The abuse of Greta

her opinion.

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.
Children are more often a reflection of their parents.

her opinion.

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?
her opinion.

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

no class, no dignity, and definitely no respect shown. And I'm supposed to do what? nope, I don't listen to children scold my life or my family's lives. nope, not going to do that for her or any other fking lefturd. BTW, did she give that same speech to her country? hmmmm is she teaching the teachers now? hmmmmmmmm
Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President
The is no such thing as a climate change denier...everyone knows the climate changes.

IM2 claims it never happened before.
IM2 think whites and their inventions cause this.

He doesn't realize that folks in Somalia and other countries have deforested most of Africa to burn as firewood for heat.
What about Ireland.

Have you been to Ireland? It's quite heavily forested in certain areas. Amazingly beautiful Country.
Been. It was nearly de-forested and still behind in re-planting. It's native tree's are almost gone.

I was last there in 2001, it was forested and stunning
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

Is that what you loons did?
obama worship song - Bing video

No,it is what you loons do...

Video: Church choir sings 'Make America Great Again' song
People keep talking nice about this. Someone organizes this crap.

Hmmm...seems a bit different than putting children up to do your bidding.

Yes it is, church is supposed to a house of worship for God and here they are worshiping Trump instead. And this is not an isolated incident, it is an officially registered worship song
This is tiresome. Give that girl some natural eco friendly dicks to suck to get her on her life's journey.

We are now 40 pages in and not a single Trump worshiper has denounced this sexual comment made about a 16 year old girl.

I think that says all we need to know.
Know why? For one, because it relates to the Trump tweet. For two, it is indefensible.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

Is that what you loons did?
obama worship song - Bing video

No,it is what you loons do...

Video: Church choir sings 'Make America Great Again' song
People keep talking nice about this. Someone organizes this crap.

Hmmm...seems a bit different than putting children up to do your bidding.

Yes it is, church is supposed to a house of worship for God and here they are worshiping Trump instead. And this is not an isolated incident, it is an officially registered worship song
This is tiresome. Give that girl some natural eco friendly dicks to suck to get her on her life's journey.

We are now 40 pages in and not a single Trump worshiper has denounced this sexual comment made about a 16 year old girl.

I think that says all we need to know.

No lefty denounced it either.

I didn't see it until you pointed it out but it is a terrible thing to say to a woman and especially a teenage girl.
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

She IS ill, she is autistic
It is pretty pathetic how they have attacked her at ever turn. If she were standing there wanting to sing a worship song they would all be cheering her and her parents.

Is that what you loons did?
obama worship song - Bing video

No,it is what you loons do...

Video: Church choir sings 'Make America Great Again' song
People keep talking nice about this. Someone organizes this crap.

Hmmm...seems a bit different than putting children up to do your bidding.

Yes it is, church is supposed to a house of worship for God and here they are worshiping Trump instead. And this is not an isolated incident, it is an officially registered worship song
This is tiresome. Give that girl some natural eco friendly dicks to suck to get her on her life's journey.

We are now 40 pages in and not a single Trump worshiper has denounced this sexual comment made about a 16 year old girl.

I think that says all we need to know.

No lefty denounced it either.

I didn't see it until you pointed it out but it is a terrible thing to say to a woman and especially a teenage girl.

Not sure if OkFine is left or right, but he did.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
I am not a conservative, but I do not approve of a child lecturing me and others about our lives. NO fully proven side on climate yet, so NOBODY need lecture-discuss if you must, but civilized. And, no person under 18 allowed!
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

I doubt you've ever been accused of being too bright. I'm betting you hung on Hogg's every word and denounced Sandman for smiling at Chief Little Drum
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

She IS ill, she is autistic
Asperger’s syndrome has nothing to do with her ability to comprehend complex issues

If anything, she has a better understanding
IM2 claims it never happened before.
IM2 think whites and their inventions cause this.

He doesn't realize that folks in Somalia and other countries have deforested most of Africa to burn as firewood for heat.
What about Ireland.

Have you been to Ireland? It's quite heavily forested in certain areas. Amazingly beautiful Country.
Been. It was nearly de-forested and still behind in re-planting. It's native tree's are almost gone.

I was last there in 2001, it was forested and stunning
Doesn't take long for a D-8 and a feller buncher.

People keep talking nice about this. Someone organizes this crap.
Hmmm...seems a bit different than putting children up to do your bidding.

Yes it is, church is supposed to a house of worship for God and here they are worshiping Trump instead. And this is not an isolated incident, it is an officially registered worship song
This is tiresome. Give that girl some natural eco friendly dicks to suck to get her on her life's journey.

We are now 40 pages in and not a single Trump worshiper has denounced this sexual comment made about a 16 year old girl.

I think that says all we need to know.

No lefty denounced it either.

I didn't see it until you pointed it out but it is a terrible thing to say to a woman and especially a teenage girl.

Not sure if OkFine is left or right, but he did.

What did Trump say?
That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Is this like smearing a Senator or Supreme court justice?

She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard, wait till she grows up and learns Yellowstone is about to blow and Wyoming lands on Minnesota.

"She is a fucking child, who just repeats (hysterical I might add) what she heard"

Similar to many on this site and in this thread.

How hypocritical of Conservatives mocking her knowledge of the environment

My money says she understands the nuances of climate change more than Conservatives who get their information from right wing media

I would say she has a better understanding of the issue than our President

People keep talking nice about this. Someone organizes this crap.
Yes it is, church is supposed to a house of worship for God and here they are worshiping Trump instead. And this is not an isolated incident, it is an officially registered worship song
This is tiresome. Give that girl some natural eco friendly dicks to suck to get her on her life's journey.

We are now 40 pages in and not a single Trump worshiper has denounced this sexual comment made about a 16 year old girl.

I think that says all we need to know.

No lefty denounced it either.

I didn't see it until you pointed it out but it is a terrible thing to say to a woman and especially a teenage girl.

Not sure if OkFine is left or right, but he did.

What did Trump say?

are you drunk?
That idiot has apparently missed all the older folks that have been saying the same thing before she did.
Doesn’t matter
They will personally attack anyone who disagrees with them

Yeah, what she is saying is so important, that I have seen none of you libs repeat it.

ALL you want to do, is use the child as a foil, so that you can smear anyone that dares respond to her.
I don’t care if Conservatives respond to the issues she raises

I do think the behavior of conservatives in personally attacking a 16 year old girl is reprehensible. They call her a Nazi, mentally ill, mock her appearance, attack her parents

Do you support this behavior?

She IS ill, she is autistic
Asperger’s syndrome has nothing to do with her ability to comprehend complex issues

If anything, she has a better understanding

No, she doesn't, she's a parrot.
People keep talking nice about this. Someone organizes this crap.
This is tiresome. Give that girl some natural eco friendly dicks to suck to get her on her life's journey.

We are now 40 pages in and not a single Trump worshiper has denounced this sexual comment made about a 16 year old girl.

I think that says all we need to know.

No lefty denounced it either.

I didn't see it until you pointed it out but it is a terrible thing to say to a woman and especially a teenage girl.

Not sure if OkFine is left or right, but he did.

What did Trump say?

are you drunk?

Are you retarded? I asked it because I didn't see it.

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