The abuse of Greta

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

I doubt you've ever been accused of being too bright. I'm betting you hung on Hogg's every word and denounced Sandman for smiling at Chief Little Drum
Nice diversion

I have heard the statements on the issue from both Greta and from our President

Greta demonstrates a thorough understanding of many of the complexities of the issue
Trump has stated repeated falsehoods and speaks in bumper sticker statements
Saw this I thought i'd inject a parents perspective least one who probably wouldn't wear an antifa all star t shirt

This tweeter’s thread offers sobering insight into life for a child with Asperger’s and explains why what’s been done and is still being done to Greta Thunberg is so heinous:

(((Road Bear Life)))
I was not going to do this as I do not like too personal information on the internet, but the latest Greta Thunberg video is too impactful. I do not care what one believes about the climate, but I do care that people understand what is happening with this young lady. 1/

I have a child with high functioning autism (aka Aspregers). Not every person with this syndrome experiences all of the resultant effects, and the effects vary by degree. Sometimes you cannot tell if a person has Aspregers at first blush, but it will eventually emerge. 2/

Two common characteristics that seem to follow in all cases are "literalism" and "rigidity" of thought. Also, hyperfocus on narrow topics is common. Aspregers was known as the "little professors" disease, because Aspregers kids could become experts in narrow topics. 3/

The expertise is not a creative expertise but a rote one. Causation and emotional understanding are difficult for Aspregers sufferers, especially children. Aspergers suffers also are very strict adherents to "the rules" once established in their heads. This ties to rigidity. 4/

If an Aspregers sufferer establishes a set of "facts" in their minds, it is very fixed. It is so fixed that even contrary facts presented to them are rejected in favor of the previously established "facts." If the counter-information continues, the sufferer becomes frustrated. /5

The frustration turns to hurt and anger, because of the literalism, rigidity, and the way their minds attach to rules and items they have already establish as concrete. The concrete fact is often the first "fact" on the subject they hear. /6

Now imagine a person with these predisposed inclinations hearing for the first time 1) the earth is atmosphere is heating at an incredible pace; 2) humans are causing this rapid heating; and 3) the whole planet is going to die if it is not fixed in 12 years. /7

Its 14 tweets read the other half at
Thread offers devastating insight into why the Left's weaponization of Greta Thunberg is particularly egregious
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

She IS ill, she is autistic
Asperger’s syndrome has nothing to do with her ability to comprehend complex issues

If anything, she has a better understanding

No, she doesn't, she's a parrot.

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

They're not calling her a Nazi, those memes show that the powers behind her are using the same exact tactics used by the Nazis and other totalitarians in history. I find it hard to believe you didn't get that...which leads me to wonder who's the one trolling here?
Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

She IS ill, she is autistic
Asperger’s syndrome has nothing to do with her ability to comprehend complex issues

If anything, she has a better understanding

No, she doesn't, she's a parrot.


For a guy who tries to argue both sides of every issue you don't communicate well. What did he say?
Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

I've received worse from people like you for less reason over the last few years, so fuck it.

Also my understanding is that she IS mentally ill, and her parents should be attacked for letting her be put in the media spotlight like this.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

I doubt you've ever been accused of being too bright. I'm betting you hung on Hogg's every word and denounced Sandman for smiling at Chief Little Drum
Nice diversion

I have heard the statements on the issue from both Greta and from our President

Greta demonstrates a thorough understanding of many of the complexities of the issue
Trump has stated repeated falsehoods and speaks in bumper sticker statements

Greta is a parrot.
We are now 40 pages in and not a single Trump worshiper has denounced this sexual comment made about a 16 year old girl.

I think that says all we need to know.

No lefty denounced it either.

I didn't see it until you pointed it out but it is a terrible thing to say to a woman and especially a teenage girl.

Not sure if OkFine is left or right, but he did.

What did Trump say?

are you drunk?

Are you retarded? I asked it because I didn't see it.

I was not talking about anything Trump said, I was talking about the comment in my quote by the Trump worshiper.
Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

I doubt you've ever been accused of being too bright. I'm betting you hung on Hogg's every word and denounced Sandman for smiling at Chief Little Drum
Nice diversion

I have heard the statements on the issue from both Greta and from our President

Greta demonstrates a thorough understanding of many of the complexities of the issue
Trump has stated repeated falsehoods and speaks in bumper sticker statements

Greta is a parrot.

No matter how they spin and flail like the leftwing nazi retards that they are ......Hogg , Catlick boy and Greta all three have been exploited and abused by the left ....
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

I've received worse from people like you for less reason over the last few years, so fuck it.

Also my understanding is that she IS mentally ill, and her parents should be attacked for letting her be put in the media spotlight like this.

what is her mental illness?
"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

I doubt you've ever been accused of being too bright. I'm betting you hung on Hogg's every word and denounced Sandman for smiling at Chief Little Drum
Nice diversion

I have heard the statements on the issue from both Greta and from our President

Greta demonstrates a thorough understanding of many of the complexities of the issue
Trump has stated repeated falsehoods and speaks in bumper sticker statements

Greta is a parrot.


Greta is a parrot, that's all she is. Your problem is that you want to lump me into a neat little box so you can marginalize me, I won't fit. I am not Republican or a Trump guy. Try again.
That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

I've received worse from people like you for less reason over the last few years, so fuck it.

Also my understanding is that she IS mentally ill, and her parents should be attacked for letting her be put in the media spotlight like this.

what is her mental illness?

She is autistic
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

I doubt you've ever been accused of being too bright. I'm betting you hung on Hogg's every word and denounced Sandman for smiling at Chief Little Drum
Nice diversion

I have heard the statements on the issue from both Greta and from our President

Greta demonstrates a thorough understanding of many of the complexities of the issue
Trump has stated repeated falsehoods and speaks in bumper sticker statements

No diversion, she is just parroting what she heard, Yellowstone will blow, or an asteroid will wipe us out before anyone will notice global warming or another ice age.


I wonder is she is related to the popes science adviser that crazy gal Naomi Klein?


(Just looked it up)


That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

I've received worse from people like you for less reason over the last few years, so fuck it.

Also my understanding is that she IS mentally ill, and her parents should be attacked for letting her be put in the media spotlight like this.

what is her mental illness?

From what I have heard, autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, with high anxiety.

NOT the type of person, you want to subject to global scrutiny and criticism.
Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

I doubt you've ever been accused of being too bright. I'm betting you hung on Hogg's every word and denounced Sandman for smiling at Chief Little Drum
Nice diversion

I have heard the statements on the issue from both Greta and from our President

Greta demonstrates a thorough understanding of many of the complexities of the issue
Trump has stated repeated falsehoods and speaks in bumper sticker statements

No diversion, she is just parroting what she heard, Yellowstone will blow, or an asteroid will wipe us out before anyone will notice global warming or another ice age.


I wonder is she is related to the mlm popes science adviser that crazy gal Naomi Klein?


(Just looked it up

View attachment 280824

View attachment 280825

She READ the entire screed.
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

They're not calling her a Nazi, those memes show that the powers behind her are using the same exact tactics used by the Nazis and other totalitarians in history. I find it hard to believe you didn't get that...which leads me to wonder who's the one trolling here?

When you post pictures of her next to those of Nazis
YES you are calling her a Nazi

WTF is wrong with Conservatives? Why do you personally attack teens in Parkland and here?

Have you no sense of decency?
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.
got plans to do something about us? tell us, I'm all fking ears.
Agree. He was just a kid, attacked all out of proportion for what he did. Should never have been attacked that way. Those people are just like you, attacking those kids.

He didn't DO anything. Except stand there, in silence. So yeah I'd say the reaction was blown just a bit out of proportion. Understatement.

I guarantee you that Greta will never face even a fraction of the visceral hate that Sandmann got.

The video shows a lot more than that.
No it does not.

The entire video shows him standing and smiling and NOTHING else.

Lefties just imagine loads of context to his grin when to normal people it was just a patient if somewhat confused smile. It's because of the hat.

Oh, and the white skin. Can't forget that.

If this kid had been from DC or NYC, I wouldn't think twice. But he lives in Covington, Ky, goes to a high school where students wear black face at basketball games against all black teams and the state is known for racism. I have relatives who live in that area. Sandman and those white kids in that group have racist issues.

Did Sandmann wear a black face? No, he wore a smiling face at a man banging a drum inches from his face.... yet some people call tgat “disrespectful”. Kentucky is known for racism? I grew up in DC.... racism is alive and well according to your metrics. You think everything and everybody is racist. Can you name a state that is not racist?

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