Why do you assume she is that weak? As a child with autism she has likely been made fun of her whole life, kids are cruel to each other

ONe of my daughter's friends has anxiety. I wouldn't ask her to speak in front of the class, let alone the world.

anxiety is very different than autism

And Greta has both. And more.

And she has been able to overcome all of that and make multiple speeches and even a TED talk on an issue she is passionate about.

That is simple amazing, we should all be praising her courage even if we do not agree with her message.

But you are not capable of such a thing.
I'm sure that will be of great comfort to her parents, if she commits suicide.

Why do you assume she is that weak? As a child with autism she has likely been made fun of her whole life, kids are cruel to each other

ONe of my daughter's friends has anxiety. I wouldn't ask her to speak in front of the class, let alone the world.

anxiety is very different than autism

And Greta has both. And more.

And she has been able to overcome all of that and make multiple speeches and even a TED talk on an issue she is passionate about.

That is simple amazing, we should all be praising her courage even if we do not agree with her message.

But you are not capable of such a thing.

From what I have seen, she is being celebrated by the Left for being rude to world leaders.

That does not impress me. Being rude is easy. Being civil deserves far more respect.
Notice how this thread morphed into an off-the-rails pissing contest? Attacking a young girl, excoriating her self being, and persistently playing the blame game. Is anyone aware of the presidents son? Is he fair game to those who question his condition? And where is Melania on the subject?

I for one tend to not listen to people that do not respect others. To me she was disrespectful to the U.N. other than that, I wish her well and I hope she has a good trip back home.
Very true

Climate change deniers are very few even if many of them hang out on forums like this

The issue is not whether climate change is real. Most know it is.

Most know that man has some impact and influence on the climate. How much is not clear or certain.

The big issue is what to do about it. Every solution proposed is a monstrous effort to radically control every aspect of every persons life. It is an effort to force socialism poverty and destitution on everyone

The cure is always worse than the problem
The is no such thing as a climate change denier...everyone knows the climate changes.

IM2 claims it never happened before.
IM2 think whites and their inventions cause this.

He doesn't realize that folks in Somalia and other countries have deforested most of Africa to burn as firewood for heat.
What about Ireland.
Tress certainly grow in ireland but many people have been burning peet for hundreds of years. They dig it up carve it into blocks let it dry and then use it to cook and heat their homes.

It has a distinctive rather nice smell.

Dont know if they have ever deforested the island.
What hasn't been cut down is inaccessible to logging. As for replanting, the Irish are falling behind miserably.
You should read up on who controls the peat industry, shipping and
logistics. What a scam. Her name is Liz.
Notice how this thread morphed into an off-the-rails pissing contest? Attacking a young girl, excoriating her self being, and persistently playing the blame game. Is anyone aware of the presidents son? Is he fair game to those who question his condition? And where is Melania on the subject?

I for one tend to not listen to people that do not respect others. To me she was disrespectful to the U.N. other than that, I wish her well and I hope she has a good trip back home.
Good enough for me.

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